mouse movements for background thread created windows forms - multithreading

I am wondering if it is possible to
1) Hosting a background thread created windows form inside application main thread created windows form ?
or 2) Separate the thread which processes mouse movements from the thread which is painting a windows form application ?
I know these questions sounds very crazy, but I find myself encountering a peculiar problem and I welcome advice of being able to side-step this problem, though I do not think we can part from windows forms and use different ui technology easily.
Our software team writes some plugins for a 3-rd party windows form application. SO we provide a root main form which hosts a bunch of user controls to them, using their api and they host them in their own windows form. Currently all user interfaces are created on the application's main thread, so they play nicely with each other. Many of our user controls we provide have charts, which are painted live by data the application is sourcing. One of the problem we have is when the user moves the mouse around erratically the display stop updating as all the painting of the graphs (GDI+) is done on the main thread ( we use background threads and TPL for sourcing and computing data, but painting is done on the main thread). So I am wondering if it is possible to make all the gdi+ painting of these charts occur on a different thread than the application main thread, so the painting would continue and we can still receive mouse movement inputs and clicks for user interactions, but erratic mouse movements can not flood the message queue and stop the gdi+ painting of the user controls.
Any help specially, specially pointers to relevant apis or articles demonstrating techniques would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

It depends on the cause of the slow down when the draw is done.
First, you should optimize your drawing routines maybe you are painting the entire form/control on each call to OnPaint? If that's the case then you should only re draw the invalidated area, that will speed up things a lot.
Else, if you still need to do the drawing on another thread, then you cant do it directly, ui can only be modified on main thread, but you can use a bitmap as an off screen buffer and then re draw from it.
To do that, when your control is created you create also a bitmap of your controls size (also you should take care of resizes). So, when any change must be done to your control's appearance, draw it to the bitmap, you can do it in another thread, and then invalidate your control's updated area.
And finally, in your control's OnPaint just blit from that bitmap to your control, and only the invalidated area, this call will still be done on main thread, but i assure you any machine today is able of blitting very large images in milliseconds.
As an example, let's suppose you have a control where you draw a gradient background and a circle.
Usually, you will paint directly to the Control surface through a Graphics object each time you want to update something, let's say the background, so, to change it you will draw the full background and your circle over it.
To do that in background, if you created a bitmap as off screen buffer, you don't draw to the surface, you draw to the bitmap in another thread (obtaining a graphics object from it) and then invalidate the updated área of the control. When you invalidate the área OnPaint will be called and then you can blit from that bitmap to the controls surface.
In this step you gained little or none speed, but let's expand our example. Suppose you are drawing a very complex control,with lots of calls to DrawImage, DrawCircle, etc.
When the mouse moves over the control, small áreas get invalidated, and on each OnPaint call you will draw all the "layers" composing the invalidated área, it can be lots of draws to do if as we said the control is very complex.
But if you did draw to a bitmap your controls appearance, on each OnPaint call you will just blit the corresponding área from the bitmap to the control, as you see you are reducing calls from lots of draws to just a blit.
Hope it clarifies the idea.


Render loop vs. explicitely calling update method

I am working on a 3D simulation program using openGL which uses a render loop with a fixed framerate to keep the screen updated as the world changes. Standard procedure really, and for a typical video game this is certainly the best approach (I originally took this code from an openGL game tutorial). But for me, the 3D scene will not be changing as rapidly and unpredictably as in a computer game. It will be possible for the 3D scene itself to change from time to time but in general it won't change between render calls (it's more of a visualisation tool for geometric problems). The user will be able to control the position/orientation of the camera but in general there will be times when the camera won't move for several seconds/minutes (potentially hundreds of render calls) and since the 3D scene is likely be static for the majority of the time, I wonder if I really need a continuous render loop...?
My thinking is that I will remove the automatic render loop and instead I will explicitly call my update method when either,
The 3D scene changes (very rare)
The camera moves (somewhat rare)
As I will be using this largely for research purposes, the scene/camera is likely to stay in one state for several minutes at a time and it seems silly to be continuously updating the frame buffer when it's not changing.
My question then is, is this a good approach? All the online tutorials for 3D graphics rendering seem to deal with game design but that's not really my requirement. In other words, what are the pros and cons of using a render loop vs. manually calling "update()" whenever something changes?
There's no problem with this approach, in fact many 3D apps, like 3DS MAX use explicit rendering. You just pick what is better for your needs, in most games scene changes each frame so it's better to have update loop, but if you were doing some chess game, without animated UI you could also use explicit rendering only when the scene changes.
For apps with rare changes, like 3DS or Blender it would be better to call rendering only on change. This way you save the CPU/GPU but also power and your PC don't heat up so much.
With explicit rendering you can also have some performance tricks, like drawing simplified scene when camera moves, for better performance. Then when camera stops you render the full scene in background once again, and replace the low-quality rendering with the new one.

Draw from a separate thread with NSOpenGLLayer

I'm working on an app which needs to draw with OpengGL at a refresh rate at least equal to the refresh rate of the monitor. And I need to perform the drawing in a separate thread so that drawing is never locked by intense UI actions.
Actually I'm using a NSOpenGLView in combination with CVDisplayLink and I'm able to achive 60-80FPS without any problem.
Since I need also to display some cocoa controls on top of this view I tried to subclass NSOpenGLView and make it layer-backed, following LayerBackedOpenGLView Apple example.
The result isn't satisfactory and I get a lot of artifacts.
Therefore I've solved the problem using a separate NSWindow to host the cocoa controls and adding this window as a child window of the main window containing the NSOpenGLView.
It works fine and I'm able to get quite the same FPS as the initial implementation.
Since I consider this solution quite like a dirty hack, I'm looking for an alternative and more clean way of achiving what I need.
Few days ago I came across NSOpenGLLayer and I thought that it could be used as a viable solution for my problem.
So finally, after all this preamble, here comes my question:
is it possible to draw to a NSOpenGLLayer from a separate thread using CVDisplayLink callback?.
So far I've tried to implement this but I'm not able to draw from the CVDisplayLink callback. I can only -setNeedsDisplay:TRUE on the NSOpenGLLayer from the CVDisplayLink callback and then perform the drawing in -drawInOpenGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime: when it gets automatically called by cocoa. But I suppose that this way I'm drawing from the main thread, isn't it?
After googling for this I've even found this post in which the user claims that under Lion drawing can occur only inside -drawInOpenGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime:.
I'm on Snow Leopard at the moment but the app should run flawlessly even on Lion.
Am I missing something?
Yes, it is possible, though not recommend. Call display on the layer from within your CVDisplayLink. This will cause canDrawInContext:... to be called and if it returns YES, drawInContext:... will be called and all this on whatever thread called display. To make the rendered image visible on screen, you have to call [CATransaction flush]. This method has been suggested on the Apple mailing list, though it is not completely problem free (the display method of other view may get called on your background thread as well and not all views support rendering from a background thread).
The recommend way is to make the layer asynchronous and render the OpenGL context on main thread. If you cannot achieve a good framerate that way, since your main thread is busy elsewhere, it is recommend to rather move everything else (pretty much your whole application logic) to other threads (e.g. using Grand Central Dispatch) and only keep user input and drawing code on the main thread. If your window is very big, you may still not get anything better than 30 FPS (one frame ever two screen refreshes), yet that comes from the fact, that CALayer composition seems a rather expensive process and it has been optimized for more or less static layers (e.g. layers containing a picture) and not for layers updating themselves 60 FPS.
E.g. if you are writing a 3D game, you are advised not to mix CALayers with OpenGL content at all. If you need Cocoa UI elements, either keep them separated from your OpenGL content (e.g. split the window horizontally into a part that displays only OpenGL and a part that only displays controls) or draw all controls yourself (which is pretty common for games).
Last but not least, the two window approach is not as exotic as you may think, that's how VLC (the video player) draws its controls over the video image (which is also rendered by OpenGL on Mac).

Is a drag-and-drop interface simply infeasible in Pygame?

I'm building a simple RPG using Pygame and would like to implement a drag-and-drop inventory. However, even with the consideration of blitting a separate surface, it seems that the entire screen will need to be recalculated every single time the user drags an item around. Would it be best to allow a limited range of motion, or is it simply not feasible to implement such an interface?
redrawing most or all of the screen is a very normal thing, across all windowing systems. this is rarely an issue, since most objects on screen can be drawn quickly.
To make this practical, it's necessary to organize all of the game objects that have to be drawn in such a way that they can be quickly found and drawn in the right order. This often means that objects of a particular type are grouped into some sort of layer. The drawing code can go through each layer, and for each object in each layer, ask the object to draw itself. If a particular layer is costly to draw, because it's got a lot of objects, can store a prerendered surface and blit that instead.
A really simple hack to get a similar effect is to capture the screen at the start of a drag to a surface, and then blit that every frame instead of the whole game. This obviously only makes sense in a game where dragging also means that the rest of the game is effectively paused.
There are many GUI examples on, as well as libraries for GUIs.

How can i use Cocoa/CoreText/Quartz for multithreaded drawing

Are there any howtos?
What is the best practice here for background thread drawing.
Is it okay to store the rectangle data from [NSView drawRect] in a queue and let the background thread take the rectangle and create some bitmap and render the data into the bitmap and then use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject to draw it? Or can i directly draw into the a context from the background.
I bought the book "Programming with Quartz 2D" from Bunny Laden but haven't read it yet and there is no hint about multithreading in the book. Also couldn't find anything in the normal Apple API Reference pages.
Yes it's ok to store the rectangle data from [NSView drawRect] in a queue and let the background thread take the rectangle and create some bitmap and render the data into the bitmap and then use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject to draw it.
As long as you do it in a thread safe manner.
That has nothing to do with drawing, so there is no reason it would be mentioned in "Programming with Quartz 2D" (which is a great book by the way - you should definitely get round to reading it). You probably want a companion book on multithreading.
Just consider the first part of your question. How are you going to store the rect in a queue? Add it to an NSMutableArray? Not thread safe.
Grand Central Dispatch is going to help a lot (you don't mention what platform you wish to support).

Drawing Vector Graphics Faster

In my application I want to draw polygons using Windows Create Graphics method and later edit the polygon by allowing the user to select the points of the polygon and allowing to re-position them.
I use moue move event to get the new position of the point to get the new coordinates of the point being moved and use Paint event to re-draw the polygon. The application is working but when a point is moved the movement is not smooth.
I dont know weather the mouse move or the paint event the performance hindrance.
Can anyone make a suggestion as to how to improve this?
Make sure that you don't repaint for every mouse move. The proper way to do this is to handle all your input events, modifying the polygon data and setting a flag that a repaint needs to occur (on windows possibly just calling InvalidateRect() without calling UpdateWindow()).
You might not have a real performance problem - it could be that you just need to draw to an off screen DC and then copy that to your window, which will reduce flicker and make the movement seem much smoother.
If you're coding using the Win32 api, look at this for reference.
...and of course, make sure you only invalidate the area that needs to be repainted. Since you're keeping track of the polygons, invalidate only the polygon area (the rectangular union of the before and after states).
