Transform curve into linear - excel

How can I transform the blue curve values into linear (red curve)? I am doing some tests in excel, but basically I have those blue line values inside a 3D App that I want to manipulate with python so I can make those values linear. Is there any mathematical approach that I am missing?
The x axis goes from 0 to 90, and the y axis from 0 to 1.
For example: in the middle of the graph the blue line gives me a value of "0,70711", and I know that in linear it is "0,5". I was wondering if there's an easy formula to transform all the incoming non-linear values into linear.
I have no idea what "formula" is creating that non-linear blue line, also ignore the yellow line since I was just trying to "reverse engineer" to see if would lead me to any conclusion.
Thank you

Find a linear function y = ax + b that for x = 0 gives the value 1 and for x = 90 gives 0, just like the function that is represented by a blue curve.
In that case, your system of equations is the following:
1 = b // for x = 0
0 = a*90 + b // for x = 90
Solution provided by solver is the following : { a = -1/90, b = 1 }, the red linear function will have form y = ax + b, we put the values of a and b we found from the solver and we discover that the linear function you are looking for is y = -x/90 + 1 .
The tool I used to solve the system of equations:

What exactly do you mean? You can calculate points on the red line like this:
f(x) = 1-x/90
and the point then is (x,f(x)) = (x, 1-x/90). But to be honest, I think your question is still rather unclear.


Fitting exponent with gnuplot

I am trying to fit the beneath data to the form - I am most interested in 'c' (I know that c ≈ 1/8, b ≈ 3) but would like to extract all these values from the data.
y = a*(x-b)**c
# "values.txt"
2.000000e+00 6.058411e-04
2.200000e+00 5.335520e-04
2.400000e+00 3.509583e-03
2.600000e+00 1.655943e-03
2.800000e+00 1.995418e-03
3.000000e+00 9.437851e-04
3.200000e+00 5.516159e-04
3.400000e+00 6.765981e-04
3.600000e+00 3.860859e-04
3.800000e+00 2.942881e-04
4.000000e+00 5.039975e-04
4.200000e+00 3.962199e-04
4.400000e+00 4.659717e-04
4.600000e+00 2.892683e-04
4.800000e+00 2.248839e-04
5.000000e+00 2.536980e-04
I have tried using the following commands in gnuplot however I am not meaningful results
f(x) = a*(x-b)**c
b = 3
c = 1/8
fit f(x) "values.txt" via a,b,c
Does anyone know the best way to extract these values? I would rather not provide initial guesses for 'b' & 'c' if possible.
The main problem with your fitting function is finding b. You can express your equation as a linear function in log(x-b), after which the fitting is trivial:
b = 3
f(x) = c0 + c1 * x
fit f(x) "values.txt" using (log($1-b)):(log($2)) via c0, c1
a = exp(c0)
c = c1
As you see, you need to provide b but do not need initial guesses for the other parameters because it's a trivial linear fit.
Now, I would suggest that you provide a series of values of b and check how good the fitting is for each value. gnuplot gives you the error in the fitting parameter. Then you can plot the overall error (error_c0 + error_c1) as a function of b and figure out for which b the error is minimum. About the optimum b the curve error_c0 + error_c1 vs b should be quadratic and have the minimum at b_opt. Then run the fitting as in the code above with this b = b_opt and get a and c.

How to find variability of a set of Cartesian Points (xyz) or fitting/distance to 3D line and/or plane?

So I was looking at this question:
Matlab - Standard Deviation of Cartesian Points
Which basically answers my question, except the problem is I have xyz, not xy. So I don't think Ax=b would work in this case.
I have, say, 10 Cartesian points, and I want to be able to find the standard deviation of these points. Now, I don't want standard deviation of each X, Y and Z (as a result of 3 sets) but I just want to get one number.
This can be done using MATLAB or excel.
To better understand what I'm doing, I have this desired point (1,2,3) and I recorded (1.1,2.1,2.9), (1.2,1.9,3.1) and so on. I wanted to be able to find the variability of all the recorded points.
I'm open for any other suggestions.
If you do the same thing as in the other answer you linked, it should work.
x_vals = xyz(:,1);
y_vals = xyz(:,2);
z_vals = xyz(:,3);
then make A with 3 columns,
A = [x_vals y_vals ones(size(x_vals))];
b = z_vals;
m = sol(1);
n = sol(2);
c = sol(3);
and then
errs = (m*x_vals + n*y_vals + c) - z_vals;
After that you can use errs just as in the linked question.
Randomly clustered data
If your data is not expected to be near a line or a plane, just compute the distance of each point to the centroid:
xyz_bar = mean(xyz);
M = bsxfun(#minus,xyz,xyz_bar);
d = sqrt(sum(M.^2,2)); % distances to centroid
Then you can compute variability anyway you like. For example, standard deviation and RMS error:
Data about a 3D line
If the data points are expected to be roughly along the path of a line, with some deviation from it, you might look at the distance to a best fit line. First, fit a 3D line to your points. One way is using the following parametric form of a 3D line:
x = a*t + x0
y = b*t + y0
z = c*t + z0
Generate some test data, with noise:
abc = [2 3 1]; xyz0 = [6 12 3];
t = 0:0.1:10;
xyz = bsxfun(#plus,bsxfun(#times,abc,t.'),xyz0) + 0.5*randn(numel(t),3)
plot3(xyz(:,1),xyz(:,2),xyz(:,3),'*') % to visualize
Estimate the 3D line parameters:
xyz_bar = mean(xyz) % centroid is on the line
M = bsxfun(#minus,xyz,xyz_bar); % remove mean
[~,S,V] = svd(M,0)
abc_est = V(:,1).'
abc/norm(abc) % compare actual slope coefficients
Distance from points to a 3D line:
pointCentroidSeg = bsxfun(#minus,xyz_bar,xyz);
pointCross = cross(pointCentroidSeg, repmat(abc_est,size(xyz,1),1));
errs = sqrt(sum(pointCross.^2,2))
Now you have the distance from each point to the fit line ("error" of each point). You can compute the mean, RMS, standard deviation, etc.:
>> std(errs)
ans =
>> sqrt(mean(errs.^2))
ans =
Data about a 3D plane
See David's answer.

How to get heat colors with plot3d in scilab?

Hi this may seem to be a simple question but I am having a hard time understanding how to use the colors in a plot3d.
That is what I have:
// x, y and z are matrix 4 by 100
myColors = ones(1,size(z,2));
I would like to have myColors related to the altitude of z.
If I understand correct x, y and z are something like:
x = [ 1:100 ];
y = [ 1:4 ];
z = rand( length(x), length(y) ); //Some function resulting in (100 x 4) matrix
Then you can plot it using the following code.
plot3d( x, y, z, alpha=0, theta=270);
e = gce(); // Get current entity handle.
e.color_flag = 1; // Color according to z
f = gcf(); // Get current figure handle.
f.color_map = hotcolormap(512); // Make it a heat color map
According to the plot3d docs and surface_properties docs the color_flag can be used to:
color_flag: This field is used to specify the algorithm used to set facets' colors.
Note that the rules on color_mode, foreground and hiddencolor are
still applied to this case.
color_flag == 1
All facets are painted using one color index per facet proportional to
z. The minimum z value is painted using the index 1 color while the
maximum z value is painted using highest color index. The edges of the
facets can be additionaly drawn depending on the value of color_mode
(see above).
Resulting image

Best fit square to quadrilateral

I've got a shape consisting of four points, A, B, C and D, of which the only their position is known. The goal is to transform these points to have specific angles and offsets relative to each other.
For example: A(-1,-1) B(2,-1) C(1,1) D(-2,1), which should be transformed to a perfect square (all angles 90) with offsets between AB, BC, CD and AD all being 2. The result should be a square slightly rotated counter-clockwise.
What would be the most efficient way to do this?
I'm using this for a simple block simulation program.
As Mark alluded, we can use constrained optimization to find the side 2 square that minimizes the square of the distance to the corners of the original.
We need to minimize f = (a-A)^2 + (b-B)^2 + (c-C)^2 + (d-D)^2 (where the square is actually a dot product of the vector argument with itself) subject to some constraints.
Following the method of Lagrange multipliers, I chose the following distance constraints:
g1 = (a-b)^2 - 4
g2 = (c-b)^2 - 4
g3 = (d-c)^2 - 4
and the following angle constraints:
g4 = (b-a).(c-b)
g5 = (c-b).(d-c)
A quick napkin sketch should convince you that these constraints are sufficient.
We then want to minimize f subject to the g's all being zero.
The Lagrange function is:
L = f + Sum(i = 1 to 5, li gi)
where the lis are the Lagrange multipliers.
The gradient is non-linear, so we have to take a hessian and use multivariate Newton's method to iterate to a solution.
Here's the solution I got (red) for the data given (black):
This took 5 iterations, after which the L2 norm of the step was 6.5106e-9.
While Codie CodeMonkey's solution is a perfectly valid one (and a great use case for the Lagrangian Multipliers at that), I believe that it's worth mentioning that if the side length is not given this particular problem actually has a closed form solution.
We would like to minimise the distance between the corners of our fitted square and the ones of the given quadrilateral. This is equivalent to minimising the cost function:
f(x1,...,y4) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + (x2-bx)^2+(y2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + (x4-dx)^2+(y4-dy)^2
Where Pi = (xi,yi) are the corners of the fitted square and A = (ax,ay) through D = (dx,dy) represent the given corners of the quadrilateral in clockwise order. Since we are fitting a square we have certain contraints regarding the positions of the four corners. Actually, if two opposite corners are given, they are enough to describe a unique square (save for the mirror image on the diagonal).
Parametrization of the points
This means that two opposite corners are enough to represent our target square. We can parametrise the two remaining corners using the components of the first two. In the above example we express P2 and P4 in terms of P1 = (x1,y1) and P3 = (x3,y3). If you need a visualisation of the geometrical intuition behind the parametrisation of a square you can play with the interactive version.
P2 = (x2,y2) = ( (x1+x3-y3+y1)/2 , (y1+y3-x1+x3)/2 )
P4 = (x4,y4) = ( (x1+x3+y3-y1)/2 , (y1+y3+x1-x3)/2 )
Substituting for x2,x4,y2,y4 means that f(x1,...,y4) can be rewritten to:
f(x1,x3,y1,y3) = (x1-ax)^2+(y1-ay)^2 + ((x1+x3-y3+y1)/2-bx)^2+((y1+y3-x1+x3)/2-by)^2 +
(x3-cx)^2+(y3-cy)^2 + ((x1+x3+y3-y1)/2-dx)^2+((y1+y3+x1-x3)/2-dy)^2
a function which only depends on x1,x3,y1,y3. To find the minimum of the resulting function we then set the partial derivatives of f(x1,x3,y1,y3) equal to zero. They are the following:
df/dx1 = 4x1-dy-dx+by-bx-2ax = 0 --> x1 = ( dy+dx-by+bx+2ax)/4
df/dx3 = 4x3+dy-dx-by-bx-2cx = 0 --> x3 = (-dy+dx+by+bx+2cx)/4
df/dy1 = 4y1-dy+dx-by-bx-2ay = 0 --> y1 = ( dy-dx+by+bx+2ay)/4
df/dy3 = 4y3-dy-dx-2cy-by+bx = 0 --> y3 = ( dy+dx+by-bx+2cy)/4
You may see where this is going, as simple rearrangment of the terms leads to the final solution.
Final solution

Find the corners of a deformed rectangle

I am trying to make a program that automatically corrects the perspective of a rectangle. I have managed to get the silhouette of the rectangle, and have the code to correct the perspective, but I can't find the corners. The biggest problem is that, because it has been deformed, I can't use the following "code":
c1 = min(x), min(y)
c2 = max(x), min(y)
c3 = min(x), max(y)
c4 = max(x), max(y)
This wouldn't work with this situation (X represents a corner):
Does anyone know how to do this?
Farthest point from the center will give you one corner.
Farthest point from the first corner will give you another corner, which may be either adjacent or opposite to the first.
Farthest point from the line between those two corners (a bit more math intensitive) will give you a third corner. I'd use distance from center as a tie breaker.
For finding the 4th corner, it'll be the point outside the triangle formed by the first 3 corners you found, farthest from the nearest line between those corners.
This is a very time consuming way to do it, and I've never tried it, but it ought to work.
You could try to use a scanline algorithm - For every line of the polygon (so y = min(y)..max(y)), get l = min(x) and r = max(x). Calculate the left/right slope (deltax) and compare it with the slope the line before. If it changed (use some tolerance here), you are at a corner of the rectangle (or close to it). That won't work for all cases, as the slope can't be that exact because of low resolution, but for large rectangles and slopes not too similar, this should work.
At least, it works well for your example:
X0000000000X l = 0, r = 11
.00000000000 l = 1, r = 11, deltaxl = 1, deltaxr = 0
..X000000000 l = 2, r = 11, deltaxl = 1, deltaxr = 0
.....0000000 l = 5, r = 11, deltaxl = 3, deltaxr = 0
........0000 l = 8, r = 11, deltaxl = 3, deltaxr = 0
...........X l = 11, r = 11, deltaxl = 3, deltaxr = 0
You start with the top of the rectangle where you get two different values for l and r, so you already have two of the corners. On the left side, for the first three lines you'll get deltax = 1, but after it, you'll get deltax = 3, so there is a corner at (3, 3). On the right side, nothing changes, deltax = 0, so you only get the point at the end.
Note that you're "collecting" corners here, so if you don't have 4 corners at the end, the slopes were too similar (or you have a picture of a triangle) and you can switch to a different (more exact) algorithm or just give an error. The same if you have more than 4 corners or some other strange things like holes in the rectangle. It seems some kind of image detection is involved, so these cases can occur, right?
There are cases in which a simple deltax = (x - lastx) won't work good, see this example for the left side of a rectangle:
xxxxx deltax = 1 dy/dx = 1/1 = 1
xxxxx deltax = 0 dy/dx = 2/1 = 2
xxxx deltax = 1 dy/dx = 3/2 = 1.5
xxxx deltax = 0 dy/dx = 4/2 = 2
xxx deltax = 1 dy/dx = 5/3 = 1.66
Sometimes deltax is 0, sometimes is 1. It's better to use the slope of the line from the actual point to the top left/right point (deltay / deltax). Using it, you'll still have to stick with a tolerance, but your values will get more exact with each new line.
You could use a hough transform to find the 4 most prominent lines in the masked image. These lines will be the sides of the quadrangle.
The lines will intersect in up to 6 points, which are the 4 corners and the 2 perspective vanishing points.
These are easy to distinguish: pick any point inside the quadrangle, and check if the line from this point to each of the 6 intersection points intersects any of the lines. If not, then that intersection point is a corner.
This has the advantage that it works well even for noisy or partially obstructed images, or if your segmentation is not exact.
Example CImg Code
I would be very interested in your results. I have been thinking about writing something like this myself, to correct photos of paper sheets taken at an angle. I am currently struggling to think of a way to correct the perspective if the 4 points are known
Also check out
Zhengyou Zhang , Li-Wei He, "Whiteboard scanning and image enhancement"
for a more advanced solution for quadrangle detection
I have asked a related question, which tries to solve the perspective transform:
proportions of a perspective-deformed rectangle
This looks like a convex hull problem.
Your problem is simpler but the same solution should work.
