How to connect existing hosting account with new domain - dns

i have bought a domain( and hosting from the same service provider ( but now my domain has expired and my hosting account is still available with all my files.
now i have bought another domain (.com) at .i want to connect my new domain to the existing hosting account.
Is there any way to do it.

sort of, yes. Assuming that the machine you're hostin your files on has an ip address set aside for your exclusive use - that is, not "shared" hosting - you can simply create an A record with the new new, and that ip address. You must also change your webserver config - if you're using any web related stuff - such that the webserver can associate your web site files with the new name. Usually, a web host can have multiple names at the same time, so you could simply add a new name to the existing configuration.

It's hard to answer without knowing the details of your domain and hosting settings, but I'll try to give a generic but hopefully useful answer.
You should first get the ip(s) of your hosting. Then point the new domain to that ip(s) using the dns panel provided by the registrar. If you use your own dns (unlikely), set the ip there.
After this, you should configure some rules on your hosting. It's likely that you have to set some sort of virtualhost settings. In particular, you should associate the new domain name to the hosting: probably the hosting service provides you a control panel for this task.

It will be done easily from your domain control panel, just update your dns settings for your new domain Update your nameservers or A record to point the hosting account. So that it will be linked with your existing hosting account files.


How to set custom domain name for nodejs app hosting on azure linux VM

I am hosting my nodejs project on microsoft azure. Now i wanted do custom domain but i don't know how to do, I have external go daddy domain.
Presently my project running on azure vm's default domain, now I wanted to change my goDaddy domain. How can I do that, Can anyone help to do this
below is my vm's configuration.
According to your description, we can add A record to map your domain name to this VM's public IP address, or you can add CNAME to map your domian name to this VM's
About add an A record.
More information about add a record, strong textplease refer to this link.

Setting up domainame to a shared hosting site

Not sure if this is the right stack but I need help setting up dns for a domainname that I need to point to a shared hosting site here are some images:
The last image is the ip adress and dns ip for the shared hosting site. The rest are images from the cpanel of the registrar for the domain name I want to use. Should I change the Name Server 1 and 2 to the name servers provided by the shared hosting site?
Yes you'll need to change the name server's to the ones required by your hosting site.
There may be other DNS settings required also, which your domain name hosting provider may or may not allow you to do.
If you don't get the flexibility you require with the DNS services provided by your domain name host, I'd recommend checking out

automatic sub-domain registration

I'm new at DNS world, did some readings in the Internet and wanted to know if I came to the right conclusions. I want to build a system where users are able to create new sub-domains of existing registered domains automatically:
My system provides services to different companies, these services are hosted in my system or some cloud provider. Lets call my system "services" and some company "company1". I want to offer "company1" my services and have its users access these services through "company1" new sub-domain, when "company1" has an already registered domain I want "company1" admin user be able to control and choose the sub-domain via my system when he registers his company in my system, and have the whole thing automatic. If i understand correctly:
if the admin would want to use a sub-domain like this will be a problem since I would need to update the authoritative name-servers of which I don't know who they are, and even if I have a way to know them (and from reading a bit I see that I do have a way), I don't know if every such name server will allow such updates from some external source, connectivity issues etc
if the admin would like to use a sub-domain like then I can achieve this by having my own dns server which I will register the domain for and actually manage all these company sub-domains in my own dns server. This means though that all companies will have to have a sub-domain under my domain
Please correct me if I have a wrong view on how DNS works.
To provide this kind of domain name to your customer, you will need their collaboration. A lot of companies provides this kind of feature by asking you to point an alias (CNAME Record) to a specific server.
Examples of concrete usage 3600 IN CNAME 3600 IN CNAME 3600 IN CNAME
Here's some links to the documentation of companies offering this feature:
Sample client zone file
So in your case your customer DNS zone will contain something like that: 3600 IN CNAME
where will be the server that handles the subdomain authentication
To provide to your customers, you don't have to manage your own DNS server, you just have to be able to add a wildcard record to point all the subdomains to your application. It will be the role of your application to filter your service per subdomains.
Sample service zone file
For example (where is your service IP address):
* 3600 IN A

How to point a domain to another address without access to add CNAME zone

Ive bought some domains from a hosting service and i want to point them to my other server. I did so usually by adding a DNS zone of type CNAME to list of DNS es which is set in my domain administration panel. but unfortunately I do not have access to add a CNAME, I can only change my name servers. I have even tried to point the name servers to my own domain name server, but this did not work so. for example I have the name servers and but the domain still does not point to my server. is there a way to handle this situation. shall I start a spicific service on my server to handle this thing?
or should I preform specific configurations on my own domain configuration page?
I did notice that some domain sellers do this, not sure why the monopoly. Sometimes, the changes don't reflect immediately. Wait for sometime & if still they don't reflect then do this. Check in the DNS Settings of your domain control panel if you have an option of 'Child Nameservers'. If yes, then you can run DNS service on your server locally & then make the necessary DNS changes on the server itself. Is your server Linux or Windows? Does it have a control panel installed?

Domain forwarding (sort-of)

I have been attempting to set up magento on a shared hosting server that doesn't support innoDB, ergo its not been possible. The domain I want to use has also been registered with this rubbish hosting provider. (one[dot]com for anyones reference). So I thought I would be able to point this domain to a different hosting provider that DOES support it, but one[dot]com doesnt allow me to change nameservers for the domain. They just said this:
You can only setup IP address, CNAME and web forwarding in our DNS settings but not change of nameservers
Would there be any way to change any of these settings or the .htaccess file so that, for example
Would display a page from the other server
I've created loads of sits doing all sorts but never really needed to other with the domain administration side of things.
You don't need to change name servers to map a domain to a different server. If the "good" provider supports it (i.e. allows you to register a domain on the server that isn't hosted by the company), just switch the A and MX records to the new server's IP address.
You do need the cooperation of the "good" provider for this, though.
If they're letting you set up the IP address, then setting the IP address of to should do the trick. On the other server, you'll need its webserver to be set up to serve as a virtual domain - if you're using a hosting provider they should do this for you; if not it should be fairly easy to set up (consult the manual of whichever web server software you're using).
