Is it possible to broadcast from - node.js

Im currently emitting messages using to emit messages (in namespace) from a worker in my app, however now i need to broadcast to all connected sockets(to the namespsace), when something happends, is there any work around there?
For example this is a exposed(HTTP) emit and broadcast using adapter to
be able to run different instances in different processes
var io = require('')(http);
io.of('/namespace').on('connection', function(socket){
socket.emit('message', 'Hi you!');
socket.broadcast.emit('broadcast', 'Heya all!');
This is now a different process (MQ worker) that is emitting events to the clients
var io = require('')(redis(config.redis));
var socket = io.of('/namespace');
socket.emit('message', 'Hi you!'); // This works
socket.broadcast('broadcast', 'Heya all!'); // This won't work

It doesn't work this way.
With client-emitter you can only emit, then the server process what he want to do with this event.
Server-side :
socket.on('msg', function (msg) {
socket.broadcast.emit('msg', msg);
client-side :
socket.emit('msg', 'msg');


Combining Nodejs Net socket and Socket IO

I have a windows application (Built on C# as windows service) that sends data to NodeJs Net Socket, So since Socket.IO helps making a Web Application a live one , without the need of reload. How can i allow Socket.IO stream the received data from NodeJs Net Socket to the Web Application , in the exact moment the Net Socket receives data from C#?
So in the code that receives the socket data from C#:
var net = require('net');
net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function (data) {
broadcast( + "> \n" + data + " \n", socket);
//send data to web interface , does it work that way?
Further more for the Socket.IO i have those lines , which i cant really figure out how to deal with them:
//Should it listen to net socket or web socket?
// Loading
var io = require('').listen(server);
// It works but only for one request
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket2) {
socket2.emit('message' , 'Message Text');
P.S: I am new to nodejs & , so if its possible as well to explain their behavior.
Edit 1 : My Front End Javascript to check it if it has any problems:
//for now it listens to http port , which Socket.IO listens to
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');
var myElement = document.getElementById("news");
socket.on('message', function(message) {
document.getElementById("news").innerHTML = message;
Edit 2 : Did follow jfriend00's answer as it seems my previous code tries were trying to send messages to an unknown socket, i only added this since i needed it to be sent to all the connected clients , so only one line fixed it !
socket.on('data', function (data) {
broadcast( + "> \n" + data + " \n", socket);
//send data to web interface , does it work that way?
//The Added code here:
io.emit('message',data + " more string");
It's a bit hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
If you have some data you want to send to all connected clients (no matter where the data came from), then you can do that with:
io.emit("someMessage", dataToSend);
If you want to send to only one specific connected client, then you have to somehow get the socket object for that specific client and then do:
socket.emit("someMessage", dataToSend);
How you get the specific socket object for the desired connected client depends entirely upon how your app works and how you know which client it is. Every socket connection on the server has a associated with it. In some cases, server code uses that id to keep track of a given client (such as putting the id in the session or saving it in some other server-side data). If you have the id for a socket, you can get to the socket with the .to() method such as:"someMessage", dataToSend);
Your question asked about how you send data received from some C# service over a normal TCP socket. As far as sending it to a socket client, it does not matter at all where the data came from or how you received it. Once you have the data in some Javascript variable, it's all the same from there whether it came from a file, from an http request, from an incoming TCP connection in your C# service, etc... It's just data you want to send.
You can try the following, simple server:
const io = require('')(8080);
io.on('connection', socket => {
console.log('client connected');
socket.on('data', data => {
io.emit('message', data);
console.log('server started at port 8080');
It should work if I understand the problem correctly.
And maybe document.getElementById("news").innerHTML += message; in the html client code to see what really happens there?
socket2 means your client which just connected. So you can store these connections to send data to them (helpful for broadcast).
If you get data from windows service via some polling mechanism, on this step you can send this message to your connected clients. So keep your connections in a array to send specific messages each client afterwards

How to send message to a specific client with if the application uses the cluster up and running in several processes on different ports?

The application starts in cluster mode, each worker is to establish a connection to the socket, using redis adapter:
app.set('port', httpPort);
let server = http.createServer(app);
let io = require('./socketServer')(server);
io.adapter(redis({host: host, port: port}));
app.set('io', io);
then we connect the main file (socketServer), where after authorization of the socket and on.connection event, we save sessionID in variable socketID, and store current socket connection in array io.clients
io.sockets.on('connection', (socket) =>{
var socketID = socket.handshake.user.sid;
io.clients[socketID] = socket;
socket.on('disconnect', () =>{
delete io.clients[socketID];
Before nodejs app, we have nginx with customized "upstream" to organize a "sticky sessions" (
Then, when we want to send a message to a particular customer, already from the controller we get id user, and get session-id for id (we pre-authorization keep these correspondences in redis), and then just send a message:
this.redis.getByMask(`sid_clients:*`,(err,rdbData) =>{
let sid = `sid_clients:${client}`;
let currentClient = rdbData[sid];
if(!currentClient || ![currentClient]) return next();[currentClient].emit(event,data);
return next();
It works fine when we run the application in a single process. But this don't work when running in a cluster mode. Connection message "loggedIn" is send to all customers on all processes. But if a single process to send a message to the client that connects to a server in another process - does not work, because that each process has own array io.clients and they are always have different content, so the message does not can reach the right customer.
So, how send events to the specific client in a cluster mode? How to keep all connected sockets in one place to avoid situations such as mine?

Why is my client receiving socket emits from all child node cluster workers when it should only be connected to one?

I'm trying to make a scalable socket connection handler using node.js, express,, cluster,, and mubsub. This is my first attempt to use sockets, so forgive me if I reveal my noobness here, but it is my understanding that a cluster worker can only emit to the sockets that are connected to it.
In my dev environment I have cluster forking 8 workers (number of cpus.)
I have my workers subscribe to mubsub db so that they will pick up events that are published from other workers.
if (cluster.isMaster) {
var cpuCount = require("os").cpus().length;
for (var cp = 0; cp < cpuCount; cp++) {
} else {
io.adapter(mongo({ host: 'localhost', port: 27017, db: 'mubsub' }));
var client = mubsub('mongodb://localhost:27017/mubsub');
var channel ='test');
channel.subscribe('testEvent', function (message) {
io.sockets.emit('testEvent', {message:});
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('connected to ' +;
channel.publish('testEvent', { message: 'connection3' });
So when I try to connect from the client, the 'connection' event fires and a single console log is written by the worker that receives the connection.
That event is published to the database only once.
Each worker is subscribed to that event, and should emit to all sockets connected to that worker.
For some reason though, my connected client receives 8 messages, one for each worker.
How is the client picking up the emits from workers it should not be connected to? Am I overlooking some cluster magic here?
Not sure what version you are using but this should be true for most current versions.
From the docs (
Emits an event to all connected clients. The following two are equivalent:
var io = require('')();
io.sockets.emit('an event sent to all connected clients');
io.emit('an event sent to all connected clients');
So the method you are using will broadcast to all connected clients. If you want to split them across the workers this is something you need to manage.
There are a number of ways to address individual sockets(clients) that socket.ios API can help you with but probably best to refer to the docs for this: with multiple Node.js hosts, emit to all clients

I am new to and trying to get my head around the best approach to solve this issue.
We have four instances of a Node.js app running behind a load balancer.
What I am trying to achieve is for another app to POST some data to the load balancer URL which will hand if off to one of the instances.
The receiving instance will store the data, then use to emit the data to the connected clients.
The issue is that browser/client can only be connected to a single instance at one time.
I am trying to determine if there is a way to emit to all clients at once?
Or have the clients connect to multiple servers using io.connect?
Or is this a case for Redis?
Publish/Subscribe is what you need here. Redis will give you the functionality your looking for out of the box. You just need to create a redis client and subscribe to an update channel on each of your app server nodes. Then, publish the update when a POST is successful (or whatever). Finally, have the redis client subscribe to the update chanel and on message emit a socketio event:
(truncated for brevity)
var express = require('express')
, socketio = require('')
, redis = require('redis')
, rc = redis.createClient()
var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);
var io = socketio.listen(server);
server.listen(3000);'/targets', function(req, res){
rc.publish('update', res.body);
rc.on('connect', function(){
// subscribe to the update channel
rc.on('message', function(channel, msg){
// util.log('Channel: ' + channel + ' msg: ' + msg);
var msg = JSON.parse(msg);'update').emit('message', {
channel: channel,
msg: msg
Then in the JS app, listen for that emitted message:
socket.on('message', function(data){
// do something with the updated data
Of course, introducing this new Redis Server adds another single point of failure. A more robust implementation may use something like a message broker with AMQP or ZeroMQ or some similar networking library which provides pub/sub capabilities.

How can I send packets between the browser and server with, but only when there is more than one client?

In my normal setup, the client will emit data to my server regardless of whether or not there is another client to receive it. How can I make it so that it only sends packets when the user-count is > 1? I'm using node with
To do this you would want to listen to the connection event on your server (as well as disconnect) and maintain a list of clients which are connected in a 'global' variable. When more than 1 client is connected send out a message to all connected clients to know they can start sending messages, like so:
var app = require('express').createServer(),
io = require('').listen(app);
//setup express
var clients = [];
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
if (clients.length > 1) {
io.socket.emit('start talking');
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
var index = clients.indexOf(socket);
clients = clients.slice(0, index).concat(clients.slice(index + 1));
if (clients.length <= 1) {
io.sockets.emit('quiet time');
Note: I'm making an assumption here that the socket is passed to the disconnect event, I'm pretty sure it is but haven't had a chance to test.
The disconnect event wont receive the socket passed into it but because the event handler is registered within the closure scope of the initial connection you will have access to it.
