Linphone-web-plugin build stuck on OSX - voip

I'm trying to build linphone-web-plugin on OS X 10.9.3 with Xcode 5.1.1 installed. I have followed instructions in their README file. I have tryied to build it using XCode 4.6.3 (with xcodebuild command, not directly from the Xcode). Linphone-web-plugin is using firebreath-1.7.
The problem is that build always get stuck on line:
-- Check size of unsigned long long - done
It doesn't throw any errors, it just stays there forever.
Did anyone had this problem while building linphone-web-plugin?
Linphone-web-plugin can be found here.


How to solve "plugin failed code 127" compiling with nanopb

I am trying to compile a c++ code in an conan enviroment, here are details:
Ubuntu 18.04 WSL x86-64
Windowns 10 x64
python 3.7.5
protoc 3.19.4
The project is located at /mnt/c/project
The build directory is located at /mnt/c/build
The build occurs without any errors but when I try to compile with "ninja" it throws an error related to protoc-gen-nanopb, as you can see attached image.
I tried to install a new protobuf from its c++ source, i added the LD_LIBRARY_PATH that was missing, and I have also tried to clean everything and erase all the files and build again. Everything seems to fail. I believe it's related to compatibility between protobuf and my python version, but I am not sure.
Could someone help me understand how to solve it? I am new to ubuntu and stackoverflow and i am sorry if some information is missing. In this case, just ask.
Error 127

zsh: illegal hardware instruction npm run start-server

Goal : To build a Node.js web server for a training and classification model on the server-side using TensorFlow.js
I am trying to do this tutorial to learn TensorFlow.js.
Expected results : Server should run locally on an appropriate port like so.
$ npm run start-server
> Running socket on port: 8001
Epoch 1 / 1
eta=0.0 ========================================================================================================>
2432ms 34741us/step - acc=0.429 loss=1.49
Actual results : Server does not run
#MacBook-Pro baseball % npm run start-server
> tfjs-examples-baseball-node#0.2.0 start-server
> node server.js
zsh: illegal hardware instruction npm run start-server
My hardware and software configuration :
MacBook Pro (13 inches, M1, 2020)
Chip : Apple M1
macOS Big Sur version 11.4
#tensorflow/tfjs-node: ^1.3.2
Node.js version : v14.17.5
Xcode 12.5.1 / Build version 12E507
What have I tried ?
At this stage, I can't remember the number of Github issues and Stackoverflow question I have read to solve this problem without success.
Tried using prior versions of #tensorflow/tfjs-node like 1.2.0 and 1.0.0.
Tried the most recent version of #tensorflow/tfjs-node i.e. 3.8.0
Checked if Python 2.7.16 and 3.9.6 are installed on my Mac. They are.
Deleted node_modules and package-lock.json and ran npm install
Updated Node.js to its most recent version.
Made sure Xcode is installed.
It seems to be a hardware compatibility issue but I can't figure out the solution. Please note that I am trying to use the Javascript implementation of TensorFlow and not Python.
first, tfjs-node includes binary tensorflow implementation (same on as python), the JS part is just a wrapper (tfjs-node installer actually builds NAPI bindings to the binary)
second, this is M1 CPU which doesn't emulates x86 instruction set - and advanced instructions (e.g. AVX) are simply not supported.
since you've already tried old tfjs-node v1.2 (last one before AVX), only proper solution is to build tfjs-node from scratch on M1 hardware - quite a painful process, but not impossible
you might get lucky if you search on github for someone else's port
Apple has created a fork of TF that uses Apple's ML libs based on TF 2.4RC (and optionally Metal libs),
but it doesn't seem well maintained - last update is in March 2021.
So first step is to get TF working in Python
then it's a question of rebuilding #tensorflow/tfjs-node package to use that library instead of prebundled one

Building Node.js Binary with `pkg` for ARMv7 / Ubuntu 14 fails when running output with Error

Cross compile? I have a device my company still manufacturers and deploys world-wide, running Ubuntu 14.04.3 ... on an ARMv7 Processor. I have a node app I'm creating for the product family, and I'd like to run it on this device as well. Tried going the whole nvm route to install-and-run node directly on it, but gyphy fails to build some deps from the project locally on the device. I'd really much rather use pkg to build a binary to deploy to the device.
If you aren't familiar, pkg is:
However, building the examples/express example from the pkg repo with pkg 4.4.9 like pkg . --targets node10.15.3-linux-armv7 --no-bytecode (on a linux box) and scp'ing the resulting binary over to the IOT device running the armv7 / Ubuntu 14 setup, I get the following error when trying to run the binary:
./express-example: relocation error: ./express-example: symbol
version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
(Line wraps added to break long line)
Googling the error (specifically with regards to GLIBC and has gotten me nowhere. I can't figure out if the libstdc++ on the device is too old or too new. Tried updating libstdc++ but it said it was already at the latest version (for that OS.) I've got no clue where to go from here... Is there some way to compile the binary via pkg with different options, or statically link the libraries it needs instead of relying on system libraries?
Also, when I try to use a newer node version (like 10.21.0, etc) - it fails with an "unable to build" message. I know I can crosscompile regular C/C++ code on that linux box for ARM (we do that currently with Jenkins in the cloud on a linux box), so is there a way to get crosscompile working at buildtime?
Here's the error for building with 10.21:
[root#decidr ~/devel/pkg/examples/express]# ./node_modules/.bin/pkg . --targets node10-linux-armv7 --no-bytecode
> pkg#4.4.9
> Fetching base Node.js binaries to PKG_CACHE_PATH
fetched-v10.21.0-linux-armv7 [ ] 0%
> Error! 404 Not Found
> Asset not found by direct link:
> Not found in GitHub releases:
> Building base binary from source:
> Error! Not able to build for 'armv7' here, only for 'x64'
I find myself rather stuck - can't run node directly on the device, and the device won't run the pkg-built binary, even though it builds ARMv7 code. No idea how to proceed forward - any assistance or ideas? :)

Cross-compiling with wxwidgets in codeblocks

I searched around a fair amount and didn't see anyone else with this specific problem. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 (amd64) and codeblocks 13.12 (from the ubuntu repositories). I've followed the directions here: "wxWidgets how to cross compile an application for windows from linux using codeblocks?" and am finding myself a bit stuck. I can successfully compile win32 CLI code and code that uses windows.h. If I create a wxwidgets project I can successfully compile it for linux, but if I try and compile it using the mingw compiler setup (per the instructions in that link) I get the following error:
unrecognized command line option "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs"
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Just remove this option, you're using a compiler too old to have it. As all -Wno-xxx options, this one just suppresses a warning, so removing it is harmless.

"Process out of memory" when running Node.js or NPM on Mac OSX 10.5

I am completely new to both Macs and Node.js, so sorry if this one is a bit basic.
I am running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and have just installed the last version of Node.js (released version, not built from source).
Whenever I attempt to run Node or do an NPM install, I get the following error message:
FATAL ERROR: CodeRange::GetNextAllocationBlock Allocation failed - process out of memory
Does anyone know what the problem is? If not, what would be the next steps to figure this out?
Edit: It turns out that if I run these commands a few times then they eventually work. So my work-around is to keep repeating the command until I get success. This is better than nothing but still not acceptable. Software like WebStorm, which needs to execute these tools, doesn't know about this workaround and fails all the time.
The issue seems to show up when running the distributed build of Node on anything pre OSX 10.6.
You can manually build the binary yourself if you don't have the option to upgrade your OS.
I'm running X.5.8, and node 0.10.13 was giving me this error message. I tried some earlier versions of node, and 0.10.3 works while 0.10.4 gets the error message. This is the x86 version, x64 seems to crash at .3 but works at .0. Oh wait, it's more complicated than that. Seems to make a difference when I make a symlink to the app in /usr/local/bin, it crashes. more often. Try a few different ones see which work for you.
I really need to get a new laptop.
download here:
