I'm in twith rouble the trial version of Azure.
I don t get any trouble by creating the demo website.
However it seems to be impossible to create any Demo database.
I get the message 'adminPassword' cannot be empty
Impossible to create the database server too.
I specified the server name, user Id, password connexion string.
Is it due to the fact that tal version are not allowed to create an SQL serverinstance?
I hope you didn't quit yet. I started with Azure today. I was having the same problem as you. I was viewing the dashboard in Chrome. For some reason Chrome was not sending the password in the request. I switched to Internet Explorer, and what do you know, it worked.
I'm trying to read data from Share Point online. I'm using KingwaySoft SharePoint Drivers on SSIS.
I'm getting below error even though with provided credentials
what could be the reason?
do I have to change the URL pattern?
I have added /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/ at the end of the site URL.
like :
The ideal service URL that you would need to provide should include the base site and subsite, if necessary, and no other details.
Give it a try and if the error persists, please reach out to our support team with the screenshot of the SharePoint connection manager configuration.
I've created a classification endpoint using Azure ML, the input for which is a database query to retrieve the database row to classify.
When I run my experiment in the Machine Learning Studio, it works and connects properly to my database. When I submit the same query as a web service parameter on the import data module, I get the following error:
Ignoring the dangers of an SQL query as input, why am I getting this? Shouldn't it work the same?
Sidenote: I've used an SQL query on my training endpoint in the exact same way on the same database, and this didn't cause any problems.
UPDATE: It seems as if this is only a problem when I create a new endpoint for a service. If I use the default endpoint it does indeed work, but any new endpoints do not.
UPDATE 2: It also works when I submit my request as a batch run. If I use Request-Response, it fails.
According to Microsoft this is a known bug and they are working on it. Another workaround, although NOT recommended, is to pass the password in as a web service parameter (but may be ok for test/proof of concept apps)
Here is a link to the thread on the MS forums that states this is a bug.
I have spent the last few days migrating my humble parse and swift app over to Heroku and MongoDBLab.
However, I seem to have an issue with login authentication with just the parse server running on Heroku but not the MongoDBlab server. I say this because the version of the app that is routed through Parse.com and then to MongoDB is able to login, reset password, and create a new user. However, the app version routed through Heroku and then to MongoDBLab will not authenticate the user, but will allow a new user to be created.
The Heroku server was set up using the git Parse-server-example! procedure.
I'm using PFLogInViewController and PFSignUpViewController to handle the view.
I have seen some other posts concerning Facebook logins, but I can't see how they might relate, but I am also tired.
The login return prompts that the login failed, please try again later.
The forgot password return prompts that the path is not implemented when attempting to email the user.
My initial thought is that the parse-server on Heroku needs additional code to handle authentication and password reset. Being this is my first node.js and mongoDB service, I would imagine I'm missing a few things to boot.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You for taking the time to read this.
Okay, I found the answers to the authentication issue.
The git for parse-server Issue #32
Evidently the first migration DB tool had some issues? Specifically in the mongoDB _SCHEME_SESSION where expiresAt was defined as date instead of string.
I had written a mini App in asp classic this week. It worked perfectly on the test server connecting to the test data base. Then yesterday evening I moved it from the test server to the live server updating the connection strings to the live db.
I published it as an application to the default website in the default app pool. Then I tested it and it worked perfectly.
This morning however both myself and another user receive a 500 -internal Server error when we try and save changes to the database(there appears to be no issue reading from the db) yet my two other collogues have no issue at all.
Even more odd is that the same thing is happening on the test server where the code hasn't been changed in weeks. But this morning I cannot commit to the db from there either.
I have attempt to enable more detailed error tracking and logging but the property options for the server are seem unavailable when i tried to set up custom Active Server Pages (ASP) error pages off online tutorials.
The server is used by a lot of people so I was wondering is their a permission issue depending on the user that restricts writting to the database. Or something else that may have changed to allow some users to write data and others to receive the error.
Im very knew to IIS so it may be something glaringly obvious that I haven't considered.
This article should help you:
In earlier versions of IIS, error messages from classic ASP scripts
were sent to a Web browser, by default. Because these error messages
might reveal sensitive information to malicious users, IIS 7 and above
disables this feature by default. When your classic ASP scripts
encounter an error in IIS, you receive the following error message by
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.
I realise their are numerous questions regarding this issue and I have read them all, but I still cannot get this to work!
I have:
Created my project in the API console
Enabled Places API in services
Created a new IOS API Key (repeated this step twice now)
Tried the request with sensor=true, sensor=false and no sensor param at all
Tried HTTP and HTTPS
Those are all the fixes I found within the existing questions regarding this issue, have I missed anything? Here is a sample URL I am using to test:
And yes, I am replacing 'MYKEY' with my actual API key :).
I am developing an IOS app using monotouch but I don't really see how that is relevant as I can't get this to work in the browser either.
Any help would be hugely appreciated! Been stuck on this all day now.
I believe you want to be using your "Simple API Access" key (not an Android/iOS key). The documentation mentions this as the last step.
I tried your sample URL with my Simple API Access key and it was successful.