my gnuplot script plot bar graphs in the following 2D format:
using the following sctipt:
set term pngcairo size 800,600
set termoption noenhanced
set title "$file_name" font "Century,22" textcolor "#b8860b"
set tics font "Helvetica,10"
#set xtics noenhanced
set ylabel "Fraction, %"
set xlabel "H-bond donor/aceptor, residue"
set yrange [0:1]
set ytics 0.1
set grid y
set key off
set boxwidth 0.9
set style fill solid 0.5
plot '<cat' using 2:xtic(1) with boxes
In order to add values above the bars, I've tried to modify it to
plot '<cat' using 0:2:xtic(1) with boxes, '' u 0:2:2 w labels offset 0,1
but the values were not added to the bars, with the following warning
"/dev/fd/63" line 17: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
I can only test for Windows, but I assume cat under Linux is the equivalent for type under Windows.
So, what is your filename? I would say your filename is simply missing. Check help piped-data.
Something like the following should work:
plot '<cat myDataFile.dat' using 0:2:xtic(1) with boxes, '' u 0:2:2 w labels offset 0,1
But then, what is the difference to using directly the filename?
plot 'myDataFile.dat' using 0:2:xtic(1) with boxes, '' u 0:2:2 w labels offset 0,1
I am using the 32-bit version of GNUPlot in a Window 7 "Professional" OS Environment (...sadly!) and I want to do a "stack-plot" of boxes using ONLY ONE x-axis for ALL which is "TIME" in the format of a series of "Dates".
ALL of the GNUPlot Code works but, each of the plots uses its own individual x-axis which consumes a lot of graphing real estate.
I also need to be able to have variable y-axis scales for each of the stacked-plots...
Here is the "labeled" (CSV) data file:
Date,Time,Weight(kg),Height(cm),BMI,BP Max.(mmHg),BP Min.(mmHg),P/min,% Fat 09/09/2015,13:16:00,77.4,171,26.5,121,73,75,22.5 16/07/2015,09:14:34,76.9,170,26.6,111,70,76,23.5 26/06/2015,18:14:48,76.9,170,26.6,123,72,78,23.2 19/06/2015,08:45:42,77,172,26,96,60,89,22.1 15/06/2015,12:29:48,77.7,170,26.9,117,73,87,23.6 15/06/2015,12:15:58,77.8,170,26.9,127,76,77,23.7 15/06/2015,12:11:05,77.7,171,26.6,118,74,83,22.8 23/03/2015,16:39:55,78.6,170,27.2,119,72,78,24 20/03/2015,09:07:30,77.6,169,27.2,138,74,77,24.1 09/01/2015,14:30:00,79.2,170,27.4,114,71,75,24.1 07/10/2014,16:06:00,78.4,171,26.8,119,73,108,24.8 07/10/2014,16:08:00,78.4,170,27.1,109,72,75,25.1 15/09/2014,08:18:23,76.9,171,26.3,116,69,102,24.8 15/09/2014,09:20:27,76.7,172,25.9,132,76,91,21 04/09/2014,12:05:00,75.6,169,26.5,115,71,96,25.4 01/04/2014,11:18:00,76.2,171,26,115,69,70,22.9 19/03/2014,09:48:23,75.3,171,25.8,113,69,55,22.1 14/03/2014,10:39:29,75.6,170,26.2,108,69,78,22.5 05/03/2014,16:45:00,75.9,170,26.3,129,73,84,23.3 09/05/2013,17:31:00,74.5,171,25.5,135,75,92,21
And here is the "current" GNUPlot Code that I am using to generate the 5 stacked plots:
set terminal windows size 1325, 625
set multiplot layout 5, 1 title "Individual Employee Biometric Data vs. Time"
set xlabel "DATE"
set timestamp
set key outside
set key center right
set pointsize 1.0
set grid lw 1
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y"
set xdata time
set format x "%d/%m/%Y"
set xrange [ "09/05/2013\t0000" : "09/09/2015\t0000" ] noreverse nowriteback
set datafile sep ','
set arrow from 10.0,0 to 10.0, 0.5 lw 3
set label ' ' at 10.2,0.03
set label '(C) 2015' at 2050.0,-0.85
set border lw 2
set yrange [73.0:80.0]
set ylabel "(kg)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:3 title "BODY\nWEIGHT" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'red'
set yrange [25.0:30.0]
set ylabel "kg/m^2"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:5 title "BODY\nMASS\nINDEX" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'green'
set yrange [50.0:150.0]
set ylabel "(mmHg)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:6 title "SYS" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'blue', \ 'K8.dat' using 1:7 title "DIAS" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'coral'
set yrange [40.0:120.0]
set ylabel "(bpm)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:8 title "HEART\nRATE" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'purple'
set xlabel "DATE"
set yrange [15.0:30.0]
set ylabel "(%)"
plot 'K8.dat' using 1:9 title "BODY\nFAT" with linespoints lw 2 lt rgb 'orange'
PS - This code is from a previous GNUPlot routine so "excuse" the '#" commenting-out...
You can use multiplot to stack several plots on top of each other. You just have to switch off the plot borders appropriately for each, see help set border, and unset the abscissa xtics for all but the lowermost plot.
set multiplot
set origin 0.1, 0.1
set size 0.9,0.3
set xrange [a:b]
plot "first"
set origin 0.1,0.4
unset xtics
set border 2 # only plot left border
plot "second"
set origin 0.1,0.7
plot "third"
unset multi
Crucial is fixing the xrange for all plots, because after switching off the xtics for the following plots, you can't see if it is actually identical.
(too long for a comment)
Ok, I get what you mean by stacked plots now. To my knowledge, having several y-axes (more than 2) above a single x axis is not possible.
What you COULD however do is try to fake more than 2 axes by plotting all data in the roughly 30...150 range on the y(1)-axis, and all data in the 15...30 range on the y2axis. However, the lines would be all kind of overlapping and not as cleanly separated.
Another alternative would be to first normalize all data into an e.g. 0...10 range by subtracting the min value and dividing by max-min, then stacking these on top of each other by adding 0 for the first line, 10 for the second, and so on. However, you would then have to add hand-made y-axis tics (which is possible but somewhat bothersome).
Actually, here is a working template for the fancier solution I outlined above (implemented for three data sets, but can be extended to basically arbitrarily many)
set datafile separator ","
inputfile = 'data0.txt'
stats inputfile using 3 name 'STATS_WEIGHT'
stats inputfile using 4 name 'STATS_HEIGHT'
stats inputfile using 9 name 'STATS_FAT'
# more stats for further data -- apparently needs to be BEFORE the date/time stuff
set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y"
set xdata time
set format x "%d/%m/%Y"
set xrange [ "09/05/2013\t0000" : "09/09/2015\t0000" ] noreverse nowriteback
# define the offset at which the fake y-axes start; decrease or increase offsetIncrease for spacing (effectively: blank labels) between 'graphs'
startYTicsOffset = 0
numberOfFakeYTicsPerData = 6
scalingFactor = 1.0/(numberOfFakeYTicsPerData - 1.0)
offsetIncrease = numberOfFakeYTicsPerData + 0.5
#to get rid of actual yrange numbering, set a dummy label that will be overwritten
set ytics ("dummy" 0)
#increase total actual yrange factor as needed for additional series
set yrange [0: 3 * offsetIncrease]
#add tics for weight, note that %.Xf prints the number with X decimals
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.0f kg", STATS_WEIGHT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_WEIGHT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
#add tics for height
startYTicsOffset = startYTicsOffset + offsetIncrease
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1f cm", STATS_HEIGHT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_HEIGHT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
#add tics for fat - I couldn't figure out how to get gnuplot to print actual '%' character in sprintf directive (should be '%%' but doesn't appear to work)
startYTicsOffset = startYTicsOffset + offsetIncrease
do for[i=0:numberOfFakeYTicsPerData-1]{
set ytics add (sprintf("%.1f percent", STATS_FAT_min + i * scalingFactor * STATS_FAT_range) startYTicsOffset+i)
###### ... add further tics ...
plot inputfile using 1:( 0 * offsetIncrease + ($3 - STATS_WEIGHT_min)/ (STATS_WEIGHT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "weight",\
inputfile using 1:( 1 * offsetIncrease + ($4 - STATS_HEIGHT_min)/ (STATS_HEIGHT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "height",\
inputfile using 1:( 2 * offsetIncrease + ($9 - STATS_FAT_min) / (STATS_FAT_range * scalingFactor) ) w lp title "fat %"
### ... add further data ...
by the way: if you post or edit a question or an answer, try clicking the image icon above the editing window. It will open a little window where you can drag and drop images directly without needing a web hosting service. Like that:
I have problems changing the font size of my ytics (xtics as well) in an epslatex gnuplot.
I tried set format y '\tiny{%g}'
It is only working for the first of the two plots.
This is my code:
set terminal epslatex
set output "w_alt_nsyB_multi.tex"
set multiplot layout 1,1
set xrange [-0.5:17]
set yrange [0:110]
set xlabel "days"
set ylabel "Survival (\\%)" offset 2.5
set key reverse
set xtics font 'Arial,4' s
et style histogram errorbars gap 2 lw 1
set style data histogram
set style fill solid 1 border lt -1
set boxwidth 0.8
plot 'w_alt_nsyB.dat' every ::::7 using 2:3:xticlabels(1) title 'w1118' lt rgb "#000000",\
'w_alt_nsyB.dat' every ::::7 using 4:5 title 'wtSYN' lt rgb "#FF0000",\
'w_alt_elav_endoG.dat' every ::::7 using 6:7 title '38085' lt rgb "#9400D3"
set origin 0.5, 0.25
set size 0.5, 0.5
set xrange [-0.5:6]
set yrange [0:110]
set xlabel "\\tiny{Time of $Mn^{2+}$ treatment}"
set ytics ('10'10,'50'50,'100'100) nomirror
unset border
set xtics nomirror
unset ylabel
unset key
plot 'w_alt_nsyB_100.dat' using 2:3:xticlabels(1) lt rgb "#000000",\
'w_alt_nsyB_100.dat' using 4:5:xticlabels(1) lt rgb "#FF0000",\
'w_alt_nsyB_100.dat' using 6:7:xticlabels(1) lt rgb "#9400D3"
unset multiplot
Can anyone help me please?
The format given in set format ... isn't applied if you give an explicit manual label like you do with
set ytics ('10'10,'50'50,'100'100)
You must either just give the locations of the labels
set format y '\tiny %g'
set ytics (10, 50, 100)
or include the font macro in every manual label
set ytics ('\tiny 10' 10, '\tiny 50' 50, '\tiny 100' 100)
Note also, that your syntax \tiny{%g} is wrong, \tiny is only a switch and doesn't take any arguments. In this case it doesn't matter, because every label is wrapped in an individual LaTeX box, but in other situations it makes a big difference. To wrap the tiny font you would usually need {\tiny %g}.
The same happens for the explicit labels which are set with xticlabel. Also here, the format from set format x doesn't apply. Instead of giving a column number to xticlabel (like xticlabel(1) in your example), you must give the complete label string including the macro:
xl(c) = sprintf('\tiny %s', strcol(c))
plot 'file.dat' using 2:3:xticlabel(xl(1))
Next time, please give a minimal example which allows others to reproduce your problem. We don't have your data files to run the script. And your problem isn't related to you specific data file, so you can as well construct an example using functions, which possibly leads you itself to the solution...
I have a data file with many columns of data and the first two lines look like this:
#time a1 b1 c1 d1 a2 b2 c2 d2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I would like to put a title on the graph which reads like this:
a1=2, a2=6, b1=3, b2=7, c1=4, c2=8, d1=5, d2=9
So, basically just taking the data from the first line and adding some text with it. Is this possible?
Thanks mgilson! Here is the script (the first part.)
#filename = "a6_a.txt"
//defining variables called ofac and residual
unset multiplot
set term aqua enhanced font "Times-Roman,18"
set lmargin 1
set bmargin 1
set tmargin 1
set rmargin 1
set multiplot
set size 0.8,0.37
set origin 0.1,0.08 #bottom
set xlabel "time" offset 0,1 #bottom
set ylabel "{/Symbol w}_i - {/Symbol w}_{i+1}"
set yrange [-pi:pi]
plot filename using 1:(residual($7 -$14)) ti "" pt 1 lc 2, \
"" using 1:(residual($14-$21)) ti "" pt 1 lc 3, \
"" using 1:(residual($21-$28)) ti "" pt 1 lc 4
set origin 0.1,0.36 #mid
set format x "" #mid, turn off x labeling
set xlabel "" #mid
set ylabel "P_{i+1}/P_i" offset 2,0
set yrange [*:*]
plot filename using 1:(($10/ $3)**1.5) ti "P_2/P_1" pt 1 lc 2, \
"" using 1:(($17/$10)**1.5) ti "P_3/P_2" pt 1 lc 3, \
"" using 1:(($24/$17)**1.5) ti "P_4/P_3" pt 1 lc 4
set origin 0.1,0.64 #top
set ylabel "semi-major axes"
set yrange [*:*]
plot filename using 1:($3):($4*$3) with errorbars ti "" pt 1 lc 1, \
"" using 1:($10):($10*$11) with errorbars ti "" pt 1 lc 2, \
"" using 1:($17):($17*$18) with errorbars ti "" pt 1 lc 3, \
"" using 1:($24):($24*$25) with errorbars ti "" pt 1 lc 4
unset multiplot
unset format
unset lmargin
unset bmargin
unset rmargin
unset tmargin
You probably could do this using gnuplot only (I think), but it would be painful. The easiest solution is to write an external script which will format the title for you -- e.g. in python (untested):
#python script
import sys
with open(fname,'r') as f:
print (", ".join("%s=%s"%(p[0],p[1]) for p in pairs))
and then in gnuplot:
set title "`python datafile.dat`"
Your script above has a few problems. First, // is not a comment character in gnuplot -- so that will raise some sort of syntax error right away. Next, you're using filename as a string variable (which is OK) but you've not defined it anywhere. (the first line of your script would probably work except that it has been commented out). Finally, I can't check since I don't have your datafile, but your use of lmargin etc + set size + set origin is a little hard (for me) to track. Someone smarter would probably have no problem with it. When I want to explicitly align my plots however, I use the second form of margin.
#make plots go from 0.1 to 0.9 on the screen (screen range is 0-1)
# (0,0) is the lower left corner, (1,1) is the upper right.
set lmargin at screen 0.1
set rmargin at screen 0.9
And then for each of your sub-plots, you can do:
SCREENSIZE=0.8 #leave .1 for the top and bottom border
DY=SCREENSIZE/NPLOTS #height of each plot
set tmargin at screen 0.9-2*DY
set bmargin at screen 0.9-3*DY
#other commands
plot ...
set tmargin at screen 0.9-DY
set bmargin at screen 0.9-2*DY
#other commands ...
plot ...
set tmargin at screen 0.9
set bmargin at screen 0.9-DY
#other commands ...
plot ...
Of course, you can play around with the positions as you see fit.
I want the below desired effect
I am using a gnuplot script similar to this
set term postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 30
set size square
set xlabel "X position"
set ylabel "Y position"
set pm3d map
set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31
set xrange [0 : 22.0000000000]
set yrange [0 : 17.0000000000]
set zrange [0 : 0.1614027105]
set xtics 5
set ytics 0,4
set cbtics 0,0.020
set style line 1 lw 1
unset key
set dgrid3d 45,45
set style line 1 lt 1
set hidden3d
splot "" u 1:2:3
set label "98.8" at 9,-2 textcolor lt 1
set label "1.2" at 9,6 textcolor lt 1
But when I do, the labels (98.8, and 1.2) don't get printed. If I provide a bogus file, lets say with only a single (x,y,z) point, then nothing gets graphed and I can see the labels. Therefore, I am guessing that my graph is occluding my labels. How do I get the labels to be printed on top of my graph?
The default placement for labels is in back.
But you can specify that the label show up in front, e.g.:
set label "label in front" at 2.5,0.5 tc rgb "white" font ",30" front
Credit: the (very slightly modified) code for this was found at and/or link(s) therefrom.
Also for further information on the placement of text in gnuplot, I found this reference to be very useful.