3D engine for computer graphics learning [closed] - graphics

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a simple 3D engine or toolkit that I can experiment computer graphics algorithms with. E.g. applying transformation matrices, seeing what happens.
Can anyone make a suggestion?

One of the most well known material to study and learn about rendering is the book from Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys called Physically Based Rendering. It is a book but it also comes with the source code of a renderer (open source). Many existing renderers have used PBRT (that's the name of the renderer) as their starting point.
Another source to learn about CG programming techniques is www.scratchapixel.com. This one has the advantage to be online. While it doesn't really provide you with the source code of a complete renderer, it still provides you with many examples in C++ that show how rendering techniques can be implemented.
I actually found scratchapixel useful to read before getting to a book like PBRT, which is more abstract and more technical in a way.
Alternatively, you can use something like the OpengGL API to write graphics applications. However, it will be harder for you to explore techniques such as Ray Tracing with OpenGL. And it's more about learning the API than really understanding how the algorithms used by OpenGL under the hood work (while this is what the two ressources mentioned above help you with). But it is perfect for what you want to do (playing with matrices, etc.)


3D graphic app development solution for AT91(cortex A5 ARM without GPU) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i'm trying to develop an 3D graphic application on my SAMA5D34-EK board(cortex A5 ARM without GPU), seems the openGL cannot be used.
Anyone can tell me some other alternative solution to do that?
You could try Mesa 3D's software renderer, it's essentially OpenGL implemented all in software.
Your CPU seems to have some graphics-acceleration built-in, so if you could use that perhaps you'd gain performance. Probably not though, all the linked-in document says is:
[The] peripheral set includes an LCD controller with overlays for hardware-accelerated image composition [...]
So that might be too narrowly focused to be useful in a general-purpose rendering solution. I didn't chase down any more detailed documentation, so it's hard to be sure.
Also, using such acceleration might mean writing your own low-level engine/renderer though, which would probably be a very large project.

Are there any good tutorials on performing optical flow transforms for a sequence of still images? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to experiment with guiding an RC car via my laptop using bluetooth and an X10 camera to snap the pictures. Basically I want to create the DARPA not so grand challenge of guiding my RC car around the house and avoiding obstacles and teaching it how to navigate. Not terribly practical but fun to mess with. Any suggestions on books, tutorials or alternatives to optical flow that accomplish the goal of allowing the RC car to perceive motion relative to its optics. Thanks in advance!
The place to go for any vision processing applications is most likely OpenCV. It is an open-source library with many common vision functions implemented for you.
It is available in C++ and Python.
As far as actually implementing optical flow, there is a pretty decent reference with lots of comments available here: http://robotics.stanford.edu/~dstavens/cs223b/
I think that you will find that the included pdf files provide good context for what the code is actually doing.

What tools do you use to write and communicate Product Requirements? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Many Product Managers use wiki's or bug tracking software like Jira but there must be a better solution. I would love to get your feedback and suggestions.
I'm happy with Word. I don't think it's the tool that matters as much as the process, or how the tool is used.
Mockup tool to clarify requirements together with users
Word to create "formal" documents
Some mockup tools can get pretty close to producing the "spec" for developers, too. MockupScreens for example (I am developer):
EDIT: Oh, and on a big/formal project you might really need a traceability matrix (you can use Excel for that, or some specialized tool like RequisitePro). You know the situation I'm talking about: there are hundreds of "stakeholder request" that need to somehow be mapped onto "functional requirements" to 1) prove that each request is addressed and 2) to do regression checks when something somewhere changes
We use Word + Balsamiq mockups (www.balsamiq.com).
If you deliver Web or desktop applications, and the users need help specifying their needs or the desired visual layout, a mockup is fundamental.
Also, Balsamiq uses a lightweight wireframes style that will help your customer to focus on the information, and not in the graphic details (fonts. etc.)
We track the state of each requirement in a version controlled Excel file.
Since this post is tagged 'agile' and you framed your question as how you should write and communicate product requirements, I'd say the most common tools used are user stories and conversations.
You mention Jira and wikis, so it seems like one thing you're looking for is a requirements repository. Those are great to have, but don't forget that within most agile frameworks those requirements artifacts are merely placeholders for a conversation. That conversation is the primary requirements communication mechanism for most agile teams and no tool or application can completely replace it.

Where can I buy game sprites and tiles? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Yes, I'd prefer to buy them instead of using "free" or "free" with some kind of weird license. Tried Google, but no luck and my fav RF graphics sites don't have any... :(
You're unlikely to find sets of tiles that are simultaneously online, exactly meet your needs and are purchasable for a fee.
I'd suggest going to one of the freelance graphics / design sites e.g. 99 designs and get the work done for a small commission. Depending on your game you will probably have custom requirements anyway, so getting custom tiles created is probably the best bet. This is how I'm planning to source the graphics and artwork for my next game.
Alternatively, you'd be surprised by how many good "free" tile sets you can find. But then you will be forced to stick to the graphic style and theme of the free tileset, and run the risk of looking very similar to other games using the same tileset.
You could pay someone to create them, perhaps at a site like vWorker/Rent A Coder.

Language to create flowcharts [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This seems like something which must have been answered before, but I can't find anything appropriate in the question archives. Basically, I'm looking for a little Domain Specific Language to create flowcharts. I'm terrible at graphic design and making things look nice, and I'd really like a langauge where I could write something in code and it would produce a pretty flowchart. I've come across GraphViz, but it seems more suited to creating things like Finite State Machine diagrams, rather than process flowcharts. It also doesn't have the simple DSL-style front-end that would allow me to easily work it.
Any ideas?
Have a look at PlantUml - in particular their Activity State diagrams.
As an example (from their site) produces the image below:
if (graphviz installed?) then (yes)
:process all\ndiagrams;
else (no)
:process only
__sequence__ and __activity__ diagrams;
MindFusion offers components for diagramming that you can access programmatically.
They offer components for WPF and WinForms:
WPFDiagram - WPF
FlowChart.NET - WinForms
In the past I've used their WPF component on a DSL editor project. Based on Toolbox drag-and-drops in the DSL editor, WPFDiagram was called to create shapes on the Drawing Surface.
