How to find in a collection? - groovy

i have the following variable and collection
def currentProduct = "ITEM1"
def currentPresentation = "Crema"
def curentMeasure = "1ml"
def items = [[product:"ITEM1", presentation:"Crema", measure:"1ml", quantity:5, total:77.50], [product:"ITEM1", presentation:"Spray", measure:"Habracadabra", quantity:9, total:158.40]]
I need to get the quantity value in a map that its product, its presentation and its measure are equal to variable values, hopefully you can help me
Thanks for your time

Here You go:
items.find { it.product == currentProduct && it.presentation == currentPresentation && it.measure == curentMeasure}?.quantity

Another simpler approach will be as below:
def currentProductDetails = [
product:"ITEM1", presentation:"Crema", measure:"1ml"
items.find { !( currentProductDetails - it ) }?.quantity
// in case of multiple products
items.findAll { !( currentProductDetails - it ) }*.quantity
You can tailor currentProductDetails with whichever key value pair you have in hand for the current product instead of maintaining each variable separately.
Above logic is inspired from this question which is explained in details in this blog.

Dispite good #Opal's answer i will list here some additional possibilities:
Passing partial item map
If your item is [product:"ITEM1", presentation:"Crema", measure:"1ml", quantity:5, total:77.50]
and you want to search by some specified values of item, you can just pass submap of the item.
def item = [product:currentProduct, presentation:currentPresentation, measure:curentMeasure]
def firstQuantity = items.find {it.subMap(item.keySet())==item}.quantity
That way allows you to be independent of item's keys.
Searching all quantities and suming them
Maybe in some cases you would like to have some of found quantities. You need then to use findAll() method.
def all = items.findAll { it.product == currentProduct && it.presentation == currentPresentation && it.measure == curentMeasure}.quantity.sum()

Use grep :
items.grep{it.product==currentProduct && it.presentation==currentPresentation && it.measure==curentMeasure}.collect{it.quantity}


sub-classing a peewee field type to add behavior

I am trying to add the required behavior to a CharFiled or TextField so I can store a list of lists and retrieve it as a list of lists again. I am not asking for a solution rather I would like to see an example where a subclassing of an already supported field type is done as I didn't find any in the documentation or the Internet.
Do I have to do it as explained in the documents for creating a custom type?
for example:
class mylistoflists(TextField):
if yes, then what do I have to assign to field_type?
Example code (see tests/ for full example):
class ListField(TextField):
def db_value(self, value):
return ','.join(value) if value else ''
def python_value(self, value):
return value.split(',') if value else []
class Todo(TestModel):
content = TextField()
tags = ListField()
class TestCustomField(ModelTestCase):
requires = [Todo]
def test_custom_field(self):
t1 = Todo.create(content='t1', tags=['t1-a', 't1-b'])
t2 = Todo.create(content='t2', tags=[])
t1_db = Todo.get( ==
self.assertEqual(t1_db.tags, ['t1-a', 't1-b'])
t2_db = Todo.get( ==
self.assertEqual(t2_db.tags, [])
t1_db = Todo.get(Todo.tags == Value(['t1-a', 't1-b'], unpack=False))

Checking a value across multiple arrays

I have a context property named 'flights'. I want to check if there is no value for this property, then go to the 'Iteration' test step, else set the first value of the property as a test case property.
Now what I want to do is perform a compare using this test case property value with a couple of arrays. Below is the scenario;
Check if value is in the villas array, if so +1 to VillasCount, else check in hotels array, if in there then +1 to beachCount else +1 to noCount.
Code is below:
// define properties required for the script to run.
def groovyUtils = new
def dataFolder = groovyUtils.projectPath
//Define an empty array list to load data from datasheet
def dataTable_properties = [];
int villasCount = context.getProperty("villasCount")
def lines = new File(dataFolder + "/Test.csv").readLines()
def villas = []
lines.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
if (index) {
def data = line.split(',')*.trim()
if (data[0]) villas << data[0]
} "Villas : ${villas}"
context.setProperty("villasCount", villasCount)
Maybe something like:
for(f in flights){
villasCount = villasCount + 1
Not 100% sure what you needed to compare, but you could easily expand this to check whatever you wanted.
If this is way off please provide more information on what you were trying to compare.

How to check all variables created by class function and use them?

In short; I started coding a few days ago and thought trying to make a simple text based adventure will let me face a lot of problems that I will encounter in other harder projects as well. My class init function produces items with some variables, one of which is it's equipment slot position [0-6]. I would like to unequip a slot, but the way I have it set up at the moment requires me to know which item is in that particular slot.
In english: unequip("mainhand"), mainhand has slotnumber 0. Get the info of all equipped items and check which one has the corresponding slotnumber, then remove that particular item.
(Some items have 2 slotnumbers ("althand") which means I will have to find a way to make sure I remove the right item from the list, but that is something I can do later). For now, I can't seem to figure out how to dynamically call items and do stuff with them.
PS. I am pretty sure I can do this in a way more phytonic manner and any suggestions are welcome, but regardless of this, I would still like to know how to dynamically call the function.
The code with which I try this:
def Unequip(Slotname): #Slotname is just a string, so I could say: unequip("Mainhand")
for count,i in enumerate(Item.slotname): #Item.slotname is a list of strings for slots which corresponds with Item.Slot which are the values determining the which slot is occupied.
if Slotname == Item.slotname[count]: #so when the name I put into the function equals the Item.slotname, I know which number in Item.Slot I need.
for items in Item: #Here we enter the problem (again, I understand that this code could be a lot better and would love some suggestions).
#Item is a object, but it's __init__ functions produces items, such as item1, item2 etc. I would like to check if any of these items is currently in my Item.Equipped and has the Item.Slot value I want to remove.
#I tried global(), locals() and dir(Item) but none give me what I need. I really hope this makes it clear.
if Item.Slot[count] == items.slot and == Item.Equipped: #I need a susbtitute for the items variable which will represent item1, item2 or item3 etc. So I can do Item.Slot.remove(item2.slot).
Slot = Item.Slot.remove(items.slot)
Equipped = Item.Equipped.remove(
Player.stats = list(map(operator.sub,list(Player.stats),self.itemstats))
elif Item.Slot[i] == items.altslot and == items.Equipped:
Full code (I tried using self etc, but it may not be super readable, my apologies), it includes a item.unequip function but this requires me to select the particular item instead of just the slot from which I want my item to be removed
Edit1: Removed all unneeded stuff per request:
import random
import operator
class Item:
Equipped = []
Slot = []
Inventory = []
num_of_items = 0
statnames = ["Strength", "Agility", "Dexterity", "Wisdom", "Constitution", "Intelligence"]
slotname = ["MainHand","Offhand","Head", "Necklace","Chest","Legs", "Cape" ]
def __init__(self, name, itemstats, slot, altslot = None, atk = None, Def = None):
self.itemstats = itemstats #itemstats in order: S, A, D, W, C, I = name
Item.num_of_items += 1
self.slot = slot
self.altslot = altslot
if atk != None and atk != 0:
self.atk = atk
if Def != None and Def != 0:
self.Def = Def
def Unequip(Slotname):
for count,i in enumerate(Item.slotname):
if Slotname == Item.slotname[count]:
for items in dir(Item):
if Item.Slot[count] == items.slot and == Item.Equipped:
Slot = Item.Slot.remove(items.slot)
Equipped = Item.Eqiupped.remove(
Player.stats = list(map(operator.sub,list(Player.stats),self.itemstats))
elif Item.Slot[i] == items.altslot and == items.Equipped:
class Player:
stats= [8,8,8,8,8,8]
item1 = Item("Sword of damaocles",[5, 1, 0,1,2,-2],0,1,20)
item2 = Item("Helmet of steel",[9,9,9,9,9,9],2,None,0,20)

Is there a functional programming way to retrieve the first element of a collection?

The list can be empty. I would like to do :
def value = "";
def list = getList()
if (!list.isEmpty()){
value = list.first().foo
for instance I have found this way :
assert ( [].find()?.foo?:"empty" ) == "empty"
assert ([[foo:"notEmpty1"], [foo:"notEmpty2"]].find()?.foo?:"empty") == "notEmpty1"
Is there a better way ?
Thanks! :)
I got great answer by using [0]
assert ( [][0]?.foo?:"empty" ) == "empty"
assert ([[foo:"notEmpty1"], [foo:"notEmpty2"]][0]?.foo?:"empty") == "notEmpty1"
If it is a List just try
if (!list?.isEmpty()){
If the list element cannot be null you don't need the ?
If it is a Collection there are several forms to retrieve it. Take a look at this post
Java: Get first item from a collection
I got an answer from tweeter. The statements :
def value = "";
def list = getList()
if (!list.isEmpty()){
value = list.first().foo
Can be write :
def value = list[0]?.foo?:""
find may be use if the list can contain null values

Finding a value of a list

I have two lists
def flagList = SystemFlag.list()
this contains the domain objects of one table
I have another list which I create using a query. One of the parameter in the object of this list is contained in the flagList. How can I find if an id of FlagList is present in the second list?
I can do it in plain java but I need to use Groovy for this.
If I understood you correctly you have this situation:
def listeOne = [1,2,3,4,5]
def listTwo = [2,5,1]
You want to see if '2' of 'listTwo' is in 'listOne'.
Find a specific value:
def found = 2 in listTwo //returns a boolean of the interger 2 is in listTwo
Search for common value of both lists:
def intersectionsList = listOne.intersect(listTwo) //gives you a list of value that are in BORTH list
You can also iterate like this:
listTwo.each { value ->
if(value in listOne) println value //or do something lese
listTwo.each { value ->
listOne.find {value}?.toString() //you can perform an action on the object found in listOne. using '?.' will make sure no nullpointer will be thrown if there is no result.
I found it using
def it = itemtofindsomehow
list.findIndexof { iterator -> ==
