Avoid clearing the splash screen - windows-ce

How can I avoid clearing the splash screen before the desktop is up?
After the splash screen is cleared there is a white screen for two seconds I wish to avoid.

You should change your display drive to ensure that it uses the same video-memory area used by the bootloader (this may already be the case) and ensuring that it doesn't erase its frame buffer on startup.


Windows touch keyboard appearing in controls without text input

In MFC, how do I stop the touch keyboard from appearing when selecting controls without text inputs? Specifically, CComboBox-derived and original CListBox controls. The issue occurs in a large C++ application for touchscreen tablets running Windows 10. Bizarrely, selecting any CEdit control in the application solves the issue until the application restarts.
I've been looking at InputScope, AutomationPeer, and even killing the keyboard process TabTip.exe after it appears, but none of these prevent the keyboard from showing in the first place.
A previous solution involved changing the "Automatically show touch keyboard" registry setting SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TabletTip\1.7\EnableDesktopModeAutoInvoke on focus change, but alerting the touch keyboard with SendNotifyMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE) added unacceptable delay to the UI.

detect when window size changed

I am making a web browser with gtk-rs. I am trying to do a check for fullscreen. I can get the screen size and compare that to the window size, if they are the same it is in fullscreen and I can hide the unnecessary widgets. Though this works, I can only get it to work when I bind it some key event (so when I press a key it will check if the window and screen sizes are the same again). I want to be able to get this to work by simply noticing the window size has changed.

Tool bars are getting rearranged

I am using VC++ MFC and have the following toolbars in my software.
While working with different screens and software is minimized, if we disconnect the other screen, the toolbars get messed up after restoring the application.
Also that issue occurs, sometimes, when using single screen and change screen resolution or laptop lid is closed and re-open it, most of the cases when application is minimized at time we change anything.
We are not executing any code as such to draw the toolbars every time. While software is starting up, we read the toolbar positions from registry and create toolbars, and while closing application, we read the toolbar current position and save it back to registry.
Please suggest what should I do to fix this..
From the details what i can say is, while you were working on screen of one size the application considering the toolbar co-ordinates in relation to that screen. But when screen changes the old co-ordinates are no more valid as new screen may have different size and that's what causing the issue.

Where are stored the temporary screen output session

I use Linux (Raspbian) and the screen command to execute python program.
I wonder where are stored the current information of a screen returned by the python program.
Indeed, when I attach a screen I can see some python outputs, but I am limited to the size of the window (physical screen).
If I use a larger (physical) screen, I can see more outputs.
Therefore I would like to know where are stored this information.
I precise I do not use the parameter to store any output of the screen.
Thank you
screen just stores the buffer in memory. Once screen exits, it's gone.
It also stores more lines than what is visible on one screen, but you have to use screen's commands to view them. The default is Ctrl-A, Esc after which you can use the arrow keys or Page Up/Down to navigate.

How can I add to the terminal's scrollback using ncurses?

I'm writing an app using ncurses which displays the status of tests running on multiple machines. It displays several progress bars at the bottom of the screen, and a failure log above them. However, the log may easily be longer than the rest of the terminal.
I'd like to have excess log roll off the top in such a way that if the user scrolls their terminal up they'll see the rest of the log. This is what happens when you scroll through a file using less; it replaces the current view with the next page, but the text you've passed ends up in the terminal's scrollback.
How can I get ncurses to do that?
Turns out this is easy. I just put a window at the top of the screen, made it scrollable (scrollok), and addstr'd text to it until it scrolled. The text scrolled right off into the scrollback without trouble.
