sed step after regular expression - linux

Can I use a step after finding a line by regex?
for example,
For a file
This works,
sed '2~2p' -n
but this doesn't work
sed '/B/~2p' -n
I am blamed by unknown command ~

if you read sed (GNU sed)'s info/man page, there is NO address format like this:
there are:
FIRST~STEP, which needs two numbers, and
ADDR1, ~N which matches the range between ADDR1 and the 1st line number(no), that no%N==0
I think you were either confused by the two above, or didn't check man page, just thought there "should be" an addr like that.
I guess, you want to do this:
kent$ seq 10|sed -n '/2/,${p;n}'

awk can do what you're asking, in a more verbose way:
seq 20 |
awk -v pattern="4" -v step=3 '
!start && $0 ~ pattern {start = NR}
start && (NR-start)%step == 0

Here's a way you could achieve the same thing in awk, in case you're interested:
awk '/B/,0 {i++}i%2' file
The range operator evaluates to true when the pattern is matched and remains true until the end of the file. While it is true, i is incremented and when it is odd, the line is printed.
The version above works well for printing every other line but not for the more general case of every N lines. In order to do that, you can modify it slightly like this:
awk '/B/,0 {i++} i%N==1' file
where N is your step.


AWK - string containing required fields

I thought it would be easy to define a string such as "1 2 3" and use it within AWK (GAWK) to extract the required fields, how wrong I have been.
I have tried creating AWK arrays, BASH arrays, splitting, string substitution etc, but could not find any method to use the resulting 'chunks' (ie the column/field numbers) in a print statement.
I believe Akshay Hegde has provided an excellent solution with the get_cols function, here
but it was over 8 years ago, and I am really struggling to work out 'how it works', namely, what this is doing;
s = length(s) ? s OFS $(C[i]) : $(C[i])
I am unable to post a comment asking for clarification due to my lack of reputation (and it is an old post).
Is someone able to explain how the solution works?
NB I don't think I need the sub as I using the following to cleanup (replace all non-numeric characters with a comma, ie seperator, and sort numerically)
Columns=$(echo $Input_string | sed 's/[^0-9]\+/,/g') Columns=$(echo $Columns | xargs -n1 | sort -n | xargs)
(using this string, the awk would be Executed using awk -v cols=$Columns -f test.awk infile in the given solution)
Given the informative answer from #Ed Morton, with a nice worked example, I have attempted to remove the need for a function (and also an additional awk program file). The intention is to have this within a shell script, and I would rather it be self contained, but also, further investigation into 'how it works'.
Fields="1 2 3"
echo $Fields | awk -F "," '{n=split($0,Column," "); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) s = length(s) ? s OFS $(Column[i]) : $(Column[i])}END{print "s="s " arr1="Column[1]" arr2="Column[2]" arr3="Column[3]}'
The results have surprised me (taking note of my Comment to Ed)
s=1 2 3 arr1=1 arr2=2 arr3=3
The above clearly shows the split has worked into the array, but I thought s would include $ for each ternary operator concatenation, ie "$1 $2 $3"
Moreso, I was hoping to append the actual file to the above command, which I have found allows me to use echo $string | awk '{program}'
NB it is a little insulting that my question has been marked as -1 indicating little research effort, as I have spent days trying to work this out.
Taking all the information above, I think s results in "1 2 3", but the print doesn't accept this in the same way as it does as it is called from a function, simply trying to 'print 1 2 3' in relation to the file, which seems to be how all my efforts have ended up.
This really confuses me, as Ed's 'diagonal' example works from command line, indicating that concept of 'print s' is absolutely fine when used with a file name input.
Can anyone suggest how this (example below) can work?
I don't know if using echo pipe and appending the file name is strictly allowed, but it appears to work (?!?!?!)
(failed result)
echo $Fields | awk -F "," '{n=split($0,Column," "); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) s = length(s) ? s OFS $(Column[i]) : $(Column[i])}END{print s}' myfile.txt
This appears to go through myfile.txt and output all lines containing many comma separated values, ie the whole file (I haven't included the values, just for illustration only)
what this is doing; s = length(s) ? s OFS $(C[i]) : $(C[i])
You have encountered a ternary operator, it has following syntax
condition ? valueiftrue : valueiffalse
length function, when provided with single argument does return number of characters, in GNU AWK integer 0 is considered false, others integers are considered true, so in this case it is is not empty check. When s is not empty (it might be also not initalized yet, as GNU AWK will assume empty string in such case), it is concatenated with output field separator (OFS, default is space) and C[i]-th field value and assigned to variable s, when s is empty value of C[i]-th field value. Used multiple time this allows building of string of values sheared by OFS, consider following simple example, let say you want to get diagonal of 2D matrix, stored in file.txt with following content
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
then you might do
awk '{s = length(s) ? s OFS $(NR) : $(NR)}END{print s}' file.txt
which will get output
1 7 13 19 25
Explanation: NR is number row, so 1st row $(NR) is 1st field, for 2nd row it is 2nd field, for 3rd it is 3rd field and so on
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)

find a pattern and print line based on finding the first pattern sed, awk grep

I have a rather large file. What is common to all is the hostname to break each section example :
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 2
data 1
data here
data 2
text here
section 1
text here
part 4
data here
comm = 1
The above prints
As you see above, in between each section there are other sections broken down by key words or lines that have specific values
I like to use a oneliner to print host name for each section and then print which ever lines I want to extract under each hostname section
Can you please help. I am using now grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | gerp -C pattern
but this assumes that there are 10 lines in each section. This is not an optimal way to do this; can someone show a better way. I also need to be able to print more than one line under each pattern that I find . So if I find data1 and there are additional lines under it I like to grab and print them
So output of command would be like
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep data 1
grep -C 10 HOSTNAME | grep -A 2 data 1
data 1
data 1
Beside Grep I use this sed command to print my output
sed -r '/HOSTNAME|shared/!d' filename
The only problem with this sed command is that it only prints the lines that have patterns shared & HOSTNAME in them. I also need to specify the number of lines I like to print in my case under the line that matched patterns shared. So I like to print HOSTNAME and give the number of lines I like to print under second search pattern shared.
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -v lines=2 '/HOSTNAME/{c=lines} NF&&c&&c--' file
data 1
data 1
print lines number of lines including pattern match, skips empty lines.
If you want to specify secondary keyword instead number of lines
$ awk -v key='data 1' '/HOSTNAME/{h=1; print} h&&$0~key{print; h=0}' file
data 1
data 1
Here is a sed twoliner:
sed -n -r '/HOSTNAME/ { p }
/^\s+data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
It prints (p)
when the line contains a HOSTNAME
when the line starts with some whitespace (\s+) followed by your search criterion (data 1)
non-mathing lines are not printed (due to the sed -n option)
Edit: Some remarks:
this was tested with GNU sed 4.2.2 under linux
you dont need the -r if your sed version does not support it, replace the second pattern to /^.*data 1/
we can squash everything in one line with ;
Putting it all together, here is a revised version in one line, without the need for the extended regex ( i.e without -r):
sed -n '/HOSTNAME/ { p } ; /^.*data 1/ {p }' hostnames.txt
The OP requirements seem to be very unclear, but the following is consistent with one interpretation of what has been requested, and more importantly, the program has no special requirements, and the code can easily be modified to meet a variety of requirements. In particular, both search patterns (the HOSTNAME pattern and the "data 1" pattern) can easily be parameterized.
The main idea is to print all lines in a specified subsection, or at least a certain number up to some limit.
If there is a limit on how many lines in a subsection should be printed, specify a value for limit, otherwise set it to 0.
awk -v limit=0 '
/^HOSTNAME:/ { subheader=0; hostname=1; print; next}
/^ *data 1/ { subheader=1; print; next }
/^ *data / { subheader=0; next }
subheader && (limit==0 || (subheader++ < limit)) { print }'
Given the lines provided in the question, the output would be:
data 1
data 1
(Yes, I know the variable 'hostname' in the awk program is currently unused, but I included it to make it easy to add a test to satisfy certain obvious requirements regarding the preconditions for identifying a subheader.)
sed -n -e '/hostname/,+p' -e '/Duplex/,+p'
The simplest way to do it is to combine two sed commands ..

sed - pass match to external command

I have written a little script using sed to transform this:
kaefert#Ultrablech ~ $ cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent
into a csv file format like this:
kaefert#Ultrablech ~ $ Documents/Asus\ Zenbook\ UX32VD/
"date";"status";"voltage µV";"power µW";"energy full µWh";"energy now µWh"
2012-07-30 11:29:01;"Full";8369000;0;44541000;44541000
2012-07-30 11:29:02;"Full";8369000;0;44541000;44541000
2012-07-30 11:29:04;"Full";8369000;0;44541000;44541000
... (in a loop)
What I would like now is to divide each of those numbers by 1.000.000 so that they don't represent µV but V and W instead of µW, so that they are easily interpretable on a quick glance. Of course I could do this manually afterwards once I've opened this csv inside libre office calc, but I would like to automatize it.
So what I found is, that I can call external programs in between sed, like this:
and that I could get values like I want by something like this:
echo "scale=6;3094030/1000000" | bc | sed 's/0\{1,\}$//'
But the problem now is, how do I pass my match "\1" into the external command?
If you are interested in looking at the full script, you'll find it there:
if your sed is GNU sed. you can use 'e' to pass matched group to external command/tools within sed command.
an example might be helpful to make it clear:
say, you have a problem:
you have a string "120+20foobar" now you want to get the calculation result of 120+20 part, and replace "oo" to "xx" in "foobar" part.
Note that this example is not for solving the problem above, just for
showing the sed 'e' usage
so you could make 120+20 in the first match group, and rest in 2nd group, then pass two groups to different command/tools and then get the result. like:
kent$ echo "100+20foobar"|sed -r 's#([0-9+]*)(.*)#echo \1 \|bc\;echo \2 \| sed "s/oo/xx/g"#ge'
in this way, you could nest many seds one in another one, till you get lost. :D
As sed doesn't do arithmetic on its own I would recommend using awk for something like this, e.g. to divide 3rd, 5th and 6th field by a million do something like this:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '
NR == 1
NR != 1 {
$3 /= 1e6
$5 /= 1e6
$6 /= 1e6
-F';' and -v OFS=';' specify the input and output field separator.
NR == 1 pass first line through without change.
NR != 1 if it is not the first line, divide and print.
To divide by 1,000,000 directly, you do so :
sed ':r /^[[:digit:]]\{7\}/{s$\([[:digit:]]*\)\([[:digit:]]\{6\}\)/1000000$\1.\2$;p;d};s:^:0:;br;d'

How can I swap two lines using sed?

Does anyone know how to replace line a with line b and line b with line a in a text file using the sed editor?
I can see how to replace a line in the pattern space with a line that is in the hold space (i.e., /^Paco/x or /^Paco/g), but what if I want to take the line starting with Paco and replace it with the line starting with Vinh, and also take the line starting with Vinh and replace it with the line starting with Paco?
Let's assume for starters that there is one line with Paco and one line with Vinh, and that the line Paco occurs before the line Vinh. Then we can move to the general case.
#!/bin/sed -f
/^Paco/ {
After matching /^Paco/ we read into the pattern buffer until s// succeeds (or EOF: the pattern buffer will be printed unchanged). Then we start over searching for /^Paco/.
cat input | tr '\n' 'ç' | sed 's/\(ç__firstline__\)\(ç__secondline__\)/\2\1/g' | tr 'ç' '\n' > output
Replace __firstline__ and __secondline__ with your desired regexps. Be sure to substitute any instances of . in your regexp with [^ç]. If your text actually has ç in it, substitute with something else that your text doesn't have.
try this awk script.
awk -vs1="$s1" -vs2="$s2" '
{ a[++d]=$0 }
$0~s1{ h=$0;ind=d}
for(i=1;i<d;i++ ){ print a[i]}
print h
delete a;d=0;
END{ for(i=1;i<=d;i++ ){ print a[i] } }' file
$ cat file
$ bash 2 3
$ bash 1 4
Use sed (or not at all) for only simple substitution. Anything more complicated, use a programming language
A simple example from the GNU sed texinfo doc:
Note that on implementations other than GNU `sed' this script might
easily overflow internal buffers.
#!/usr/bin/sed -nf
# reverse all lines of input, i.e. first line became last, ...
# from the second line, the buffer (which contains all previous lines)
# is *appended* to current line, so, the order will be reversed
1! G
# on the last line we're done -- print everything
$ p
# store everything on the buffer again

grep: show lines surrounding each match

How do I grep and show the preceding and following 5 lines surrounding each matched line?
For BSD or GNU grep you can use -B num to set how many lines before the match and -A num for the number of lines after the match.
grep -B 3 -A 2 foo README.txt
If you want the same number of lines before and after you can use -C num.
grep -C 3 foo README.txt
This will show 3 lines before and 3 lines after.
-A and -B will work, as will -C n (for n lines of context), or just -n (for n lines of context... as long as n is 1 to 9).
ack works with similar arguments as grep, and accepts -C. But it's usually better for searching through code.
grep astring myfile -A 5 -B 5
That will grep "myfile" for "astring", and show 5 lines before and after each match
If you care about the performance, use ripgrep which has similar syntax to grep, e.g.
rg -C5 "pattern" .
-C, --context NUM - Show NUM lines before and after each match.
There are also parameters such as -A/--after-context and -B/--before-context.
The tool is built on top of Rust's regex engine which makes it very efficient on the large data.
I normally use
grep searchstring file -C n # n for number of lines of context up and down
Many of the tools like grep also have really great man files too. I find myself referring to grep's man page a lot because there is so much you can do with it.
man grep
Many GNU tools also have an info page that may have more useful information in addition to the man page.
info grep
Use grep
$ grep --help | grep -i context
Context control:
-B, --before-context=NUM print NUM lines of leading context
-A, --after-context=NUM print NUM lines of trailing context
-C, --context=NUM print NUM lines of output context
-NUM same as --context=NUM
If you search code often, AG the silver searcher is much more efficient (ie faster) than grep.
You show context lines by using the -C option.
ag -C 3 "foo" myFile
line 1
line 2
line 3
line that has "foo"
line 5
line 6
line 7
Search for "17655" in /some/file.txt showing 10 lines context before and after (using Awk), output preceded with line number followed by a colon. Use this on Solaris when grep does not support the -[ACB] options.
awk '
/17655/ {
for (i = (b + 1) % 10; i != b; i = (i + 1) % 10) {
print before[i]
print (NR ":" ($0))
a = 10
a-- > 0 {
print (NR ":" ($0))
before[b] = (NR ":" ($0))
b = (b + 1) % 10
}' /some/file.txt;
Let's understand using an example.
We can use grep with options:
-A 5 # this will give you 5 lines after searched string.
-B 5 # this will give you 5 lines before searched string.
-C 5 # this will give you 5 lines before & after searched string
File.txt contains 6 lines and following are the operations.
[abc#xyz]~/% cat file.txt # print all file data
this is first line
this is 2nd line
this is 3rd line
this is 4th line
this is 5th line
this is 6th line
[abc#xyz]~% grep "3rd" file.txt # we are searching for keyword '3rd' in the file
this is 3rd line
[abc#xyz]~% grep -A 2 "3rd" file.txt # print 2 lines after finding the searched string
this is 3rd line
this is 4th line
this is 5th line
[abc#xyz]~% grep -B 2 "3rd" file.txt # Print 2 lines before the search string.
this is first line
this is 2nd line
this is 3rd line
[abc#xyz]~% grep -C 2 "3rd" file.txt # print 2 line before and 2 line after the searched string
this is first line
this is 2nd line
this is 3rd line
this is 4th line
this is 5th line
Trick to remember options:
-A  → A means "after"
-B  → B means "before"
-C  → C means "in between"
I do it the compact way:
grep -5 string file
That is the equivalent of:
grep -A 5 -B 5 string file
Here is the #Ygor solution in awk
awk 'c-->0;$0~s{if(b)for(c=b+1;c>1;c--)print r[(NR-c+1)%b];print;c=a}b{r[NR%b]=$0}' b=3 a=3 s="pattern" myfile
Note: Replace a and b variables with number of lines before and after.
It's especially useful for system which doesn't support grep's -A, -B and -C parameters.
Grep has an option called Context Line Control, you can use the --context in that, simply,
| grep -C 5
| grep -5
Should do the trick
$ grep thestring thefile -5
-5 gets you 5 lines above and below the match 'thestring' is equivalent to -C 5 or -A 5 -B 5.
