Excel 2013 generates empty content.MSO log file - excel

Windows 8.1 and
Office 2013
If I try to open an invalid spreadsheet XML file in Excel a pop-up notification gives a brief explanation of the problem and a points to a detailed log file in the Content.MSO folder. However, when I open the detailed log file, it is empty. Earlier versions of Excel and/or Windows populated this log file with each issue encountered.
What is preventing this log file from being populated?

I'm not sure of the KB number but a fix for Office 2013 related to this issue was pushed through Windows Update around 12/12/2014. Error logging appears to be working again.


Excel files exported from SSSRS do not preview when attached to an email

I export an Excel file from SSRS to a particular folder by running the SSRS job created by the SSRS subscription from within SSIS. The file is exported and then is sent by email to a user but the problem is that you can't preview the Excel file from within any email. I've tried a couple of different files created the same way and a couple of different email services to test, and it never allows previewing the file. The file is actually small, so it isn't the size.
The file is attached but there is no preview
I'm hoping someone might be able to provide a solution to this. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh, I'm running on Windows Server 2012 R2, SQL Server 2017, and the most recent updates of SSRS and SSIS. I hope that helps.

Office Online cannot preview "EXCEL" documents only

We have SharePoint 2019 and running Office Online(v 16.0.10338.20039) as well. Recently we have encountered a strange message where it says "We can't show a preview of this item." This is only happening for all excel files. All other office related files(word, ppt, pdf, etc) are working fine.
Did someone else come across this and has a workaround solution.
When trying to open the excel file, please check the ULS logs on your OOS server. It is located at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS. That should give you more clues to troubleshoot.

Downloading files from sharepoint/ssrs

In Sharepoint we have a report created by Visual Studio-ssrs. When the report is executed and the results are shown, when I click on actions/export/excel (or other formats) I receive a message at the bottom of the screen saying that the file ‘couldn’t be downloaded’. The same happens when i try to export a sharepoint list to excel (therefore this is not a problem of ssrs only )What can I do? I have the following additional information for the problem:
- I use IE11 32 bit Excel 2016, SQL/Visual studio 2008.
- I have no problem in downloading any file from Sharepoint (eg from document library) or from internet.
- When I switch user and log in (in the same pc) with another user of the network I do not face the above problem and the file is saved normally
- When I switch user the settings change. I make the settings of my user the same as the settings of the other user (Internet options/security/custom level and internet options/advanced) but there I still have the above problem.
- when I log in with my username to another pc I have no problem.
- I reset IE but I have the same problem.
- I check from manage add-ons and I have the same add-ons as with the add-ons I have when I log in with the other user. The only difference is that in the ‘run without permission category’ the add-on ‘SharePoint OpenDocuments Class’ appears three times compared to two with the no-problem user. All have the same version (15.0.4420.1017)
I found the solution. I run the Internet Explorer as an administrator and the problem was solved.

SharePoint 2013 "cobalt exception error"

I have weird problem with SharePoint. I've uploaded a file on a document library and everything seems to be in order. but after a few days the file doesn't work properly and when I try to download it a red label appear with cobalt exception message.
it seems your file become corrupted but it doesn't happen it normal situation.
Do you have Blob Stream configuration for your SharePoint?

SharePoint document library: Fail to open xlsx in Excel 2003 (with compatibility pack)

My company is using WSS 3.0 to host a document library storing (mostly) Office 2007 format documents. Company PCs have either Office 2003 (with the 2007 compatibility pack) or Office 2007 installed.
We didn't have any problem getting docx to work, but xlsx documents don't open properly when we use the SharePoint document edit options. The file opens in excel, but displays unformatted mess (close to the notepad representation). The actual files are fine, downloading the xlsx file (using the send to -> download option) allows the file to be opened. It is only when we use SharePoints 'Edit in Microsoft Excel' that we get an issue.
I think that the issue is excel (2003) trying to open the xlsx file as if it were and xls file, and being unable to represent the zipped contents. Has anyone seen this issue before?
EDIT: I've noticed that when the document is opened with explorer, it actually opens through the Microsoft open XML coverter. Clearly, SharePoint isn't using it, is there a fix that works round this?
UPDATE: I have done a bit more research, as added in the comment below this issue replicates across all machines on our network which use office 2003 and XLSX files from SharePoint. I have confirmed that using excel to open xlsx files in explorer (without the converter) results in the same issue as when they are opened from SharePoint. I think i need a way to tell SharePoint/IE (whatever actually handles the office interaction, URLMON/HLink?) that the proper file assosciation for XLSX isn't excel.exe.
Are you able to test this on another computer? Might be related to a registry entry and/or other software causing it (because you did not had problems with word). The ideal test scenario would be a brand new OS Install with only Office 2003 and the compatibility pack.
