Ridiculous accounts packages resource usage - node.js

I've minimized my app down to just using the accounts-ui and accounts-steam packages (and a bunch of client packages). Here is the entirity of the client subscription log:
Trying to support only a few hundred clients at once, and the subscriptions take AGES to go through. It's about half an hour until the accounts-ui buttons even appear. I'm on a pretty hefty DigitalOcean instance with 2 cpus and they are both maxed out all the time. Only thing running is the bundled Meteor app. 686mb of memory usage as well.
So, seriously, i've had to phase my entire app off of Meteor into other solutions... It's beginning to seem like Meteor is good for client stuff but too huge of a resource hog for anything server intensive.
How the heck do I fix this?


SCCM - Unable to push Windows Updates to Clients

After approving updates from WSUS then approving updates on SCCM we are getting an error saying "Download error - 0x80d02002" when a client goes to download an update from Windows Update. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?
I can't give you a firm answer but I can give you some information that might be helpful. 0x80d02002 is "DO_E_DOWNLOAD_NO_PROGRESS" -- it means that the client's download seemed to start all right, but then several minutes went by without receiving any data from the server.
One possible cause: Are you using express updates? Express updates reduce the amount of data being downloaded by each client computer, but at the expense of a lot more network round trips (clients making multiple small requests instead of one large one) and client-side CPU and disk usage (the client has to do a lot of file parsing to figure out exactly what parts of the express update packages it needs to download). Since nothing is being downloaded while the client is doing these computations, I have seen some cases where the computation cycle took so long that it triggered the download timeout.
If your WSUS/SCCM server is on the same intranet as your clients (meaning that bandwidth between the server and the clients is free and relatively unconstrained), I would suggest turning off express installation in the SCCM settings and seeing if that impacts your results.

Azure App Service: How can I determine which process is consuming high CPU?

UPDATE: I've figured it out. See the end of this question.
I have an Azure App Service running four sites. One of the sites has two deployment slots in addition to the primary one. Recently I've been seeing really high CPU utilization for the App Service plan as a whole.
The dark orange line shows the CPU percentage. This is just after restarting all my sites, which brought it down to this level.
However, when I look at the CPU use reported by each site, it's really low.
The darker blue line shows the CPU time, which is basically nothing. I did this for all of my sites, and all the graphs look the same. Basically, it seems that none of my sites are causing the issue.
A couple of the sites have web jobs, so I took a look at the logs but everything is running fine there. The jobs run for a few seconds every few hours.
So my question is: how can I determine the source of this CPU utilization? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Thanks to the replies below, I was able to get more detail into what was happening. I ended up getting what I needed from SCM / Kudu tools. You can get here by going to your web app in Azure and choosing Advanced Tools from the side nav. From the Kudu dashboard, choose Process Explorer. The value in the Total CPU Time column is not directly useful, because it's the time in seconds that the process has run since it started, which might have been minutes or days ago.
However, if you make a record of the value at intervals, you can look at the change over time, and one process might jump out at you. In my case, it was my WebJobs process. Every 60 seconds, this one process was consuming about 10 seconds of processor time, just within one environment.
The great thing about this Kudu dashboard is, if you can catch the problem while it is actually happening, you can hit the Start Profiling button and capture a diagnostic session. You can then open this up in Visual Studio and get some nice details about where the CPU time is being spent.
Just in case anyone else is seeing similar issues, I'll provide more details about my particular case. As I mentioned, my WebJobs exe was the culprit, and I found that all the CPU time was being spent in StackExchange.Redis.SocketManager, which manages connections to Azure Redis Cache. In my main web app, I create only one connection, as recommended. But Since my web jobs only run every once in a while, I was creating a new connection to Azure Redis Cache each time one ran, which apparently can lead to issues. I changed my code to create the Redis Cache connection once when the WebJob process starts up and use the existing connection when any individual WebJob runs.
Time will tell if this really fixes the issue, but I think it will. When the problem occurred, it always fit the same pattern: After a few days of running fine, my CPU would slowly ramp up over the course of about 12 hours. My thinking is that each time a WebJob ran, it created a connection object, which at first didn't produce trouble, but gradually as WebJobs ran every hour or two, cruft was building up until finally some critical threshold was met and the CPU usage would take off.
Hope this helps someone out there. Best wishes!
May be you should go to webApp scm?
There is a page, that can show you all process, that runned now on your web app. (something like Console > Process).
Also you can go to support page (from scm right corner).
You can find some more info about your performance there, and make memory dump (not for this problem, but it useful for performance issues).
According to your description, I assumed that you could leverage the Crash Diagnoser extension to capture dump files from your Web Apps and WebJobs when the CPUs usage percentage is higher than the specific threshold to isolate this issue. For more details, you could refer to this official blog.

I'm not sure how to correctly configure my server setup

This is kind of a multi-tiered question in which my end goal is to establish the best way to setup my server which will be hosting a website as well as a service (using Socket.io) for an iOS (and eventually an Android) app. Both the app service and the website are going to be written in node.js as I need high concurrency and scaling for the app server and I figured whilst I'm at it may as well do the website in node because it wouldn't be that much different in terms of performance than something different like Apache (from my understanding).
Also the website has a lower priority than the app service, the app service should receive significantly higher traffic than the website (but in the long run this may change). Money isn't my greatest priority here, but it is a limiting factor, I feel that having a service that has 99.9% uptime (as 100% uptime appears to be virtually impossible in the long run) is more important than saving money at the compromise of having more down time.
Firstly I understand that having one node process per cpu core is the best way to fully utilise a multi-core cpu. I now understand after researching that running more than one per core is inefficient due to the fact that the cpu has to do context switching between the multiple processes. How come then whenever I see code posted on how to use the in-built cluster module in node.js, the master worker creates a number of workers equal to the number of cores because that would mean you would have 9 processes on an 8 core machine (1 master process and 8 worker processes)? Is this because the master process usually is there just to restart worker processes if they crash or end and therefore does so little it doesnt matter that it shares a cpu core with another node process?
If this is the case then, I am planning to have the workers handle providing the app service and have the master worker handle the workers but also host a webpage which would provide statistical information on the server's state and all other relevant information (like number of clients connected, worker restart count, error logs etc). Is this a bad idea? Would it be better to have this webpage running on a separate worker and just leave the master worker to handle the workers?
So overall I wanted to have the following elements; a service to handle the request from the app (my main point of traffic), a website (fairly simple, a couple of pages and a registration form), an SQL database to store user information, a webpage (probably locally hosted on the server machine) which only I can access that hosts information about the server (users connected, worker restarts, server logs, other useful information etc) and apparently nginx would be a good idea where I'm handling multiple node processes accepting connection from the app. After doing research I've also found that it would probably be best to host on a VPS initially. I was thinking at first when the amount of traffic the app service would be receiving will most likely be fairly low, I could run all of those elements on one VPS. Or would it be best to have them running on seperate VPS's except for the website and the server status webpage which I could run on the same one? I guess this way if there is a hardware failure and something goes down, not everything does and I could run 2 instances of the app service on 2 different VPS's so if one goes down the other one is still functioning. Would this just be overkill? I doubt for a while I would need multiple app service instances to support the traffic load but it would help reduce the apparent down time for users.
Maybe this all depends on what I value more and have the time to do? A more complex server setup that costs more and maybe a little unnecessary but guarantees a consistent and reliable service, or a cheaper and simpler setup that may succumb to downtime due to coding errors and server hardware issues.
Also it's worth noting I've never had any real experience with production level servers so in some ways I've jumped in the deep end a little with this. I feel like I've come a long way in the past half a year and feel like I'm getting a fairly good grasp on what I need to do, I could just do with some advice from someone with experience that has an idea with what roadblocks I may come across along the way and whether I'm causing myself unnecessary problems with this kind of setup.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read my question.

Meteor Node Process CPU Usage Nears 100%

I'm having trouble with my Meteor app when it gets to its peak amount of traffic (peak for this is nothing, 1k visits, maybe 2,500 pageviews in a day). CPU usage spikes and never recovers, so I've taken to using Nodetime to monitor usage and I've been reloading the process (forever restart) to get things back to normal.
I'm fairly new to profiling, so finding the underlying cause has me at a loss for where to start. I'm fairly certain it has to do with my app's server code, but the profiling seems to point to the Fibers module as a "hotspot" which I understand aids in making my server code synchronous.
Below is a snippet from the profiling results. I hope someone can guide me in the right direction in troubleshooting this!
While I don't have a specific answer to your question, I have experience dealing with CPU issues for our production meteor app for so I can give you a list of things to investigate.
Upgrade to the latest version of meteor and the appropriate node version (see the changelog). As of this writing that's meteor 0.8.2 and node 0.10.28.
Read this and this article. The latter makes a great point that you really should always try to delay activation of subscriptions until you need them. In particular you may not need to publish anything for users who are not logged in. In my experience, meteor CPU problems have everything to do with subscriptions.
Be careful with observe and observeChanges. These are expensive and are easy to abuse. In particular:
Make sure you are calling stop() on your handles when they are no longer needed (consider using a package like publish-with-relations so this is done for you).
Fetch only the collections and fields that you absolutely need. Observe works by continually diffing objects (requires lots of CPU). The fewer and smaller objects you have, the less there is to compute.
Consider using smart-collections before it is retired. Use oplog tailing - this can make for a night and day difference in performance and CPU usage in your app.
Consider making some things not reactive (also mentioned in the articles above). For us that was a big win. We had one extremely expensive join that was used on two frequently accessed pages on the site. When it got to the point where the CPU was pegged at 100% about every 30 minutes I gave up on reactivity for that element and just did the join on the server and shipped the data to the client via a method call. I also created a server-side expiring cache for these results and stored them by user (special thanks to Matt DeBergalis for this suggestion).
Do a preventative nightly restart. I have a cron job that tells forever to restart our app once a day in the middle of the night. That brings the CPU down from ~10% to 1%. This seems like black magic, but the fact that the CPU usage changes after a reset leads me to believe this is a good idea.
Updated thoughts (1/13/14)
We migrated to oplog tailing as soon as it was available (meteor 0.7) and that made a big difference. Note that in order to get access to the oplog, you'll probably need to either host your own db or run a dedicated instance on the hosting provider of your choice. I'd also recommend adding the facts package to actually tell if its working.
There was a memory leak discovered in publish-with-relations, and as of this writing the atmosphere version (v0.1.5) hasn't been bumped to reflect these changes. If you are using it in production, I strongly recommend checking out the HEAD version and running it locally.
We stopped doing nightly restarts a couple of weeks ago. So far everything has been fine (fingers crossed).
Updated thoughts (7/2/14)
A few months ago we switched over to using an Elastic Deployment on mongohq. It's affordable, the performance has been great, and they even have a blog post which tells you how to enable oplog tailing.
I'd strongly recommend checking out kadira to help diagnose performance issues in your app. Also check out the academy articles which have a number of good tips in them.
I'm also having this problem. Actually there is an issue with, I run meteor --release 0.6.6 and the cpu is back to normal now.

What are the most important statistics to look at when deploying a Node.js web-application?

First - a little bit about my background: I have been programming for some time (10 years at this point) and am fairly competent when it comes to coding ideas up. I started working on web-application programming just over a year ago, and thankfully discovered nodeJS, which made web-app creation feel a lot more like traditional programming. Now, I have a node.js app that I've been developing for some time that is now running in production on the web. My main confusion stems from the fact that I am very new to the world of the web development, and don't really know what's important and what isn't when it comes to monitoring my application.
I am using a Joyent SmartMachine, and looking at the analytics options that they provide is a little overwhelming. There are so many different options and configurations, and I have no clue what purpose each analytic really serves. For the questions below, I'd appreciate any answer, whether it's specific to Joyent's Cloud Analytics or completely general.
Right now, my main concern is to figure out how my application is utilizing the server that I have it running on. I want to know if my application has the right amount of resources allocated to it. Does the number of requests that it receives make the server it's on overkill, or does it warrant extra resources? What analytics are important to look at for a NodeJS app for that purpose? (using both MongoDB and Redis on separate servers if that makes a difference)
What other statistics are generally really important to look at when managing a server that's in production? I'm used to programs that run once to do something specific (e.g. a raytracer that finishes running once it has computed an image), as opposed to web-apps which are continuously running and interacting with many clients. I'm sure there are many things that are obvious to long-time server administrators that aren't to newbies like me.
What's important to look at when dealing with NodeJS specifically? What are statistics/analytics that become particularly critical when dealing with the single-threaded event loop of NodeJS versus more standard server systems?
I have other questions about how databases play into the equation, but I think this is enough for now...
We have been running node.js in production nearly an year starting from 0.4 and currenty 0.8 series. Web app is express 2 and 3 based with mongo, redis and memcached.
Few facts.
node can not handle large v8 heap, when it grows over 200mb you will start seeing increased cpu usage
node always seem to leak memory, or at least grow large heap size without actually using it. I suspect memory fragmentation, as v8 profiling or valgrind shows no leaks in js space nor resident heap. Early 0.8 was awful in this respect, rss could be 1GB with 50MB heap.
hanging requests are hard to track. We wrote our middleware to monitor these especially as our app is long poll based
My suggestions.
use multiple instances per machine, at least 1 per cpu. Balance with haproxy, nginx or such with session affinity
write midleware to report hanged connections, ie ones that code never responded or latency was over threshold
restart instances often, at least weekly
write poller that prints out memory stats with process module one per minute
Use supervisord and fabric for easy process management
Monitor cpu, reported memory stats and restart on threshold
Whichever the type of web app, NodeJS or otherwise, load testing will answer whether your application has the right amount of server resources. A good website I recently found for this is Load Impact.
The real question to answer is WHEN does the load time begin to increase as the number of concurrent users increase? A tipping point is reached when you get to a certain number of concurrent users, after which the server performance will start to degrade. So load test according to how many users you expect to reach your website in the near future.
How can you estimate the amount of users you expect?
Installing Google Analytics or another analytics package on your pages is a must! This way you will be able to see how many daily users are visiting your website, and what is the growth of your visits from month-to-month which can help in predicting future expected visits and therefore expected load on your server.
Even if I know the number of users, how can I estimate actual load?
The answer is in the F12 Development Tools available in all browsers. Open up your website in any browser and push F12 (or for Opera Ctrl+Shift+I), which should open up the browser's development tools. On Firefox make sure you have Firebug installed, on Chrome and Internet Explorer it should work out of the box. Go to the Net or Network tab and then refresh your page. This will show you the number of HTTP requests, bandwidth usage per page load!
So the formula to work out daily server load is simple:
Number of HTTP requests per page load X the average number of pages load per user per day X Expected number of concurrent users = Total HTTP Requests to Server per Day
Number of MBs transferred per page load X the average number of pages load per user per day X Expected number of concurrent users = Total Bandwidth Required per Day
I've always found it easier to calculate these figures on a daily basis and then extrapolate it to weeks and months.
Node.js is single threaded so you should definitely start a process for every cpu your machine has. Cluster is by far the best way to do this and has the added benefit of being able to restart died workers and to detect unresponsive workers.
You also want to do load testing until your requests start timing out or exceed what you consider a reasonable response time. This will give you a good idea of the upper limit your server can handle. Blitz is one of the many options to have a look at.
I have never used Joyent's statistics, but NodeFly and their node-nodefly-gcinfo is a great tools to monitor node processes.
