Primefaces Paginator always jumping to page 1 - jsf

In PF 4.0, how do you make the paginator go to the correct page after updating a datatable and applying oncomplete="dt1Widget.filter()"?
A button in a dialog is supposed to save a certain element, then update the datatable, again apply the filters (as saved by my own DataTableRenderer), and stay on the page I was on when I opened the dialog. That means I filter by certain criteria, go to page 7, edit an element, press save and still want to be on page 7 afterwards.
My datatable
<p:dataTable id="dt1" var="tVar" value="#{regelBean.queriedElements}" scrollable="false"
paginator="true" paginatorAlwaysVisible="true" rows="10"
rowsPerPageTemplate="10,25,100" paginatorPosition="bottom" widgetVar="dt1Widget"
filteredValue="#{regelBean.filteredElements}" first="#{regelBean.paginatorFirst}">
<p:ajax event="page" listener="#{regelBean.onPageChange}"/>
Button inside the dialog
<p:commandButton value="Speichern #{regelBean.paginatorFirst}"
update="#form :form1:dt1" actionListener="#{}"
oncomplete="dt1Widget.filter(); dt1Widget.getPaginator().setPage(#{regelBean.paginatorPage});"/>
even tried this
public int getPaginatorPage() {
DataTable d = (DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(":form1:dt1");
System.out.println("d.first " + d.getFirst()); // always 20 since I was on page 3
return d.getFirst()/10;
paginatorFirst on the button label is 20 when I am on page 3 (kind of expected). After saving, I will always land on page 1. Quick help is really appreciated, as I will stop working on this project in 2 days and would like to fix this issue until then. Thanks
What the heck is going on here? I tried
<p:commandButton value="x" update=":form1:dt1"
onstart="#{regelBean.saveFirst()}; alert('A'); "
oncomplete="dt1Widget.filter(); #{regelBean.oncompl()}; alert('! #{regelBean.paginatorFirst} !');"/>
and saveFirst() is randomly (not) called. Besides, until the second alert everything is alright. But AFTER the second alert, I am sent to page 1. When I reload the page, I will land on page 3...


Primeface wizard problem showing and hidding tabs

Im working with Primefaces wizard component and I need to show or hide a tab depending a variable.
Im doing this:
<p:wizard id="solWizard"
<p:tab id="tab1" title="Tab 1">
<p:tab id="tab2" title="Tab 2">
<p:tab id="tab3" rendered=#{wizardBean.renderTab} title="Tab 3">
Tab number 3 has a render condition. RenderTab is a boolean of wizardBean.
There are two ways to change the value of renderTab, one option is with a checkbox in the first tab, and that works great, every change to renderTab show and hide the tab (the checkbox has an ajax so I could update the tab).
The second way is in the bean, inside the onFlowProcess method, in the logic of the method when you go from tab 1 to tab 2 the boolean renderTab is changed, but the tab doesnt suffer any change
This is the onflowProcess method:
public String onFlowProcess(FlowEvent event) {
this.wizardStep = event.getNewStep();
switch (event.getOldStep()) {
case "tab1":{
As you can see, im updating the form with PrimeFaces.current().ajax().update("#form"), but the wizard doesnt show the tab.
What im doing wrong? is there a way to achieve what im trying to do? How could I show and hide the tab from the bean?

Primefaces extension sheet component on "Enter" press move the focus to the cell in the right

The default operation of the handsontable when press intro is focus the cell on the bottom, but in primefaces extension the focus go to the right, I need go to the bottom, is there some config that I can try?
I tried to modify the afterChange event with the updateSettings method but isn't work.
below the code of the sheet in the JSF way.
<pe:sheet extender="sheetExtender" id="sheet" contextMenu="true"
rowHeader="true" colHeader="true" widgetVar="sheetWidget"
var="_det" rowKey="#{_det.item}" height="300" showRowHeaders="true"
emptyMessage="No se encontraron registros." locale="es-MX"
maxCols="5" minCols="5" movableCols="false" movableRows="true">
<f:facet name="header">
<pe:sheetcolumn headerText="Descripcion" required="true"
value="#{_det.descripcion}" colType="text"></pe:sheetcolumn>
<pe:sheetcolumn headerText="Unidad" value="#{_det.unidad}"
Primefaces v7.0
Primefaces-extension v7.0.1
Based on HandsonTable documentation you an use the enterMoves function to control how the enter key moves cells. See:
Then in the Sheet Extender code you can simply do the "extender" functionality like in the Showcase example and change the Extender to:
function sheetExtender() {
this.cfg.enterMoves = {row: 1, col: 0};

How can I initially hide columns in a p:dataTable with p:columnToggler

I'm using PrimeFaces v.5 with this version a new component is released that ColumnToggler, when view is rendered, refreshed all checkbox are checked as a default operation.
What I need to do is;
to uncheck some columns when I initialize the view,
make p:columnToggler remember checked and unchecked options when a refresh operation occurs on p:dataTable
In Primefaces 5.2 you can set the p:column visible attribute to false
<p:column ... visible="false">
You can ofcourse use EL in the visible attribute by colum index (reordering becomes more difficult)
<p:column ... visible="#{visibilityModel.visibleList[1]}">
It hides the column at the beginning depending on the return value and you can show/hide the column through the columnToggler checkbox
By using the ajax toggle event
<p:ajax event="toggle" listener="#{viewBean.onToggle}" />
You can update the state of the visibilityModel server side
public void onToggle(ToggleEvent e) {
list.set((Integer) e.getData(), e.getVisibility() == Visibility.VISIBLE);
See this PrimeFaces blog entry for full example to actually keep/store the state of the visibility server side so it can be reused later
The best solution depends on the PrimeFaces version you are using.
PrimeFaces >= 5.2
See the other answer in this question.
workaround for < 5.2
You need to solve the first problem manually by overriding Primefaces' own ColumnToggler.prototype.render() function
first add styleClass="not-show-at-start" to your column that you want to insvisibe at start to access in javascript render() function;
<!--This column will not be shown at start-->
<p:column headerText="Cloumn to hide initially" width="70" styleClass="not-show-at-start">
<h:outputText value="#{entityVar.nmProcessOwner}" />
<!--This column will be shown at start-->
<p:column headerText="Column to show initially" width="70">
<h:outputText value="#{entityVar.nmProcessOwner}" />
secondy create a javascript file and paste code below in it, this function will re assign render function of ColumnToggler
PrimeFaces.widget.ColumnToggler.prototype.render = function() {
//variable for creating id referance for each checkbox in ColumnToggler
var id=0;
this.columns = this.thead.find("> tr > th:visible:not(.ui-static-column)");
this.panel = $("<div></div>").attr("id","ui-columntoggler ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-shadow ui-corner-all").append('<ul class="ui-columntoggler-items"></ul').appendTo(document.body);
this.itemContainer = this.panel.children("ul");
for (var a = 0; a < this.columns.length; a++) {
var b = this.columns.eq(a);
$('<li class="ui-columntoggler-item"><div class="ui-chkbox ui-widget"><div id="cb'+id /*creating id for each checkbox for accessing later*/+'" class="ui-chkbox-box ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default ui-state-active"><span class="ui-chkbox-icon ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span></div></div><label>' + b.children(".ui-column-title").text() + "</label></li>").data("column", b.attr("id")).appendTo(this.itemContainer);
//access clumns using class reference(not-show-at-start) created in jsf page
if(b.hasClass( "not-show-at-start")){
//access checkbox using id attribute created above and uncheck it
//this will hide columns that have "not-show-at-start" class
An alternative solution could be to set directly the checkbox you want to uncheck after you load the page. It's a less elegant solution but it works. I did it this way:
<h:body onload="javascript:
By this way, after loading the page, javascript hide the column referenced by chechbox number 18 but the checkbox is still present on the columnToggler for the user to check it and show the column again if he wants to.
Complementing Damián answer:
$(function() {
$('.ui-columntoggler-items .ui-chkbox .ui-chkbox-box').click();
This will do the job, clicking the columntoggler chkbox after page load..
You should set as toggleable="false" the columns you don't want to hide (always displayed)
Reason: if you use the javascript method to "override" primefaces toggler, sometimes the datatable column shown can be displayed wrong in the layout (out of the table size, for an example, like happened with me), that's why i decided to use the method described above..

Datatable selection - inputTextArea doesn't have up-to-date contents

Use case
I have a dialog that contains a datatable and an inputTextArea. The datatable is filled when the user clicks a button. When some (single) row of the datatable is selected, I want the contents of this row to be inserted at the end of the inputTextArea.
When using the selection attribute of the datatable, I dont have the most recent contents in the inputTextArea. Scenario: I enter "ABC" in my inputTextArea, then click the button, then make my inputTextArea "FFF" and select a row ("dtText") from the datatable. The new contents of the inputTextArea is "ABC dtText" instead of "FFF dtText".
What I tried
I tried to add a new listener but I cannot figure out how to bring it in properly so that it is being called before the selection happens. Found nothing on google or in the PF User Guide.
I was hoping the blur event updates my ruleText, but it doesn't happen.
<p:inputTextarea value="#{mrBean.selectedElement.ruleTxt}" id="rt1New" rows="20" cols="100" autoResize="false">
<f:ajax event="blur" update="duoDlgForm2" />
<p:dataTable id="qPdt" var="p" value="#{regelBean.queriedParams}" rowKey="#{p}"
selection="#{mrBean.selectedParam}" selectionMode="single">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update="#form"/>
<p:column ...
public void setSelectedParam(ParamOrDBParamModel selectedParam) {
if(selectedParam != null) {
selectedElement.setRuleTxt(selectedElement.getRuleTxt() + "\n" + selectedParam.getName().trim());
How can I work with the most recent text (selectedElement.getRuleTxt) when I am inside the setSelectedParam method?
PF 4.0
EDIT: if I try jquery, what do I have to insert into my function
$('#qPdt tr').on('click', function() {
// I reach this point, now what? How to get the contents of a row when I know the type?
$("#rt1New").append( ?? )

Jsf Edit functionality in a datatable

I have a bean with 5 properties.In which user has to enter the values and save the values.The saved values are displayed in a datatable by ajax functionality.It is working fine.The problem is when i want to edit the record, i have the edit button associated with every row of the table.When edit button is clicked i have to get the record and show the record in editable format above the datatable.What component i have to use to populate the data for editing ? Edit button is also an ajax request.I used panelGrid for that but i did not get them.
could you suggest the right way to solve this one.
Thank you all.........
Use the same datatable for editing.
If you click edit button, store the selected value or index in the backing bean and
render an output component like h:outputText if rowValue != selectedItem
render an input component like h:inputText if rowValue == selectedItem
in your dataTable.
Here is an example:
<h:dataTable value="#{myBean.itemList}" var="item">
<h:outputText value="#{item.someValue}"
rendered="#{item != selectedItem}"/>
<h:inputText value="#{item.someValue}"
rendered="#{item == selectedItem}" />
