Is there a way to disable/enable deployed components using the jboss cli for jboss 6.2.
I need to keep the components deployed on the server but disabled until needed.
Found a way to deploy modules as disabled adding the --disabled option in the cli file on that component.
Still looking for a way to enable modules through the cli.
Is there a way to disable a already deployed component without first un-deploying? --force can not be combined with --disabled.
Deployment of a 'sample' web application
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] deploy /home/rudy/Downloads/sample.war
Disabling a 'sample' web application
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] undeploy sample.war --keep-content
Re-enabling a 'sample' web application
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] deploy --name=sample.war
Undeployment of a 'sample' web application
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] undeploy sample.war
You can disable deployed components with undeploy {deployment name} --keep-content
First of all, do you mean JBoss EAP 6.x by jboss6? I don't know anything about CLI in JBoss 6. I didn't find a way to actively disable or enable deployments via CLI, but at least you can enable a disabled deployment with
deploy --name={your_deployment_name.ear/war}
See also
In standalone it works but in domain mode you can have your application in Content Repository as well as deployed on server-group but disabled. In such case command fails:
deploy --name=app.war --server-groups=your-server-group
JBAS014803: Duplicate resource
To enable/disable without undeploy from server group you can type:
I've deployed an core 2.2 webapp to azure linux appservice using VS2019 deployment.
It was successful, but my front page is still Default Azure Page, and none of the controllers are working.
What am I missing?
I get the same result by running devops build/release.
I had to set environment variable WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM = false to be able to deploy the app.
I tried looking for Default Documents page on azure to remove the default page, but the azure page for it is gone.
I FTP'ed onto server, my app is there, there is no sign of any default.html.
How do I get my site to actually run and display after deployment success?
You need to check the Startup Command in your Azure App Service configuration settings.
with your applications dll name.
When I create a web app for containers, then the deployment options are disabled in the Azure portal. The option is enabled if I create a regular web app and another type of resources. For web app for containers, the options was working fine till a few days back and I have no idea what triggered it to become disabled. My subscription is active and clearing browser cache, switching browsers, working with different container images, deleting and recreating resource groups, and login/logout do not help. Any suggestions?
The "Enable Deployment Options within Web App for Containers in the portal" feature was requested on and declined.
Q. Currently "Deployment Options" is only available for Web App for Windows/Linux. It would be nice if this was enabled for Web App for I lost the simple ability to deploy from BitBucket.
A. The App Service team responded: We are declining this request since we actually discourage customers to deploy this way and recommend deployment with Container Push. That being said, there is nothing stopping you from configuring this through CLI.
To do this from the CLI, you could use this command:
az webapp deployment source config -n appname -g resourcegroupname --repo-url <gitrepo url> --branch <branch>
See Manage Web App for Containers using Azure CLI for more details.
I have created Azure Web App which OS is Docker and reproduced your issue.
From the screenshot , we can find the issue may caused by App Service Plan. I have tried to use all tiers of plan, including Isolated, but the issue is still existing. Also, for regular web app, not have the issue.
I find some updates on Azure App Service. I am not sure if the issue was caused by the updates, I recommend you to contact App Service Support Team for help.
The customer support team resolved the problem and cited "platform issue" as the cause of the problem. Now deployment options for container web apps is enabled and working again.
My Solution consist of two projects:
-One is a regular mvc web front end
-a webapi...
When i use azures "Deployment Options" or "Continuos Delivery Preview" I cannot choose which one i want to make available at that specific slot/app.
I don't know why but the web app is always the one that gets deployed.
I already tried setting the default start-up project
How can I do that?
How can i tell azure which project to use on that slot/app?
is that a in-solution configuration?
I managed to do it by setting up the project publish on the build definition. The box becomes available once you uncheck the "publish web projects"
I am currently building an ARM Template that deploys the following.
App Service Plan
App Service
MS Deploy .NET Core Application on the App Service
The problem is that after the .NET Core Application is deployed I want to execute a command in the console. I have tried a couple of different ways to do it via the CustomScriptExtension, but I keep getting :
"No route registered for '/CustomScriptExtension?api-version=2015-06-15'"
Which makes me think that the Custom Script Extensions are supported for VMs only and not for App Services (I am a bit new to ARM Templating and there is nothing useful I could find in the Azure Quickstart Templates).
Any suggestions on how I can execute a simple command in the App Service command promt via an ARM Template ?
I use the runcommand option of msdeploy to run a command after deployment.
In my case I added a manifest.xml to the root of the zip file that will be deployed:
<runcommand path="move D:\home\site\wwwroot\applicationHost.xdt D:\home\site\" dontUseCommandExe="true" MSDeploy.MSDeployKeyAttributeName="path" />
The "MSDeploy.MSDeployKeyAttributeName="path"" is important. More details here.
The content of the path attribute will be executed on the remote mashine.
I hope this helps,
I'm trying to learn to use the azure web app services to deploy a MEAN stack application.
I connected Web App deployments to a git repo and clicked deploy, which it appears to have done successfully.
When I load the webapp url in a browser, its a blank white screen.
How do I troubleshoot this scenario?
You should check if the correct ports are opened.
Good luck!
There are various steps for debugging Node.js web apps on Azure Web Apps here:
Start off by enabling logging in your IISNode.yml file by setting loggingEnabled: true and devErrorsEnabled: true and seeing what the logs say.
I usually use KUDU to debug Node.js application on Azure Web Site (currently named Web Apps). I doubted this might because the root directory was incorrect, i.e. your website should be started under ~/your_project/app but in Azure it was launched under ~/your_project.
Here is a doc for KUDU.