bash - wget -N if else value check - linux

I'm working on a bash script that pulls a file from an FTP site only if the timestamp on remote is different than local. After it puts the file, it copies the file over to 3 other computers via samba (smbclient).
Everything works, but the file copies even if the wget -N returns a value that the file on the remote was not newer. What would be the best way to check the output of the script so that the copy only happens if a new version was pulled from FTP?
Ideally, I'd like the copy to the computers to preserve the timestamp just like the wget -N command does, too.
Here is an example of what I have:
wget -N
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
HOSTS="server1 server2 server3"
for i in $HOSTS; do
echo "Uploading to $i..."
smbclient -A /root/.smbclient.authfile //$i/path -c "lcd /cats/dogs; put fiilename.txt"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Upload to $i successful..."
echo "There was an issue uploading to host $i..."
echo "There was an issue with the FTP Download...."
exit 1

The return value of wget is different than 0 only if there is an error. If -N is in use and the remote file is older than the local file, it will still have a return value of 0, so you cannot use that to check if the file has been modified.
You could check the mtime of the file to see if it changed, or the content. For example, you could use something like:
md5_old=$( md5sum filename.txt 2>/dev/null )
wget -N
md5_new=$( md5sum filename.txt )
if [ "$md5_old" != "$md5_new" ]; then
# Copy filename.txt to SMB servers
Regarding smbclient, unfortunately there is no way to preserve timestamps in either get or put commands. If you need it, you must use some different tool (scp -p, rsync -t...)

touch -r foo.txt foo.old
wget -N
if [ foo.txt -nt foo.old ]
echo 'Uploading to server1...'
"Save" the current timestamp into a new empty file
Use wget --timestamping to only download the file if it is newer
If file is newer than the "save" file, do stuff


Bash script to iterate contents of directory moving only the files not currently open by other process

I have people uploading files to a directory on my Ubuntu Server.
I need to move those files to the final location (another directory) only when I know these files are fully uploaded.
Here's my script so far:
cd /var/uploaded_by_users
for filename in *; do
lsof $filename
if [ -z $? ]; then
# file has been closed, move it
echo "*** File is open. Skipping..."
cd -
However it's not working as it says some files are open when that's not true. I supposed $? would have 0 if the file was closed and 1 if it wasn't but I think that's wrong.
I'm not linux expert so I'm looking to know how to implement this simple script that will run on a cron job every 1 minute.
[ -z $? ] checks if $? is of zero length or not. Since $? will never be a null string, your check will always fail and result in else part being executed.
You need to test for numeric zero, as below:
lsof "$filename" >/dev/null; lsof_status=$?
if [ "$lsof_status" -eq 0 ]; then
# file is open, skipping
# move it
Or more simply (as Benjamin pointed out):
if lsof "$filename" >/dev/null; then
# file is open, skip
# move it
Using negation, we can shorten the if statement (as dimo414 pointed out):
if ! lsof "$filename" >/dev/null; then
# move it
You can shorten it even further, using &&:
for filename in *; do
lsof "$filename" >/dev/null && continue # skip if the file is open
# move the file
You may not need to worry about when the write is complete, if you are moving the file to a different location in the same file system. As long as the client is using the same file descriptor to write to the file, you can simply create a new hard link for the upload file, then remove the original link. The client's file descriptor won't be affected by one of the links being removed.
cd /var/uploaded_by_users
for f in *; do
ln "$f" /somewhere/else/"$f"
rm "$f"

scp: how to find out that copying was finished

I'm using scp command to copy file from one Linux host to another.
I run scp commend on host1 and copy file from host1 to host2. File is quite big and it takes for some time to copy it.
On host2 file appears immediately as soon as copying was started. I can do everything with this file even if copying is still in progress.
Is there any reliable way to find out if copying was finished or not on host2?
Off the top of my head, you could do something like:
touch tinyfile
scp bigfile tinyfile user#host:
Then when tinyfile appears you know that the transfer of bigfile is complete.
As pointed out in the comments, this assumes that scp will copy the files one by one, in the order specified. If you don't trust it, you could do them one by one explicitly:
scp bigfile user#host:
scp tinyfile user#host:
The disadvantage of this approach is that you would potentially have to authenticate twice. If this were an issue you could use something like ssh-agent.
On sending side (host1) use script like this:
echo 'starting transfer'
if [ $OUT = 0 ]; then
echo 'transfer successful'
touch successful
echo 'transfer faild'
On receiving side (host2) make script like this:
while [[ ! -e successful && $CNT < $MAX_CNT ]]; do
if [[ -e successful ]]; then
echo 'successful'
rm successful
# do somethning with FILE
With CNT and MAX_CNT you disable endless loop (in case file successful isn't transferred).
Product MAX_CNT and SLEEP_TIME should be equal or greater expected transfer time. In my example expected transfer time is less than 300 seconds.
A checksum (md5sum, sha256sum ,sha512sum) of the local and remote files would tell you if they're identical.
For the situation where you don't have SSH access to the remote system - like an FTP server - you can download the file after it's uploaded and compare the checksums. I do this for files I send from production scripts at work. Below is a snippet from the script in which I do this.
MD5SRC=$(md5sum $LOCALFILE | cut -c 1-32)
MD5TESTFILE=$(mktemp -p /ramdisk)
curl \
-sS \
MD5DST=$(md5sum $MD5TESTFILE | cut -c 1-32)
if [ "$MD5SRC" == "$MD5DST" ]
echo "+Local and Remote files match!"
echo "-Local and Remote files don't match"
if you use inotify-tools,
then the solution will looks like this:
while ! inotifywait -e close $(dirname ${bigfile_fullname}) 2>/dev/null | \
grep -Eo "CLOSE $(basename ${bigfile_fullname})$">/dev/null
do true
echo "File ${bigfile_fullname} closed"
After some investigation, and discussion of the problem on other forums I have found one more solution. Maybe it can help somebody.
There is a command "lsof". It lists open files. During copying the file will be opened, so the command
lsof | grep filename
will return non empty result.
So you might want to make a while loop to wait until lsof returns nothing and proceed with your task.
# provide your file name here
lsofresult=`lsof | grep $f | wc -l`
while [ $lsofresult != 0 ]; do
echo still copying file $f...
sleep 5
lsofresult=`lsof | grep $f | wc -l`
done; echo copying file $f is finished: `ls $f`
For the duplicate question, How to check if file has been scp 100% to the remote location , which was for an expect script, to know if a file is transferred completely, we can add expect 100% .. .. i.e something like this ...
expect -c "
set timeout 1
spawn scp user#$REMOTE_IP:/tmp/my.file user#$HOST_IP:/home/.
expect yes/no { send yes\r ; exp_continue }
expect password: { send $SCP_PASSWORD\r }
expect 100%
sleep 1
if [ -f "/home/my.file" ]; then
echo "Success"
If avoiding a second SSH handshake is important, you can use something like the following:
ssh host cat \> bigfile \&\& touch complete < bigfile
Then wait for the "complete" file to get created on the remote end.

Bash Script if a file exists and larger than loop

*Note i edited this so my final functioning code is below
Ok so I'm writing a bash script to backup our mysql database to a directory, delete the oldest backup if 10 exist, and output the results of the backup to a log so I can further create alerts if it fails. Everything works great except the if loop to output the results, thanks again for the help guys code is below!
#! /bin/bash
#THis creates a variable with the date stamp to add to the filename
now=$(date +"%m_%d_%y")
#This moves the bash shell to the directory of the backups
cd /dbbkp/backups/
#Counts the number of files in the direstory with the *.sql extension and deletes the oldest once 10 is reached.
[[ $(ls -ltr *.sql | wc -l) -gt 10 ]] && rm $(ls -ltr *.sql | awk 'NR==1{print $NF}')
#Moves the bash shell to the mysql bin directory to run the backup script
cd /opt/GroupLink/everything_HelpDesk/mysql/bin/
#command to run and dump the mysql db to the directory
./mysqldump -u root -p dbname > /dbbkp/backups/ehdbkp_$now.sql --protocol=socket --socket=/tmp/GLmysql.sock --password=password
#Echo the results to the log file
#Change back to the directory you created the backup in
cd /dbbkp/backups/
#If loop to check if the backup is proper size and if it exists
if find ehdbkp_$now.sql -type f -size +51200c 2>/dev/null | grep -q .; then
echo "The backup has run successfully" >> /var/log/backups
echo "The backup was unsuccessful" >> /var/log/backups
Alternatively, you could use stat instead of find.
if [ $(stat -c %s ehdbkp_$now 2>/dev/null || echo 0) -gt 51200 ]; then
echo "The backup has run successfully"
echo "The backup was unsuccessful"
fi >> /var/log/backups
Option -c %s tells stat to return the size of file in bytes. This will take care of both the presence of file and size greater than 51200. When the file is missing, stat will err out, thus we redirect error message to /dev/null. The logical or condition || will get executed only when the file is missing thus the comparison will make [ 0 -gt 100 ] false.
To check if the file exists and larger than 51200 bytes you could rewrite your if like this:
if find ehdbkp_$now -type f -size +51200c 2>/dev/null | grep -q .; then
echo "The backup has run successfully"
echo "The backup has was unsuccessful"
fi >> /var/log/backups
Other notes:
The find takes care two things at once: checks if file exists and size is greater than 51200.
We redirect stderr to /dev/null to hide the error message if the file doesn't exist.
If there was a file matching both conditions, then grep will match and exit with success, otherwise it will exit with failure
The final outcome of the grep is what decides the if condition
I moved the >> /var/log/backups after the closing fi, as it's equivalent this way and less duplication.
Btw if is NOT a loop, it's a conditional.
As #glennjackman pointed out, a better way to write the if, without grep:
if [[ $(find ehdbkp_$now -type f -size +51200c 2>/dev/null) ]]; then

Getting an empty file for grep output

I am running this command in a script
while [ 1 ]
if [ -e $LOG ]
grep -A 5 -B 5 -f $PATTERNS $LOG >> $FOREMAIL
$LOG file is scp'ed from another machine. So as soon as it appears in the current directory, while loop detects it and does the grep. The problem is, the $FOREMAIL file turns up to be empty. But if I run this grep outside of the script as a standalone command with same files and params, I can see that it generates an output.
I am baffled as to why this command is generating no o/p in the script?
The -e is triggering as soon as scp creates the file, while it still has no data in it, and grep is operating on an empty file. You need to wait until the file has finished transferring.
You could accomplish this by transferring to a temporary filename, than running mv over ssh from the machine which is pushing the file up.
Edit: the code for the machine copying to log file up...
scp $log${log}.tmp
ssh mv /logfiles/${log}.tmp /logfiles/${log}
Before you can grep, you need to wait for two things: 1) the download started (file comes into existence) and 2) download finished (nobody is opening the file anymore). I have a script call, which does this:
# - wait for a file fully downloaded (via Firefox, scp, ...)
# Syntax:
# filename
FILENAME=$1 # Name of file to wait for
INTERVAL=10 # Wait interval of N seconds
# Wait for download started
while [ ! -f $FILENAME ]
# Wait for download finished
while lsof $FILENAME
To use it: $LOG
grep ...
Could it be that the while [1] is very fast, so when the file starts copying, it shows up as an empty file first before copying is complete? Depending on the size of the file, try a sleep delay inside the then loop. Figuring out when a file finishes copying when done by an external process is probably a separate question - e.g. googling for something like "how to tell when scp has finshed copying a file" turns up a bunch of links like:
Better to use:
if [ -f $LOG ]
instead of:
if [ -e $LOG ]
-f checks for a regular type
-e checks for any file
Here's what I ended up doing:
scp $SCPDONE # empty file
And modified the if clause like this:
while [ 1 ]
if [ -e $SCPDONE ]
grep -A 5 -B 5 -f $PATTERNS $LOG >> $FOREMAIL

How can I cat a remote file to read the parameters in Bash?

How can I cat a remote file? Currently, it works for local files only.
# for i in $(cat /var/tmp/localfileworks.txt);
for i in $(cat http://localhost/1/downloads.txt);
echo $i;
# if [[ $i =~ $regex ]]; then
#echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
cat: http://localhost/1/downloads.txt: No such file or directory
You can use curl:
curl http://localhost/1/downloads.txt
Instead of cat, which reads a file from the file-system, use wget -O- -q, which reads a document over HTTP and writes it to standard output:
for i in $(wget -O- -q http://localhost/1/downloads.txt)
(The -O... option means "write to the specified file", where - is standard output; the -q option means "quiet", and disables lots of logging that would otherwise go to standard error.)
Why are you using a URL to copy from the local machine? Can't you just cat directly from the file?
If you are doing this from a remote machine and not localhost, then as far as I know you can't pass a URL to cat.
I would try something like this:
scp username#hostname:/filepath/downloads.txt /dev/stdout
As someone else mentioned you could also use wget instead of scp.
