Change root-path for bash auto-completition (TAB) feature - linux

Can I force BASH to see certain folder (let's call it main_folder) as the root of my file-system? I need BASH to behave this way at least during auto-completion of parameter names and command names, while inside the folder.
Let's say that I have directory tree that looks like this:
Now that I call this custom version of bash, I could simply type:
/> /bi(TAB)/(TAB) /a(TAB)
What would expand to:
/> /bin/ /a.txt
Where is command to be run and a.txt is it's first parameter. If I was CDed into /bin/ I could do:
/bin/> ./(TAB) (TAB)(TAB)
What would expand the command, and would give three options for the first parameter (namely: b.txt, c.txt,
Few brief additional points:
I do not care if the original root of the file-system is inaccessible or is accessible via hard/soft link.
I do not care if I am able to run any commands that are out of scope for main_folder (I will change the $PATH variable anyway) or any shell builtins.
I do not care what the $PS#, $PWD, etc. variables actually hold.
I do not want to make my own version of BASH (changing source-code). My application should (probably) be started via some script (sh) or program (C/C++/C#) that setups the environment and either continues in interactive mode or runs interactive shell on one of it's last lines.
I want to run this as an unprivileged user. I do not want to allow the user to chroot.
I am not concerned with security, and I am not intending to jail anyone. I simply need BASH to auto-complete.
I would not mind to 'trap' BASH during directory lookups.
I have a feeling that set, compgen, complete and compopt builtins are what I need to utilize, but I do not know how. It does not seem that the examples I have found about these commands show all the features, and man pages are quite chaotic.
Thanks, Kupto :)


How can I find all the versions of a Unix program on a system?

This came up in coursework, and I'm stuck:
Many systems have more than one version of a utility program so that users can choose the one they want. Suggest a command to find all the versions of make on a system. What determines which one a user actually gets? How might a user override the defaults?
How would you do that?
How UNIX finds programs
Unix-like systems store their executable programs in various directories for historical reasons.
The directories that are searched when you want to run a command are stored in an environment variable called $PATH, separated by colons (:). To see its contents, type echo "$PATH" in a terminal window. On my system, that shows (split to avoid a long line)
They're searched in that order. If I want to run make, the system will first check /usr/local/sbin/make (which doesn't exist), then /usr/local/bin/make (also non-existant), then /usr/bin/make (which does exist, so it runs that).
How to figure out which one would run
The program which can be used to look through $PATH to figure out what program would be chosen. Running which make on my system produces the output /usr/bin/make.
Conveniently, which has a -a flag to print all executables that match, not just the first one. (I found this by consulting its manual, by running man which.) So which -a java should tell you where all of the versions of java are.
Changing the defaults
If you like, you can change the contents of the $PATH variable, like you can change any environment variable: If I run PATH="$PATH:/home/anko/bin", the next time the system needs to find a program, it will check through all of what $PATH used to be, plus a directory called bin in my home directory if it couldn't find anything else.
I could also prepend the directory, to make it take precedence over anything else, by doing PATH="/home/anko/bin:$PATH".

What is PATH on a Mac (UNIX) system?

I'm trying to setup a project, storm from git:
Download a Storm release , unpack it, and put the unpacked bin/ directory on your PATH
My question is: What does PATH mean? What exactly do they want me to do?
Sometimes I see some /bin/path, $PATH, or echo PATH.
Can someone explain the concept of PATH, so I can setup everything easily in the future without just blindly following the instructions?
PATH is a special environment variable in UNIX (and UNIX-like, e.g. GNU/Linux) systems, which is frequently used and manipulated by the shell (though other things can use it, as well).
There's a somewhat terse explanation on wikipedia, but basically it's used to define where to search for executable files (whether binaries, shell scripts, whatever).
You can find out what your current PATH is set to with a simple shell command:
: $; echo $PATH
(Note: the : $; is meant to represent your shell prompt; it may be something very different for you; just know that whatever your prompt is, that's what I'm representing with that string.)
Depending on your system and prior configuration, the value will vary, but a very simple example of the output might be something like:
This is a colon(:)-separated list of directories in which to search for executable files (things like ls, et cetera.) In short, when you try to execute a command from your shell (or from within some other program in certain ways), it will search through each of the directories in this list, in order, looking for an executable file of the name you're provided, and run the first one it finds. So that's the concept, per your question.
From there, what this documentation is telling you to do is to add the directory where you've unpacked the software, and in particular its bin subdirectory, into your $PATH variable. How to do this depends a bit on which shell you're using, but for most (Bourne-compatible) shells, you should be able to do something like this, if you're in the directory where that bin directory is:
: $; PATH="$PATH:$PWD/bin"; export PATH
In just about all but an actual Bourne shell, this can be shortened to:
: $; export PATH="$PATH:$PWD/bin"
(I won't bother explaining for CSH-compatible shells (because: I agree with other advice that you don't use them), but something similar can be done in them, as well, if that happens to be your environment of choice for some reason.)
Presumably, though, you'll want to save this to a shell-specific configuration file (could be ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc... depending on your shell), and without reference to $PWD, but rather to whatever it expanded to. One way you might accomplish this would be to do something like this:
: $; echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$PWD/bin\""
and then copy/paste the resulting line into the appropriate configuration file.
Of course you could also generate the appropriate command in other ways, especially if your $PWD isn't currently where that bin directory is.
See also:
An article about $PATH (and more)
a related question on

Bash script ignores arguments when in /bin

I have this bash script that I can pass up to three arguments to. It works like a charm when I call it from the directory ./script -h but when I copy the same file to /bin and call it from anywhere with script -h, it seems to ignore the arguments passed.
Why? or maybe more importantly:
What can I do do change that?
script is a very useful standard utility program which take a copy of your current session (look for a file called typescript). It creates another shell interface, so you probably didn't notice it was running.
When you write a new program, use a naming convention, like
If you don't like using a file suffix (because it looks too much like Windows) then fine, but use some other naming convention which will ensure your script names do not clash with existing commands. test is another favorite, for example. You can use type to check a command, but that only checks your current environment, you might still have a name collision when running from a different username, for example.

How to track file creation and modification

We have put together a perl script that essentially looks at the argument that is being passed to it checks if is creating or modifying a file then it saves that in a mysql database so that it is easily accessible later. Here is the interesting part, how do I make this perl script run before all of the commands typed in the terminal. I need to make this dummy proof so people don't forget to run it.
Sorry I didn't formulate this question properly. What I want to do is prepend to each command such that each command will run like so "./ ls" for example. That way I can track file changes if the command is mv or it creates an out file for example. The script pretty much takes care of that but I just don't know how to run it seamlessly to the user.
I am running ubuntu server with the bash terminal.
If I understood correctly you need to execute a function before running every command, something similar to preexec and precmd in zsh.
Unfortunately bash doesn't have a native support for this but you can do it using DEBUG trap.
Here is a sample code applying this method.
This page also provide some useful information.
You can modify the ~/.bashrc file and launch your script there. Do note that each user would (and should) still have the privelege to modify this file, potentially removing the script invocation.
The /etc/bash.bashrc file is system-wide and only changeable by root.
These .bashrcs are executed when a new instance of bash is created (e.g. new terminal).
It is not the same as sh, the system shell, that is dash on Ubuntu systems.

change shell directory from a script?

i want to make a script (to) that makes it easier for me to enter folders.
so eg. if i type "to apache" i want it to change the current directory to /etc/apache2.
however, when i use the "cd" command inside the script, it seems like it changes the path WITHIN the script, so the path in the shell has not changed.
how could i make this work?
Use an alias or function, or source the script instead of executing it.
BASH FAQ entry #60.
use a function
cd /etc/apache
put in a file eg and whenever you want to use it, source the file. eg
source /path/
As Ignacio said, make it into a function (or perhaps an alias).
The way I tend to do it is have a shell script that creates the function - and the script and the function have the same name. Then once at some point in time, I will source the script ('. funcname') and thereafter I can simply use the function.
I tend to prefer functions to aliases; it is easier to manage arguments etc.
Also, for the specific case of changing directories, I use CDPATH. The trick with using CDPATH is to have the empty entry at the start:
export CDPATH=:/work4/jleffler:/u/jleffler:/work4/jleffler/src:\
On this machine, my main home directory is /work4/jleffler. I can get to most of the relevant sub-directories in one go with 'cd whatever'.
If you don't put the empty entry (or an explicit '.') first, then you can't 'cd' into a sub-directory of the current directory, which is disconcerting at least.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams gave a link to what probably answers the question, although I didn't really follow it. The short answer is to use either "source" or a single dot before the command, eg:
. to apache
But, I found there are down problems to this if you have a more complicated script. It seems that the original script filename variable ($0) is lost. I see "-bash" instead, so your script can't echo error text that that would include the full filename.
Also, you can't use the "exit" command, or your shell will exit (especially disconcerting from ssh).
Also, the "basename" function gives an error if you use that.
So, it seems to me that a function might be the only way to get around some of these problems, like if you are passing parameters.
