Open TCL pipeline to cygwin running terminal - cygwin

So i'm running a TCL program in Windows. Is there any way to write directly to my running Cygwin terminal? Assuming my TCL workspace is currently in C:\workspace and cygwin installation is C:\cygwin\ and windows cannot see private Cygwin files for example inside /dev/pty0 .

Without having a copy of Cygwin handy to check, I can't be certain, but I understood that files in C:\cygwin were visible to both Windows and the Cygwin terminal. So try writing to a directory under C:\cygwin from your TCL program. Then you should be able to read and display that file from Cygwin.
Alternatively, isn't Cygwin able to see the entire Windows file system, as per this example?


Cygwin not working on Windows 10 (even after added to system's PATH)

I recently downloaded and installed Cygwin on my 64-bit Windows 10 computer. I'd like to for Cygwin to work with the normal Windows command prompt. Per instructions I found online, I added the path to the Cygwin executable to my system's PATH:
Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> appended ;C:\cygwin64\bin to system's Path
Unfortunately, Cygwin still doesn't work on Windows command prompt. Any suggestions?
You will not be able to make use of all Cygwin functionality at the Windows command prompt. Some limited use of commands -- specifically those commands that exist as binaries in the C:\cygwin64\bin directory, and don't rely on any kind of shell support -- will work. But since your're not running a shell when you're in a Windows prompt, the associated support normally available to you in a Cygwin native command window will not be there.

Launch Labview program through Python

I am working on a project in which I have to launch a VI (Labview program) through my GUI written in python. I have not the administrator rights so I installed PyCharm Community with the JetBrain Toolbox and Python 3.3 with an MSI file.
I read on the internet that to do what I want, I need to install the pywin32 extension: extension -link, but when I launch it, it doesn't find my Python installation.
So, my question is: is there another way to control VI from python?
Thank you in advance for your answer. I am a beginner in both languages.
If you want to run a plain VI, you have to run the LabVIEW IDE -- a
VI is a source code file, not a built executable, so to run directly,
it has to be hosted in the editor.
If you want to run a VI built into
an executable, you obviously have to run that built EXE.
So, either way, you're going to have to be able to launch an EXE.
Can your Python invoke C-style DLLs? If so, you could build your VI into a DLL and then call the VI that way.

How to copy files from windows to linux (cross platform)?

I want to trigger command/script from Linux environment which copies file from windows system to my Linux environment.
I have set up local Linux server for my web application. I am using WinSCP for file transfer and Putty as a console.
I want to automate the process of build deployment of Linux server.For that i have to copy build which is on my windows machine and paste it in my local Linux server so that i can deploy it.
As per my understanding, there should be some shared location which is accessible from Linux environment.
Is there is any script available for this? Also, please tell me the configuration changes require to do this.
You can use synchronize command of winscp from your windows,
winscp synchronize command
or winscp.exe command from your command prompt.
winscp.exe command
Install cygwin and you can use scp, ssh etc just like you would on linux. Besides, you can use ordinary bash scripts instead of crappy bat-files.
Use samba
you can use rsync for synchronize your files.

Cygwin terminal crashes

I installed Cygwin on windows 7 64 bit ultimate and after starting cygwin terminal it crashes and creates a file named mintty.exe.stackdump, and in this file there is a line i.e
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61004DF6
After searching it on google; it seems that this exception occurs if their are two cygwin1.dll in system. There is only one that is inside the installation directory of cygwin.
I had installed mingw, but even after uninstalling mingw it still crashes. I didn't worked on cygwin before can anybody guide me how I could get rid of this problem
cygwin1.dll gets installed by some other programs that get ported from Linux to Windows, such as OpenSSH. It's possible that you have another version of it somewhere else on your system that was installed by a different application.
It doesn't necessarily need to be in your Cygwin install dir either. Just being in a directory that's in your PATH env variable, for instance, would be enough for it to cause confusion for Cygwin.
If you know exactly of a likely culprit (think Windows ports of traditionally Linux programs and tools), I would check those first. Otherwise, try digging in the different directories in your path var (you can see them by firing up a cmd.exe terminal and running the command echo %path%).

How to make a symbolic link with Cygwin in Windows 7

Recently I have tested to write an Android application with native code in C/C++. The problem is in making symbolic links when using the Android NDK. After some googling, some say to use Cygwin. I have installed it now. How can I make a symbolic link with Cygwin in Windows 7?
In short, define the following environment variable:
According to Cygwin documentation:
If set to winsymlinks:native or winsymlinks:nativestrict, Cygwin creates symlinks as native Windows symlinks on filesystems and OS versions supporting them.
The difference between winsymlinks:native and winsymlinks:nativestrict is this: If the filesystem supports native symlinks and Cygwin fails to create a native symlink for some reason, it will fall back to creating Cygwin default symlinks with winsymlinks:native, while with winsymlinks:nativestrict the symlink(2) system call will immediately fail.
You should also make sure you run Cygwin with elevated privileges (right-click the shortcut and choose Run as Administrator, or set the mintty shortcut property, Advanced → Run as Administrator).
Some details are provided in the other answer.
I got it the next day! So, not to wrongly get ignorance thinking like me (newbie to Cygwin), I answer it now.
Making a symbolic link for Windows 7 is easy with the usual command:
ln -s
The answer is setting up Cygwin with the required packages such as make, etc.
Read the requirements clearly: Android NDK
You may try to use "mklink" instead of "ln -s" as Tony O'Hagan suggested in an answer to Git Bash shell fails to create symbolic links.
We had a similar problem and had a solution not documented in previous answers.
We needed a way to create a directory remote link that worked for both Cygwin and Windows 7 to a remote Samba (Linux) share.
We used this command in Windows PowerShell and it worked.
CMD /C MKLINK /D C:\local_dir_path\dir \\\\\remote_dir_path\dir
The above command makes a link that works in both.
Of course, please change the local and remote directories to meet your needs.
ln -s works in Cygwin, but not Windows.
Using a "make link" command in Windows Explorer (folder view) worked in Windows, but not in Cygwin.
A similar command as above entered in Cygwin did not work and we didn't completely understand why. Perhaps it is related to conversion of strings or paths.
