How do I install ./ unpack a zImage file onto my host PC? - linux

I have a zImage file of a linux kernel that someone sent me. I dumped onto my mini2440 board and it works fine there. Now, I would like to do the same for my host PC so that I can configure the kernel using the zImage that I have, since it has a few files that were missing from my earlier kernel.
How do I go about doing this?
Thank you,


Linux run fail with Image in stead of zImage in Buildroot-Qemu-Arm environment

I am learning building Linux system with buildroot. The configure for qemu+arm is very convenient for me to have a environment to boot Linux system. I can get whole system from the script bellow. And it works fine, Linux system run.
git clone
cd buildroot
git checkout 014ec19dfe
make qemu_arm_versatile_defconfig
cd output/images/
I find there is an zImage for linux kernel. As I know zImage is composed by decompress boot code and compressed linux binary. And I think Image at ../build/linux-5.15.18/arch/arm/boot/Image is the original linux binary. So I try to use Image to replace zImage(I copy the Image to the same folder. Then I change the zImage in to Image). But I failed, I run it and only see
VNC server running on ::1:5900
And there are no other log. I try other system like riscv, there is only Image, but it can be run. Is there something I misunderstand for arm linux Image? (By the way, I am curious about why only arm32 has compress code to build zImage, but aarch64 or riscv do not support this function.)

intel i225-v linux driver(ubuntu 20.04)

after kernel downgrade, every device drivers doesn't work.
I want to download i225-v linux driver, and search this page
but too many files and cannot find how to download the linux driver...
I want to find file but can find only file....
if someone knows, please help
update to 22.04 or a 22.05 snapshot if your i225-v is actually an i225-IT on 1.79 firmware.

Linux kernel compilation locations

I tried several times to recompile Linux kernel, everything worked fine, but i realized that its taking a lot of space from the hard disk , i would like to know where the newly compiled kernel files located? and is there any temporarily folders that i can clean manually? any files i can safely remove to free up some space ?
I downloaded the kernel source code, copied my kernel Config from /boot/
to the kernel source code
edited it using:
make menuconfig
make install

Where is kernel configuration stored on Linux target?

I'm working on an embedded ARM Debian Linux system. The system ships with a default image on the SD card. What I'd like to do is try and determine which kernel settings where used in building the kernel that's running on that card.
Is there any way to do that?
Assuming no copy can be found under /boot then:
If CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC is set then a compressed copy of the configuration will be found at /proc/config.gz
If CONFIG_IKCONFIG is set but not CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC the extract-ikconfig script can be used to extract the .config file from a kernel image file (

About compiling Linux kernel in Debian Live

This is my first time compiling Linux kernel. I am using Debian Live. I used kernel-package to compile and I also added a new system call to return an arbitrary integer value greater than zero.
Everything went fine and I got both headers and image .deb files. When I tried to install them with dpkg, there was a warning that said I needed to configure LILO. I then aborted the installation and looked for LILO to find out that Debian Live got neither LILO nor GRUB. I installed GRUB, but it was not installed on my sda1 (USB disk running Debain Live), it said that it was not a proper block device. Debian Live uses squashfs (a file system).
Then, I ignored bootloader and installed the custom kernel. After I rebooted my computer, I was directly booted to the old Debain Live and my system call returns -1.
Please provide some solutions guys.
Debian Live is not a suitable base for you do to your own kernel development on. As you've found, it doesn't contain the tools needed to rebuild itself (that's not what its designed to do).
Install the regular Debian distribution (perhaps inside a virtualisation environment like VMWare Server or VirtualBox). Do your kernel development there.
