Excel table find and copy cell values - excel

I have a table series of tables with 3 columns which record the location of items. Eg table A, A1, A2.... B, B1 etc. etc.:
Each table contains the following columns:
Customer eg. 2. Description and 3. Spec. Number
I recently audited the physical shelves and created the same table alongside the old table in an excel spreadsheet. This new table only has data in the spec. Number column and contains less entries as some of the items on the shelf have been removed. The tables are not aligned on the same rows. i.e. not directly across from each other.
What I would like to do is create a formula to find for example spec number 12345 in the old table and copy the customer and description in the old table which is in the 2 cells to the left of the spec number into the two cells to the left of the new table I have for 12345?
This is fairly complicated but I would think is doable? This is a screen grab of what I am trying to do:
As you can see 4780 was in the shelf when I did the stock take and I only took down the spec. number to be quick. Now I want to copy the customer and print design details over from the 4780 in the table on the left automatically and do this then for the rest of the spreadsheet if possible.

met the requirements, copied one cell to the right and both formulae then copied down to suit. OP's image does not show sheet headings, but the positions assumed by the above formula are:
So the formula looks for the J4 value (4780) in ColumnD and if found the MATCH function returns the row number concerned, that then is taken by the INDEX function to determine the relevant cell in ColumnB from which to output the content.
The third parameter in MATCH is 0 to require exact matching only.
The #N/A results could be suppressed by wrapping the formula in IFERROR.


Data in column instead of rows

I am getting data from SQL Server into an Excel sheet. Its a customer table containing 20 records. The columns are Customer Code, Customer Name and Customer Short Name.
What I need is instead of data coming in rows (from row 2 to row 21)... it should come in columns.. i.e. 1st three rows of column A contains respective headers (code, name and short name) and column B first row contains value of code, second row value of name and third row value of short name... same continue to column C, D, E..... till all 20 records..
Is it possible in excel?
In Excel, you can easily transpose the array with your data. Consider the following sample data in the range A1:C4:
You could now select the entire range and copy it via CTRL+C -> Paste -> Transpose (T). A second possibility would be to enter the following formula in, e.g., cell E1: =TRANSPOSE(A1:C4). This is a dynamic array formula in the current version (Microsoft 365). If you have an older version, you have to enter the formula as a legacy array formula by confirming the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
The result is as follows:
Edit: Dynamic setting of range
Theoretically, assuming that the data structure remains the same in terms of the number of columns and rows, the formulaic approach will update the transposed array accordingly as the original data is updated. In the specification above, the range A1:C4 is hard coded. While it is very likely that the number of columns will remain the same (could also be dynamically adjusted), in practice additional rows could be added/deleted from the data. In this case, you can specify the number of rows dynamically, which solves this problem:

How to count unique column data in an excel sheet

I am using excel sheet and i have data column as shown below:
As we can see that some of the names are duplicate or appeared twice. My question is how can count unique name records or rows associated with each name for summary column.
Out put i am looking for is shown below:
Not sure which formula to use as count is counting all of that data i.e. '7' in this case. How can i use count or any other function to count unique records as shown above?
You can do what you're after with a pivot table.
Click the Insert tab then select "Recommended Pivot Tables".
A window will open up prompting you to select the data range. I recommend using a named range for your list and referencing that, but you can just highlight the list directly if you want.
Once the data range is selected, click "Ok" and new window will open with exactly what you want. A unique values list and a "Count of Column1". It is the default of the recommended pivot tables.
I outlined this because it's easy and fast, but it's important to understand you can make this pivot table yourself from scratch if you learn about pivot tables in general. Pivot tables are often overlooked in Excel as an option.
Lastly, you could get really advanced with Excel Power Queries. Just Google "Excel Power query" and you will be shown all kinds of information on them. They are a close second place in power to manipulate Excel data short of using VBA.
Good luck!
CountA(Unique(D2:D8,,False)) = 5 [Count(Unique(D2:D8)) is the same as False is the default.]
CountA(Unique(D2:D8,,True)) = 3 (once and only once)
Note: the Unique function was released in late 2019 to Office 365. So if you want to use this check your version, not present in 1908, present in 2006.
Edit: It's actually in 2002, I just updated my 1908 machine.
If names duplicates are removed the following formula can be used: =COUNTIF(B:B,F2)
If duplicates must be removed by formula, MATCH (searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then returns the relative position of that item in the range.) and SMALL (Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set.) functions can be used as shown.
C$1048576 is used to reference last row number for a big list case.
Column A, names sequence
Colunm B, names
Column C, formula =MATCH(B2,B:B,0)
Column D, formula =IF(COUNTIF(C2:$C$1048576,C2)=1,C2,"")
Column E, formula =SMALL(D:D,A2)
Column F, formula =VLOOKUP(E2,A:B,2,0)
Column G, formula =COUNTIF(B:B,F2)
For anyone like me without O265's lovely Unique & Filter Functions, and who doesnt want to use a pivot table, and there are many ways to do this, but this i have just done this in normal excel.
List of data in Column H, Formula in column O3. Drag down. Highlights your distinct and unique values from H.
=IF(COUNTIF(H:H,H28)=1,"U - "&COUNTIF(H:H,H28),IF(COUNTIF(H$1:H27,H28)=1,"U - "&COUNTIF(H:H,H28),"-"))
Formula is short. You can just do this and drag down. Apply the same principal to your worksheet data wherever it is.
Similarly, you can just use this formula here (credit goes to this source for this one):
Id like to point out that the above formula is a better formula than mine. It highlights with a "1" (or with a tweak, the value of your choice) the first time any value is seen/spotted on any given list, whether duplicate or unique.
Whereas mine is a bit "more random" when picking up the "unique and distict" values.
Mine gets there in the end, but Extend Office's gets there first, as I think is proper (getting the first time a unqique distict value is spotted/occurs.).
Formula in K5 =IF((COUNTIF($H$5:$H5,$H5)=1)+0=1,"UNIQUE DIST","") and drag down...
You could append/add a normal basic countif after the results to show how many actual times the given value appears if you wanted. :
=IF((COUNTIF($H$5:$H5,$H5)=1)+0=1,"UNIQUE DIST","")&" - "&COUNTIF(H:H,H5)

EXCEL: Searching a table of data with two criteria and outputting the rows to a new table

I have a table of data (Data!$A$8004:$F$10430) within an excel sheet which I need to search for all of the rows that contain the date displayed in cell: Data!Q27 (e.g may-2017) in column F of the table of data. And then output in a new table all of the rows which match that specific date (Data!Q27 changes, but is always in the MMM-YYYY format)
I created a similar solution for another table which worked, however for this data table it is not working. The working solution is shown below:
(This differs slightly as the date format in the table and Data!Q25 is /mmm/yy, but it successfully creates the new table which changes values dependent on the value in Data!Q25)
The format of the date in column F is e.g 09-May-2017 and is classified as 'general' type.
I have used this formula, and I get no error or value on the cell that this code is on:
The formula is formatted as an array, and therefore I believe this code should work, returning the first A column value of a row which fits the criteria of having, for example: "***May-2017" in its F column. However it doesn't.
Unfortunately due to corporate protection I am unable to share the spreadsheet, but if the information supplied in this isn't clear enough I could supply a new excel sheet to show my example?
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NpS0_Bsy8XuicrPl8oy5tAswEa9QZ9X2 <- here is a spreadsheet that I have recreated to show the issue. The real spreadsheet is different, but this shows the purpose of my problem. Regardless of there being values which should be picked up on the tab names 'Data for normal user', no data is shown.
Thank you for your time!
Your formula is correct, however you haven't offset the rows.
Your INDEX() is starting at row 8 so this will be the first indexed row. SMALL() is building an array of the exact row numbers so row 8 in SMALL() is row 1 in the index, therefore no results are showing.
You simply need to update the IF() within SMALL() to handle this offset: (This formula has been updated to respond to formula dragging, i will include your original after)
A quick tip for error handling formulas is to use F9 when highlighting sections of your formula to show what that is calculating. For example i highlighted IF(RIGHT(ConfidentialLiveData!$F$8:$F$14,8)=ConfidentialLiveData!$C$2,ROW(ConfidentialLiveData!$A$8:$J$14)) and saw that that calculated as {8;FALSE;10;11;FALSE;FALSE;FALSE} so the match was being found just that the row numbers being returned were not what we were looking for.
So your formula is starting on row 8004, that row in the index is row 1. To get that row returned you need to take away 8003 from the 8109 to give you the 106th indexed row. A common way to do this is to take away the starting row and add 1 which in your original formula would be: {=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(Data!$A$8004:$F$10430,SMALL(IF(RIGHT(Data‌​!$F$8004:$F$10430,8 )=Data!$Q$27,ROW(Data!$A$8004:$F$10430)-ROW(Data!$A$8004)+1)‌​,ROW(1:1)),1)),"",IN‌​DEX(Data!$A$8004:$F $10430,SMALL(IF(RIGHT(Data!$F$8004:$F$10430,8)=Data!$Q$27,RO‌​W(Data!$A$8004:$F$1 0430)-ROW(Data!$A$8004)+1),ROW(1:1)),1))}

EXCEL: How to merge 2 sets of customer data

I am sure this question has a really easy answer, but after extensive research I have somehow not found what I was looking for. I am not an excel pro, but do have some experience with it.
Basically I have 2 sets of data that is indexed by customer account number and gives certain values, such as sales, profits, costs etc in the one file and sales rep responsible, amount of times contacted in the other file.
My goal now is to get these two files into one, so that I have the customer ID in the first column and all the data respective to that customer number in the columns next to it on one sheet.
However the customer numbers from the two sheets are not sorted in any way so I cant just copy and paste it and i am dealing with quite a large data set so I cannot just do it manually. additionally there are more customers id's in the first sheet than in the second, since some data is missing for a certain amount of the customers.
How can I basically automatically merge the data belonging to each customer so that it ends up being displayed in one row?
I recommend that you approach the merging of these two lists by creating a 3rd, comprehensive listing, which pulls from your raw data files.
Setting up your new Results Sheet
Assume that one list is in Book1, sheet1, and the other list is in Book2, sheet1. Open up a new excel file. Put the headers along the top. Next, you will create an index which shows all unique customer ID numbers, sorted by number. This will only work if there are no duplicate ID's (except for the ones which refer to the same cusotmer).
Copy the Customer ID column manually from Book1 into the New book. Copy the customer ID's from Book2 manually, underneath the Book1 customers, in the same column in the New book. Highlight the customer ID column. Go to the Data ribbon, then Remove Duplicates. Then rightclick your data and click 'sort'. This will leave you with an ordered customer ID column, and all other fields under the other headings will be blank.
Vlookup Formula
Next, you will use 2 vlookup formulas, similar to what #StaceyBurns recommends below. Vlookup takes a specific unique value, and looks for that value on the leftmost column of a datablock. Then it finds the first time there's a match for that value, and returns a value from a cell on that row, a given number of columns away. So for example:
Says: Take the unique value found in A1, look for that value in column B, from row 1:5, and return the 2nd column's result out of the datablock B:D (column C). So if A1 was the same as B3, this formula would provide the result for C3. FALSE means it would try and approximate your value if there's no match.
Assume customer indexes for all files are in column A. Assume also that all other headers are in the same order, let's say from A1:H1. Your formula to use VLOOKUP in the new workbook would be as follows - put this in B2:
This gives you the matching amount under Sheet1's column B header, where Sheet1!'s customer ID matches the customer ID shown in cell A2 of the New book. However, we need to know whether it was able to properly pick up a value from Book1 - because we know that some data is incomplete. So, let's check if the above result is either a number, or text:
Determining if Results are found in Sheet1
This will return TRUE if the result is either a Number, or Text. So it will return FALSE if either no match is found for that ID number on Book1 Sheet1, or if the result is a blank cell. So now we put that inside of an IF statement - if it returns true, we want the result from Book1. If it returns false, we want to attempt to pull the result from Book2, through the exact same formula. This whole thing will look like this:
Final Formula
Now, it will try to find the match from Book1 - if there's no match for the ID, or if the match returns a blank value for that header, then it will try to find a match from Book2. If it finds no match there, it will return #N/A! (which shouldn't happen, because that means you've deleted one of the customer ID's that we pulled directly from Book1 & Book2). It might return a blank cell if that data piece is not in either sheet. This formula can be copied from B2 all the way to the bottom right of your data block in your results sheet.
You can use the VLOOKUP function on the first sheet to bring the data from the second sheet in.
So for example, take an empty column on your first sheet and add the VLOOKUP function which looks like this:
=VLOOKUP(cell to lookup,
set of data on 2nd file,
column index on 2nd file of data you want,
TRUE/FALSE Boolean to ask for either close match or exact match )
If your Customer ID is in column A and your second sheet looks like this:
A1 Customer ID
B2 Sales Rep
C3 Number of Times Contacted
then you would do a look up first for the Sales Rep:
Then double click on the bottom right corner of this cell to populate the formula for all your rows.
Then do the same in a new cell for the Number of Times Contacted:
(Note I used C15 as an example in the above VLOOKUP. It should be the number of rows you have on file 2)
More info:

Excel Formula to mark X if two values are found

I have a spreadsheet that lists pieces of equipment with columns for the type of equipment and their city location etc. Each region (made up of multiple cities) has a sheet for all of their equipment.
I am trying to set up a sheet that summarizes which equipment is located in which city.
I have been trying to set up a formula that will look at Sheet2 and the column for location and the column for the equipment type and if the city matches say Adelaide and also matches Bench Shears then mark with an X.
I have tried using a =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP formula but I can only get it to work with one variable and not 2.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Each region (made up of multiple cities) has a sheet for all of their equipment.
That does not sound like good data architecture. As the golden rule, all your data input should be in ONE sheet. Then you can build reports on that data on other sheets.
With the info you provide above, it looks like a better data structure might be a sheet with a table. The table would have columns for Region, City, Equipment Type.
This is a flat, two-dimensional table. Each piece of equipment goes into its own row. No blank rows, no blank columns. Use Excel's Table feature to make this a table with Ctrl-T.
Now you can create a pivot table. Click a cell in the data table and then Insert ribbon > Pivot table. Drag Region into the Rows area, drag City into the rows area, drag Equipment Type into the rows area and again into the Values area.
This is a simplified example. If you need more help to get this to work, please edit your question and post a sample file.
Are you trying to make a table of the listed values in sheet2, such that cities will be listed in a column and equipment listed in a row, with an x appearing in a cell where the city and equipmnt exist? If so then add a third column to your data in sheet 2:
for all values in the list, then lookup the two values in each cell in you tabulated data in sheet 1:
and use this in all the cells in the table. The dollar signs mean that the column $A and row $1 will not change when you copy the formula across the table.
You need to get all of the data from each region in a single list...
