Can I upload files with filenames containing "*" character on web-host? - linux

I got a bunch of image files with "*" character in their filename. Everything is working fine if I include the files in my local web-server.
Is there any reason not to upload them on the web-host.

THat depends on file system used. Different file systems allow different sets of characters for file names.


Is there a Linux terminal command for creating .xlsx files from .bracken files in a loop in a new folder

Is there a loop I can use to create .xlsx files from .bracken files I currently have and channel them into an output folder?
All that I have now is to convert my .bracken files into .xlsx files using this code cat MG-ABCD12345-0.genus.bracken > MG-ABCD12345-0_genus_bracken.xlsx and files are going into my current working directory. I would like the output in a folder called bracken_excel_files which is located within my current working directory. I would prefer to use common commands such as for for the loop for easier understanding.
bracken appears to be generating/sharing the same output format as kraken, which I saw somewhere to be tab-delimited fields.
If that is true, then that is the essence of what CSV files are.
In that case, you don't need to use the "cat" command (CPU and I/O consuming). You simply need to rename the file with a ".csv" suffix (to make the file format explicitly visible for others), then import that into Excel or OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc. Each of those tools offer different options for interpreting the input when you use the "Import" function to open the files.

How to block the executable file upload in web server

I am working on a web app project to block all the file executable from file upload.
Example: user can upload, txt, png, image and video files and not any executable scripts like, Perl, Python, exe, PHP, .so, .sh files.
If it is a PHP file, then I strstr for "<?php" tag, If this tag is present, then it is PHP file. How can we find the same for other script/executable files?
Edit: Some time hackers will upload the malicious files using .png or .jpg extn, so what is the pattern to check inside the files?
Rather than making your own checks you make use of an existing library and you block everything that does not register as a desired format.
Most such libraries guess the content type and encoding of a file by looking for certain signatures or magic byte sequences at specific positions within the file.
Other libraries may be more specialised and will for example only identify image or video formats.
The file programme is a command line tool for identification of file types.
After the first pass where you identify and accept only the desired file formats you should then make all files that are not rejected go through an antivirus scanner.
Depending on you use cases you may decide to strip the original file name extension and/or even the complete file name that was provided during the upload and assign the mime-type that was detected rather than rely on user provided properties.

Batch replacing unidentified Characters in Unix that were created by macOS

On a Linux volume as part of a NAS with many TB of data some files were created from macOS and some of those files uploaded from macOS seem to include characters in filenames that cannot be reproduced via FTP or SMB file protocol. These files will appear as e.g. "picture_name001.jpg". Where the "" probably stands for a colon or slash.
I can search for "" and found out it applies to 2171 files in distributed locations on the volume. Way too much to manually find and correct each file name.
I thought I can connect to the NAS via SSH and simply loop through each directory doing an automated replace of the "" into "_", but this doesn't work because:
for file in **; do mv -- "$file" "${file///_}"; done
this attempt will throw back an error on the first item matching  with:
mv: can't rename '120422_LAXJFK': No such file or directory
So obviously this substitute character displayed as "" is not the way to address the file or directory as it refers to a name that doesn't actually exists in the volume index.
(A) How do I find out if "120422_LAX:JFK" or "120422_LAX/JFK" is meant here, and (B) how do I escape these invalid characters to eventually be able to automatically rename all those names to for example "120422_LAX_JFK"?
Is there for example a way to get a numerical file ID from the name and then instruct to rename the file by number in case its name contains ""?
I think the problem is that behind this "" can be different codes of symbols. When the system can't represent some characters (for example, given encoding is not supported), then it automatically replaced by some default character (in your case it is ""). But actually there is some code of the character, that should be in the name. BUT when you trying to do this for file in **; do mv -- "$file" "${file///_}"; done system can't recognize code, that symbol is "" is stands for.
I think this problem can be solved by changing the encoding of characters (they should be compatible and better the same) on both devices (mac and NAS)
Hope this would help

Matlab FTP download files with certain string in name

I am trying to download only certain files from a folder. The folder contains thousands of files named:
I only want those that end in and
Is there a way to isolate this string from the filename? Unfortunately I cannot use the .nc because there are other files that have this extention and I don't need them.
Looks like what you need to do is use the a wildcard in the ftp command in matlab. From the help
mget(ftpobj,contents) retrieves the file or folder specified by contents from an FTP server into the MATLAB® current folder.
contents --
Character vector enclosed in single quotation marks that specifies either a file name or a folder name. Can include a wildcard character (*).
filelist=mget(ftpobj, '*duaod550*')
filelist=mget(ftpobj, '*aod550*')

How to find the file path of a file in livecode

So, I'm incredibly new to LiveCode and I have an external file in the same directory as the .livecode file called 'words.txt', with english words, each on a new line. I plan to read this file into a variable and then pick a random word from that variable. However, I am stumped as to how I must find the file path and insert this into the syntax required for me to do this. My code is as follows:
put url ("binfile:" & filePathGoesHere) into dictionary
replace crlf with lf in dictionary
replace numToChar(13) with lf in dictionary
put any line of dictionary into randomword
The file path is supposed to be inserted into the code at filePathGoesHere. Once the program is compiled I will be moving it and its resources around a bit (from computer to computer), so, beyond the text file staying in the same folder as the compiled program, the file path will change. What extra code would I need to add to make this work, if the folder the compiled program and the txt file is in is called "MyProgram"?
Help is much appreciated, and if further specification is required I can provide it. I also have a folder called "resources" if moving it there can help.
If the stack you're building is for your own use, you can place external files anywhere, but if you're going to deliver your stack to other users, you need plan where you external files are going to be placed, and how.
An easy way to determine the path to a file that sits immediately outside your stack is using the stack's filename:
put the fileName of this stack into theFilePath
set the itemDel to "/"
put "words.txt" into the last item of theFilePath
Now theFilePath variable will an absolute path reference to your external file. If the file is placed inside a folder "TextFiles" you can do this:
put the fileName of this stack into theFilePath
set the itemDel to "/"
put "TextFiles/words.txt" into the last item of theFilePath
If you're going to deliver your stack to other people, you should write your external file/s into a common system folder, or you need to use an installer to define where your files/folders will be placed. Common folder paths are found using the specialFolderPath function:
put specialFolderPath("Documents") into the theFolderPath
A somewhat recent addition to LiveCode is a "Resources" folder -- specialFolderPath("Resources") -- which can be handy for delivering on desktop and mobile platforms. Also, keep in mind that few of these folders allow writing to existing files contained in them for security reasons. "Preferences" and "Documents" are two examples of folders where you can change the contents of files.
The LC dictionary contains details of each of the folders.
If you use the file: scheme instead of bindle: LiveCode will automatically convert end of line characters to LF, so that step may not be necessary. (Although you might need it if you are reading a text file produced in native Windows encoding on a Mac.) You don't even necessarily need to read it into a variable. You could do this:
put any line of URL ("file:" & specialFolderPath("resources") & "/words.txt") \
into tRandomWord
