Setting up sharepoint dev environment on azure? - sharepoint

I would like to begin on development for sharepoint.
Instead of setting up a dev environment on premise, I would like to set up one on Azure.
I've found some tutorials but each on use Visual Studio RC. When I try to create one with Visual Studio Ultimate, there's no "Configure Developer Desktop" folder and I don't know how to set up tools and which tools?
Do you have a follow up or a virtual drive that I can use?

If you have the chance to have an msdn subscription, you can follow
Best, you can subscribe to an office 365 account and more easily deploy to your new sharepoint site

I have written this in detail using 3 staged approach. The first of the post is available at this link Basically you can setup a complete SharePoint 2013 standalone server, setup the point to site vpn and connect. Code away :)


Can I debug a workflow on Office 365?

I have a question about Sharepoint Online debugging.
I've created a Sharepoint app with Visual 2015, destined to sharepoint-online and it's sharepoint hosted. Inside, I have a very simple workflow.
When I try to debug it, the following message appears:
Is it necessary to have an Azure account to debug a workflow? Are there any other options in workflow development?
If it helps, the deployment environment is Office 365.
It is necessary to have an Azure account to debug SharePoint Online/Office 365 workflows. This is because you can't access certain components that are used for debugging a local SharePoint workflow. Instead Microsoft created the Relay Service component of the Microsoft Azure Service Bus. (A secure component that they charge for hosting)
Before this component was released it does't appear debugging was possible. (See article below)
Debugging Workflows In SharePoint 2013 Online using Azure.
If you have an MSDN subscription or work for a Microsoft partner organization you should receive some free access to Azure.
Workflow debugging for SharePoint Online requires a Windows Azure Service Bus connection.
To enable remote debugging:
With a project selected in Solution Explorer, Right click on the Project menu ans select Properties.
Click the Debug tab.
Select the Use remote machine check box.
In the Use remote machine field, enter the name of the remote machine, using the format \\domain\machinename.

TFS 2013 Web Access Deployed Tab

I'm trying to understand what the "Deployed" tab is used for in TFS 2013 Team Web Access. There's another similar question here: What is the "deployed" tab for in TFS 2012 Web Access
Some of the information there seems to suggest that TFS Deployer is setting a build quality, but what is it? Another post indicates that it might be for Azure deployments.
Just trying to understand how it works.
When you use the built in Continious Build to Azure build template it will automatically set this for successfully deployments.
You may be able to set this through the API.

Difference between Office 365 preview and sharepoint online

I am new to sharepoint online. At first I need to know the difference between sharepoint online and office 365 preview.
Preview site: which looms like below.
I have also the below site
Now what is the difference between the two. My goal is to create apps and webparts. Which one shall i choose? I have not installed sharepoint 2013 server/ sharepoint foundation. Can i create apps and webparts without installing server2013/foundation2013?
The Office365 Preview is running on the new SharePoint 2013 platform. If you want to build and monetize apps/web parts, you would need to go with this option, as it is the
latest and greatest.
Go to to get all of the resources you need including links to the software, tutorials, documentation, etc...
Microsoft provides a free Office365 portal specifically for developers who want to build apps on the online platform. With this, all you would need is Visual Studio 2012 and the SharePoint/Office SDK installed to build apps. You would deploy and debug directly on the online portal without needing SharePoint installed on your environment.
I hope this helps.

Deploy separate web sites azure

I have a single web project that I want deploy in Azure.
I want to create one IIS web site per country and I want to be able to deploy each web site independently (not all of them at a time). How to do this?
you have two options:
Use Windows Azure WebSites to host your websites
Use Windows Azure Accelerator for WebRoles or your own project similar to that approach.
However you have to note that the second option is a project that is no longer being supported due to avialability of Azure Websites. With Azure Websites, you can have almost everything you get with the Accelerator. You can host your websites on a dedicated instances, and manage them individually. You can update/deploy your website data via FTP/GIT/TFS/WebDeploy, whichever method you are most happy with. The only downside of websites which I see, is the lack of Startup Tasks and the ability to customize your environment (Windows, IIS settings, etc).
When you have set up your Azure account you can go the the web sites section and start the construction of your Azure web spaces, the interface in the preview is very straight forward to use and intuitive.
For deployment using the publish command in from Visual Studio 2012 (which I found the easiest) here are the steps you will need to undertake:
For each of your countries you will need to set up the web site
in azure.
Then for each of those web sites you have created go
to their dashboard page and download the publish profile settings.
It is these settings that you can import into you Visual Studio
solution by selecting the publish command and browsing for the
settings profile file you downloaded and importing it.
Then in future when
you right click on the web site in your solution and select publish
it will publish to your web site in Azure.
I have created a fictional website for Spain below is the link you will need in order to initiate a publish from Visual Studio.
------------ EDIT -------------
For Visual Studio 2010 I met some difficulties trying to publish, in fact the publish profile you can download was not importable to Visual Studio 2010, well at least I could not figure it out.
Instead I created a deployment user by clicking on the 'Reset Deployment Credentials' link on the Azure dashboard (see the link in the image), created the user and then published via FTP from Visual Studio 2010.
What I would like to flag up is the maintenance issue of having one site for each country rather than one site with Localization, (if it is a language issue). A small change multiplied just 20 times for 20 different countries becomes a larger task and if you have lots of little changes it soon becomes a large task to maintain them all.

Accessing TFS API from machines without Team Explorer

Can I use TFS API in my code and deploy the code in the machine where Visual Studio or Team Explorer doesn't exist?
I found this, which says I shouldn't do that.
Any help on this? Thanks!
No you can't, when you develop client application for the TFS, this means you need the run time files for this API which is exists in the Team Explorer.
You could use the new OData API, or the standard WebService API (officially unsupported) to connect to TFS without the need for the SDK or Team Explorer on the machine.
And there's the Java API's that ship with Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 SP1, which are supposedly easier to use in stand-alone fashion than the .NET API's that require Team Explorer to be installed.
Do note that in order to follow the proper license terms, you generally do need to have a TFS CAL for every machine/user connecting to TFS.
