Saving argument method with MOP - groovy

I am doing some integration tests with Spock with 3rd party apps. Now I am struggling with a problem that I am not sure wether I am approaching the issue properly or not.
In one of the tests I am connecting to a 3rd party service to get some information in an array. Then each of these items are passed to another method to process them individually.
def get3rdPartyItems = {
[item1, item2, item3]
def processItem = { item ->
//do something with item
get3rdPartyItems.each {
Then I have a test that connects to real 3rd party service using the method get3rdPartyItems() in which I am testing that processItem is called as many times as items has returned the method get3rdPartyItems().
What I am trying to do is to save one of the items as #Shared variable to write another test to know that the item is processed properly as I don't want to mock the content retrieved from the 3rd party service as I want real data.
Basically, this is what I am doing:
#Shared def globalItem
MyClass.metaClass.processItem = { i ->
if (!globalItem)
globalItem = i
//And now I would need to call the original method processItem
Any clue how to achieve this? I am probably overheading too much so I am open to change the solution.

Not sure if this is what you want, as it's hard to see your existing structure from the code and the code isn't runnable as-is, but given this class:
class MyClass {
def get3rdPartyItems = {
['item1', 'item2', 'item3']
def processItem( item ) {
println item
//do something with item
def run() {
get3rdPartyItems().each {
processItem( it )
You can do this:
def globalItem
def oldProcessItem = MyClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("processItem", Object)
MyClass.metaClass.processItem = { item ->
if (!globalItem) {
println "Setting global item to $item"
globalItem = item
oldProcessItem.invoke( delegate, item )
def mc = new MyClass()
new MyClass().run()

Just as a matter of concision, that should be the way of passing the parameters to the metamethod in case you pass multiple parameters:
def globalItem
def oldProcessItem = MyClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("processItem", ["",[:]] as Object[])
MyClass.metaClass.processItem = { String p1, Map p2 ->
if (!globalItem) {
println "Setting global item to $item"
globalItem = p2
oldProcessItem.invoke( delegate, [p1,p2] as Object[] )
def mc = new MyClass()
new MyClass().run()


Groovy DSL: How can I let two delegating classes handle different parts of a DSLScript?

Let's say I have a DSL like this
setup {name = "aDSLScript"}
println "this is common groovy code"
doStuff {println "I'm doing dsl stuff"}
One would have a delegating class implementing the methods 'setup' and 'doStuff' usually. Beside, one could write common Groovy code to be executed (println...).
What I am searching for, is a way to execute this in two steps. In the first step only the setup method should be processed (neither println). The second step handles the other parts.
At the moment, I have two delegating classes. One implements 'setup' the other one implements 'doStuff'. But both execute the println statement, of course.
You can create a single class to intercept the method calls from the script and let it coordinate the following method invoke. I did it through reflection, but you can go declarative if you want. These are the model and script classes:
class FirstDelegate {
def setup(closure) { "firstDelegate.setup" }
class SecondDelegate {
def doStuff(closure) { "secondDelegate.doStuff" }
class MethodInterceptor {
def invokedMethods = []
def methodMissing(String method, args) {
invokedMethods << [method: method, args: args]
def delegate() {
def lookupCalls = { instance ->
def invokes = instance.metaClass.methods.findResults { method ->
invokedMethods.findResult { invocation ->
invocation.method == ?
[method: method, invocation: invocation] : null
invokes.collect { invoked ->
invoked.method.invoke(instance, invoked.invocation.args)
return lookupCalls(new FirstDelegate()) + lookupCalls(new SecondDelegate())
Here be scripts and assertions:
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
def dsl = '''
setup {name = "aDSLScript"}
println "this is common groovy code"
doStuff {println "Ima doing dsl stuff"}
def compiler = new CompilerConfiguration()
compiler.scriptBaseClass =
def shell = new GroovyShell(this.class.classLoader, new Binding(), compiler)
script = shell.parse dsl
interceptor = new MethodInterceptor()
script.setDelegate interceptor
assert interceptor.invokedMethods*.method == [ 'setup', 'doStuff' ]
assert interceptor.delegate() ==
['firstDelegate.setup', 'secondDelegate.doStuff']
Notice I didn't bothered intercepting println call, which is a DefaultGroovyMethods thus, a little more cumbersome to handle.
Also having the class MethodInterceptor implementing the method delegate() is not a good idea, since this allows the user-defined script to call it.
I found a way to split up execution of the DSL script. I used a CompilationCustomizer to remove every statement from AST except the doFirst{}. So the first run will only execute doFirst. The second run does everything else. Here's some code:
class DoFirstProcessor {
def doFirst(Closure c) {
class TheRestProcessor {
def doStuff(Closure c) {
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
//nothing to do
def dsl = "
println 'this is text that will not be printed out in first line!'
doFirst { println 'First things first: e.g. setting up environment' }
doStuff { println 'doing some stuff now' }
println 'That is it!'
class HighlanderCustomizer extends CompilationCustomizer {
def methodName
HighlanderCustomizer(def methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName
void call(SourceUnit sourceUnit, GeneratorContext generatorContext, ClassNode classNode) throws CompilationFailedException {
def methods = classNode.getMethods()
methods.each { MethodNode m ->
m.code.each { Statement st ->
if (!(st instanceof BlockStatement)) {
def removeStmts = []
st.statements.each { Statement bst ->
if (bst instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
def ex = bst.expression
if (ex instanceof MethodCallExpression) {
if (!ex.methodAsString.equals(methodName)) {
removeStmts << bst
} else {
removeStmts << bst
} else {
removeStmts << bst
def cc = new CompilerConfiguration()
cc.addCompilationCustomizers new HighlanderCustomizer("doFirst")
cc.scriptBaseClass =
def doFirstShell = new GroovyShell(new Binding(), cc)
def doFirstScript = doFirstShell.parse dsl
doFirstScript.setDelegate new DoFirstProcessor()
def shell = new GroovyShell(new Binding(), cc)
def script = shell.parse dsl
script.setDelegate new TheRestProcessor()
I did another variation of this where I execute the DSL in one step. See my blog post about it:

Is there a way to intercept all method calls in Groovy?

I need to intercept method calls on predefined Java classes. For example, lets say I need to intercept String class split method, how do I do this?
I tried this which works, but I doesn’t want end user to change their code by wrapping their calls in with proxy block.
Is there any way this can be achieved with Groovy?
If what you want to do is intercept a call to a specific method you can do something like this...
// intercept calls to the split method on java.lang.String
String.metaClass.split = { String arg ->
// do whatever you want to do
If what you want to do is intercept a call to a specific method and do some stuff in addition to invoking the original (like to wrap the real method with some of your own logic) you can do something like this:
// get a reference to the original method...
def originalSplit = String.metaClass.getMetaMethod('split', [String] as Class[])
// now add your own version of the method to the meta class...
String.metaClass.split = { String arg ->
// do something before invoking the original...
// invoke the original...
def result = originalSplit.invoke(delegate, arg)
// do something after invoking the original...
// return the result of invoking the original
I hope that helps.
you want to use MetaClass for that see doc
//call 'enableGlobally' method before adding to supplied class
String.metaClass.split = { regex ->
println "calling split from $delegate with $regex"
delegate.split regex, 22
To intercept all method calls in a class override Groovy's invokeMethod. Example:
class Test {} = {"foo() called"} = {"bar() called"}
Test.metaClass.invokeMethod = { name, args ->
handleInterception(name, args, delegate, false)
Test.metaClass.static.invokeMethod = { name, args ->
handleInterception(name, args, delegate, true)
def handleInterception(name, args, delegate, isStatic) {
def effDelegate = isStatic ? delegate : delegate.class
println ">> Entering ${}.$name() with args: $args"
def metaMethod = effDelegate.metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
if (!metaMethod) {
println "-- Method not found: $name($args)"
try {
def result = metaMethod.invoke(delegate, args)
println "<< Leaving ${}.$name() with result: $result"
return result
} catch (ex) {
println "-- Exception occurred in $name: $ex.message"
throw ex
new Test().foo("1", 2)
new Test().onTheFly(3)
Code taken from Roshan Dawrani's post at
>> Entering with args: [1, 2]
-- Method not found: foo([1, 2])
>> Entering with args: [2]
<< Leaving with result: bar() called
>> Entering Test.onTheFly() with args: [3]
-- Method not found: onTheFly([3])
Other options:
Custom MetaClass implementing invokeMethod
Implementing the Interceptor Interface. Read more in this tutorial

Map with default value created in a closure

I want to store objects in a map (called result). The objects are created or updated from SQL rows.
For each row I read I access the map as follows:
def result = [:]
sql.eachRow('SELECT something') { row->
// check if the Entry is already existing
def theEntry = result[row.KEY]
if (theEntry == null) {
// create the entry
theEntry = new Entry(row.VALUE1, row.VALUE2)
// put the entry in the result map
result[row.KEY] = theEntry
// use the Entry (create or update the next hierarchie elements)
I want to minimize the code for checking and updating the map. How can this be done?
I know the function map.get(key, defaultValue), but I will not use it, because it is to expensive to create an instance on each iteration even if I don't need it.
What I would like to have is a get function with a closure for providing the default value. In this case I would have lazy evaluation.
The solution dmahapatro provided is exactly what I want. Following an example of the usage.
// simulate the result from the select
def select = [[a:1, b:2, c:3], [a:1, b:5, c:6], [a:2, b:2, c:4], [a:2, b:3, c:5]]
// a sample class for building an object hierarchie
class Master {
int a
List<Detail> subs = []
String toString() { "Master(a:$a, subs:$subs)" }
// a sample class for building an object hierarchie
class Detail {
int b
int c
String toString() { "Detail(b:$b, c:$c)" }
// the goal is to build a tree from the SQL result with Master and Detail entries
// and store it in this map
def result = [:]
// iterate over the select, row is visible inside the closure
select.each { row ->
// provide a wrapper with a default value in a closure and get the key
// if it is not available then the closure is executed to create the object
// and put it in the result map -> much compacter than in my question
def theResult = result.withDefault {
new Master(a: row.a)
// process the further columns
theResult.subs.add new Detail(b: row.b, c: row.c )
// result should be [
// 1:Master(a:1, subs:[Detail(b:2, c:3), Detail(b:5, c:6)]),
// 2:Master(a:2, subs:[Detail(b:2, c:4), Detail(b:3, c:5)])]
println result
What I learned from this sample:
withDefault returns a wrapper, so for manipulating the map use the wrapper and not the original map
row variable is visible in the closure!
create the wrapper for the map in each iteration again, since row var changed
You asked for it, Groovy has it for you. :)
def map = [:]
def decoratedMap = map.withDefault{
new Entry()
It works the same way you would expect it to work lazily. Have a look at withDefault API for a detailed explanation.

Spock unit testing and Inner closures

I ran into a rather odd closure issue related to spock unit testing and wondered if anyone could explain this.
If we imagine a dao, model, and service as follows:
interface CustomDao {
List<Integer> getIds();
Model getModelById(int id);
class CustomModel {
int id;
class CustomService {
CustomDao customDao
public List<Object> createOutputSet() {
List<Model> models = new ArrayList<Model>();
List<Integer> ids = customDao.getIds();
for (Integer id in ids) {
return models;
I would like to unit test the CustomService.createOutputSet. I have created the following specification:
class TestSpec extends Specification {
def 'crazy closures'() {
def mockDao = Mock(CustomDao)
def idSet = [9,10]
given: 'An initialized object'
def customService = new CustomService
customService.customDao = mockDao
when: 'createOutput is called'
def outputSet = customService.createOutputSet()
then: 'the following methods should be called'
1*mockDao.getIds() >> {
return idSet
for (int i=0; i<idSet.size(); i++) {
int id = idSet.get(i)
1*mockDao.getModelById(idSet.get(i)) >> {
def tmp = new Model()
int tmpId = id // idSet.get(i)
return tmp
and: 'each compute package is accurate'
2 == outputSet.size()
9 == outputSet.get(0).getId()
10 == outputSet.get(1).getId()
Notice that in here I test two things. First, I initialize the dao with my mock, verify that the daos are correctly called and return the proper data, and then I verify that I get the proper output (i.e. "and:").
The tricky part is the for loop, in which I wanted to return models from the mock dao that are related to the method parameter. In the above example, if I use a simple for (__ in idSet), the models only return with id 10: outputSet.get(0).getId() == outputSet.get(1).getId() == 10. If I use the traditional for loop, and set the model with idSet.get(i), I get an IndexOutOfBoundsException . The only way to make this work is by retrieving the value in a local variable (id) and setting with variable, as above.
I know this is related to groovy closures and I suspect that spock captures the mock calls into a set of closures before executing them, which means that the model creation depends on the outer state of the closure. I understand why I would get the IndexOutOfBoundsException, but I don't understand why int id = idSet.get(i) is captured by the closure whereas i is not.
What is the difference?
Note: this is not the live code but rather simplified to demonstrate the crux of my challenge. I would not and do not make two subsequent dao calls on getIds() and getModelById().
While stubbing getModelById by a closure, the arguments to the closure has to match with that of the method. If you try something like below, you would not need the local variable id inside for anymore.
for (int i=0; i<idSet.size(); i++) {
//int id = idSet.get(i)
mockDao.getModelById(idSet.get(i)) >> {int id ->
def tmp = new Model() = id // id is closure param which represents idSet.get(i)
return tmp
Simplified version would be to use each
idSet.each {
mockDao.getModelById(it) >> {int id ->
def tmp = new Model() = id // id is closure param which represents idSet.get(i)
Do we need to worry about how many times method is called if it is being stubbed?
Accessing mutable local variables from a closure whose execution is deferred is a common source of errors not specific to Spock.
I don't understand why int id = idSet.get(i) is captured by the closure whereas i is not.
The former gives rise to a separate hoisted variable per iteration whose value is constant. The latter gives rise to a single hoisted variable whose value changes over time (and before the result generator executes).
Instead of solving the problem by introducing a temporary variable, a better solution (already given by #dmahapatro) is to declare an int id -> closure parameter. If it's deemed good enough to stub the calls without enforcing them, the loop can be omitted altogether. Yet another potential solution is to construct the return values eagerly:
idSet.each { id ->
def model = new Model() = id
1 * mockDao.getModelById(id) >> model

Dynamically added groovy property is not unique per-instance

If I dynamically add a property to a class, each instance of the class is initialized with a reference to the same value (even though the properties are correctly at different addresses, I don't want them to share the same reference value):
Here's an example:
class SolarSystem {
Planets planets = new Planets()
static main(args) {
SolarSystem.metaClass.dynamicPlanets = new Planets()
// Infinite loop
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// if (!delegate.dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
// delegate.dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// }
// delegate.dynamicPlanets
// }
// No such field: dynamicPlanets for class: my.SolarSystem
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// if (!delegate.#dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
// delegate.#dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// }
// delegate.#dynamicPlanets
// }
SolarSystem.metaClass.getUniqueDynamicPlanets = {
if (!delegate.dynamicPlanets.initialized) {
delegate.dynamicPlanets = new Planets(initialized: true)
// SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {
// throw new RuntimeException("direct access not allowed")
// }
def solarSystem1 = new SolarSystem()
println "a ${solarSystem1.planets}"
println "b ${solarSystem1.dynamicPlanets}"
println "c ${solarSystem1.uniqueDynamicPlanets}"
println "d ${solarSystem1.dynamicPlanets}"
println ''
def solarSystem2= new SolarSystem()
println "a ${solarSystem2.planets}"
println "b ${solarSystem2.dynamicPlanets}"
println "c ${solarSystem2.uniqueDynamicPlanets}"
println "d ${solarSystem2.dynamicPlanets}"
In a separate file:
class Planets {
boolean initialized = false
When this runs, you see something like this:
a my.Planets#4979935d
b my.Planets#66100363
c my.Planets#5e0feb48
d my.Planets#5e0feb48
a my.Planets#671ff436
b my.Planets#66100363
c my.Planets#651dba45
d my.Planets#651dba45
Notice how for solarSystem2, the 'normal' member variable planets has a different address when the two objects are created. However, the dynamically added dynamicPlanets points to the same object that solarSystem1 pointed to (in this case, at address 66100363).
I can reassign them in my dynamic getter (getUniqueDynamicPlanets), and that fixes the problem.
However, I cannot override the getDynamicPlanets getter, because I either get an infinite loop, or I cannot get direct access to the dynamically-added property.
Is there a way to directly access the dynamically-added property so I could handle this in the getDynamicPlanets getter? Is there a better strategy for this altogether? Sorry if I missed it, I've looked a bunch...
I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but if I do, did you try setting the getDynamicPlanets closure to have explicitly 0 parameters, so:
SolarSystem.metaClass.getDynamicPlanets = {-> ... }
If you don't have the -> with no args before it, there is an implicit it parameter that's assigned and it's not a zero arg method, so doesn't adhere to the javabean getter/setter pattern.
