Forcing Computed Fields on a Document to Recalculate using SSJS - xpages

Is there a way to force a documents computed fields to recalculate from within an Xpage, without saving the document?
I have a subform on a Notes database with many computed fields, these contain some complex calculations involving time range calculations. The database is used as both a web and client application. For the custom control containing the fields I don't want to have to recreate all the calculations, so have a computed text value bound to the computed form on the document.
On the subform as you tab through entering the information the computed fields are recalculated. On the custom control I have a refresh button which saves the datasource and does a partial refresh of the data entry section, but this can cause some errors or document save conflicts.
I will recreate the calculations if need be, but I just wondered if there is a slicker way of achieving this before I start that process?

DominoDocumentData object has computeDocument() and doComputeDocument() methods. I'm not sure what they do. If you look at the class for your XPage / Custom Control under Local\xsp you can see them. Using the variable name for your datasource, e.g. document1, you will be able to get a hold of the DominoDocumentData object and case it to that class.

There is no such thing as "computed fields on a document". A document is completely unaware how its items got their values.
Computed fields live on forms. You have 2 options (you can use one or both).
when defining a documentDatasource you can specify that the formulas are executed on load and/or save.
use the document.computeWithForm method of the NotesDocument


Lotus Notes: What will be the view selection formula to select a form which is in different database?

My view is one application and a required form along with few fields are in different application.
Point one: A View's selection formula does not "select a form". It selects documents. These documents are (usually) created with a Form, and they (usually) contain an item called "Form" which contains the name of the Form that they were created with. So a selection formula SELECT Form = "Foo" means that the view will show all documents with an item named Form that contains the value "Foo".
Point two: A View can only select documents that are in the same database that contains the View. It cannot select documents that exist in another database.
Ergo, there is no possible forumla that selects documents in another database that were created with a given Form.
I'm assuming you probably have some keyword documents in a different database, and you'd like to use a key in the main document to pull some matching information from the keyword database. In other words, you'd like to do a "join" in your Notes view.
You can't do this, never mind whether the documents are in the same database. This is not a relational database.
There are options, however.
You could create a "user definable" column and automatically update the column formula in a profile document so that the formula can calculate the keyword correspondences. You would have a periodic agent look at the keyword database and construct an updated formula such as, #Select("a"; "b"; "c";...; ChoiceNo) to convert the number field ChoiceNo to the value "a" (for 1), "b" (for 2), etc. If you can write a formula to display the correct values for the current keywords, this is workable provided the list never gets too long.
Domino servers are capable of accessing a DB2 relational database to construct a view index, using a feature called DB2NSF. So you can actually do a join -- but your NSF data has to be stored in DB2 as its back-end, rather than beinf stored in the NSF, for this to work. This is probably going to be more work than it's worth to you for this application.
If it is an XPages application, you can create your own data set however you like for feeding to a repeat control.

Client Script : custom form update field

Is it possible to retain all the data inside a form when the Custom form field is update? Currently, it reloads the page and all data will be gone.
THank you.
You could do :
On fields edit --> save field value to a cookie
And clear all those cookies on save.
That would be breaking normal functionality though...
I would have to test this, but you could make an array with all your field names, and do a validateField function (so it runs before the field is officially changed) where you get the values of every field in your array and store the values in a global array. Then have a fieldChanged function (so it runs after the field has changed) which loops back through resetting those values. This may most efficiently be done with an associative array

How can I reference a dynamically created control in VBA?

I've been finding the answers I need here on StackOverflow for months (thank you all!) but so far my search terms aren't finding the result I need this time... hence, my first post here...
I have an Excel file that includes two UserForms:
The first is used to input certain invoice data and then export that data in a format that can be uploaded into our proprietary accounting system.
The second is later used to post payment data against those invoices and then, similarly, export that data in a format that can be uploaded into our accounting system.
The second form has to be created dynamically in Userform_Initialize, because the number of payments required (and, thus, the number of TextBox and Label controls created) varies depending on the size of the invoices. I've finished the code to create this second form and it works well, but I'd like to add some functionality that is triggered when some of these dynamically created controls are changed by the user.
I've done this in other forms using a given control's _Change() procedure (for example, when I want to move to the next box after entering a dollar amount, I use _Change() to SetFocus elsewhere as soon as the value has two digits after the decimal). So my question is: how can I establish _Change()-style procedures for controls that don't yet exist before the form is initialized? Is there a way to set a "global" _Change() procedure that I can use to loop through text boxes and use if/then/else statements based on their dynamic names?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
When I am using dynamic forms, I like to create object arrays to store the relevant information so that I can quickly and easily reference the objects by "name".

Copy fields from FormA to a new form FormB

I am trying to simplify an existing Notes Form in an application that I am converting to XPages. The Notes Form has over 240 fields on it and a bunch of logic that I want to clean up. Plus the form has all kinds of display formatting that makes viewing it complex. So what I have been trying to write an agent that will get FormA and cycle through all the fields and copy them to FormB. I will then use FormB to bind my XPage to and trying to track down data issues will be much simpler. If the FormA didn't have so many fields I would just recreate it manually, but I'm sure with over 240 fields I would introduce some new typo errors.
You don't need to do anything with your form in order to create a XPage layout for it.
XPAges don't need a form at all, although it makes development easier, as after creating the data binding all fields from the form are available and can be dragged and dropped to the Xpage. Fields that are not on the form have to be created manually in the source code of the xpage (e.g. copy and paste an existing one and change the binding/name)
If you want to clean up your documents, an agent can do this without even touching the form.
For this task please consider the difference between a "Form" and a "Document".
A form is a design element that defines the look and feel of a document.
Forms contain fields that define what type of data you can put in your documents.
A document is a stupid "container" for items (not fields). It contains items for any field on the form that existed in the form when the document was created / last saved. PLUS items that are created any other way (e.g. Using formula or lotusscript agents) or that have been on the form in an earlier stage of development.
If you remove a field from a form, it will NOT be removed from the corresponding documents, not even by saving them. But If you add a field to a form, the document will have an item for that field after saving (forever, if you don't remove it manually using an agent).
With this knowledge you can simply create a new, "cleaner" form with the same name as the old one and rename the old one. From this time on, document will be displayed with the new Form and you can develop your XPage using it as your data source.
If you need to accumulate the data in the documents, this can be done with an agent without using a form: just manipulate the document DIRECTLY.
Here is an example in formula to put two fields together:
FIELD NewFieldName := OldField_1 : OldField_2;
FIELD OldField_1 := #DeleteField;
FIELD OldField_2 := #DeleteField;
I think, in most cases it's not a good idea to have a form with 240 fields. It looks for me like a form from old Notes 3 or 4 times when no embedded views were available and one to many relations were put into fields with index e.g. 1 to 20.
Maybe, a redesign is a better way to go.
Also, you don't need to create and maintain a form with all 240 fields for developing your XPage. Actually, you don't need the form at all. With a data source definition based on "Domino Document" you define a form name and which way you want to create a new document or find an existing document. That's it. Then you can create your fields in your XPage. Give them a name and a type. You can do this in Designer UI. Just write the new fieldname into "Bind to" for selected "Data source". Select in "Display type" a field type (String, Number, Date/Time). That is not only valid for display but will save the field as selected type to document too. In this example it will create a new field "YourNewField" and will save it as a integer number.
When you submit the page all fields will be created or set in document. You can check the fields and their types in Notes client using the document property box.
A good way though is to create the form with the most important fields. Then you can open the document in Notes client and check the fields set by XPage.

Filtering a repeating table linked to a secondary datasource

I have an infopath form based on a sharepoint list (worktracker).
In that form there is a repeating section which holds data from a secondary source which is the worktracker list again.
I would like to filter that table using the value in a field on the form - this enables me to run a check on duplicate items on the list by using a calculated checking reference.
I have done this by using conditional formatting to hide the non-matching items but that this killing my form as IE throws tantrum as it takes too long.
Does anyone know another way to do this? I am stuck using IE8 - not my choice!
So since posting the above, I had since tried using a REST connection which doesn't work as my list is too big. I have also tried using an XML connection to a filtered view and that didn't work either!
In the form, select the value field. Create a rule that sets the secondary data source's query field of the same name to that value. Then query the secondary data source. It will only return the items where the value matches.
