Does llsubmit take into consideration the LD_LIBRARY_PATH? - shared-libraries

I'm having a bit of a trouble running a job on a nVidia cluster. My code is divided into a shared library containing the cuda code and a .cpp file which calls functions from that lib.
The thing is that when I submit the job (llsubmit) I get an error message telling me that ".. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
I've tried adding the path where my .so file is located using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable but it still doesn't work.
Could I specify this by adding an entry in my .cmd file?


Python ImportError when executing through windows scheduler

I did some searches for this topic and found some prior threads, but I did not understand any of them as I am still a total beginner in Python.
I have a Python script which has some long string variables stored in various .py files in a sub-directory. I'm importing the .py files from that sub-directory when I run the script. There is a file in the sub-directory. The only reason I'm using this setup is that the long string variables which I'm storing in those other files would make the code very difficult to read as they are SQL strings and can span 50-100 lines each.
Everything works perfectly when I run this script through PyCharm.
However, when I run the script through Windows Scheduler or a batch file, I get an ImportError for all of the .py files in the sub-directory. The problem is definitely related to the python script not knowing where to look for those .py files when it's run through Windows Scheduler. But I'm not sure how to fix it.
The action for the scheduler task is to run the python exe
with the argument as the script
So the full action looks like:
D:\Python35\python.exe "D:\python\tableaudatasourcebuilds\dcitechnicalperformance\"
The subdirectory which stores the long string variables .py files is:
The imports look like:
from dcitechnicalperformance.dcitechnicalperformance0.dciquer import nzsqldciwk
Does anyone know how to address this problem? Any help is much appreciated.
Good afternoon,
First of all i don't know how much sense there is to store long SQL querys on a module, I'm not by any means an expert, but something like a JSON file (or hell, even store them in a table inside the sql) seems like a better approach.
About your problem I think it resides on the current directory where the task is launched, let me explain:
In PyCharm when you run the code it launches from the location of the file, and with so, it's able to find the directory with the module.
With the scheduled task it may be launching in another directory and so, it's unable to find the module as the directory is not present.
If you decide to stick with your reproach a plausible solution would be to create a .bat file that browses to the project location:
cd D:\python\tableaudatasourcebuilds\dcitechnicalperformance\
And that should work.

driver not working when built as built in driver

I wrote a basic character driver for beagle-bone which prints two message in 1 second interval via a workqueue and a tasklet using printk.
At first i build it as module driver, generated .ko file, load it using insmod command and the print is coming when viewed via dmesg.
Then i built as inbuilt driver and load the uImage and after bootup i checked the dmesg prints. But there is no prints.
In the .config file
So its taken as built in driver i think.
How can i confirm whether its actually built in the final image. No error was reported while building.
Is there any additional steps to be done for loading the build in driver.
Please pardon me if i went wrong on any basics. I am really new to linux.
This means that you added it probably somewhere to Kconfig file:
but, Have you added it to Makefile? It works like that, then kernel during a building an Image, takes all of this directives "CONFIG_*" and use it to build particular source files from Makefile.
cat fs/ext2/Makefile
ext2-$(CONFIG_EXT2_FS_SECURITY) += xattr_security.o
cat fs/ext2/Kconfig
bool "Ext2 Security Labels"
depends on EXT2_FS_XATTR
so in this example above if your source file is xattr_security.c then you should get xattr_security.o file in fs/ext2 dir, when this is build. You should also see it if your file is build, during a compilation process.

Calling consecutive DLL's from {tmp} in Inno Setup

I want to use a DLL (lets say 'A.dll'), that I created in Delphi, within my Inno Setup script that uses a bunch of other DLLs ('B.dll', 'C.dll', ...). All these dll-files are included in the Files-section as follows:
Source:"libs\*.dll"; Flags: dontcopy
In the code section I declare methods of the used DLL as described in the Online help and add the loadwithalteredsearchpath flag:
procedure MyMethod; external 'MyMethod#files:A.dll,B.dll,C.dll stdcall loadwithalteredsearchpath';
When the installer starts, all needed files are copied into the temporary directory the constant {#tmp} is pointing to. However, MyMethod starts its execution just fine (checked it with some Showmessages), but the whole thing breaks, when the method tries to use the other DLLs.
Next to the temporary folder from {#tmp} two other temporary directories are created during the setup (all with the 'IS-xxxxx.tmp' pattern), which contain 'setup.tmp' (which is not occurent in {#tmp}). When I now manually copy all the DLL's (besides A.dll) into both these other directories at the beginning of the setup, then everything works fine. But when I let it run only as defined in my script, then A.dll doesn't seem to find the other libraries.
Does anybody know, why this is happening and how I can fix this? This seems to be a problem with the PATH, but I thought that Inno Setup adds the tmp-dir into the PATH, so that the setup can find the DLL's (which it does, but strangely only for A.dll).
Thanks in advance for your help! :)
EDIT: The actual error I get, when I use one of the 'foreign' DLL's (B.dll, C.dll, ...) by calling one of their methods inside of A.dll during the Inno Setup:
Access violation at address 00408CC7 in module 'setup.tmp'. Read of adress 00000000.
EDIT 2: I think I realized why my problem is happening: With ExtractFilePath (first link) in my own A.dll I discovered, that the setup.exe is not executed within {tmp} but one of the other two temporary dirs that are creating at the beginning of the setup. It also appears, that not {tmp} but the current working dir (thus the dir, where inno is executed) is added to the library search path (second link). This would explain, why the other libraries (B.dll, C.dll, ...) can only be accessed when manually copying to this other temp dir. I suppose that A.dll is extracted and called from {tmp} without a problem, because it is referred as the "main-library" in the external command. I thought that with loadwithalteredsearchpath the other libraries could remain in the same directory, but that doesn't seem to work.
But how can I fix this now in an nifty way? I think I could copy the DLLs manually to the setup-path (by using ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)), after they have been extracted to {tmp} to solve the problem. But this seems to be a dirty workaround as using DLLs in Inno Setup is supposed to work differently.
How to get path where is temporary Inno setup file is located
External function calls with multiple dependent DLLs
Well I'm not sure if you only load the DLLs without registering them in the system registry. However your first EDIT shows an error triggered by attempts to access some stack of the registry, so I assume you are. In that case, I simply use a batch file (which fires commands in the CMD console) to register my DLLs as I would one by one:
#echo off
echo Registering DevExpress DLLs
%~dp0gacutil.exe /i %~dp0DevExpress.BonusSkins.v12.1.dll
%~dp0gacutil.exe /i %~dp0DevExpress.Charts.v12.1.Core.dll
So, I place this in the RUN section of the iss script:
Hope this helps.

CreateFile in separate thread returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in MFC app

I have an MFC App which fires up a separate thread for downloading some files via cURL. At the start it downloads a text file with file sizes and last write times. Then it checks the files on disk and queues it for downloading if it has different values.. The problem is; the CreateFile call in the thread arbitrarily returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. I always do CloseHandle() after a successful CreateFile(). The failing files are just random. Sometimes a file in the root dir, another time a file in a nested directory. The problem is not related to localization or directory/file names since sometimes all checks pass but sometimes don't. GetLastError() return 2 or 3 on occasion which are "File not found" / "Path not found" respectively.
When I put the function checking the file write times and size straight into the OnInitDialog() function, everything works. This smells like a multithreading issue but I double-checked everything from memory allocations to file handles.
The same code works in a console application also in a separate thread.
The platform is Win7 64bit.
Linking statically to the runtime and MFC.
in my case GetCurrentDirectory() returned the system32 path after some time so my code failed because of credentials. I fixed the issue by determining file paths manually (getting the exe path at the start and use it from there on...) . Make sure you are not trying to write to/read from a privileged location on disk. Check your paths.

File Not found exception in opening a jar file after i make the jar file using command line arguments

The problem statement:
I have a J2ME app and i have a separate struts program running. The program automatically changes the source of the J2ME app an then builds it, pre-verify it, and then package it using command line arguments. To achieve all this i have used "Runtime.getRuntime().exec" in my program. Problem is that if i introduce a delay of one sec before the command for packaging is executed, the jar file is still formed BUT accessing the jar file using the command "DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));" gives me File Not found exception. "f" is the path to the jar file and i have checked it using "f.getCanonicalPath()" that its the right path.
I don know what the problem is. Please help me. I thank you in advance.
Are you waiting for the Process spawned by Runtime.exec() to complete before accessing the jar file? You can use Process.waitFor() for instance to halt the execution of your thread.
