Inno Setup: Associating a range of file extensions - inno-setup

Is there a way in Inno setup to register a range of file extensions with a program?
What I want to do is set up a file associations page and ask the user if he wants to associate files with the extension n1..n99 with my program.
I can see how the tasks page works with individual file types, but I want to register 100 file extensions in one go. As it stands this would put 100 check boxes on the Associate files page.
Can this be done with pascal script, anybody got any ideas on how to do it?


os.symlink and window's .lnk files are different

I am processing a big images dataset and I'm trying to reorder the files in classes, while at the same time keeping the original directory structure.
To do this, I make a second directory structure with symlinks to the files in the first one.
Everything works as it should but for one small detail: the symlinks created via os.symlink() do not show the image thumbnail, while if I make a link of the same file (e.g., via right click & send to Desktop) I do see the thumbnail.
I wanted to check how the two link files differ (note, the link files themselves, not the linked file), but if I try to drag the os.symlink-generated file in a text editor it opens the linked file instead (while this does not happen with the .lnk file generated via right-click).
What's the difference between the link files? Is os.symlink making something different than a .lnk file? If so, is there a way to get the thumbnail? And if there's no such way, how can I make a .lnk file instead?

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

Creating custom documents (PDFs) on the fly on a website

I want to create custom documents on my website which is running on a Linux-based server. My website has user login capability to access specific details on the website.
What I want to do is:
Use a default .tex file where the contents of the main document are stored. This would be available on the server (on admin side);
Get few user specific inputs (like login name, the day and date when the request was made), their custom inputs like what specific details they want (this will make it possible to include or exclude few chapters, sections from the document);
Using the inputs received above (in point 2), the document would be customized on the fly on the website by running LaTeX compiler and the output of the compilation would be shared with the user.
My questions are:
Has someone tried this before? Any suggestions, alternatives they can point to? If there is any other better solution than LaTeX, I am open to hear and understand that as well.
Are there any specific settings that we need to do either on the server or on LaTeX installation that will enable doing this?
Any additional packages, programs are required to be installed to get this working?
Any help and insights would be appreciated.
You can generate PDF using appropriate libraries for programming language you use for your back-end. This is definitely safer than injecting user input into TeX file and probably would be faster too.
PHP: Best way to create a PDF with PHP
anything else: google for "$LANGUAGE generate pdf".
The first and the second questions can be done in any programming language you choose while reading the .tex template and add/omit the data, then save it to the temporal .tex file. After compilation yo can remove this file. If you are working with a linux server you can use a service (cron, systemd) to automate the cleaning of files.
To compile and get the file you must use pdflatex command line program, which is the one any LaTeX editor uses. I compile my LaTeX documents this way in linux. I think this way is quite fast, except if you want images in this document, or are using tikz pictures.
I know I am suggesting the old way to do the work, but usually is the best way.
And, finally, I think PHDComics uses something like this for the emergency button (down in the right), only that in the site the pdf is already generated for the specific comic:

Default Values to Inno Setup install

I have a group at work asking if there is a way to pass in values, either via command line or an ini value, that will "fill in" values that are normally provided by the user during install. For example, if I have a drop down that the user can select they're installing the client, server, or both, they want a way to automate this so the user doesn't have to select anything.
Basically, they want to automate running the installer without actually showing the wizard panels and populating user values based on command line args or an ini file.
I know you can use ini files, but I don't think they're used for this reason. And I don't see any way that command args would be used.
Is there a way native to Inno Setup to do this?
One way to set all the standard settings at once is to use an INF file via the /LOADINF parameter.
It is also possible to extend this to custom page settings if you wish (with cooperation by the setup author).
There are many command line parameters already included in Inno which you can use:
With them you can set task, directory, group, components, password etc etc.
If you need something special you can use your own command line parameters.
Use GetCmdTail() function to get cmd line parameters for setup or uninstaller.
As this is common question there are already some advanced parsers and methods like this one:
Is it possible to accept custom command line parameters with Inno Setup
I suggest you to use /SILENT parameter for not showing the setup forms together with e.g. /TASKS, /DIR and /COMPONENTS and some custom parameter.

Can I have more than one {app} variable in Inno Setup?

I am making an inno setup script. My setup really needs the user to choose to two customized install locations.
But there is only one {app} variable in inno.
Our software is an audio plugin software, the common way in this field is to choose one location for the program and the other location for audio sample/data (which is very large so users usually want to install at a dedicated place for storage and also performance purpose).
Is there any way to get around this condition?
Thanks a lot!
There are many other variables (Directory Constants) which you can use, most common ones:
{app} - The application directory (user chooses this derectory in Wizard dialog)
You can create subdirectories like {app}\Data
The system's Windows directory.
The system's System32 directory.
Program Files.
Common Files.
And many, many others.
The modern installers store application in one directory - {app} and user's files in every user's custom directory - e.g. {localappdata}.
And if this is still not enough you can create your own dialog (wizard page) that contains edit boxes and Browse buttons for selecting directories.
Use function CreateInputDirPage() for this purpose.
See manual - Pascal Scripting: CreateInputDirPage for more info.
Take a look at the included CodeDlg.iss example that shows how to add an extra page for a data directory and hwo to use that value in [Code].
