Changing Windows Azure Cloud Service IP Address - azure

Does anybody know if it's possible to change the IP address of a site hosting on Windows Azure Cloud Services.
We currently have a site hosted in the 'North Europe' location, however the GEO IP of the IP Address assigned returns USA. This is causing problems with an API we have started using that can only be access within the UK checked via GEO IP Location.
Within the region of 'North Europe' however, there are a couple of IP ranges that have ip addresses that consistently return 'Dublin/UK' which will be ideal for what we need.
So, does anybody know if this is possible? we don't have technical support on the plan we use, which is why I'm asking here.
Thanks in Advance,

I'm not aware of a way to change the IP address. At least not without deleting the deployment and recreating (which would likely assign a new IP address). That doesn't guarantee you'll get what you're after though.
This does seem to be a known issue though:
Azure support may be able to help, but that likely requires a support plan. :(

You normally can't control the public IP address of your cloud service. This is partially controlled by the region you select, but not entirely.
As part of the most recent Azure update, however, you can reserve a public IP address that will never change as long as you keep the reservation. These are not free, but they're probably your only option.
Now, this still won't let you pick your IP - but you could keep requesting reservations until you get one you like.
Lastly, as another answered suggested, there is no way to change the IP of a cloud service post-deployment. You must delete the deployment to get a new IP. (Or change network configuration, or rename the cloud service / get a new DNS name, etc.)


Outbound IP addresses for Azure functions

I'm running an azure function which gets data from an API and stores it in a blob. Everything worked fine and stopped working out of nowhere. We then got in contact with our provider and they told us they made some changes in their API. After we made the necessary changes in our code,started getting an IP denied error from their part. I then searched and found the possible outbound IP addresses for the Azure Function. They whitelisted the whole list and still
They aren't getting any requests from those IP's,
We are not able to access that data for the same reason our IP is denied.
We've been running the code in a local machine and it works completely fine, but this is just a temporary fix and we want to keep everything in the cloud.
I've been stuck with this for about 3 weeks. I've looked into different solutions and I found about Azure Logic Apps and Azure Service Fabric.
Is there something missing in my Azure Function that isn't allowing me to make requests to the API? Am I using the wrong outbound IP? Also, if I use any of the other two services, will I encounter with the same problem? I did some research on them and I think they both also use multiple outbound IP addresses, so I'm worried I'll get the same problem.
Using NAT gateway you can specify a static IP address for outbound traffic, your function app need to be attached on a subnet which is not available for consumption plan.
Here is where you should be getting the Azure IP address ranges from. Azure Functions originate from the App Service Plan ranges. Note that this is updated weekly, things change, but not too often. Your provider will need to open all the relevant ranges and keep up to date with any changes. If your solution is not mission critical with a high SLA, then having your service provider open the relevant ranges and deal with failures, updating the ranges on an ad-hoc basis should be fine.
Secondly, if you have a good relationship with the provider, ask them to check the firewall, they will be able to give you an indication of the IP's getting blocked by checking the firewall logs. This will help you find the right range.
The only guaranteed way to solve this in a mission critical solution is to run your Azure Functions from an dedicated app service plan with a dedicated IP address. This is an expensive option but will be the most robust.
Additional helpful information here on how App Services works with IPs can be found here.

Azure VM's external IP does not match DNS

I have an MSDN account and created a VM (Windows 2012 R2) to which I have added several software packages for a proof of concept.
The problem is that with my limited $50/month credit, I'm forced to shutdown the VM at night, especially over weekends. When you shutdown a VM from the admin console (the only way they stop charging you) you will also lose the IP address.
The problem occurs when you restart the VM the next day, it will get a different IP. If you try to lookup the machine through a ping, their advertised external IP retrieved through DNS does NOT match the external IP address of the VM.
This makes it impossible for the software to resolve the host.
I figured it might take a couple hours for DNS to push the change, but it's been all day now and the DNS address is still incorrect.
Anyone else run into this?
(I cant create a support ticket because I only have an MSDN subscription.)
Where are you looking up the IP address? When you shutdown the machine and restart it you are correct in that it assigns a new external ip address. This only happens if this is the only VM running in that cloud service. This sounds like your setup.
The IP address you should be looking for is the one attached to the cloud service that your VM is a part of. If you go to the dashboard of the cloud service it will show you the public virtual IP address along with the FQDN. This IP will also match your VM's public IP.
See below
One thing I would suggest is to use Reserved IP option. It allows you to hook up semi permanent IP address to your cloud service.
Worth mentioning that Public IP may be returned back to the pool under certain circumstances, i.e. if your subscription run out of money. This is public cloud service after all, and however big the pool is, it is still limited.
Worth noting that I'm using the same approach shutting down my VMs when I'm not using them, but I don't experience IP change too often. Possibly because I have A0 domain controller VM always running.

What's the exactly azure server location when you choose West Europe [duplicate]

Like the question says, I'm really having a problem where, although I've signed up for a Western Europe Windows Azure VM, whenever I access a site or service from this server I'm getting assigned a U.S IP Address.
This is really problematic because those services require my IP to be in Europe. Anyone else have this issue and know how I can change the IP somehow?
To add on to John's comment above, every Azure IP address is registered to Microsoft in the US. There is no option for support to provide you with a "European IP address" since such a thing doesn't exist in Azure. You should work with the other service provider to explore alternative options to requiring IP addresses registered to a European address since their strategy ultimately won't work as more services move to shared cloud infrastructures.

Statically configured NIC's loose all settings when I turn Azure machines back on

I configured two AD controllers and a WINS server in Azure each with static IP's and then turned them off for the weekend. Now that I turn the machines back on, all of the NIC's are setup to obtain an IP automatically.
When I go back into the NIC and reconfigure it for a static IP, I get an error message that the IP address I entered for the network adapter is already assigned to another adopter which is no longer present in the computer. Then it asks me if I want to remove the static IP configuration for the absent adapter.
What is happening here? Is there something I am configuring incorrectly that forces my configured static NIC's to change? Do I want to answer yes and reconfigure the card yet again, or is there a better way to go about this.
I'm going to answer my own question just in case someone is doing a network search looking for an answer and winds up here.
The issue centers on, for me at least, the differences between what is required for setting up bare metal AD environments as opposed to AD environments in Azure. In bare metal we are used to configuring inside of the NIC. In Azure, you work in two places. You create your AD's with DNS and then you use the Azure powershell to configure the AD controller's static IP and then you go back to your virtual network and register the DNS servers that were created.
There are some things happening behind the scenes in Azure that make this work. So, just create your AD's with DNS. Get the IP that was assigned by DHCP and register it with the Azure powershell and then list the name of the AD and it's IP in the virtual network and you are done.
Hope this helps.

is there a way to change DNS name in windows Azure

I setup my VM in windows Azure, and I didn't fully understand how it would all work together at the time, so I gave my cloud service a weird DNS name, and now I want to change it. Is there a way to change my DNS name? I really don't wanna have to delete my whole cloud service and all my VMs just to change the cloud service DNS. I know I can use a custom domain with CNAME or A Records, but that only affects production and forwarding etc... I want my DNS to have a different name. Is that possible? Or do I have to delete everything and start over from the beginning?
It's currently impossible to change the name without deleting and recreating the service. I think this is because they have to reserve expensive (DNS) resources dynamically and they try to minimize the strain on these systems, but this is pure speculation.
It's an old post but I can help someone else.
When you created the VM (Cloud Service), it was automatically created a separated Storage. So you can create another Cloud Service - with the new name you want - using this Storage and delete the old one. I've already made it successfully.
Also, you can target an IP with a name from any domain name registration service.
For example, if on Azure you created a site called and you would rather it be, you can do the following:
1) register a name anywhere (here's a search all ready for you: )
2) find the ip address of your server on azure
3) enter that ip address as the target on the website of the domain name registration site.
