Instagram API - Cannot Update Client - "Sorry, an error occurred while processing this request." - instagram

I'm trying to set up various Instagram clients to use with website integration. I must say that I am extremely disappointed in the quality of the Instagram developer documentation, and their API has some seriously annoying aspects to it.
That being said, when I try to update one any of my clients (under any of three accounts), I get the following error (in a non-styled, blank page):
Sorry, an error occurred while processing this request.
What gives? I was able to update a few of my clients, but then started getting this error.
Also, why does Instagram make it nearly impossible to create more than five clients? I need more than this to cover all of the environments that the website(s) run in, so I've been forced to create multiple Instagram accounts for each site...

Apparently Instagram's API (or at least the part relating to adding/editing clients) was down. I guess I'll mark this as answered, but I really wish Instagram would offer better documentation/support...


406 Error / Response with Eventbrite Search API

I am currently trying to pull data from the Eventbrite API platform in Jupyter Labs. Sporadically, I am receiving a 406 Not Acceptable Error when I make the request. However, invariably, if I make the same request again a few minutes later the request pulls the data fine.
I've checked the usual things: ie that I have not gone over my request limits.
Here is the request I am currently making:
url = ''
x = requests.get(url)
And the response:
<Response [406]>
Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
Yeah, I got an email from them a little over a week ago saying:
We're reaching out today to follow up regarding the events/search/ endpoint. Thank you for your patience while we worked to reach a conclusion to the issue.
Access to the Eventbrite Event Search API (GET /v3/events/search/) will be shut down at 11:59 pm PT on Thursday, December 12, 2019.
We strongly encourage you to find and remove any code that makes requests to this Event Search API from your applications in advance.
Why is this happening?
We’re removing the Event Search API to further improve the Eventbrite platform and allow us to support more Creators and their events. Allowing public access to this particular API was impacting our platform and the high level of service we strive to provide to our creators and their attendees. We are able to provide alternative access to retrieve your event data through our Event APIs (see below).
What is the replacement API?
To get Events via our API, please see: 
• Retrieve an Event by ID — GET /v3/events/:event_id/
• List Events by Venue — GET /v3/venues/:venue_id/events/ 
• List Events by Organization — GET /v3/organizations/:organization_id/events/
If you’re retrieving private events on behalf of another user, you can complete the app authorization flow. If you’re interested in retrieving public events on behalf of many Eventbrite creators, you can apply to our distribution partner program.
We apologize for the delay in communication regarding this decision, as well as for the inconvenience and frustration this change has caused
Eventbrite Developer Support
So it looks like that's finally confirmed as dead at least.
FYI... this is an an ongoing Eventbrite API issue that is causing problems for many. See:!topic/eventbrite-api/-E0MG7THMsc

Instagram API throwing OAuthAccessTokenException 400 error using client id

I was using the following api to get the latest 3 posts from public accounts to show on the website:{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3
I had created an app to get the client-id.
However from today, this API has started throwing the following exception:
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthAccessTokenException",
code: 400,
error_message: "The access_token provided is invalid."
Could you please let me know as how to resolve this?
Based on the date, you probably have an older app that got hit by the API migration today, like mine. In short, Instagram decided to make developing for their platform WAY more annoying by requiring all API requests to be authenticated per user, even for data that users shares publicly. So you (like me) will likely be redesigning you app entirely.
To tell, log in to and click manage clients; then hit edit next to the set of keys your're trying to use. Up near the top, it will have a section called 'Client Status' -- if yours reads 'Sandbox Mode', fun times ahead! Hopefully you interact with less than 10 users and can stay in sandbox mode, otherwise you'll have to write an essay, film a video, and basically plead to get your permissions back (probably in a few months, when some Instagram intern finally digs his way down to you in the pile of applications). If it reads something eles, you've got another problem altogether and should thank your lucky stars.
In the meantime, I guess I'll get back to sending out dozens of emails to the maintainers of our many, many affiliated Instagram accounts to explain the issue and try to get permissions, so provided we get approved by then, all our social media displays aren't broken during a huge event Saturday. Another option might be to use the OAuth-less json response available here, but that might break terms of service.
I have a solution to this. If you are using the same code I am, which appears likely. I was pulling the last two images using this.{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3
What I did to get this working is the following.
Login to your Instragram account you are using as the application.
Go to the developer (API) area.
Manage clients. Make sure your website URL is the same as your valid redirect URL.
Add new Sandbox User. Put in the account of the IG photos you want to reach.
Hit this URL: where the client ID is the same one you used in your previous app above.
You should get back and access token URL. Copy your access token.
Login as your account that you want the IG photos of. The account you added as a sandbox user and go to developer and approve the Sandbox Invites.
Change your original URL above from{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3 to with your access token.
This is the IG API Media endpoint documentation:
After that, it all worked for me and while you are in the sandbox, you should be able to pull the last 3 photos or at this point, figure out how to read the JSON to do so.
Has your app been approved after the June 1st Instagram platform changes?
If you want to retrieve the user media file then try this, It's working for me,caption,media_url,media_type&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
For some reason the token is no more valid. Request it again.
Possible reasons why a token is no more valid:
changed password
verified the account
logged-in from a different country

WhatsApi Number Getting Blocked - NodeJs

I am using the node-whatsapi library
I am getting the number blocked. I am following the exact protocol as mentioned in the WIKI.
The flow that i follow is:
Create Adapter
On Connect - Login
On Login
For Each Contact sendPresenceSubscription(), getStatus() and getProfilePicture()
And when i receive a message:
adapter.requestContactsSync('1234567890', 'delta', 'background');
Save to DB
Now, what we do and why do we use WhatsApi
We enable our existing Customers to talk to their internal teams on WhatsApp. So, a customer initates a chat and a help desk team responds to them on an application.
Got the number blocked now. Unable to understand where am i going wrong.
Also, the total number of messages exchanged between the customer and the helpdesk team is around 1k a day.
What you're "doing wrong" is using a third party API which is against WhatsApp's terms of service and, if detected, will get your relevant accounts blocked. It's not a fault with WhatsAPI itself or how you are using it.
WhatsApp openly publishes the only approved/compliant way to programmatically interact with their network.
Outside of that, you are going to get blocked whenever you are detected as using an unapproved means of interacting with their network.
In your particular example you're using a Node.js port of the original WhatsAPI. As of May 2015 this is the kind of pressure they are dealing with from WhatsApp (despite many years of trying to negotiate an amicable compromise with them around things like message limits and identity verification):
It sucks but that's just how it is. You can look at some alternatives which are still actively updated and may continue working for a while, but given that WhatsApp is now owned by Facebook and considering the kind of legal resources at their disposal, you should be able to see why one might be reluctant to continue updating a rogue API.
Well, got a satisfactory answer from WhatsApi collaborator matteocontrini.
Here is the answer that i got, if somebody is intrested.
It says:
the reason of getting blocked doesn't have to be because you wrote
wrong code. It could be a filter on the kind of messages you send or a
report from someone about your number.

Instagram API posting likes rate limit

I created an iOS app that using Instagram API and have a critical issue posting likes to Instagram.
Using endpoint – POST /media/media-id/likes, with user-specific access token. I request scope – likes from users.
Instagram API works fine for all requests except saving likes. We can only save/post a couple hundred likes to Instagram, and then response is "We've taken extra measures to protect the Instagram API from abnormal activity. Since you have recently created your API application, please contact to receive whitelisting for a higher rate limit."
There is other developers with same issue with no support or any feedback waiting for months.
Please, let me know if there is limits and how it works, or how to become whitelisted
I don’t want to create many Instagram API clients and assign users among them. It seems like bad acting for me, if there is official API with strict limits I want to work with it.
Instagram has new API limits: 100 likes/hr 60 follows/unfollows/hr per access token. That is only if you authenticate serverside and sign your headers. Check out the new authentication:
I'm using it for my new site that automates likes/follows/unfollows, haven't had any problems works great. Check it out:
Instagram takes increased measures to limit your API requests based on IP address. This is not common knowledge, it's just something I've come to know from working with the API extensively.
They've built an API that is FAR from perfect, but have been upgrading it to be "smart". Smart enough to know that a newer client, pinging the API many times just for one user, may very well be a script kiddie trying to bot the system. For this reason, they do not give you a rate limit error, they politely say "we have taken extra measures to protect our API from being spammed by bots".
The good news is, other users should still be able to access your liking mechanism. Just not you, from that IP.

Can pinging a server for 404 errors cause issues similier to a denial of service attack?

There is a third party website that deals with restaurant reservations that I would like to provide a link in my app to. So if people are viewing the restaurant in my app, a link would be available to send them to the reservation service.
The problem is that the app does not supply an API that allows developers to generate links to specific restaurants.
I have however identified 5 or 6 different patterns in the their URL that, based on the restaurants name will eventually link to the proper restaurant.
I created a script that tries each one of these patterns and if a 404 error is received, it goes to the next pattern to try. If a 404 error is not received, I have then identified the proper link.
Potentially, if i implemented this solution, and the user is browsing through a bunch of restaurants in my app, it could ping the server for 404 errors a bunch of times. If a hundred people are using the app, it could ping the server thousands of times.
What I don't know is if receiving the 404 error thousands of times will cause a Denial of service. Because if it does, I have to come up with another solution.
This depends on the available resources for the servers you are hitting and the pattern you are using. Really you should get in contact with the owners to answer this question as by making lots of potentially invalid requests you COULD be DDoSing them at worst or if not potentially costing them money in server/connection overheads. If that is not possible you may see reasonable results using a curl script to google the restaurant name along with the reservation websites name and following the first result. It's not very clean however it would stop you from hammering their website.
