AngularJs $resource save throwing ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH - node.js

Using AngularJs $resource for updating the existing data. calling save on resource.
This is my service.
app.factory('SubscriptionsService', function ($resource, $q) {
// $resource(url, [paramDefaults], [actions], options);
var resource = $resource('/api/subscriptions');
var factory = {};
factory.updateSubscriptions = function (updatedSubscriptions) {
console.log("SubscriptionsService: In updateSubscriptions. "+JSON.stringify( updatedSubscriptions));
var deferred = $q.defer();,
return deferred.promise;
return factory;
And API looks like the following.
exports.update = function (req, res) {
console.log("In Subscriptions API: Update invoked.");
if (req.body == null || req.body.items == null || req.body.items == 'undefined') {
return res.json({"status":0,"message":"no items present."});
var items = req.body.items;
console.log("About to call update on db."+items);
return res.json({"status":-1,"message":error.message,"failedItem":failedItems});
return res.json({"status":1,"message":result,"failedItem":failedItems});
And controller as follows
$scope.confirmUpdates = function () {
if ($scope.updatedItems.length > 0) {
var updatedSubscriptionLevels = { "items": $scope.updatedItems };
var promise = SubscriptionsService.updateSubscriptions(updatedSubscriptionLevels);
console.log("Response received from API.");
var statusCode = response.status;
console.log("statusCode: "+statusCode);
console.log("Error message: "+message);
Strange part is data is getting updated. But promise receiving an error.
POST xxxxxx/testapi/subscriptions net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH
I doubt I am not implementing/consuming resource in a right way. Can anybody advise?

I think I found the mistake.
There were couple of things I was not handling in a right way.
I didn't post my db code in mt question where the root cause was present.
if(itemsToUpdate!=null && itemsToUpdate.length>0){
var failedItems = []; // Holds failed items while updating.
console.log("Items to update: "+itemsToUpdate);
for(var index=0;index<itemsToUpdate.length;index++){
var item = itemsToUpdate[index];
// Error occurred. Push it to failed items array.
console.log("Number of rows updated: "+rowsEffected);
else {
callback(null, "NO_ITEMS", []);
I missed if - else condition and invoking callback multiple times which was causing the issue.


How to consume a RESTful API in Node.js

I'm new to Node.js and I'm creating a simple pagination page. The REST API works fine, but consuming it has left me in limbo.
Here is the REST API (other parts have been taken out for brevity)
const data = req.query.pageNo;
const pageNo =
(typeof data === 'undefined' || data < 1) ? 1 : parseInt(req.query.pageNo);
let query = {};
const total = 10;
query.skip = (total * pageNo) - total;
query.limit = total;
try {
const totalCount = await Users.countDocuments();
const pageTotal = Math.ceil(totalCount / total);
const users = await Users.find({}, {}, query);
return res.status(200).json(users);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error ', error);
return res.status(400).send(error)
When I return the json with just the 'users' object, like so return res.status(200).json(users); the page renders correctly, but when I pass in other objects like what I have in the code, it fails. This is how I'm consuming the API:
const renderHomepage = (req, res, responseBody) => {
let message = null;
if (!(responseBody instanceof Array)) {
message = 'API lookup error';
responseBody = [];
} else {
if (!responseBody.length) {
message = 'No users found nearby';
res.render('users-list', {
title: 'Home Page',
users: responseBody,
message: message
const homelist = (req, res) => {
const path = '/api/users';
const requestOptions = {
url: `${apiOptions.server}${path}`,
method: 'GET',
json: true,
(err, {statusCode}, body) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Ther was an error ', err);
} else if (statusCode === 200 && body.length) {
renderHomepage(req, res, body);
} else if (statusCode !== 200 && !body.length) {
console.log('error ',statusCode);
I've searched extensively on both here and other resources but none of the solutions quite answers my question. I hope someone could be of help

node.js - using .map to enrich object

I have an object (set of product data), within some of those objects I have an array of images. For each of the images I need to call an API to get extra data, then I want to put this back into the original object.
The API call is by ID, that's working and I can get the data.
I think I have a problem with the async nature and I am missing something (probably obvious!)...
function fetchImages(products) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var product_updates = [];
products.forEach(function (product, idx, array) {
var image_updates = [];
if (product.images.length > 0)
//var id = product.images.mediaId;
image_updates = {
return {
image_urls: getImage(task.mediaId)
if (idx === array.length - 1)
return deferred.promise;
Here is the shortened "getImage" function...
function getImage(id)
// Request options
var options = {
url: cfg.base_url + (cfg.base_url[cfg.base_url.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : '') + 'api/media/' + id,
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
// Check status code
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) {
let result = JSON.parse(body);
return result;
} else {
console.log("Failed to fetch images updates");
I'm also unsure if "deferred.resolve(product_updates);" is done correctly.. seems to work but not 100% sure.
console.log for "image_update" returns:
[ { image_urls: undefined },
{ image_urls: undefined },
{ image_urls: undefined },
{ image_urls: undefined },
{ image_urls: undefined } ]
************ Amended fetchImages() function ***********
function fetchImages(products) {
const getImagesForProduct = function(product) {
return {
return {
product: product,
image_urls: getImage(task.mediaId)
const product_updates =
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
This is more eloquent now... but still not got the promise needed?
In you example getImage makes and asynchronous call and therefore should return a promise. Many ways to return a promise - but the native promise object is the easiest (i suspect you could do this with Q too - but it has been a long time since I used that library).
function getImage(id)
// Request options
var options = {
url: cfg.base_url + (cfg.base_url[cfg.base_url.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : '') + 'api/media/' + id,
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
// Check status code
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode <= 299) {
let result = JSON.parse(body);
} else {
The other function could be written more eloquently too. Essentially:
// :: Product -> [{image_urls: Promise}]
const getImagesForProduct = function(product) {
return {
return {
image_urls: getImage(task.mediaId)
const product_updates =
//=> [[{image_urls: Promise}]]
In this scenario you still need to wait on the promises to resolve. I suspect you could flatten the array or restructure the transformations to be less hairy - but it depends on what your other code needs
Here's the final function that deals with the promises:
function fetchImages(products) {
const getImagesForProduct = function(product) {
if (product.images && product.images.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(product)
const getImagesPromiseTasks = => getImage(task.mediaId));
return Promise.all(getImagesPromiseTasks)
.then(retrievedUrls => {
product.image_urls = retrievedUrls
return product
return Promise.all(

The ultimate way to prevent duplication in Parse Server once and for all

One of the biggest issue we face now with parse-server is duplication. Although we have implemented a Parse cloud code to prevent such event through beforeSave and afterSave methods at the same time added external middleware to check for existing object before saving still we face duplication over and over specially on concurrent operations.
Here is our code to prevent duplication for a specific class:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Category", function(request, response) {
var newCategory = request.object;
var name = newCategory.get("name");
var query = new Parse.Query("Category");
query.equalTo("name", name);
success: function(results) {
if(results) {
if (!request.object.isNew()) { // allow updates
} else {
response.error({errorCode:400,errorMsg:"Category already exist"});
} else {
error: function(error) {
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Category", function(request) {
var query = new Parse.Query("Category");
query.equalTo("name", request.object.get("name"));
success:function(results) {
if (results && results.length > 1) {
for(var i = (results.length - 1); i > 0 ; i--) {
else {
// No duplicates
error:function(error) {
This code above is able to prevent some duplicate but most still goes through, example:
What is the "ultimate way" to prevent duplication with Parse server?
You can always create a unique index in mongodb for the field that should be unique in your document.
This way any save that conflicts with that index, will be aborted
Maybe you should write something with Promises like :
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Category", function (request, response) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var query = new Parse.Query("Category");
query.equalTo("name", "Dummy");
return query.first().then(function (results) {
resolve(); // or reject()
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Category", async (request) => {
await results = query.first();
// then your logic here
response.error({ errorCode: 400, errorMsg: "Category already exist" })
Here is my Solution:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave( 'ClassName', async ( request ) => {
const columnName = 'columnName'
const className = 'ClassName'
if( request.object.isNew() ) {
var newCategory = request.object
var name = newCategory.get( columnName )
var query = new Parse.Query( className )
query.equalTo( columnName, name )
const results = await query.count()
if( results === 0 ) {
// no response.success needed
} else {
throw 'Is not unique';
} )

before fetching data in db response is sent by node js

this is my set notification object
var sentNotificationObj = function (notification, eventid, addedorganizerpropic) {
this.notification = notification;
this.eventid = eventid;
this.addedorganizerpropic = addedorganizerpropic;
this is my array which is stored notification obect
var notificationSetArray2 = [];
this is my api of getnotification'/getnotification', function (req, res) {
console.log('in aside');
var id = req.body.userid;
console.log('pos id' + id);
User.findById({ _id: id }, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('err get notification');
res.statusCode = 500;
success: false,
message: "severe error"
} else {
this is code fetchin data in data base
for (var i = 0; i < result.notification.length; i++) {
var addedevent = result.notification[i].addedevent;
var notification = result.notification[i].notification;
console.log('added event' + addedevent);
console.log('added noti' + notification);
User.findById({ _id: result.notification[i].addedorganizer }, function (err, addedorganizer) {
if (err) {
console.log('error get added user pofile pic');
} else {
convert image to base64
var base64str = base64_encode(addedorganizer.profileData.profileurl);
var newsentNotificationObj = new sentNotificationObj(notification, addedevent, base64str);
console.log('succe get added user profile pic');
this is response
res.statusCode = 200;
success: true,
notificationArray: notificationSetArray2
notificationSetArray2.length = 0;
The most simple solution in here to use async library here.
Node runs code in asynchronous way. So it is natural to send response before fetching any data from your database.
By using async you can execute this in a sequence. So it will be solved.
Use async.series method for solve this. For example
// fetch your data here using mongo with your loop
callback(); // this will trigger next step (call this after you finished iterating array)
// after above code has been executed
// send response here
callback() // call this to proceed
// handle any error in here
A good example of how to use asyncjs in node

Completing loops inside of node.js promises

I am trying to complete a few loops over firebase objects using .forEach and I am also using promises. This isn't working out how I had planned it. My basic problem is that the loops inside of my promises complete well after the promise chain itself completes. Here is my function:
var queue = new Queue(productUpdateQueue, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
var incomingUpdateData = data;
var receiptID = incomingUpdateData.receiptID;
var userID = incomingUpdateData.userID;
var oldProductID = incomingUpdateData.oldProductID;
var newProductID = incomingUpdateData.newProductID;
var newReceipt = incomingUpdateData.newReceipt;
var postID = "";
var updateObject = {};
updateObject['usersPrivate/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null;
updateObject['usersPrivate/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+newProductID] = newReceipt;
clicks.child('VigLink').orderByChild('item').equalTo(oldProductID).once('value', function(cuidSnapshot) {
return cuidSnapshot.forEach(function(cuidSnapshot) {
var cuid = cuidSnapshot.key;
updateObject['clicks/VigLink/'+cuid+'/item'] = newProductID;
}).then(function() {
return userReceiptMetrics.child(userID).child('receipts').child(receiptID).child('items').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(oldSnapshot) {
var data = oldSnapshot.val()
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+newProductID] = data
if (data != null) {
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/itemIDs/'+newProductID] = now
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/itemIDs/'+oldProductID] = null
}).then(function() {
return userReceiptMetrics.child(userID).child('shops').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(oldSnapshot) {
var data = oldSnapshot.val()
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shops/'+oldProductID] = null;
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shops/'+newProductID] = data;
if (data != null) {
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shopIDs/'+newProductID] = now;
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shopIDs/'+oldProductID] = null;
}).then(function() {
posts.once('value', function(postSnapshot) {
// use Promise.all and Array#map to wait for all these queries to finish
var allPosts = postSnapshot.val()
var postKeys = Object.keys(allPosts)
return Promise.all( {
var postID = postKey;
return posts.child(postID).child('items').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(itemSnapshot) {
return itemSnapshot.forEach(function(itemSnapshot) {
var itemData = itemSnapshot.val()
console.log('post snapshot'+ itemData);
updateObject['posts/'+postID+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null
updateObject['posts/'+postID+'/items/'+newProductID] = itemData
}).then(function() {
// Move to next item
return console.log('hey look here'+updateObject['posts/'+postID+'/items/'+newProductID]);
return firebaseRoot.update(updateObject, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error updating data:", error);
} else {
// resolve();
}).then(function() {
// Move to next item
return console.log('second one'+updateObject['posts/'+postID+'/items/'+newProductID]);
return firebaseRoot.update(updateObject, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error updating data:", error);
} else {
// resolve();
// Finish the task asynchronously
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
And here is the output:
hey look hereundefined
second oneundefined
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
post snapshot[object Object]
I think I might be using promises incorrectly but I don't know.
I figured out that I should be using Promise.all() in order to wait for my forEach loops to complete. Here is the code I used to solve my problem, enjoy:
var queue = new Queue(productUpdateQueue, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
var incomingUpdateData = data;
var receiptID = incomingUpdateData.receiptID;
var userID = incomingUpdateData.userID;
var oldProductID = incomingUpdateData.oldProductID;
var newProductID = incomingUpdateData.newProductID;
var newReceipt = incomingUpdateData.newReceipt;
var postID = "-KZOO0UII67uOmYo6DJh";
var postKeys = [];
var updateObject = {};
updateObject['usersPrivate/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null;
updateObject['usersPrivate/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+newProductID] = newReceipt;
return clicks.child('VigLink').orderByChild('item').equalTo(oldProductID).once('value', function(cuidSnapshot) {
return cuidSnapshot.forEach(function(cuidSnapshot) {
var cuid = cuidSnapshot.key;
updateObject['clicks/VigLink/'+cuid+'/item'] = newProductID;
}).then(function() {
return userReceiptMetrics.child(userID).child('receipts').child(receiptID).child('items').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(oldSnapshot) {
var data = oldSnapshot.val()
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/items/'+newProductID] = data
if (data != null) {
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/itemIDs/'+newProductID] = now
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/receipts/'+receiptID+'/itemIDs/'+oldProductID] = null
}).then(function() {
return userReceiptMetrics.child(userID).child('shops').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(oldSnapshot) {
var data = oldSnapshot.val()
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shops/'+oldProductID] = null;
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shops/'+newProductID] = data;
if (data != null) {
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shopIDs/'+newProductID] = now;
updateObject['userReceiptMetrics/'+userID+'/shopIDs/'+oldProductID] = null;
}).then(function() {
return posts.orderByChild('receipt').equalTo(receiptID).once('value');
}).then(function(postSnapshot) {
return postSnapshot.forEach(function(post) {
}).then(function() {
return Promise.all( {
return posts.child(postKey).child('items').child(oldProductID).once('value', function(itemSnapshot) {
var itemData = itemSnapshot.val()
updateObject['posts/'+postKey+'/items/'+oldProductID] = null;
updateObject['posts/'+postKey+'/items/'+newProductID] = itemData;
})).then(function(results) {
return results;
}).then(function() {
return firebaseRoot.update(updateObject, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log("Error updating data:", error);
} else {
// Finish the task asynchronously
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
