SlowCheetah Azure web role not transformed - azure

I am using SlowCheetah in my Visual Studio 2013 solution in which I want to create a web role package for deployment. I am using Azure Tools 2.3.
My default web.config transforms are working correctly. However, the SlowCheetah transforms do not work. Somehow this should be working: Slow Cheetah issue 5
In my output window I see the following:
1>Task "SlowCheetah.Xdt.TransformXml"
1> Transfroming source file: D:\web\Project\src\Project.Web\App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config
1> Applying Transform File: App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.O.config
1> Output File: bin\App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config
1>Done executing task "SlowCheetah.Xdt.TransformXml".
In my bin folder I see the correctly transformed file.
I also see the following line in my output:
3> Task "Message"
3> TransformedWebFiles = App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config, DestinationRelativePath=App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config, Exclude=False, FromTarget=CollectFilesFromContent, Category=Run, ProjectFileType=Default
But when the package is created, the original file is used
3>Target "CopyWebRoleFiles" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.3\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" from project "D:\web\Project\src\Project\Project.ccproj" (target "CopyRoleFiles" depends on it):
3> Task "Message"
3> CurrentRoleWebFiles=D:\web\Project\src\Project.Web\App_Config\OTAP\appSettings.config -> App_Config\OTAP\appSettings.config
3> Task "Message"
3> CurrentRoleWebFiles=D:\web\Project\src\Project.Web\App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config -> App_Config\OTAP\connectionStrings.config
So my base config is used in the package and I want connectionStrings.*.config to be used.
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong here?

I fixed the problem with the following MSBuild script:
<Target Name="DeploySlowCheetahTransforms" AfterTargets="CopyWebRoleFiles" Condition="'#(WebRoleReferences)' != ''">
<TransformedFiles Include="$(WebTargetDir)\**\*.config" Exclude="$(WebTargetDir)\**\*.dll.config;$(WebTargetDir)\**\web*.config" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(TransformedFiles)" DestinationFiles="#(TransformedFiles->'$(IntermediateWebOutputPath)\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
This scripts needs to be added to the ccproj file. The WebRoleReferences and WebTargetDir variables are created in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets. This script gets all the transformed config files from the OutputPath of your csproj file and copies them to the OutputDir which is used to create the Azure WebRole package.


Cannot run PowerShell scripts in Azure Functions v2

I'm trying to write a Function App using .NET Core in Azure Functions v2. When using the Microsoft.Powershell.SDK package from Nuget (required for .NET Core PowerShell runtime) I cannot get Visual Studio to copy the System.Management.Automation library to the bin with my Function App.
This results in the following error:
System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Function1. TestPowershellInFunction: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. The system cannot find the file specified. System.Private.CoreLib: Could not load the specified file.
I've reproduced this in an existing Azure Function and a new Solution by simply creating a Timer function and adding the following snippet:
PowerShell shell = PowerShell.Create();
IEnumerable<PSObject> result = shell.AddScript("Write-Output 'Hello, World!'").Invoke();
foreach(PSObject line in result)
This works on a new Console App with the PowerShell Nuget installed, but when added to the Function App I get the error. I do notice that System.Management.Automation doesn't get put in the bin directory with a regular Console App but I'm not sure how to interpret this. I know it's a System library but I can't use it unless the Nuget is installed, so I don't know if this is a special case. In both scenarios I'm using v6.1.1 of the PowerShell Nuget.
Is this a known bug with Functions v2? Or am I missing something?
It's a known issue that Function can't load runtime assemblies([FunctionProject]\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\bin\runtimes) correctly.
The workaround is to move assemblies to output dir bin manually. Right click on your function project and Edit <FunctionProject>.csproj. Add following items to achieve our goal.
<None Include="
<Target Name="CopyRuntimeToBin" AfterTargets="Build">
<Copy SourceFiles="
" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)\bin" />
Note that is set to win10-x86 on my side(Win10), you may need to change according to your pc platform. Assemblies are x86 as VS uses x86 Function CLi by default, we don't need to worry about it unless we need to work with x64.

Publish of ASP.Net Core project fails with "DestinationFiles" refers to 1 item(s), and "SourceFiles" refers to 2 item(s)

Publish of ASP.Net Core project fails with next error:
"DestinationFiles" refers to 1 item(s), and "SourceFiles" refers to 2 item(s).
They must have the same number of items.
I get an error when I try to publish an ASP.Net Core website to Azure. It builds and runs fine locally. The output prints this:
Task "Copy"
Task Parameter:
Task Parameter:DestinationFiles=C:\Users\Mikael\Source\Repos\GoMap-Web\src\Web\obj\Release\netcoreapp1.0\PublishTemp\PublishOutput\appsettings.json
Task Parameter:OverwriteReadOnlyFiles=False
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\build\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets(100,5): Error MSB3094: "DestinationFiles" refers to 1 item(s), and "SourceFiles" refers to 2 item(s). They must have the same number of items.
Output Item(s): FileWrites=C:\Users\Mikael\Source\Repos\GoMap-Web\src\Web\obj\Release\netcoreapp1.0\PublishTemp\PublishOutput\appsettings.json
Done executing task "Copy" -- FAILED.
Done building target "_CopyResolvedFilesToPublishPreserveNewest" in project "Web.csproj" -- FAILED.
Done building project "Web.csproj" -- FAILED.
The Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets file (the relevant part, i belive) look like this:
Copy all build outputs, satellites and other necessary files to the publish directory.
<Target Name="CopyFilesToPublishDirectory"
_CopyResolvedFilesToPublishAlways" />
Copy _ResolvedFileToPublishPreserveNewest items to the publish directory.
<Target Name="_CopyResolvedFilesToPublishPreserveNewest"
Not using SkipUnchangedFiles="true" because the application may want to change
one of these files and not have an incremental build replace it.
<Copy SourceFiles = "#(_ResolvedFileToPublishPreserveNewest)"
DestinationFiles="#(_ResolvedFileToPublishPreserveNewest -> '$(PublishDir)%(RelativePath)')"
<Output TaskParameter="DestinationFiles" ItemName="FileWrites"/>
Copy _ResolvedFileToPublishAlways items to the publish directory.
<Target Name="_CopyResolvedFilesToPublishAlways"
Not using SkipUnchangedFiles="true" because the application may want to change
one of these files and not have an incremental build replace it.
<Copy SourceFiles = "#(_ResolvedFileToPublishAlways)"
DestinationFiles="#(_ResolvedFileToPublishAlways -> '$(PublishDir)%(RelativePath)')"
<Output TaskParameter="DestinationFiles" ItemName="FileWrites"/>
I have changed the DestinationFiles="#(_ResolvedFileToPublishPreserveNewest -> '$(PublishDir)%(RelativePath)')" according to another post here but I still get the same failure, and I don't know enough about it to find any clear errors, can anyone offer some insight? If this is affected by the bug mentioned in other posts that has no workaround, what alternative ways could I try to publish the app to azure that might work better?

Azure worker role gets published with the wrong service configuration

I'm trying to get the "publish to azure" functionality in VS2013 going for my worker-role cloud-service project.
The problem I'm having is that no matter what I change the service configuration settings to the application is always deployed with the Localservice configuration
My .azurePubxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
As you can see, the AzureServiceConfiguration is set to Staging.
If i look at the output from the build I can see these lines:
Target "ResolveServiceConfiguration" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.6\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" from project "path-to.ccproj" (target "CoreResolveServiceModel" depends on it):
3> Task "Message"
3> Target Profile: Local
3> Task "Message"
3> Service Configurations: ServiceConfiguration.Staging.cscfg;ServiceConfiguration.Production.cscfg;ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg
3> Task "Message"
3> Looking for a service configuration file named: ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg
3> Task "FindInList"
3> Task "Message"
3> Source Service Configuration: ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg
3> Task "Message"
3> Target Service Configuration: bin\Staging\ServiceConfiguration.cscfg
The end-result is that the ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg is used in the deployment instead of ServiceConfiguration.Staging.cscfg.
What does work though is to change the Service Configuration setting to staging under Development->Run/debug.
But this setting controls which configuration file is used when I run the app locally, so naturally I don't want to mess with it.
Also, if I use the Project->Package... option and choose staging I get the correct package and the correct config file generated.
I've also tried bulding manually with msbuild from commandline, works great as well.
Tried updating to azure sdk 2.6 in hopes that it would solve it, but no difference.
Should also say that I have this working in my web-role project. But for external reasons I had to split the worker-role to its own cloud project.
Update Some more info, I took a another closer look at the build log and found this:
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>Build started 6/5/2015 5:15:03 PM.
1>Building with tools version "12.0".
1>Target "_CheckForInvalidConfigurationAndPlatform" in file "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets" from project "path_to_project.csproj" (entry point):
1>Task "Error" skipped, due to false condition; ( '$(_InvalidConfigurationError)' == 'true' ) was evaluated as ( '' == 'true' ).
1>Task "Warning" skipped, due to false condition; ( '$(_InvalidConfigurationWarning)' == 'true' ) was evaluated as ( '' == 'true' ).
1>Using "Message" task from assembly "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a".
1>Task "Message"
1> Task Parameter:Text=Configuration=Debug
1> Task Parameter:Importance=Low
1> Configuration=Debug
So it seems that neither
from the .azurePubxml are actually being used as input to the build script.
It all seems to boil down to, where is the Publish to Azure function pulling its parameters from, if not from the .azurePubxml file?
Never got this working fully in VS2013 but now I've gone up to VS2015 and publish to Azure works as expected again.

Transform external config in a web role

Can slowcheetah transform an external config file in an azure web role? e.g. I have logging info in log4net.config. But the transformed version does not get created when packaged.
I did not manage to get slowCheetah working in my Azure solution.
One alternative you can use is to create complete config files for each environment - e.g. :
and copy the contents of these into the log4net.config at buildtime depending on the build configuration chosen.
This is done by adding a build target to your csproj file like so:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Delete Files="$(ProjectDir)log4net.config" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)log4net.$(Configuration).config"
DestinationFiles="$(ProjectDir)log4net.config" />
(you may have to modify the paths in the script depending on where in the solution your config files are)
You can find more information on MSBuild and manipulating your .csproj file here and here

MSBuild error executing target WebDirectoryCreate

I'm trying to use the WebDirectoryCreate task from the MSBuildCommunityTasks to create my virtual directory with MSBuild but it throws an Index was out of range error.
Here's the relevant part of my build script:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
...other build targets working ok...
<Target Name="Deploy">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(DeploymentFolder)$(VerRevision)" ContinueOnError="true" />
<DeploymentFiles Include="$(PublishOutputFolder)\**\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(DeploymentFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(DeploymentFolder)$(VerRevision)\%(RecursiveDir)" />
<WebDirectoryDelete VirtualDirectoryName="$(VirtualDirectory)$(VerRevision)" ContinueOnError="true" />
<WebDirectoryCreate VirtualDirectoryName="$(VirtualDirectory)$(VerRevision)" VirtualDirectoryPhysicalPath="$(DeploymentFolder)$(VerRevision)" />
And here's the corresponding output:
Deleting virtual directory 'MyApp283' on 'localhost:80'.
MSBUILD : warning : The system cannot find the path specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070003) [D:\build\MyApp\Build.xml]
The previous error was converted to a warning because the task was called with ContinueOnError=true.
Build continuing because "ContinueOnError" on the task "WebDirectoryDelete" is set to "true".
Creating virtual directory named MyApp283 on localhost:
D:\build\MyApp\Build.xml(50,5): error : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
D:\build\MyApp\Build.xml(50,5): error : Parameter name: index
Done Building Project "D:\build\MyApp\Build.xml" (default targets) -- FAILED.
I have checked the import is correct by adding the virtual directory manually and running the build. In this case the WebDirectoryDelete task corrcetly deletes the virtual directory but WebDirectoryCreate throws the same error.
I'm executing the build using MSBuild from a simple batch file. All tasks before this one execute just fine. OS is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition SP1.
Can anyone give me any clues? SO and Google threw up one single link with no answer.
