Set-Like data structure that maintains insertion Order? - haskell

The properties I'm looking for are
initially maintains insertion order
transversing in the insertion order
and of course maintain that each element is unique
But there are cases where It's okay to disregard insertion order, such as...
retrieving a difference between two different sets
performing a union the two sets eliminating any duplicates
Java's LinkedHashSet seems to be exactly what I'm after, except for the fact it's not written in Haskell.
current & initial solution
The easiest (and a relevantly inefficient) solution is to implement it as a list and transform it into a set when I need too, but I believe there is likely a better way.
other ideas
My first idea was to implement it as a Data.Set of a newtype of (Int, a) where it would be ordered by the first tuple index, and the second index (a) being the actual value. I quickly realised this wasn't going to work because as the set would allow for duplicates of the type a, which would have defeated the whole purpose of using a set.
simultaneously maintaining a list and a set? (nope)
Another Idea I had was have an abstract data type that would maintain both a list and set representation of the data, which doesn't sound to efficient either.
Are there any descent implementations of such a data structure in Haskell? I've seen Data.List.Ordered but it seems to just add set operations to lists, which sounds terribly inefficient as well (but likely what I'll settle with if I can't find a solution). Another solution suggested here, was to implement it via finger tree, but I would prefer to not reimplement it if it's already a solved problem.

You can certainly use Data.Set with what is isomorphic to (Int, a), but wrapped in a newtype with different a Eq instance:
newtype Entry a = Entry { unEntry :: (Int, a) } deriving (Show)
instance Eq a => Eq (Entry a) where
(Entry (_, a)) == (Entry (_, b)) = a == b
instance Ord a => Ord (Entry a) where
compare (Entry (_, a)) (Entry (_, b)) = compare a b
But this won't quite solve all your problems if you want automatic incrementing of your index, so you could make a wrapper around (Set (Entry a), Int):
newtype IndexedSet a = IndexedSet (Set (Entry a), Int) deriving (Eq, Show)
But this does mean that you'll have to re-implement Data.Set to respect this relationship:
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (sortBy)
-- declarations from above...
null :: IndexedSet a -> Bool
null (IndexedSet (set, _)) = S.null set
-- | If you re-index on deletions then size will just be the associated index
size :: IndexedSet a -> Int
size (IndexedSet (set, _)) = S.size set
-- Remember that (0, a) == (n, a) for all n
member :: Ord a => a -> IndexedSet a -> Bool
member a (IndexedSet (set, _)) = S.member (Entry (0, a)) set
empty :: IndexedSet a
empty = IndexedSet (S.empty, 0)
-- | This function is critical, you have to make sure to increment the index
-- Might also want to consider making it strict in the i field for performance
insert :: Ord a => a -> IndexedSet a -> IndexedSet a
insert a (IndexedSet (set, i)) = IndexedSet (S.insert (Entry (i, a)) set, i + 1)
-- | Simply remove the `Entry` wrapper, sort by the indices, then strip those off
toList :: IndexedSet a -> [a]
toList (IndexedSet (set, _))
= map snd
$ sortBy (comparing fst)
$ map unEntry
$ S.toList set
But this is fairly trivial in most cases and you can add functionality as you need it. The only thing you'll need to really worry about is what to do in deletions. Do you re-index everything or are you just concerned about order? If you're just concerned about order, then it's simple (and size can be left sub-optimal by having to actually calculate the size of the underlying Set), but if you re-index then you can get your size in O(1) time. These sorts of decisions should be decided based on what problem you're trying to solve.
I would prefer to not reimplement it if it's already a solved problem.
This approach is definitely a re-implementation. But it isn't complicated in most of the cases, could be pretty easily turned into a nice little library to upload to Hackage, and retains a lot of the benefits of sets without much bookkeeping.


The simplest way to generically traverse a tree in haskell

Suppose I used language-javascript library to build AST in Haskell. The AST has nodes of different types, and each node can have fields of those different types.
And each type can have numerous constructors. (All the types instantiate Data, Eq and Show).
I would like to count each type's constructor occurrence in the tree. I could use toConstr to get the constructor, and ideally I'd make a Tree -> [Constr] function fisrt (then counting is easy).
There are different ways to do that. Obviously pattern matching is too verbose (imagine around 3 types with 9-28 constructors).
So I'd like to use a generic traversal, and I tried to find the solution in SYB library.
There is an everywhere function, which doesn't suit my needs since I don't need a Tree -> Tree transformation.
There is gmapQ, which seems suitable in terms of its type, but as it turns out it's not recursive.
The most viable option so far is everywhereM. It still does the useless transformation, but I can use a Writer to collect toConstr results. Still, this way doesn't really feel right.
Is there an alternative that will not perform a useless (for this task) transformation and still deliver the list of constructors? (The order of their appearance in the tree doesn't matter for now)
Not sure if it's the simplest, but:
> data T = L | B T T deriving Data
> everything (++) (const [] `extQ` (\x -> [toConstr (x::T)])) (B L (B (B L L) L))
Here ++ says how to combine the results from subterms.
const [] is the base case for subterms who are not of type T. For those of type T, instead, we apply \x -> [toConstr (x::T)].
If you have multiple tree types, you'll need to extend the query using
const [] `extQ` (handleType1) `extQ` (handleType2) `extQ` ...
This is needed to identify the types for which we want to take the constructors. If there are a lot of types, probably this can be made shorter in some way.
Note that the code above is not very efficient on large trees since using ++ in this way can lead to quadratic complexity. It would be better, performance wise, to return a Data.Map.Map Constr Int. (Even if we do need to define some Ord Constr for that)
universe from the Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data module can give you a list of all the sub-trees of the same type. So using Ilya's example:
data T = L | B T T deriving (Data, Show)
tree :: T
tree = B L (B (B L L) L)
λ> import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
λ> universe tree
[B L (B (B L L) L),L,B (B L L) L,B L L,L,L,L]
λ> fmap toConstr $ universe tree

Uniqueness and other restrictions for Arbitrary in QuickCheck

I'm trying to write a modified Arbitrary instance for my data type, where (in my case) a subcomponent has a type [String]. I would ideally like to bring uniqueness in the instance itself, that way I don't need ==> headers / prerequisites for every test I write.
Here's my data type:
data Foo = Vars [String]
and the trivial Arbitrary instance:
instance Arbitrary Foo where
arbitrary = Vars <$> (:[]) <$> choose ('A','z')
This instance is strange, I know. In the past, I've had difficulty when quickcheck combinatorically explodes, so I'd like to keep these values small. Another request - how can I make an instance where the generated strings are under 4 characters, for instance?
All of this, fundamentally requires (boolean) predicates to augment Arbitrary instances. Is this possible?
Definitely you want the instance to produce only instances that match the intention of the data type. If you want all the variables to be distinct, the Arbitrary instance must reflect this. (Another question is if in this case it wouldn't make more sense to define Vars as a set, like newtype Vars = Set [String].)
I'd suggest to check for duplicates using Set or Hashtable, as nub has O(n^2) complexity, which might slow down your test considerably for larger inputs. For example:
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype Foo = Vars [String]
-- | Checks if a given list has no duplicates in _O(n log n)_.
hasNoDups :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
hasNoDups = loop Set.empty
loop _ [] = True
loop s (x:xs) | s' <- Set.insert x s, Set.size s' > Set.size s
= loop s' xs
| otherwise
= False
-- | Always worth to test if we wrote `hasNoDups` properly.
prop_hasNoDups :: [Int] -> Property
prop_hasNoDups xs = hasNoDups xs === (nub xs == xs)
Your instance then needs to create a list of list, and each list should be randomized. So instead of (: []), which creates just a singleton list (and just one level), you need to call listOf twice:
instance Arbitrary Foo where
arbitrary = Vars <$> (listOf . listOf $ choose ('A','z'))
`suchThat` hasNoDups
Also notice that choose ('A', 'z') allows to use all characters between A and z, which includes many control characters. My guess is that you rather want something like
oneof [choose ('A','Z'), choose ('a','z')]
If you really want, you could also make hasNoDups O(n) using hash tables in the ST monad.
Concerning limiting the size: you could always have your own parametrized functions that produce different Gen Foo, but I'd say in most cases it's not necessary. Gen has it's own internal size parameter, which is increased throughout the tests (see this answer), so different sizes (as generated using listOf) of lists are covered.
But I'd suggest you to implement shrink, as this will give you much nicer counter-examples. For example, if we define (a wrong test) that tried to verify that no instance of Var contains 'a' in any of its variable:
prop_Foo_hasNoDups :: Foo -> Property
prop_Foo_hasNoDups (Vars xs) = all (notElem 'a') xs === True
we'll get ugly counter-examples such as
Vars ["RhdaJytDWKm","FHHhrqbI","JVPKGTqNCN","awa","DABsOGNRYz","Wshubp","Iab","pl"]
But adding
shrink (Vars xs) = map Vars $ shrink xs
to Arbitrary Foo makes the counter-example to be just
Vars ["a"]
suchThat :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen a is a way to embed Boolean predicates in a Gen. See the haddocks for more info.
Here's how you would make the instance unique:
instance Arbitrary Foo where
arbitrary = Vars <$> (:[]) <$> (:[]) <$> choose ('A','z')
`suchThat` isUnique
isUnique x = nub x == x

Set-like Data Structure without `Ord`?

Given the following types:
import Data.Set as Set
type Key = String
data Json = JObject Key (Set JValue)
| JArray JArr
deriving Show
data JObj = JObj Key JValue
deriving Show
data JArr = Arr [JValue] deriving Show
data Null = Null deriving Show
data JValue = Num Double
| S String
| B Bool
| J JObj
| Array JArr
| N Null
deriving Show
I created a JObject Key (Set Value) with a single element:
ghci> JObject "foo" (Set.singleton (B True))
JObject "foo" (fromList [B True])
But, when I tried to create a 2-element Set, I got a compile-time error:
ghci> JObject "foo" (Set.insert (Num 5.5) $ Set.singleton (B True))
No instance for (Ord JValue) arising from a use of ‘insert’
In the expression: insert (Num 5.5)
In the second argument of ‘JObject’, namely
‘(insert (Num 5.5) $ singleton (B True))’
In the expression:
JObject "foo" (insert (Num 5.5) $ singleton (B True))
So I asked, "Why is it necessary for JValue to implement the Ord typeclass?"
The docs on Data.Set answer that question.
The implementation of Set is based on size balanced binary trees (or trees of bounded balance)
But, is there a Set-like, i.e. non-ordered, data structure that does not require Ord's implementation that I can use?
You will pretty much always need at least Eq to implement a set (or at least the ability to write an Eq instance, whether or not one exists). Having only Eq will give you a horrifyingly inefficient one. You can improve this with Ord or with Hashable.
One thing you might want to do here is use a trie, which will let you take advantage of the nested structure instead of constantly fighting it.
You can start by looking at generic-trie. This does not appear to offer anything for your Array pieces, so you may have to add some things.
Why Eq is not good enough
The simplest way to implement a set is using a list:
type Set a = [a]
member a [] = False
member (x:xs) | a == x = True
| otherwise = member a xs
insert a xs | member a xs = xs
| otherwise = a:xs
This is no good (unless there are very few elements), because you may have to traverse the entire list to see if something is a member.
To improve matters, we need to use some sort of tree:
data Set a = Node a (Set a) (Set a) | Tip
There are a lot of different kinds of trees we can make, but in order to use them, we must be able, at each node, to decide which of the branches to take. If we only have Eq, there is no way to choose the right one. If we have Ord (or Hashable), that gives us a way to choose.
The trie approach structures the tree based on the structure of the data. When your type is deeply nested (a list of arrays of records of lists...), either hashing or comparison can be very expensive, so the trie will probably be better.
Side note on Ord
Although I don't think you should use the Ord approach here, it very often is the right one. In some cases, your particular type may not have a natural ordering, but there is some efficient way to order its elements. In this case you can play a trick with newtype:
newtype WrappedThing = Wrap Thing
instance Ord WrappedThing where
newtype ThingSet = ThingSet (Set WrappedThing)
insertThing thing (ThingSet s) = ThingSet (insert (Wrap thing) s)
memberThing thing (ThingSet s) = member (WrapThing) s
Yet another approach, in some cases, is to define a "base type" that is an Ord instance, but only export a newtype wrapper around it; you can use the base type for all your internal functions, but the exported type is completely abstract (and not an Ord instance).

How efficient is the derived Eq instance in GHC?

Is there a short circuit built in to GHC's (and Haskell's in general) derived Eq instance that will fire when I compare the same instance of a data type?
-- will this fire?
let same = complex == complex
My plan is to read in a lazy datastructure (let's say a tree), change some values and then compare the old and the new version to create a diff that will then be written back to the file.
If there would be a short circuit built in then the compare step would break as soon as it finds that the new structure is referencing old values. At the same time this wouldn't read in more than necessary from the file in the first place.
I know I'm not supposed to worry about references in Haskell but this seems to be a nice way to handle lazy file changes. If there is no shortcircuit builtin, would there be a way to implement this? Suggestions on different schemes welcome.
StableNames are specifically designed to solve problems like yours.
Note that StableNames can only be created in the IO monad. So you have two choices: either create your objects in the IO monad, or use unsafePerformIO in your (==) implementation (which is more or less fine in this situation).
But I should stress that it is possible to do this in a totally safe way (without unsafe* functions): only creation of stable names should happen in IO; after that, you may compare them in a totally pure way.
data SNWrapper a = SNW !a !(StableName a)
snwrap :: a -> IO (SNWrapper a)
snwrap a = SNW a <$> makeStableName a
instance Eq a => Eq (SNWrapper a) where
(SNW a sna) (SNW b snb) = sna == snb || a == b
Notice that if stable name comparison says "no", you still need to perform full value comparison to get a definitive answer.
In my experience that worked pretty well when you have lots of sharing and for some reason are not willing to use other methods to indicate sharing.
(Speaking of other methods, you could, for example, replace the IO monad with a State Integer monad and generate unique integers in that monad as an equivalent of "stable names".)
Another trick is, if you have a recursive data structure, make the recursion go through SNWrapper. E.g. instead of
data Tree a = Bin (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
type WrappedTree a = SNWrapper (Tree a)
data Tree a = Bin (WrappedTree a) (WrappedTree a) | Leaf a
type WrappedTree a = SNWrapper (Tree a)
This way, even if short-circuiting doesn't fire at the topmost layer, it might fire somewhere in the middle and still save you some work.
There's no short-circuiting when both arguments of (==) are the same object. The derived Eq instance will do a structural comparison, and in the case of equality, of course needs to traverse the entire structure. You can build in a possible shortcut yourself using
GHC.Prim.reallyUnsafePtrEquality# :: a -> a -> GHC.Prim.Int#
but that will in fact fire only rarely:
Prelude GHC.Base> let x = "foo"
Prelude GHC.Base> I# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x x)
Prelude GHC.Base> I# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# True True)
Prelude GHC.Base> I# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# 3 3)
Prelude GHC.Base> I# (reallyUnsafePtrEquality# (3 :: Int) 3)
And if you read a structure from file, it will certainly not find it the same object as one that was already in memory.
You can use rewrite rules to avoid the comparison of lexically identical objects
module Equal where
"==/same" forall x. x == x = True
main :: IO ()
main = let x = [1 :: Int .. 10] in print (x == x)
which leads to
$ ghc -O -ddump-rule-firings Equal.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Equal ( Equal.hs, Equal.o )
Rule fired: Class op enumFromTo
Rule fired: ==/same
Rule fired: Class op show
the rule firing (note: it didn't fire with let x = "foo", but with user-defined types, it should).

Random-Pivot Quicksort in Haskell

Is it possible to implement a quicksort in Haskell (with RANDOM-PIVOT) that still has a simple Ord a => [a]->[a] signature?
I'm starting to understand Monads, and, for now, I'm kind of interpreting monads as somethink like a 'command pattern', which works great for IO.
So, I understand that a function that returns a random number should actually return a monadic value like IO, because, otherwise, it would break referential transparency. I also understand that there should be no way to 'extract' the random integer from the returned monadic value, because, otherwise, it would, again, break referential transparency.
But yet, I still think that it should be possible to implement a 'pure' [a]->[a] quicksort function, even if it uses random pivot, because, it IS referential transparent. From my point of view, the random pivot is just a implementation detail, and shouldn't change the function's signature
OBS: I'm not actually interested in the specific quicksort problem (so, I don't want to sound rude but I'm not looking for "use mergesort" or "random pivot doesn't increase performance in practice" kind of answers) I'm actually interested in how to implement a 'pure' function that uses 'impure' functions inside it, in cases like quicksort, where I can assure that the function actually is a pure one.
Quicksort is just a good example.
You are making a false assumption that picking the pivot point is just an implementation detail. Consider a partial ordering on a set. Like a quicksort on cards where
card a < card b if the face value is less but if you were to evaluate booleans:
4 spades < 4 hearts (false)
4 hearts < 4 spades (false)
4 hearts = 4 spades (false)
In that case the choice of pivots would determine the final ordering of the cards. In precisely the same way
for a function like
a = get random integer
b = a + 3
print b
is determined by a. If you are randomly choosing something then your computation is or could be non deterministic.
OK, check this out.
Select portions copied form the hashable package, and voodoo magic language pragmas
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction, OverlappingInstances #-}
import System.Random (mkStdGen, next, split)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Bits (shiftL, xor)
class Hashable a where
hash :: a -> Int
instance (Integral a) => Hashable a where
hash = fromIntegral
instance Hashable Char where
hash = fromEnum
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable [a] where
hash = foldl' combine 0 . map hash
-- ask the authors of the hashable package about this if interested
combine h1 h2 = (h1 + h1 `shiftL` 5) `xor` h2
OK, so now we can take a list of anything Hashable and turn it into an Int. I've provided Char and Integral a instances here, more and better instances are in the hashable packge, which also allows salting and stuff.
This is all just so we can make a number generator.
genFromHashable = mkStdGen . hash
So now the fun part. Let's write a function that takes a random number generator, a comparator function, and a list. Then we'll sort the list by consulting the generator to select a pivot, and the comparator to partition the list.
qSortByGen _ _ [] = []
qSortByGen g f xs = qSortByGen g'' f l ++ mid ++ qSortByGen g''' f r
where (l, mid, r) = partition (`f` pivot) xs
pivot = xs !! (pivotLoc `mod` length xs)
(pivotLoc, g') = next g
(g'', g''') = split g'
partition f = foldl' step ([],[],[])
where step (l,mid,r) x = case f x of
LT -> (x:l,mid,r)
EQ -> (l,x:mid,r)
GT -> (l,mid,x:r)
Library functions: next grabs an Int from the generator, and produces a new generator. split forks the generator into two distinct generators.
My functions: partition uses f :: a -> Ordering to partition the list into three lists. If you know folds, it should be quite clear. (Note that it does not preserve the initial ordering of the elements in the sublists; it reverses them. Using a foldr could remedy this were it an issue.) qSortByGen works just like I said before: consult the generator for the pivot, partition the list, fork the generator for use in the two recursive calls, recursively sort the left and right sides, and concatenate it all together.
Convenience functions are easy to compose from here
qSortBy f xs = qSortByGen (genFromHashable xs) f xs
qSort = qSortBy compare
Notice the final function's signature.
ghci> :t qSort
qSort :: (Ord a, Hashable a) => [a] -> [a]
The type inside the list must implement both Hashable and Ord. There's the "pure" function you were asking for, with one logical added requirement. The more general functions are less restrictive in their requirements.
ghci> :t qSortBy
qSortBy :: (Hashable a) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
ghci> :t qSortByGen
:: (System.Random.RandomGen t) =>
t -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
Final notes
qSort will behave exactly the same way for all inputs. The "random" pivot selection is. in fact, deterministic. But it is obscured by hashing the list and then seeding a random number generator, making it "random" enough for me. ;)
qSort also only works for lists with length less than maxBound :: Int, which ghci tells me is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. I thought there would be an issue with negative indexes, but in my ad-hoc testing I haven't run into it yet.
Or, you can just live with the IO monad for "truer" randomness.
qSortIO xs = do g <- getStdGen -- add getStdGen to your imports
return $ qSortByGen g compare xs
ghci> :t qSortIO
qSortIO :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IO [a]
ghci> qSortIO "Hello world"
" Hdellloorw"
ghci> qSort "Hello world"
" Hdellloorw"
In such cases, where you know that the function is referentially transparent, but you can't proof it to the compiler, you may use the function unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a from the module Data.Unsafe.
For instance, you may use unsafePerformIO to get an initial random state and then do anything using just this state.
But please notice: Don't use it if it's not really needed. And even then, think twice about it. unsafePerformIO is somewhat the root of all evil, since it's consequences can be dramatical - anything is possible from coercing different types to crashing the RTS using this function.
Haskell provides the ST monad to perform non-referentially-transparent actions with a referentially transparent result.
Note that it doesn't enforce referential transparency; it just insures that potentially non-referentially-transparent temporary state can't leak out. Nothing can prevent you from returning manipulated pure input data that was rearranged in a non-reproducible way. Best is to implement the same thing in both ST and pure ways and use QuickCheck to compare them on random inputs.
