Is it possible to hide points on an Androidplot XYplot? - androidplot

1) I have an Androidplot XYPlot and some values are 0 to represent "no data" on that point. Can I hide these points with value "0" from the plot?
2) If I can't hide them, can I make the graph lines going from the previous point, to the 0 value point and to the next point, another color (like red) to show that this is a point "with no data"?

XYPlot's underlying model is XYSeries which uses Numbers to represent points. If you're implementing your own XYSeries then just return null from getX(i) / getY(i) where i is the index of any "no data" element.
If you're using SimpleXYSeries, then just pass null into the constructor, model or setX/Y method you're using to populate it.
When the plot is drawn, you should see your line(s) broken up where nulls are encountered.

After pondering Nicks answer I got it working:
plot = (XYPlot) findViewById(;
// nums is an array holding different numbers, where some are 0.
Number Nullnumber = null;
SimpleXYSeries series1test;
series1test = new SimpleXYSeries("title");
for (int j = 0; j < nums.length; j++){
series1test.addLast(j, Nullnumber); // Does not display points for 0 values
//series1test.addLast(j, nums[j]); // Displays points for 0 values
} else {
series1test.addLast(j, nums[j]);
LineAndPointFormatter series1Format = new LineAndPointFormatter();
series1Format.setPointLabelFormatter(new PointLabelFormatter());
plot.addSeries(series1test, series1Format);


How to draw a border outline on a group of Goldberg polyhedron faces?

I have a Goldberg polyhedron that I have procedurally generated. I would like to draw an outline effect around a group of “faces” (let's call them tiles) similar to the image below, preferably without generating two meshes, doing the scaling in the vertex shader. Can anyone help?
My assumption is to use a scaled version of the tiles to write into a stencil buffer, then redraw those tiles comparing the stencil to draw the outline (as usual for this kind of effect), but I can't come up with an elegant solution to scale the tiles.
My best idea so far is to get the center point of the neighbouring tiles (green below) for each edge vertex (blue) and move the vertex towards them weighted by how many there are, which would leave the interior ones unmodified and the exterior ones moved inward. I think this works in principle, but I would need to generate two meshes as I couldn't do scaling this way in the vertex shader (as far as I know).
If it’s relevant this is how the polyhedron is constructed. Each tile is a separate object, the surface is triangulated with a central point and there is another point at the polyhedron’s origin (also the tile object’s origin). This is just so the tiles can be scaled uniformly and protrude from the polyhedron without creating gaps or overlaps.
Thanks in advance for any help!
jsb's answer was a simple and elegant solution to this problem. I just wanted to add some extra information in case someone else has the same problem.
First, here is the C# code I used to calculate these UVs:
// Use duplicate vertex count (over 4)
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
var uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
var duplicateCount = vertices.Count(s => s == vertices[i]);
var isInterior = duplicateCount > 4;
uvs[i] = isInterior ? :;
Note that this works because I have not welded any vertices in my original mesh so I can count the adjoining triangles by just looking for duplicate vertices.
You can also do it by counting triangles like this (this would work with merged vertices, at least with how Unity's mesh data is laid out):
// Use triangle count using this vertex (over 4)
var triangles = mesh.triangles;
var uvs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i++)
var triCount = triangles.Count(s => mesh.vertices[s] == mesh.vertices[triangles[i]]);
var isInterior = triCount > 4;
uvs[i] = isInterior ? :;
Now on to the following problem. In my use case I also need to generate outlines for irregular tile patterns like this:
I neglected to mention this in the original post. Jsb's answer is still valid but the above code will not work as is for this. As you can see, when we have a tile that is only connected by one edge, the connecting vertices only "share" 2 interior triangles so we get an "exterior" edge. As a solution to this I created extra vertices along the the exterior edges of the tiles like so:
I did this by calculating the half way point along the vector between the original exterior tile vertices (a + (b - a) * 0.5) and inserting a point there. But, as you can see, the simple "duplicate vertices > 4" no longer works for determining which tiles are on the exterior.
My solution was to wind the vertices in a specific order so I know that every 3rd vertex is one I inserted along the edge like this:
Vector3 a = vertex;
Vector3 b = nextVertex;
Vector3 c = (vertex + (nextVertex - vertex) * 0.5f);
Vector3 d = tileCenter;
CreateTriangle(c, d, a);
CreateTriangle(c, b, d);
Then modify the UV code to test duplicates > 2 for these vertices (every third vertex starting at 0):
// Use duplicate vertex count
var vertices = mesh.vertices;
var uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
var duplicateCount = vertices.Count(s => s == vertices[i]);
var isMidPoint = i % 3 == 0;
var isInterior = duplicateCount > (isMidPoint ? 2 : 4);
uvs[i] = isInterior ? :;
And here is the final result:
Thanks jsb!
One option that avoids a second mesh would be texturing:
Let's say you define 1D texture coordinates on the triangle vertices like this:
When rendering the mesh, use these coordinates to look up in a 1D texture which defines the interior and border color:
Of course, instead of using a texture, you can just as well implement this behavior in a fragment shader by thresholding the texture coordinate, conceptually:
if (u > 0.9)
fragColor = white;
fragColor = gray;
To update the outline, you would only need upload a new set of tex coords, which are just 1 for vertices on the outline and 0 everywhere else.
Depending on whether you want the outlines to extend only into the interior of the selected region or symmetrically to both sides of the boundary, you would need to specify the tex coords either per-corner or per-vertex, respectively.

Data Storage and Export From Matlab

Here is background information to the problem I am encountering:
1) output is a cell array, each cell contains a matrix of size = 1024 x 1024, type = double
2) labelbout is a cell array which is the identical to output, except that each matrix has been binarized.
3) I am using the function regionprops to extract the mean intensity and centroid values for ROIs (there are multiple ROIs in each image) for each cell of output
4) props is a 5 x 1 struct with 2 fields (centroid and mean intensity)
The problem: I would like to take the mean intensity values for each ROI in every matrix and export to excel. Here is what I have so far:
for i = 1:size(output,2)
props = regionprops(labelboutput{1,i},output{1,i},'MeanIntensity','Centroid');
for i = 1:size(output,2)
meanValues = getfield(props(1:length(props),'MeanIntensity'));
writetable(struct2table(props), 'advanced_test.xlsx');
There seem to be a few issues:
1) my getfield command is not working and gets the error: "Index exceeds matrix dimensions"
2) when the information is being stored into props, it overwrites the values for each matrix. How do I make props a 5 x n (where n = number of cells in output)?
Please help!!
1) my getfield command is not working and gets the error: "Index exceeds matrix dimensions"
An easier way to get numeric values out of the same field in an array of structs, as an array is: [structArray.fieldName]. In your case this will be:
meanValues = [props.MeanIntensity];
2) when the information is being stored into props, it overwrites the values for each matrix. How do I make props a 5 x n (where n = number of cells in output)?
One option would be to preallocate an empty cell of the necessary dimensions and then fill it in with your regionprops output. Like this:
props = cell(size(output,1),1);
for k = 1:size(output,2)
props{k} = regionprops(labelboutput{1,k},output{1,k},'MeanIntensity','Centroid');
for k = 1:size(output,2)
meanValues = [props{k}.MeanIntensity];
Another option would be to combine your loops so that you can use your matrix data before it is overwritten. Like this:
for i = 1:size(output,2)
props = regionprops(labelboutput{1,i},output{1,i},'MeanIntensity','Centroid');
meanValues = [props.MeanIntensity];
% update this call to place props in non-overlapping parts of your file (e.g. append)
% writetable(struct2table(props), 'advanced_test.xlsx');
The bad thing about this second one is it has a file I/O step right inside your loop which can really slow things down; not to mention you will need to curtail your writetable call so it places the resulting table in non-overlapping regions of 'advanced_test.xlsx'.

Render tick at zero y-value with d3 series plot

I am trying to get a y-tick at "zero" for a multi-series d3 plot. My x-axis is a time scale and y-axis is some random data-scale. Here is my plunkr
If I just add zero to the y-tick values, it does not work (i.e. in the following function if I say var yTickValues=[0] ) and it messes up my plot (draws another x-axis below the existing one)
function getYTickValues(){
var deltaY = Math.round((maxY - minY)/(yTickCount-1));
var yTickValues = [];
for(var i=0;i<yTickCount;i++){
yTickValues.push(((minY + i * deltaY) * 100) / 100);
return yTickValues;
I am unable to figure out how to fix this so I can always get a y-tick at zero. I would like to not touch my minX, maxX, minY and maxY because the domain range scale will change for the sake of accommodating the zero y-tick.
Any help is appreciated.
Change the y domain to start at 0:
y.domain([0, maxY]);
and then also including 0 in the yTickValues array as you suggest above:
var yTickValues = [0];
The data values still remain between minY and maxY, but the y-axis runs to 0. I think that's what the question was getting at?
I also made a couple of changes to the getYTickValues() function to evenly space the rest of the y tick values. See

How to calculate correlation if one value is 0

For calculation the pearsons coefficient between two arrays I use the following :
double[] arr1 = new double[4];
arr1[0] = 1;
arr1[1] = 1;
arr1[2] = 1;
arr1[3] = 1;
double[] arr2 = new double[4];
arr2[0] = 1;
arr2[1] = 1;
arr2[2] = 1;
arr2[3] = 1;
PearsonsCorrelation pc = new PearsonsCorrelation();
println("Correlation is "+pc.correlation(arr1, arr2));
For output I receive : Correlation is NaN
The PearsonsCorrelation class is contained in the apache commons API :
The values in each of the arrays is based on whether or not a user contains a word in their dataset. The above arrays should be perfectly correlated ?
This question is related to How to set a value's for calculating Eucludeian distance and correlation
Someone had a similar issue here [link]. Apparently, the issue is related to having a 0 standard deviation in your arrays.
You attempt to compute the correlation between two vectors of length four. As all values in each vector are the same (0 in one vector, 1 in the other), this is equivalent to attempting to compute the correlation coefficient between two numbers (0 and 1 on this case).
It is perhaps obvious to see that there is no such a thing; you need at least two distinct pairs. Just as you cannot draw a meaningful regression line if you only have one pair of values.
If only one of the vectors had some variation, the result would still be NA, but it in that case it would be reasonable to set it to zero.

FLOT: How to make different colored points in same data series, connected by a line?

I think I may have stumbled onto a limitation of Flot, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to represent a single data series over time. The items' "State" is represented on the Y-Axis (there are 5 of them), and time is on the X-Axis (items can change states over time). I want the graph to have points and lines connecting those points for each data series.
In addition to tracking an item's State over time, I'd also like to represent it's "Status" at any of the particular points. This I would like to do by changing the color of the points. What this means is a single item may have different Statuses at different times, meaning for a single data series I need a line that connects different points (dots) of different colors.
The only thing I've seen so far is the ability to specify the color for all points in a given dataseries. Does anyone know if there's a way to specify colors individually?
There you go mate. You need to use a draw hook.
$(function () {
var d2 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [8, 5], [9, 13]];
var colors = ["#cc4444", "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00"];
var radius = [10, 20, 30, 40];
function raw(plot, ctx) {
var data = plot.getData();
var axes = plot.getAxes();
var offset = plot.getPlotOffset();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var series = data[i];
for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
var color = colors[j];
var d = ([j]);
var x = offset.left + axes.xaxis.p2c(d[0]);
var y = + axes.yaxis.p2c(d[1]);
var r = radius[j];
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
var plot = $.plot(
[{ data: d2, points: { show: true } }],
{ hooks: { draw : [raw] } }
With 3 views, it may not be worth answering my own question, but here's the solution:
My original problem was how to plot a dataseries of points and a line, but with each point being a color that I specify.
Flot only allows specifying colors of the dots at the dataseries level, meaning each color must be its own dataseries. With this in mind, the solution is to make a single dataseries for each color, and draw that dataseries with only points, and no lines. Then I must make a separate dataseries that is all of the dots I want connected by the line, and draw that one with no points, and only a line.
So if I want to show a line going through 5 points with five different colors, I need 6 dataseries: 5 for each point, and 1 for the line that connects them. Flot will simply draw everything on top of each other, and I believe there's a way to specify what gets shown on top (to make sure the dots are shown above the line).
Actually, it's not very difficult to add a feature to flot that would call back into your code to get the color for each point. It took me about an hour, and I'm not a javascript expert by any measure.
If you look at drawSeriesPoints(), all you have to do is pass a callback parameter to plotPoints() which will be used to set ctx.strokeStyle. I added an option called series.points.colorCallback, and drawSeriesPoints() either uses that, or a simple function that always returns the series.color.
One tricky point: the index you should pass to your callback probably isn't the i in plotPoints(), but rather i/ps.
Hope this helps!
