To preface, I have already tried the Ctrl+U and Command+Enter as detailed here: Excel formulas giving #VALUE! error when ported to Mac
Problem: Data ported from SAS stacks the two needed values into one cell. So I am using a step process to automatically split the cell and then concatenate based on desired values.
Here is the formula that works in PC, but showing a Value Error when trying to work with the spreadsheet in Mac Excel.
=LEFT('Data Input'!B7,FIND(CHAR(10),'Data Input'!B7)-1)
=RIGHT('Data Input'!B7,FIND(CHAR(10),'Data Input'!B7)-1)
I have a lot of simple formulas in named ranges that I reference in VBA.
For example one cell contains
and outputs 17.11.2022
I stumbled upon the correct version through trial and error, and after failing with formulas like
that for some reason produced as output.
What is even weirder I have a desktop (1) and a laptop (2) and a computer (3) where the sheet is supposed to run. The desktop and laptop have both English versions of Excel and the working computer has a German version. The first formula produces the correct output on machines 1 and 3, but not on 2. Total randomness.
Additionally I stumbled upon a weird bug in my VBA (English version).
Namely if you use
ConditionalFormatting AND =MOD(ROW()/2)
and port this file to a computer with german Excel you get an error.
For some reason, and only in ConditionalFormatting in VBA you have to use
if you want your code to work?
Who came up with such an unworkable, error-inducing, time sucking, nerve wrecking scheme?
Why can't one have universals like dd spit out 2-digit day of a month regardless of the language?
What is more important is there a way to make such sensible formulas free form EXCELS LOCAL QUIRKINESS?
I am just trying to merge two Excels using VLOOKUP function as it is explained on Microsoft Office documentation.
Using Microsoft Excel 2019, after typing = I can't see the function, and even I introduce the formula manually, I get an error that is not ok. I am just using:
Where the variable list is just the selection on the second sheet where it has to find for the data. Already checked this solution with no result. Any advice?
I'm trying to get some values between two different workbooks.
One workbook is named 'BSC_AGRvF.xlsm' and the other is 'BSC_AGERE_SQL_v1.xlsx', both are being used on excel office 365.
I used =VLOOKUP(A2;[BSC_AGERE_SQL_v1.xlsx]Variavéis'!$A$4:$E$1000;4;FALSE) to find the description of certain code that is stored in A2 in the current workbook ('BSC_AGRvF.xlsm') but the result is #N/A.
I also tried to use =INDEX([BSC_AGERE_SQL_v1.xlsx]Variavéis'!$D$4:$D$1000;MATCH(1;INDEX(([BSC_AGERE_SQL_v1.xlsx]Variavéis'!$C$4:$C$1000=A2););0)) but the result is the same (#N/A).
The formulas seem to be correct as far as I know but the error keeps occurring. What am I doing wrong?
I have a range in excel that is formatted conditionally using VBA to colour the cells based on the value. It is quite a simple setup that runs at the opening of the WB, clearing and resetting once opened.
It worked about a month ago, and still does on some computers/versions, but somehow it does not execute on a new computer running excel 2013.
The error excel generates is:
Invalid procedure call or argument
The code generating the error is:
MyRng.Formatconditions.Add.Type:=xlexpression, formula:= My conditional format formulae
I've been searching for an answer, but could not find anything WRT differences in formatting between versions.
I have an excel file with many rows, and am trying to copy severl columns from this file to another file. However, the paste operation gives the following error message. I am not clear what does that mean and how to solve it.
Shown below is a quote from microsoft website as it will depend on your excel version
In Microsoft Excel 2003, when you format a cell or a range of cells, you may receive the following error message:
Too many different cell formats.
Excel encountered an error and had to remove some formatting to avoid corrupting the workbook.
In Microsoft Excel 2013, 2010, or 2007, files may produce the following error message:Excel found unreadable content in the file
One solution could be if you only need the values is to copy and paste special as values into the same workbook (diff sheet) and then try to copy into the new workbook. or do this same process but paste without the formatting using paste special.
I would be able to answer more if i new what kind of data was involved or the kind of formatting but give that a go and see if it helps