Poco based binary cannot find library during runtime - linux

I have written a small HTTPServer application using Poco and I get the following error during runtime:
factoryProject> ./httpServer ./httpServer: error while loading shared
libraries: libPocoNet.so.16: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
My libraries successfully linked during compilation because they were located in a specific directory that I pointed to in my make file using a -L/some/path.
I have read up on the ldconfig command and it stated that it usually looks for libraries in /usr/lib, but I do not have admin privee to add the Poco libraries into that directory.
How do I point to that a custom library directory so that ld will load it during runtime?

I have looked into a few possible solutions with the most popular being to add a config file for ldconfig to pickup, but this solution seems complicated and I do not want to add a config file to this common server.
The solution that was the simplest for me was to update the following environment variable:
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can list directories where libraries are searched for first during runtime and after setenv command I have a working HTTP server!


C++ executable fails to link to shared library after scp

So I am working on a project that is intended to run on a remote server. I develop the program on a local pc, compile it, then upload it to the remote server. Both the local pc and the remote server are run on CentOS 7.7.
The program is developed using the CLion IDE, configured with CMake. The program depends a few shared libraries, which are supposed to link to the executable according to what I wrote in CMake. At my local PC, I can compile and run the program perfectly. However, after I scp the whole directory of the project to the remote server, the executable fails to run. It cannot find any of the ".so" files, according to what ldd says.
This is my CMakeList.txt, with every path being relative path, instead of absolute path.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
set(SOURCE_PATH_ src)
set(PROJECT_LIBS_ libTapQuoteAPI.so libTapTradeAPI.so libTapDataCollectAPI.so)
add_executable(YS_Test ${SOURCE_FILES_})
target_link_libraries(YS_Test ${PROJECT_LIBS_})
Please do not tell me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to fix my issue. The program worked fine on my local pc without LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so I expect it to run on the remote server without LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I would like to know what is really going on here, instead of a work around. Thanks!
If I understand your problem correctly, you want to ship your compiled YS_Test program along with some dependencies and have it run on a remote server. By default an executable will only look in the directories configured in /etc/ld.so, which will not include the deploy path.
Note: Typically you do not deploy your entire build directory but only the compiled artifacts and dependencies. For this answer I will assume you deploy the binary and its dependencies to the same directory.
You have two options:
Require users of your program to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, either by themselves or by a wrapper script. This variable will instruct the dynamic linker to look in the specified directories as well. Even if you do not like this solution, it is by far the most common approach.
Add -Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN' to your linker options. This will add a DT_RUNPATH attribute to the executable's dynamic section. As you are using CMake you can also set this using BUILD_RPATH and/or INSTALL_RPATH target properties.
The ld.so manpage describes this attribute as follows:
If a shared object dependency does not contain a slash, then it is
searched for in the following order:
Using the directories specified in the DT_RUNPATH dynamic section
attribute of the binary if present.
The $ORIGIN part expands to the directory containing the program or shared
If you really insist on shipping your build directory (eg during development), you can take a look at the CMake BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN property (and its usual global counterpart CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH_USE_ORIGIN), this will embed relative paths into binaries instead of absolute paths.
As you don't want a workaround (#Botje has given you two already), I will try an explanation instead. In your development machine, if you use this command:
ldd YS_Test
You will see all the shared libraries used by your program, with their corresponding paths. The libTapQuoteAPI.so libTapTradeAPI.so libTapDataCollectAPI.so are found at your 'api/lib/linux' directory, but resolved with full absolute paths. If you do the same at your server, some shared objects can't be resolved because they aren't at the same location.
If you use one of these commands (not sure which are available in Centos):
chrpath --list YS_Test
patchelf --print-rpath YS_Test
You will see the RPATH or RUNPATH tags embedded in your program. This is the path used by the Linux linker to locate dependencies that are outside the standard ld locations. You may find extended explanations on Internet about this, like this one or the Wikipedia article.
Breaking my promise, I give you a third workaround: use patchelf or chrpath at your server after scp to change the embedded RPATH tag, pointing it relative to $ORIGIN (which represents the program location).

Finding my Linux shared libraries at runtime

I'm porting an SDK written in C++ from Windows to Linux. There are other binaries, but at its simplest, our SDK is this:
core.dll - implicitly loaded DLL ("libcore.so" shared library on Linux)
tests.exe - an app use to test the DLL (uses google test)
All of my binaries must live in one folder somewhere that apps can find. I've achieved that on Windows. I wanted to achieve the same thing in Linux. I'm failing miserably
To illustrate, Here's the basic project tree. We use CMake. After I build I've got
|---CMakeLists.txt (has add_subdirectory() statements for "tests" and "core")
|---/tests (source code + CMakeLists.txt)
|---/core (source code + CMakeLists.txt)
|---/build (all build ouput, CMake output, etc)
|---tests (build output)
|---core (build output)
The goal is to "flatten" the "build" tree and put all the binary outputs of tests, core, etc into one folder.
I tried adding CMake's "install" command, to each of my CMakeLists.txt files (e.g. install(TARGETS core DESTINATION bin). I then then executed sudo make install after my normal build. This put all my binaries in /usr/local/bin with no errors. But when I ran tests from there, it failed to find libcore.so, even though it was sitting right there in the same folder
tests: error while loading shared libraries: libcore.so: Cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I read up on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable and so tried adding that folder (/usr/local/bin) into it and running. I can see I've properly altered LD_LIBRARY_PATH but it still doesn't work. "tests" still can't find libcore.so. I even tried changing the PATH environment variable as well. Same result.
In frustration, I tried brute-force copying the output binaries to a temporary subfolder (of /mysdk/build) and running tests from there. To my surprise it ran.
Then I realized why: Instead of loading the local copy of libcore.so it had loaded the one from the build output folder (as if the full path were "baked in" to the app at build time). Subsequently deleting that build-output copy of libcore.so made "tests" fail altogether as before, instead of loading the local copy. So maybe the path really was baked in.
I'm at a loss. I've read the CMake tutorial and reference. It makes this sound so easy. Aside from the obvious (What am I doing wrong?) I would appreciate if anyone could answer any of the following questions:
What is the correct way to control where my app looks for my shared libraries?
Is there a relationship between my project build structure and how my binaries must then appear when installed?
Am I even close to the right way of doing this?
Is it possible I've somehow inadvertently "baked" (into my app) full paths to my shared libraries? Is that a thing? I use all CMAKE variables in my CMakeLists files.
You can run ldd file to print the shared object dependencies for file. It will tell you where are its dependencies being read from.
You can export the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the paths you want the linker to look for. If a dependency is not found, try adding the path where that dependency is located at to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then run ldd again (make sure you export the variable).
Also, make sure the dependencies have the right permissions.
Updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH is an option. Another option is using RPATH. Please check the example.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# Project
# Directories
set(example_BIN_DIR bin)
set(example_INC_DIR include)
set(example_LIB_DIR lib)
set(example_SRC_DIR src)
# Library files
set(library_SOURCES ${example_SRC_DIR}/library.cpp)
set(library_HEADERS ${example_INC_DIR}/library.h)
set(executable_SOURCES ${example_SRC_DIR}/main.cpp)
# Setting RPATH
# See https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_RPATH_handling
# Add library to project
add_library(library SHARED ${library_SOURCES})
# Include directories
target_include_directories(library PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_INC_DIR})
# Add executable to project
add_executable(executable ${executable_SOURCES})
# Linking
target_link_libraries(executable PRIVATE library)
# Install
install(TARGETS executable DESTINATION ${example_BIN_DIR})
install(TARGETS library DESTINATION ${example_LIB_DIR})
install(FILES ${library_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${example_INC_DIR})

Error while loading shared library : librun.so

I have a compiled script (it's some utility) and the source code of which is unavailable. As soon as I run the script this error shows up:
error while loading shared libraries: librun.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have faced these kind of errors in past which had different solutions. I tried all as per my knowledge and..
librun.so is there in lib folder of my application
It is symbolic link and pointing to correct version
librun.so is available in path variable
changed .profile to look for the required library
changed permissions and checked
"which librun.so" is also returning the presence of that library
still this error shows up.
What can be the reason for this problem?
The dynamic linker is unable to find librun.so during runtime linking of shared libraries. Try adding the path of directory containing librun.so to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when starting the application script.

could not load a library

I am using a tool that repeatedly returns an error saying that it cannot load a library file (libppl.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) at <path_to_file>. The thing is that the required file is actually there.
I've tried setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, adding entries to ld.so.conf and ld.so.conf.d and then running ldconfig, which are solutions I found on the links provided bellow. The problem, however, is still there. When running ldconfig -v, I can see that it looks at the file directory but does not populate the cache for any of the so files in the directory, including the one at <path_to_file>.
What could be the problem?
useful links:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Linux error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The tool may be 32 bits and you've the 64 bits version of the library.
You can check the binary architecture via the file command.
Also, you can force the library via LD_PRELOAD

Shared Libraries in Same Folder with App in TCSH

I am deploying a locally-compiled app to a remote Linux server. Since I don't have root account I cannot put needed shared libraries to /usr/lib
Is there a way to overcome this? I put libraries in same folder and changed "path" variable but did not work.
Two simple options.
You can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable inside your script (see Section 3.3.1. of the shared libraries HOWTO). There are problems with this approach for production code, but if set in a wrapper script is probably ok.
You can call your app with the libraries specified on the command line by invoking the ld-linux program loader directly, as described in the manpage and HOWTO:
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 --library-path PATH EXECUTABLE
