Sublime text 3 log location - sublimetext3

Title says it all. Searched around on SO before asking but couldn't find one that has specifically asked about the general error log file for sublime.
I know errors and events are output in the console but it appears the console refreshes on restart, so this doesn't help as in my situation ST3 hangs non-deterministically.

I don't believe that is exposed, at least not much in-depth. If you want that functionality, you may want to get the SublimeLog package.
However, even that package will clear out the logs on each start. Fortunately, the source code is available - so you could probably override this behavior fairly easily.
Sublime Text 2 and 3 provide a console (accessible via Control-`) for
interaction with their Python-based innards and plug-in architecture.
This plug-in logs the console contents into a plain-text file
ornamented with logger activation/deactivation timestamps.
The log is erased and recreated each time Sublime Text is launched.
Emphasis added


How keep tests shortcuts/icons once `auto-run` is switched off from the extension sidebar?

Currently Jest in my VSCode uses the --watch parameter (I use the Orta.vscode-jest extension), which mean when I save a file, it will run all tests in uncommitted files.
It's a good default behavior but sometimes my upcoming commit may imply multiple files and I don't want to waste 75% of my time and resources on tests I don't to focus on.
After reading documentation, I found I can turn off the auto-run (see arrow below), so now when saving nothing happens, and I was expecting a way to trigger manually the test I want.
Unfortunately once done it's like if the extension was totally shut down. See below, I have no longer the ability to run tests through the extension.
Do you know a way to solve this? Keeping icon buttons to trigger manually specific tests?
I saw some homemade solution (see Running a selected Jest test in Visual Studio Code) but I feel it's weird since we have a powerful extension already installed.
(maybe I missed something...)
Thank you,
Didn't see that before but if doing a right click in the test file where needed, in the menu I'm able to run a specific test, handy!

Emojis not shown in gtk(?) but in kde applications using the same font

I noticed that Emojis like 😀 are not displayed in gvim on my system but they are in terminal vim if that is used in an xterm or konsole. And yes I tried many guifonts capable of displaying them (noto mono, noto color emoji, hack). I also noticed that vim in gnome-terminal doesn't display them either (although using the same fonts in it as in the other terminals). In fact I haven't found a single gnome(?) or gtk(?) application that displays them - not even when I use a gnome X-session. On the other hand no kde app has problems with them. Searching the web I got the impression that, e.g. gnome-terminal should have been able to display emojis for quite some time now. As I use a rolling distribution (openSuse tumbleweed) my software should be pretty recent. So what am I missing? Is there a specific package I need to handle emojis in gtk?
I created test user on my system with default settings. To my big surprise if I log on to the X-system as that user emojis are displayed just fine in gvim. So it must be a configuration issue. Then I went back and logged into my normal account, used su testuser and then opened gvim. I could still see the emojis. I don't want to reset my configuration as I put a lot of effort to have the system behave the way I like it to. But I am at a loss in finding the responsible setting. Any ideas?
Finally, I found the culprit and wanted to share my insight here so that others with similar problems know where to look. In ~/.config/fontconfig/ there were three files I did not put there myself. I guess they were leftovers from some configuration tool. Using a rolling release distribution there are probably many orphaned files in my ~/.config directory. Anyway, after deleting those files and logging out and back on I can now see emojis in gvim etc.

Run code on file open in Sublime Text

I'd like to run some code in Sublime Text every time I open a file. Is there any way of doing this?
The background, if you want more context: I recently started using Sublime Text as my main editor, and although I love having Vim mode available through the Vintageous plug-in, I just want it to be available, not forcing its way into being turned on every time I open a file.
The author does not seem open to adding an option for being turned off by default--which is entirely okay: I'm not trying to be critical of his choices, and I'm glad he's made his code available to me--so it occurred to me that Sublime Text might offer some way of running some code every time you open a file. If so, I would simply run something that sets the mode to the normal Sublime Text mode (as opposed to Vim's "normal" mode).
You can run code in response to various events by creating a plugin and subclassing sublime_plugin.EventListener. The methods you would be most interested in are on_load() and on_new(). From there, you can either run an existing command, or you can make your own in a different class (probably subclassing sublime_plugin.TextCommand).

Android Studio / IntelliJ: Highlight custom strings in the log (or logcat)

Android and IntelliJ both have support for highlighting log messages based on the log level.
I'd like to go a step further and also highlight "my" classes, means classes from "my" packages - in a different way so that I can recognize them quickly in the log. So I'd like to see an option where I can define a custom string and then give lines which contain this string a custom highlighting. The "string" could be a package name, a debug string, or whatever.
Do you know if such a solution exists already? Maybe there's already a plugin for that?
I'm not aware of anything specifically targeting this use case, but I have workarounds for you.
Focus the LogCat window by clicking into it and the press Ctrl+F, this brings up the local search bar and you can enter your package name:
Filter logs
This solution is from my question: How can I disable Android's internal logging for specific tags (e.g. AbsListView, GestureDetector, endeffect)
If you're having problems with spamming log lines you don't care about just filter them out, for example I have this configuration:
^(?!Unable to resolve superclass of|Link of class|DexOpt: unable to opt direct call|Could not find class|Could not find method|VFY: )
This leaves only the most important/relevant log lines:
your app's logs
dalvikvm's Garbage Collections
and other unexpected things
High-level logging
I don't suggest you do this, included for completeness. Use only and Log.e for your own logging and set colors/LogCat view's level filter accordingly. This is not really useful if you want to have 5 levels of logging. There may be some sneak-in log lines, but less than normal.
What about the plugin
I use it and it is quite good.

Python IDLE GUI not starting

I feel like I have been coming the internet for days with absolutely no result.
I have taken some web programming classes, and would like to learn some python, just because programming is wicked interesting altogether, and have run into a fairly large hurdle given my experience.
the problem is this: Python.exe (or is is more properly pythonw.exe?) v3.3.3, running on windows 8.1 used to launch fine. Typed up a simple program to roll various sided die, worked out well. Then I changed the key bindings for 'Run Module' from 'ctrl+f5' to 'crtl+alt+spacebar.'
As soon as I did this IDLE crashed and so did the shell. Now the process will not run AT ALL. I cannot access it through the desktop icon to go back and revert the settings. I also attempted to look at the .def files and change it from there but could not find the 'run module' command. It looked like all the key bindings in the .def files were for the shell.
When I double click, nothing, when I run as admin, nothing. run from the start menu, nothing. I uninstalled and re-installed, rebooted, everything low tech I can think of. Now i'm out of my element and could use one of you brilliant social programmers!!
I've found information about checking with some tool called 'Windows Process Manager' some stuff about what to do with the CMD prompt (something about a path problem intuitivly sounds like I very well could have created a 'path problem' but I'm not 100% I know what that is exactly).
I'm sorry for the lack of links, the pages were farther back in my browsing history than I expected. Hopefully i'm not asking an instant many down vote question here, most of the resources online are for either an older version of windows, Lunix, or an older version of python (which is actually where the path problem hint came from)
Thanks any and all greatly for any time spend reading/answering.
Immensely appreciated.
Find file HOME/.idlerc/config-keys.cfg, where on Win7 HOME would be 'C:/Users/yourloginname', and delete the key binding or, if there is nothing else in the file or nothing you want to keep, the whole file.
If you were to run Idle from a console with python -m idlelib, you would probably see an error message. (Yes, you were probably running with pythonw, as when using the start menu or icon. This works better in 3.4.2 and I am working or more improvements.)
I do not know the specific reason for your crash. I set Zoom-height to --space, restarted, and it works, no problem.
