Using putty in a Linux environment how do I view Windows files - linux

When I enter the putty shell, it gives me a default path [ec2-user#ip-10-79-141-32 ~]$. If the file I am trying to run is on the desktop, how do I be sure that I CD to the desktop? Also I am using linux to search for my windows files

Use a software Winscp. You can transfer files from Linux ENV to Windows ENV and wise-versa.


How to setup Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL 2) with VSCodium on Windows 10

So I am using Ubuntu Linux terminal(also have Debian) in windows 10. according to this site:
you need Remote - WSL extention to connect with VScode, I am using VSCodium.
So my question is can I install Remote - WSL extention on VSCodium.
Or are there any alternatives to configure it without this extension.I saw on VSCodium market and there is no Remote - WSL.
My purpose is with Ubuntu or Debian terminal to create folders and files such html,css,js.
I can do all this by entering in desktop environment :
cd /mnt/c/Users/<username>/Desktop
and also can use this commands:
cd ..
cd /
cd ~
My problem is that I can not open created folder or any app(including VSCodium), for example open existing folder using this command:
open . or open index.html
this commands are not working.can you help with that?
how can I open created folder,file or app using terminal.
Is there any extension to connect VSCodium to my WSL2 and do all commands above?
You cannot legally use any of the MS "Remote" extensions as they are closed source and cannot legally be installed on anything other than Microsoft Visual Studio Code, as per the license.
AFAIK there is no open source alternative yet.

copy file from ubuntu to windows server with terminal?

I want to copy file from Ubuntu operating system into windows server without program,
i used ssh ,but it did not work.

View contents of file in windows machine on to linux shell

Is there a way for me to view the contents of a file that is stored in my local windows machine into my linux putty session without copying the file into linux first?
I was thinking that I could ssh into windows and write a windows command to do it, but I'm not sure how to go about ssh'ing into my local windows machine in the first place.

copy /move the Data from the Linux Command line to local windows

Installed CYGWIN in my windows, I can able to access both windows & remote linux machines with the credentials. But i can't able to configure how the data will be moved from Linux to windows, can anyone please suggest me on this.
To log into your cygwin instance remotely, you need to install the sshd module in cygwin and then set it up. Then you will be able to use the ssh command on your linux/unix machine to do one of many things:
open a bash shell in your cygwin instance
execute a remote command from linux/unix using: ssh WINDOWS_SERVER command
copy to the Windows machine remotely using scp or sftp.

How to copy files from windows to linux (cross platform)?

I want to trigger command/script from Linux environment which copies file from windows system to my Linux environment.
I have set up local Linux server for my web application. I am using WinSCP for file transfer and Putty as a console.
I want to automate the process of build deployment of Linux server.For that i have to copy build which is on my windows machine and paste it in my local Linux server so that i can deploy it.
As per my understanding, there should be some shared location which is accessible from Linux environment.
Is there is any script available for this? Also, please tell me the configuration changes require to do this.
You can use synchronize command of winscp from your windows,
winscp synchronize command
or winscp.exe command from your command prompt.
winscp.exe command
Install cygwin and you can use scp, ssh etc just like you would on linux. Besides, you can use ordinary bash scripts instead of crappy bat-files.
Use samba
you can use rsync for synchronize your files.
