Finding list entry with the highest count - haskell

I have an Entry data type
data Entry = Entry {
count :: Integer,
name :: String }
Then I want to write a function, that takes the name and a list of Entrys as arguments an give me the Entrys with the highest count. What I have so far is
searchEntry :: String -> [Entry] -> Maybe Integer
searchEntry _ [] = Nothing
searchEntry name1 (x:xs) =
if name x == name1
then Just (count x)
else searchEntry name xs
That gives me the FIRST Entry that the function finds, but I want the Entry with the highest count. How can I implement that?

My suggestion would be to break the problem into two parts:
Find all entries matching a given name
Find the entry with the highest count
You could set it up as
entriesByName :: String -> [Entry] -> [Entry]
entriesByName name entries = undefined
-- Use Maybe since the list might be empty
entryWithHighestCount :: [Entry] -> Maybe Entry
entryWithHighestCount entries = undefined
entryByNameWithHighestCount :: String -> [Entry] -> Maybe Entry
entryByNameWithHighestCount name entires = entryWithHighestCount $ entriesByName name entries
All you have to do is implement the relatively simple functions that are used to implement getEntryByNameWithHighestCount.

You need to add an inner method that takes a current result as a parameter and returns that instead of Nothing when reaching the end of the method.
Also you would need to update your result found logic to compare a potentially existing function and the found value.

I would consider changing the signature of the function to String->Maybe Entry (or String->[Entry]) if you indeed want to return the "Entry" items with the highest count.
Otherwise, you can actually do what you want as a oneliner using some pretty common Haskell functions....
As Bheklilr mentioned, the name filter can be done first, and it is really easy to do this using the filter function....
filter (hasName theName) entries
Note that hasName can be written out fully as a separate function, but Haskell also offers you the following shortcut.
hasName = (== theName) . name
Now you just need the maximum value.... Haskell has a maximum function, but it only works on the Ord class. You can make Entry an instance of Ord, or you can just use the related maximumBy function, that takes an extra ordering function
maximumBy orderFunction entries2
Again, you can write orderFunction yourself (which you might want to do as an excercise), but haskell again offers a shortcut.
orderFunction = compare `on` count
You will need to import some libs to get this all to work (Data.Function, Data.List). You also will need to put in some extra code to account for the Nothing case.
It might be worth it to write out the functions longhand first, but I recommend that you use Hoogle to lookup and understand compare, on, and maximumBy.... Using tricks like this can really shorten your code.
Putting it all together, you can get the entry with the maximum count like this
maxEntry = maximumBy (compare `on` count) $ filter ((theName ==) . name) $ entries
You will need to modify this to account for the Nothing case, or if you want to return all max Entries (this just chooses one), or if you really wanted to return count, and not the entry.


Need help storing the previous element of a list (Haskell)

I'm currently working on an assignment. I have a function called gamaTipo that converts the values of a tuple into a data type previously defined by my professor.
The problem is: in order for gamaTipo to work, it needs to receive some preceding element. gamaTipo is defined like this: gamaTipo :: Peca -> (Int,Int) -> Peca where Peca is the data type defined by my professor.
What I need to do is to create a funcion that takes a list of tuples and converts it into Peca data type. The part that im strugling with is taking the preceding element of the list. i.e : let's say we have a list [(1,2),(3,4)] where the first element of the list (1,2) always corresponds to Dirt Ramp (data type defined by professor). I have to create a function convert :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Peca] where in order to calculate the element (3,4) i need to first translate (1,2) into Peca, and use it as the previous element to translate (3,4)
Here's what I've tried so far:
updateTuple :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Peca]
updateTuple [] = []
updateTuple ((x,y):xs) = let previous = Dirt Ramp
in (gamaTipo previous (x,y)): updateTuple xs
Although I get no error messages with this code, the expected output isn't correct. I'm also sorry if it's not easy to understand what I'm asking, English isn't my native tongue and it's hard to express my self. Thank you in advance! :)
If I understand correctly, your program needs to have a basic structure something like this:
updateTuple :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Peca]
updateTuple = go initialValue
go prev (xy:xys) =
let next = getNextValue prev xy
in prev : (go next xys)
go prev [] = prev
Basically, what’s happening here is:
updateTuple is defined in terms of a helper function go. (Note that ‘helper function’ isn’t standard terminology, it’s just what I’ve decided to call it).
go has an extra argument, which is used to store the previous value.
The implementation of go can then make use of the previous value.
When go recurses, the recursive call can then pass the newly-calculated value as the new ‘previous value’.
This is a reasonably common pattern in Haskell: if a recursive function requires an extra argument, then a new function (often named go) can be defined which has that extra argument. Then the original function can be defined in terms of go.

Test for positions- function

positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions x xs = [i | (x',i) <- zip xs [0..], x == x']
i need to create a Test function for the positions function, which passes the quickcheck.
Does someone has an idea?
A possible test could perform the following operations:
randomly generate xs, ys :: [Int] and y :: Int
define list = xs ++ y : ys
test length xs `elem` positions y list
You might also want to write tests for missing elements.
That being said, it's weird to craft tests from the code. One should design test using the specification used to write the code instead. Otherwise, if the code has some quirks, they end up in tests as well: instead of checking for what the code should do, we check for what the code does, which can be pointless.
Good question! I had a bit of trouble with this too when I started using QuickCheck, but as I used it more I started to get a feel for what sort of properties you should test. Often, a good place to start is to think about what sort of relationships should hold between the input(s) and output. Your function finds the indices of an element in a list; now what properties should hold in this case? Here's two which I can think of:
The list of indices should have the same number of elements as there are occurrences of the value in the list.
Each index should correspond to the correct value.
And here's an outline of how these properties could be tested:
Generate a random list, apply positions to it, then count the number of indices returned and check that it matches with the number of occurrences of the searched value.
Generate a random list, then apply positions to it and check that the element at each of the returned indices is the value which was searched for.
I also think that #chi's answer makes a good point in saying that you should design tests from the specification rather than the code; this ties in with what I was saying above, in that a specification can help you find relationships between input(s) and output which may not be immediately apparent from the code.

Abstracting over repeated application within Monad chains

The Haskell wikibook has an example that shows how to chain lookup commands when trying to find different pieces of connected information throughout a database, seen here:
getTaxOwed :: String -- their name
-> Maybe Double -- the amount of tax they owe
getTaxOwed name =
lookup name phonebook >>=
(\number -> lookup number governmentDatabase) >>=
(\registration -> lookup registration taxDatabase)
and rewritten in do notation:
getTaxOwed name = do
number <- lookup name phonebook
registration <- lookup number governmentDatabase
lookup registration taxDatabase
Now, anytime I see a function repeated more than once I immediately try to think of ways to abstract over its repeated application, but as I haven't used Monads much in practice yet, and as they seem to already be at a pretty high level of abstraction, I didn't know how to approach that in this case.
What are some ways, if any, a coder could abstract over the common pattern above, that is, a call to lookup in every line?
(an aside: is this an appropriate context for the phrase "abstract over"? I felt it captured my meaning, but I'm not sure, and I'd like to make sure I'm using terminology appropriately as a relatively new coder; I looked through other posts which clarified its use and meaning but I still can't figure it out for this particular example)
Big thanks to Carsten for the link to foldM! Credit to them for the insight of this answer.
So, if we use foldM, we can write a function that repeatedly performs a lookup chained through multiple directories that depend upon each previous result. If, thanks to the use of monads, at any point lookup cannot find the current key in a directory, it will terminate, and return Nothing:
lookupALot :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
lookupALot key directories = foldM lookup key directories
this has output of the form
foldM f k1 [d1, d2, ..., dm] -- k == key, d == directory
k2 <- f k1 d1
k3 <- f k2 d2
f km dm
which is exactly the same structure as
number <- lookup name phonebook
registration <- lookup number governmentDatabase
lookup registration taxDatabase
Hence, a more compact way of writing getTaxOwed would be:
getTaxOwed :: String -> Maybe Double
getTaxOwed name = foldM lookup name [phonebook, governmentDatabase, taxDatabase]
Which kinda blows me away! That line of code will find the phone-number associated with a person's name, then check the governmentDatabase with their number for their registration, and finally find their tax information from that registration. Note though, that this will only work for data in the form of [(a,b)], as indicated by the type of lookupALot.

Haskell, make single string from integer set?

I'd greatly appreciate if you could tell me how to make a single string from a range between two ints. Like [5..10] i would need to get a "5678910". And then I'd have to calculate how many (zeroes, ones ... nines) there are in a string.
For example: if i have a range from [1..10] i'd need to print out
1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
For now i only have a function to search for a element in string.
`countOfElem elem list = length $ filter (\x -> x == elem) list`
But the part how to construct such a string is bugging me out, or maybe there is an easier way? Thank you.
I tried something like this, but it wouldn't work.
let intList = map (read::Int->String) [15..22]
I tried something like this, but it wouldn't work. let intList = map (read::Int->String) [15..22]
Well... the purpose of read is to parse strings to read-able values. Hence it has a type signature String -> a, which obviously doesn't unify with Int -> String. What you want here is the inverse1 of read, it's called show.
Indeed map show [15..22] gives almost the result you asked for – the numbers as decimal-encoded strings – but still each number as a seperate list element, i.e. type [String] while you want only String. Well, how about asking Hoogle? It gives the function you need as the fifth hit: concat.
If you want to get fancy you can then combine the map and concat stages: both the concatMap function and the >>= operator do that. The most compact way to achieve the result: [15..22]>>=show.
1show is only the right inverse of read, to be precise.

What makes a good name for a helper function?

Consider the following problem: given a list of length three of tuples (String,Int), is there a pair of elements having the same "Int" part? (For example, [("bob",5),("gertrude",3),("al",5)] contains such a pair, but [("bob",5),("gertrude",3),("al",1)] does not.)
This is how I would implement such a function:
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
hasPair = napkin . sortBy (compare `on` snd)
where napkin [(_, a),(_, b),(_, c)] | a == b = True
| b == c = True
| otherwise = False
I've used pattern matching to bind names to the "Int" part of the tuples, but I want to sort first (in order to group like members), so I've put the pattern-matching function inside a where clause. But this brings me to my question: what's a good strategy for picking names for functions that live inside where clauses? I want to be able to think of such names quickly. For this example, "hasPair" seems like a good choice, but it's already taken! I find that pattern comes up a lot - the natural-seeming name for a helper function is already taken by the outer function that calls it. So I have, at times, called such helper functions things like "op", "foo", and even "helper" - here I have chosen "napkin" to emphasize its use-it-once, throw-it-away nature.
So, dear Stackoverflow readers, what would you have called "napkin"? And more importantly, how do you approach this issue in general?
General rules for locally-scoped variable naming.
f , k, g, h for super simple local, semi-anonymous things
go for (tail) recursive helpers (precedent)
n , m, i, j for length and size and other numeric values
v for results of map lookups and other dictionary types
s and t for strings.
a:as and x:xs and y:ys for lists.
(a,b,c,_) for tuple fields.
These generally only apply for arguments to HOFs. For your case, I'd go with something like k or eq3.
Use apostrophes sparingly, for derived values.
I tend to call boolean valued functions p for predicate. pred, unfortunately, is already taken.
In cases like this, where the inner function is basically the same as the outer function, but with different preconditions (requiring that the list is sorted), I sometimes use the same name with a prime, e.g. hasPairs'.
However, in this case, I would rather try to break down the problem into parts that are useful by themselves at the top level. That usually also makes naming them easier.
hasPair :: [(String, Int)] -> Bool
hasPair = hasDuplicate . map snd
hasDuplicate :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
hasDuplicate = not . isStrictlySorted . sort
isStrictlySorted :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isStrictlySorted xs = and $ zipWith (<) xs (tail xs)
My strategy follows Don's suggestions fairly closely:
If there is an obvious name for it, use that.
Use go if it is the "worker" or otherwise very similar in purpose to the original function.
Follow personal conventions based on context, e.g. step and start for args to a fold.
If all else fails, just go with a generic name, like f
There are two techniques that I personally avoid. One is using the apostrophe version of the original function, e.g. hasPair' in the where clause of hasPair. It's too easy to accidentally write one when you meant the other; I prefer to use go in such cases. But this isn't a huge deal as long as the functions have different types. The other is using names that might connote something, but not anything that has to do with what the function actually does. napkin would fall into this category. When you revisit this code, this naming choice will probably baffle you, as you will have forgotten the original reason that you named it napkin. (Because napkins have 4 corners? Because they are easily folded? Because they clean up messes? They're found at restaurants?) Other offenders are things like bob and myCoolFunc.
If you have given a function a name that is more descriptive than go or h, then you should be able to look at either the context in which it is used, or the body of the function, and in both situations get a pretty good idea of why that name was chosen. This is where my point #3 comes in: personal conventions. Much of Don's advice applies. If you are using Haskell in a collaborative situation, then coordinate with your team and decide on certain conventions for common situations.
