neo4j graph import slower when using transactional end point - node.js

I have an application which imports user profile and social data on to a graph. My app importer is a nodejs app. The first pass of my importer used node-neo4j and async cypher queries to import the data. I combined this with the Q promise library to string together thousands of queries.
My second pass was an attempt to use the transactional REST endpoint: /db/data/transaction/commit and a single JSON document containing 5000 transactions.
What I'm seeing is that the the first approach completed in 15 seconds while the second approach (which I expect is thousands of fewer HTTP calls) actually takes 30 seconds to complete. I'm at a loss for how the second approach could be twice as slow.
Can anyone shed any light on this?

Transactional commits trade memory and ordered operations for performance.
If you're looking for speedy imports, I recommend LOAD CSV.


Node JS architecture to handle huge amount of Data returned by DB in better possible way

We have NodeJs application and SQL Server database, and there are couple of badly written queries with a lot of inner joins.
Problem and Use Case
We have use case of generating report (15-20 thousand reports) in PDF / Excel format and there is a query with a lot of joins, which takes almost 8-9 seconds, as there is a huge amount of data - 2-3 tables used in query which have a few million rows each.
For report generation we don't need the real-time data, it can contain a day old or week old data which is fine.
What I'm looking for: a few suggestions to handle this situation in better possible way.
We have few options on table
Dump data from multiple queries in separate table and use it (we are planning to do this activity in periodic manner with the help of scheduler or something on similar lines)
Use time series DB to store the result of query with the help of scheduler, and use it at the time of report generation.
Limiting report generation to use at max last 1 year of data.
Implement sharding in SQL Server
And yes improving query is also something we are working on; but I think there is scope to make it better and that's the reason I'm reaching out here to get few more suggestions.
Denormalization is a tried and true method of speeding up reporting. As Preben suggested, creating an indexed view in SQL server is an efficient way to do this with minimal plumbing. Alternatively, it may be worth thinking about whether a data warehouse implementation is needed for future queries.
If this is a 1-off issue, put together your indexed view (pay attention to the requirements), and move on. If this is the first of many reports that you need to optimize, think about creating a more substantial solution.

Firestore Query performance issue on Firebase Cloud Functions

I am facing timeout issues on a firebase https function so I decided to optimize each line of code and realized that a single query is taking about 10 seconds to complete.
let querySnapshot = await admin.firestore()
The enrollment collection has about 23k documents, totaling approximately 6MB.
To my understanding, since the https function is running on a cloud function stateless server, it should not suffer from the query result size. Both Firestore and Cloud Functions are running on the same region (us-central). Yet 10 seconds is indeed a high interval of time for executing such a simple query that results in a small snapshot size.
An interesting fact is that later in the code I update those 23k documents back with a new field using Bulk Writter and it takes less than 3 seconds to run bulkWriter.commit().
Another fact is that the https function is not returning any of the query results to the client, so there shouldn't be any "downloading" time affecting the function performance.
Why on earth does it take 3x longer to read values from a collection than writing to it? I always thought Firestore architecture was meant for apps with high reading rates rather than writing.
Is there anything you would propose to optimize this?
When we perform the get(), a query is created to all document snapshots and the results are returned. These results are fetched sequentially within a single execution, i.e. the list is returned and parsed sequentially until all documents have been listed.
While the data may be small, are there any subcollections? This may add some additional latency as the API fetches and parses subcollections.
Updating the fields with a bulk writer update is over 3x the speed because the bulkwriter operation is performed in parallel and is queued based upon Promises. This allows many more operations per second.
The best way to optimize listing all documents is summarised in this link, and Google’s recommendation follows the same guideline being to use an index for faster queries and to use multiple readers that fetch the documents in parallel.

Cloud Functions Http Request return cached Firebase database

I'm new in Node.js and Cloud Functions for Firebase, I'll try to be specific for my question.
I have a firebase-database with objects including a "score" field. I want the data to be retrieved based on that, and that can be done easily in client side.
The issue is that, if the database gets to grow big, I'm worried that either it will take too long to return and/or will consume a lot of resources. That's why I was thinking of a http service using Cloud Functions to store a cache with the top N objects that will be updating itself when the score of any objects change with a listener.
Then, client side just has to call something like https://myexampleprojectroute/givemethetoplevels to receive a Json with the top N levels.
Is it reasonable? If so, how can I approach that? Which structures do I need to use this cache, and how to return them in json format via http?
At the moment I'll keep doing it client side but I'd really like to have that both for performance and learning purpose.
Thanks in advance.
In the end I did not implement the optimization. The reason why is, first, that the firebase database does not contain a "child count" so I didn't find a way with my newbie javascript knowledge to implement that. Second, and most important, is that I'm pretty sure it won't scale up to millions, having at most 10K entries, and firebase has rules for sorted reading optimization. For more information please check out this link.
Also, I'll post a simple code snippet to retrieve data from your database via http request using cloud-functions in case someone is looking for it. Hope this helps!
// Simple Test function to retrieve a json object from the DB
// Warning: No security methods are being used such authentication, request methods, etc
exports.request_all_levels = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const ref = admin.database().ref('CustomLevels');
ref.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
You're duplicating data upon writes, to gain better read performance. That's a completely reasonable approach. In fact, it is so common in NoSQL databases to keep such derived data structures that it even has a name: denormalization.
A few things to keep in mind:
While Cloud Functions run in a more predictable environment than the average client, the resources are still limited. So reading a huge list of items to determine the latest 10 items, is still a suboptimal approach. For simple operations, you'll want to keep the derived data structure up to date for every write operation.
So if you have a "latest 10" and a new item comes in, you remove the oldest item and add the new one. With this approach you have at most 11 items to consider, compared to having your Cloud Function query the list of items for the latest 10 upon every write, which is a O(something-with-n) operation.
Same for an averaging operation: you'll find a moving average to be most performant, because it doesn't require any of the previous data.

DocumentDB: How to run a query without timing out

I am new to the documentDb. I wrote a stored procedure that checks all records and update them under certain circumstances.
Current scenario:
It would run 100 records at a time, updates them and after running few times( taking 100 records at a time and updating) it is timing out.
Run the script on all the records without timing out.
The document has close to a million records. So, running the same script multiple times manually is not a the way I am looking for.
Can anyone please advise me how I can achieve that?
tl;dr; Keep calling the sproc with the query continuation token being passed back and forth.
A few thoughts:
There is no capacity of RUs for collections that will allow you to do all million in one call to the sproc.
Sprocs run in isolation on a single replica. This means that they can be transactional but their use will have lower throughput than a regular query that can use all replicas to satisfy the request, so unless you need it to be in a sproc, I recommend using direct queries for reads that don't need to be transactional with writes. Even then, with a million documents, your queries will max out and you'll have to run the query again with a continuation token.
If you must use a sproc... As you are probably aware since you have done the 100 at a time thing, each query returns a continuation token. You can actually add that to the package that you send back from your sproc when it times out. Then you can pass that back into another call to the same sproc and write your sproc to pick up where you left off. The documentdb-utils library for node.js automatically re-calls the sproc until done as long as you follow this pattern for writing your sprocs. If you are using node.js, you could use that (but it has not yet been upgraded to support partitioned collections) or you could write the equivalent in whatever platform you are using.

Using Spark to process requests

I would like to understand if the following would be a correct use case for Spark.
Requests to an application are received either on a message queue, or in a file which contains a batch of requests. For the message queue, there are currently about 100 requests per second, although this could increase. Some files just contain a few requests, but more often there are hundreds or even many thousands.
Processing for each request includes filtering of requests, validation, looking up reference data, and calculations. Some calculations reference a Rules engine. Once these are completed, a new message is sent to a downstream system.
We would like to use Spark to distribute the processing across multiple nodes to gain scalability, resilience and performance.
I am envisaging that it would work like this:
Load a batch of requests into Spark as as RDD (requests received on the message queue might use Spark Streaming).
Separate Scala functions would be written for filtering, validation, reference data lookup and data calculation.
The first function would be passed to the RDD, and would return a new RDD.
The next function would then be run against the RDD output by the previous function.
Once all functions have completed, a for loop comprehension would be run against the final RDD to send each modified request to a downstream system.
Does the above sound correct, or would this not be the right way to use Spark?
We have done something similar working on a small IOT project. we tested receiving and processing around 50K mqtt messages per second on 3 nodes and it was a breeze. Our processing included parsing of each JSON message, some manipulation of the object created and saving of all the records to a time series database.
We defined the batch time for 1 second, the processing time was around 300ms and RAM ~100sKB.
A few concerns with streaming. Make sure your downstream system is asynchronous so you wont get into memory issue. Its True that spark supports back pressure, but you will need to make it happen. another thing, try to keep the state to minimal. more specifically, your should not keep any state that grows linearly as your input grows. this is extremely important for your system scalability.
what impressed me the most is how easy you can scale with spark. with each node we added we grew linearly in the frequency of messages we could handle.
I hope this helps a little.
Good luck
