Displaying multiple tables using a cells values as criteria - excel

I will have Multiple Tabs, each tab will be called
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta etc
Every tab will have contain multiple tables containing values, called...
{TABNAME}First, {TABNAME}Second, {TABNAME}Third, {TABNAME}Forth.
this will ultimately give me 4 tables for First called,
AlphaFirst, BetaFirst,GammaFirst, DeltaFirst.....
I was wondering if there is anyway i can pick/input a value in a cell, on a tab with none of these tables, for instance select 'Third'
And below this cell, or anywhere on this tab all version of 'third' will appear, so the tables for AlphaThird, BetaThird, GammaThird etc will appear, either seperatley, or the data merged into a single table.
if you need more information or examples, please let me know and i will update as best i can.
I guess to summarise, is it possible to call forward multiple tables using a cell as the criteria for which tables to call forward.
Further details - Edit
Every table will contain the same column headers and contain the same ranges of data within them. They will always have the same number of columns, However each table can contain any amount of rows.
The values in the tables are all manually typed or picked from a pickList, containing no Formula
To put this into a Scenario, there is 5 shops, a Tab for each, On each Tab is a Table for each Supplier we have, containing any Order information from that store for each supplier.
I wish to choose a supplier on a separate tab and have all orders with that supplier appear on the page for every store. the Store name does not need to be displayed, i just wish to know what is on order with that supplier.


Append a column of a few tables into a single bigger column

I'm having a problem while building this sheet and i'm not being able to find a solution.
The problem goes like this:
This is a marketing agency that wants to build quotes for their clients in a more automated and simpler way they do today.
There is a master table that the user must put all products they have to offer and their prices
from this master table, I've created 5 other tables with power query, So they have an user interface to fill the number of products and price adjustments they want to quote. Also some products price depends on the price and quantity of other products. that's why I needed to separate it.
Now I need to bring them back together so I can use it as a source for a pivot table to build their report.
I've tried a few things:
Making them all a joined source for pivot table, but as they don't have any exclusive fields it failed.
They have a different number of columns and rows, so putting them below each other won't work
I've also tried =Table[Total Value]:Table2[Total Value], but they are joined side by side, and I need them one below each other.
I haven't tried VBA, but it's not out of the question.

SSRS Cells auto-merge

I'm having trouble unmerging cells on the report.
3 Suppliers for the query
I have a SQL query that shows 3 instances of a supplier (left joined to contact) as shown below. However, when running the report for the query the 3 instance of the supplier is merged into one. This is not desirable in my case because when exporting the report to excel, I'd like to be able to sort columns based on other properties, however, this would not be possible due the the merging of the rows. How can I get results to show individually?
Cells are Merged on the report
Within the properties of each Row Group you can specify which columns to group on. You generally don't need a separate group for each field, but that's OK. In your last group, the one called "(Details)", if it is not grouped by anything, it will show one row per line of results from the query. So take a look at what it's grouped by. As long as the rows are in your dataset, the report will group or show them based on how you configure the grouping here. Grouping on nothing means it will show all rows.
Another tip is to align the end of your header textbox with the line of one of your columns. This will prevent it from creating an extra column in Excel for the "City" field.
Your report does not need all of those groupings - the SSRS grouping is not like SQL. You should only group when you want to aggregate data on that field. Normally you might have a company with its address in various fields in one group but you only need to group once on the Company Name or (preferably) ID - not on each field and not a separate group for each. You could then show details of various invoices in other columns that aren't grouped.
But since you want to display the company data on each row, you would not want ANY grouping on the company.
To fix your issues, remove all the groupings (but not the rows) and just leave the detail group (which doesn't have a Grouping).
You can check out MS Docs: Understanding Groups for a better explanation.

Excel - Find all items that share a common cell value

I am wanting to search this list:
The goal is to determine what all is inside Basket 1, determine which item of those costs the most, and return the color of that specific item. My brain is having a hard time determining the right path for this.
With a Pivot Table, you can resume data based on basket # and then filter by most valuable item, and get the color.
The set up for this Pivot Table is all fields into Rows Section, except Amount that will go into values.
NOTE: Even if my Excel language is different than yours, options I'm using should be in the same position. But anyways, besides set up from the image above, you need to apply a value filter (not label filter!), to field ID and make sure choose option TOP 10 and set it to show just TOP 1
If you just want the most expensive item, ignoring Basket #, just remove field Basket from your Pivot Table, and it will work.
Actually you could have 2 Pivot Tables, each one set up in a different way (all baskets, or each basket).

compare two tables then sort them in excel

I have two tables with the same data but in different rows, I want to sort them in front of each other. each duplicate row in front of its duplicate.
attached photo
In a new worksheet, copy the code data from one table and append to that a copy of the code data from the other. Apply Remove Duplicates to that column and sort ascending.
Now use that sheet to look up (VLOOKUP Description, Uom and Unit Price from one of your tables into three separate columns (say 2,3,4) and lookup up same fields from the other of your tables into a further three columns (say 5,6,7).
Wrap both formulae in IFERROR(....,"") to reduce noise.
I take it any numbering will be applied independently in a new sheet (ie No. is not required to be copied to there).
Incidentally you have a lot of unconventional hyphens (eg L-80 is never normally written other than as L80), m for OCTG as a unit of measure leads to many problems and with competent staff a structured catalogue could be advisable for a high value of stock and long-term storage.

Pivot Table with multiple rows all having the same level hierarchy

I have imported a bunch of data using PowerQuery into a single table and am building dashboard reporting. I have been using Pivot Tables to build my reports, which has worked fine so far.
However, I've come to a point though where I want to simply show the count of multiple columns (calculated fields). So I have column A,B,C,D, and want to show the count each of each. But, I don't want them to be subsets (or children) of one another, and I don't want to build a bunch of Pivot Tables (file is already getting pretty big, and I want them row by row for easy viewing). Any suggestions?
Also, I am using the "Columns" field already to show the counts by certain weeks (week one, week two, etc.).
Thanks for the follow-up. Within PowerPivot, I have four calculated fields/columns that are True/False for each column. I want to know how many times each of those columns were marked "True" (I can rename the "True" field to distinguish between which field it's referencing). But I don't want four pivot tables. Right now I can only think of making four pivot tables, filtering out the false for each one, then hiding the rows so the "True" values stack on top of one another. If I put all the four fields together in the same Pivot, the three below the first become subsets. I don't want subsets, just occurrence counts.
Does this help provide clarification?
If I understand you correctly, here's an example that shows what you're trying to achieve:
The table on the left has the TRUE/FALSE entries and the PivotTable on the right just shows the number of true items in each of those columns.
The format of the DAX measure to produce these count totals is:
[Count of A]=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(PetFacts),PetFacts[A]=TRUE)
(Apologies to any parrot owners who may get upset that I have inadvertently re-classified their pets as cold-blooded!)
