How to determine Redis memory leak? - memory-leaks

Our redis servers are, since yesterday, gradually (200MB/hour) using more memory, while the amount of keys (330K) and their data (132MB redis-rdb-tools) stay about the same.
Output of redis-cli info shows 6.89G used memory?!
The problem started when we updated our (.net) client code from BookSleeve to ServiceStack v3.9.71 to prepare for an upgrade to Redis 2.8. But a lot of other stuff was updated to And our session state store (also redis, but with harbour client) does not show the same symptoms.
Where is all that Redis memory going? How can I troubleshoot it's usage?
Edit: I just restarted this instance and memory returned to 350M and is now climbing again. The top 10 largest objects are still the same size, ranging from 100K to 25M for nr 1. The amount of keys has dropped to 270K (330K earlier).

Here are some sources of "hidden" memory consumption in Redis:
Marc already mentioned the buffers maintained by the master to feed the slave. If a slave is lagging behind its master (because it runs on a slower box for instance), then some memory will be consumed on the master.
when long running commands are detected, Redis logs them in the SLOWLOG area, which takes some memory. You may want to use the SLOWLOG LEN command to check the number of records you have here.
communication buffers can also take memory. As far as I remember, with old versions of Redis (and 2.4 is quite old - you should really upgrade), it was unbounded, meaning that if you transfer a big object at a point, the communication buffer associated to this client connection will grow and never shrink. If there are many clients dealing occasionally with large objects, it could be a possible explanation. If you use commands retrieving very large data from Redis (in one shot), it can be an explanation as well. For instance, a simple KEYS * command applied on a Redis server storing millions of keys will consume a significant amount of memory.
You mentioned that you have objects as big as 25 MB. You have 404 client connections, if each of them needs to access such objects at a point in time, it will consume 10 GB of memory.


Why TCP/IP speed depends on the size of sending data?

When I sent small data (16 bytes and 128 bytes) continuously (use a 100-time loop without any inserted delay), the throughput of TCP_NODELAY setting seems not as good as normal setting. Additionally, TCP-slow-start appeared to affect the transmission in the beginning.
The reason is that I want to control a device from PC via Ethernet. The processing time of this device is around several microseconds, but the huge latency of sending command affected the entire system. Could you share me some ways to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
Last time, I measured the transfer performance between a Windows-PC and a Linux embedded board. To verify the TCP_NODELAY, I setup a system with two Linux PCs connecting directly with each other, i.e. Linux PC <--> Router <--> Linux PC. The router was only used for two PCs.
The performance without TCP_NODELAY is shown as follows. It is easy to see that the throughput increased significantly when data size >= 64 KB. Additionally, when data size = 16 B, sometimes the received time dropped until 4.2 us. Do you have any idea of this observation?
The performance with TCP_NODELAY seems unchanged, as shown below.
The full code can be found in
Please share with me your thinking. Thanks in advance.
I am doing socket programming to transfer a binary file between a Windows 10 PC and a Linux embedded board. The socket library are winsock2.h and sys/socket.h for Windows and Linux, respectively. The binary file is copied to an array in Windows before sending, and the received data are stored in an array in Linux.
Windows: socket_send(sockfd, &SOPF->array[0], n);
Linux: socket_recv(&SOPF->array[0], connfd);
I could receive all data properly. However, it seems to me that the transfer time depends on the size of sending data. When data size is small, the received throughput is quite low, as shown below.
Could you please shown me some documents explaining this problem? Thank you in advance.
To establish a tcp connection, you need a 3-way handshake: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK. Then the sender will start to send some data. How much depends on the initial congestion window (configurable on linux, don't know on windows). As long as the sender receives timely ACKs, it will continue to send, as long as the receivers advertised window has the space (use socket option SO_RCVBUF to set). Finally, to close the connection also requires a FIN, FIN-ACK, ACK.
So my best guess without more information is that the overhead of setting up and tearing down the TCP connection has a huge affect on the overhead of sending a small number of bytes. Nagle's algorithm (disabled with TCP_NODELAY) shouldn't have much affect as long as the writer is effectively writing quickly. It only prevents sending less than full MSS segements, which should increase transfer efficiency in this case, where the sender is simply sending data as fast as possible. The only effect I can see is that the final less than full MSS segment might need to wait for an ACK, which again would have more impact on the short transfers as compared to the longer transfers.
To illustrate this, I sent one byte using netcat (nc) on my loopback interface (which isn't a physical interface, and hence the bandwidth is "infinite"):
$ nc -l 8888 >/dev/null &
[1] 13286
$ head -c 1 /dev/zero | nc 8888 >/dev/null
And here is a network capture in wireshark:
It took a total of 237 microseconds to send one byte, which is a measly 4.2KB/second. I think you can guess that if I sent 2 bytes, it would take essentially the same amount of time for an effective rate of 8.2KB/second, a 100% improvement!
The best way to diagnose performance problems in networks is to get a network capture and analyze it.
When you make your test with a significative amount of data, for example your bigger test (512Mib, 536 millions bytes), the following happens.
The data is sent by TCP layer, breaking them in segments of a certain length. Let assume segments of 1460 bytes, so there will be about 367,000 segments.
For every segment transmitted there is a overhead (control and management added data to ensure good transmission): in your setup, there are 20 bytes for TCP, 20 for IP, and 16 for ethernet, for a total of 56 bytes every segment. Please note that this number is the minimum, not accounting the ethernet preamble for example; moreover sometimes IP and TCP overhead can be bigger because optional fields.
Well, 56 bytes for every segment (367,000 segments!) means that when you transmit 512Mib, you also transmit 56*367,000 = 20M bytes on the line. The total number of bytes becomes 536+20 = 556 millions of bytes, or 4.448 millions of bits. If you divide this number of bits by the time elapsed, 4.6 seconds, you get a bitrate of 966 megabits per second, which is higher than what you calculated not taking in account the overhead.
From the above calculus, it seems that your ethernet is a gigabit. It's maximum transfer rate should be 1,000 megabits per second and you are getting really near to it. The rest of the time is due to more overhead we didn't account for, and some latencies that are always present and tend to be cancelled as more data is transferred (but they will never be defeated completely).
I would say that your setup is ok. But this is for big data transfers. As the size of the transfer decreases, the overhead in the data, latencies of the protocol and other nice things get more and more important. For example, if you transmit 16 bytes in 165 microseconds (first of your tests), the result is 0.78 Mbps; if it took 4.2 us, about 40 times less, the bitrate would be about 31 Mbps (40 times bigger). These numbers are lower than expected.
In reality, you don't transmit 16 bytes, you transmit at least 16+56 = 72 bytes, which is 4.5 times more, so the real transfer rate of the link is also bigger. But, you see, transmitting 16 bytes on a TCP/IP link is the same as measuring the flow rate of an empty acqueduct by dropping some tears of water in it: the tears get lost before they reach the other end. This is because TCP/IP and ethernet are designed to carry much more data, with reliability.
Comments and answers in this page point out many of those mechanisms that trade bitrate and reactivity for reliability: the 3-way TCP handshake, the Nagle algorithm, checksums and other overhead, and so on.
Given the design of TCP+IP and ethernet, it is very normal that, for little data, performances are not optimal. From your tests you see that the transfer rate climbs steeply when the data size reaches 64Kbytes. This is not a coincidence.
From a comment you leaved above, it seems that you are looking for a low-latency communication, instead than one with big bandwidth. It is a common mistake to confuse different kind of performances. Moreover, in respect to this, I must say that TCP/IP and ethernet are completely non-deterministic. They are quick, of course, but nobody can say how much because there are too many layers in between. Even in your simple setup, if a single packet get lost or corrupted, you can expect delays of seconds, not microseconds.
If you really want something with low latency, you should use something else, for example a CAN. Its design is exactly what you want: it transmits little data with high speed, low latency, deterministic time (just microseconds after you transmitted a packet, you know if it has been received or not. To be more precise: exactly at the end of the transmission of a packet you know if it reached the destination or not).
TCP sockets typically have a buffer size internally. In many implementations, it will wait a little bit of time before sending a packet to see if it can fill up the remaining space in the buffer before sending. This is called Nagle's algorithm. I assume that the times you report above are not due to overhead in the TCP packet, but due to the fact that the TCP waits for you to queue up more data before actually sending.
Most socket implementations therefore have a parameter or function called something like TcpNoDelay which can be false (default) or true. I would try messing with that and seeing if that affects your throughput. Essentially these flags will enable/disable Nagle's algorithm.

Hazelcast High Response Times

We have a Java 1.6 application that uses Hazelcast 3.7.4 version,
with a topology of two nodes. The application operates mainly with 3 maps.
In normal application working, response times when consulting the maps are
generally in values around some milliseconds tens.
I have observed that in some circumstances such as for example with network
cuts, the response time increases to huge values such as for example, 20 or 30 seconds!!
And this is impacting the application performance.
I would like to know if this kind of situation with network micro-cuts can lead
to increase searches response time in this manner. I do not know if some concrete configuration can be done to minimize this, and also which other elements can provoke so high times.
I provide some examples of some executed consults
Example 1:
String sqlPredicate = "acui='"+acui+"'";
Collection<Agent> agents =
(Collection<Agent>) data.getMapAgents().values(new SqlPredicate(sqlPredicate));
Example 2:
boolean exist = data.getMapAgents().containsKey(agent);
Thanks so much for your help.
Best Regards,
The Map operations are all TCP Socket based and thus are subject to your Operating Systems TCP Driver implementation.

Give reads priority over writes in Elasticsearch

I have an EC2 server running Elasticsearch 0.9 with a nginx server for read/write access. My index has about 750k small-medium documents. I have a pretty continuous stream of minimal writes (mainly updates) to the content. The speeds/consistency I receive with search is fine with me, but I have some sporadic timeout issues with multi-get (/_mget).
On some pages in my app, our server will request a multi-get of a dozen to a few thousand documents (this usually takes less than 1-2 seconds). The requests that fail, fail with a 30,000 millisecond timeout from the nginx server. I am assuming this happens because the index was temporarily locked for writing/optimizing purposes. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do here?
A temporary solution would be to lower the timeout and return a user friendly message saying documents couldn't be retrieved (however they still would have to wait ~10 seconds to see an error message).
Some of my other thoughts were to give read priority over writes. Anytime someone is trying to read a part of the index, don't allow any writes/locks to that section. I don't think this would be scalable and it may not even be possible?
Finally, I was thinking I could have a read-only alias and a write-only alias. I can figure out how to set this up through the documentation, but I am not sure if it will actually work like I expect it to (and I'm not sure how I can reliably test it in a local environment). If I set up aliases like this, would the read-only alias still have moments where the index was locked due to information being written through the write-only alias?
I'm sure someone else has come across this before, what is the typical solution to make sure a user can always read data from the index with a higher priority over writes. I would consider increasing our server power, if required. Currently we have 2 m2x-large EC2 instances. One is the primary and the replica, each with 4 shards.
An example dump of cURL info from a failed request (with an error of Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received):
After more monitoring using the Paramedic plugin, I noticed that I would get timeouts when my CPU would hit ~80-98% (no obvious spikes in indexing/searching traffic). I finally stumbled across a helpful thread on the Elasticsearch forum. It seems this happens when the index is doing a refresh and large merges are occurring.
Merges can be throttled at a cluster or index level and I've updated them from the from the default 20mb to 5mb. This can be done during runtime with the cluster update settings API.
PUT /_cluster/settings HTTP/1.1
"persistent" : {
"" : "5mb"
So far Parmedic is showing a decrease in CPU usage. From an average of ~5-25% down to an average of ~1-5%. Hopefully this can help me avoid the 90%+ spikes I was having lock up my queries before, I'll report back by selecting this answer if I don't have any more problems.
As a side note, I guess I could have opted for more balanced EC2 instances (rather than memory-optimized). I think I'm happy with my current choice, but my next purchase will also take more CPU into account.

Scaling broadcast

I want to broadcast a 1Kb message with (node.js framework), every 3 seconds to a large number of users. What is the best way to scale it (1 user = 1 'listener' with socket.on('periodicMessage',callback) )?
There is no other CPU usage (one read of an external database which is filled by an other external module every 3 seconds), so i am trying to know if a simple heroku server can broadcast a message to 10 000, 100 000, 1 million or more users.
We have easily scaled to tens of thousands of 'listeners' on a single node.js process. I am not sure how many you actually can scale to, given that each socket is a file descriptor, and the plain vanilla kernel can have 65K fd's for each process, no more.
CPU would not be a problem. If at all, upload bandwidth would be (1KB * 50K users / 3 sec = 50M/3sec = 16MB/s upstream. I never measured Heroku, so don't know if they sustain this. I suppose they do, but maybe they limit you, since they are paying Amazon for this, after all).

__connect_no_cancel blocks and server gets data out of order

I have a TCP server using select to get data from a client through TCP socket.
The Server is slow in consuming data while the client is much faster. My client sends 8 bytes of data and each time it
-open a new connection
-write data
Because of this ( the server socket must accept many connection ) I increased the backlock value of listen to 500.
Despite this setting, at some point I can see that
-my client blocks in a pthread function called __connect_nocancel and this happens many times.
-after a while my server starts receiving data out of orders. The first data messed up is the one where the client blocks ( followed by other ).
I thought that increasing the backlog may fix this but this issue but this is not the case.
Can You help me? I am in Linux 2.6.32
The backlog parameter of listen(2) is usually capped to some value inside the OS network stack. On Linux the default is 128.
The real problem though is, as #EJP is saying, you are totally mis-using TCP.
If ordering is important, your client must just keep a single connection open and write everything via that single connection. There are no two ways about this. TCP guarantees byte ordering withing the stream. Nothing guarantees the ordering of server-side processing of distinct connections.
It's also considerably more efficient. At present you are exchanging about eight packets for every eight bytes, which implies an overhead of up to 160 bytes.
