Why does the binary + operator not work with two &mut int? - rust

fn increment(number: &mut int) {
// this fails with: binary operation `+` cannot be applied to type `&mut int`
//let foo = number + number;
let foo = number.add(number);
println!("{}", foo);
fn main() {
let mut test = 5;
increment(&mut test);
println!("{}", test);
Why does number + number fail but number.add(number) works?
As a bonus question: The above prints out
Am I right to assume that test is still 5 because the data is copied over to increment? The only way that the original test variable could be mutated by the increment function would be if it was send as Box<int>, right?

number + number fails because they're two references, not two ints. The compiler also tells us why: the + operator isn't implemented for the type &mut int.
You have to dereference with the dereference operator * to get at the int. This would work let sum = *number + *number;
number.add(number); works because the signature of add is fn add(&self, &int) -> int;
Am I right to assume that test is still 5 because the data is copied
over to increment? The only way that the original test variable could
be mutated by the increment function would be if it was send as
Box, right?
Test is not copied over, but is still 5 because it's never actually mutated. You could mutate it in the increment function if you wanted.
PS: to mutate it
fn increment(number: &mut int) {
*number = *number + *number;
println!("{}", number);


&[T] changed to Vec<&T>

I wrote a function that accepts a slice of single digit numbers and returns a number.
pub fn from_digits<T>(digits: &[T]) -> T
T: Num + FromPrimitive + Add + Mul + Copy,
let mut ret: T = T::zero();
let ten: T = T::from_i8(10).unwrap();
for d in digits {
ret = ret * ten + **d;
For example, from_digits(&vec![1,2,3,4,5]) returns 12345. This seems to work fine.
Now, I want to use this function in another code:
let ret: Vec<Vec<i64>> = digits // &[i64]
.iter() // Iter<i64>
.rev() // impl Iterator<Item = i64>
.permutations(len) // Permutations<Rev<Iter<i64>>>
.map(|ds| from_digits(&ds)) // <-- ds: Vec<&i64>
The problem is that after permutations(), the type in the lambda in map is Vec<&i64>, not Vec<i64>. This caused the compile error, as the expected parameter type is &[T], not &[&T].
I don't understand why the type of ds became Vec<&i64>. I tried to change the from_digits like this:
pub fn from_digits<T>(digits: &[&T]) -> T
But I am not sure if this is the correct way to fix the issue. Also, this caused another problem that I cannot pass simple data like vec![1,2,3] to the function.
Can you let me know the correct way to fix this?
The problem is that slice's iter() function returns an iterator over &T, so &i64.
The fix is to use the Iterator::copied() or Iterator::cloned() adapters that converts and iterator over &T to an iterator over T when T: Copy or T: Clone, respectively:
digits.iter().copied().rev() // ...

Using an iterator as an argument to a function multiple times from one vector

I'm trying to write some Rust code to decode GPS data from an SDR receiver. I'm reading samples in from a file and converting the binary data to a series of complex numbers, which is a time-consuming process. However, there are times when I want to stream samples in without keeping them in memory (e.g. one very large file processed only one way or samples directly from the receiver) and other times when I want to keep the whole data set in memory (e.g. one small file processed in multiple different ways) to avoid repeating the work of parsing the binary file.
Therefore, I want to write functions or structs with iterators to be as general as possible, but I know they aren't sized, so I need to put them in a Box. I would have expected something like this to work.
This is the simplest example I could come up with to demonstrate the same basic problem.
fn sum_squares_plus(iter: Box<Iterator<Item = usize>>, x: usize) -> usize {
let mut ans: usize = 0;
for i in iter {
ans += i * i;
ans + x
fn main() {
// Pretend this is an expensive operation that I don't want to repeat five times
let small_data: Vec<usize> = (0..10).collect();
for x in 0..5 {
// Want to iterate over immutable references to the elements of small_data
let iterbox: Box<Iterator<Item = usize>> = Box::new(small_data.iter());
println!("{}: {}", x, sum_squares_plus(iterbox, x));
// 0..100 is more than 0..10 and I'm only using it once,
// so I want to 'stream' it instead of storing it all in memory
let x = 55;
println!("{}: {}", x, sum_squares_plus(Box::new(0..100), x));
I've tried several different variants of this, but none seem to work. In this particular case, I'm getting
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<std::slice::Iter<'_, usize> as std::iter::Iterator>::Item == usize`
--> src/main.rs:15:52
15 | let iterbox: Box<Iterator<Item = usize>> = Box::new(small_data.iter());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected reference, found usize
= note: expected type `&usize`
found type `usize`
= note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn std::iter::Iterator<Item = usize>`
I'm not worried about concurrency and I'd be happy to just get it working sequentially on a single thread, but a concurrent solution would be a nice bonus.
The current error you're running into is here:
let iterbox:Box<Iterator<Item = usize>> = Box::new(small_data.iter());
You're declaring that you want an iterator that returns usize items, but small_data.iter() is an iterator that returns references to usize items (&usize). That why you get the error "expected reference, found usize". usize is a small type that's cloneable so you can simply use the .cloned() iterator adapter to provide an iterator that actually returns a usize.
let iterbox: Box<Iterator<Item = usize>> = Box::new(small_data.iter().cloned());
Once you're past that hurdle, the next problem is that the iterator returned over small_data contains a reference to the small_data. Since sum_squares_plus is defined to accept a Box<Iterator<Item = usize>>, it's implied in that signature that the Iterator trait object within the box has a 'static lifetime. The iterator you're providing does not because it borrows small_data. To fix that you need to adjust the sum_squares_plus definition to
fn sum_squares_plus<'a>(iter: Box<Iterator<Item = usize> + 'a>, x: usize) -> usize
Note the 'a lifetime annotations. The code should then compile, but unless there's some constraints other than what's clearly defined here, a more idiomatic and efficient approach would be to avoid using trait objects and the associated allocations. The below code should work using static dispatch without any trait objects.
fn sum_squares_plus<I: Iterator<Item = usize>>(iter: I, x: usize) -> usize {
let mut ans: usize = 0;
for i in iter {
ans += i * i;
ans + x
fn main() {
// Pretend this is an expensive operation that I don't want to repeat five times
let small_data: Vec<usize> = (0..10).collect();
for x in 0..5 {
println!("{}: {}", x, sum_squares_plus(small_data.iter().cloned(), x));
// 0..100 is more than 0..10 and I'm only using it once,
// so I want to 'stream' it instead of storing it all in memory
let x = 55;
println!("{}: {}", x, sum_squares_plus(Box::new(0..100), x));

How to translate "x-y" to vec![x, x+1, … y-1, y]?

This solution seems rather inelegant:
fn parse_range(&self, string_value: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let values: Vec<u8> = string_value
.splitn(2, "-")
.map(|part| part.parse().ok().unwrap())
{ values[0]..(values[1] + 1) }.collect()
Since splitn(2, "-") returns exactly two results for any valid string_value, it would be better to assign the tuple directly to two variables first and last rather than a seemingly arbitrary-length Vec. I can't seem to do this with a tuple.
There are two instances of collect(), and I wonder if it can be reduced to one (or even zero).
Trivial implementation
fn parse_range(string_value: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let pos = string_value.find(|c| c == '-').expect("No valid string");
let (first, second) = string_value.split_at(pos);
let first: u8 = first.parse().expect("Not a number");
let second: u8 = second[1..].parse().expect("Not a number");
{ first..second + 1 }.collect()
I would recommend returning a Result<Vec<u8>, Error> instead of panicking with expect/unwrap.
Nightly implementation
My next thought was about the second collect. Here is a code example which uses nightly code, but you won't need any collect at all.
#![feature(conservative_impl_trait, inclusive_range_syntax)]
fn parse_range(string_value: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> {
let pos = string_value.find(|c| c == '-').expect("No valid string");
let (first, second) = string_value.split_at(pos);
let first: u8 = first.parse().expect("Not a number");
let second: u8 = second[1..].parse().expect("Not a number");
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", parse_range("3-7").collect::<Vec<u8>>());
Instead of calling collect the first time, just advance the iterator:
let mut values = string_value
.splitn(2, "-")
.map(|part| part.parse().unwrap());
let start = values.next().unwrap();
let end = values.next().unwrap();
Do not call .ok().unwrap() — that converts the Result with useful error information to an Option, which has no information. Just call unwrap directly on the Result.
As already mentioned, if you want to return a Vec, you'll want to call collect to create it. If you want to return an iterator, you can. It's not bad even in stable Rust:
fn parse_range(string_value: &str) -> std::ops::Range<u8> {
let mut values = string_value
.splitn(2, "-")
.map(|part| part.parse().unwrap());
let start = values.next().unwrap();
let end = values.next().unwrap();
start..end + 1
fn main() {
Sadly, inclusive ranges are not yet stable, so you'll need to continue to use +1 or switch to nightly.
Since splitn(2, "-") returns exactly two results for any valid string_value, it would be better to assign the tuple directly to two variables first and last rather than a seemingly arbitrary-length Vec. I can't seem to do this with a tuple.
This is not possible with Rust's type system. You are asking for dependent types, a way for runtime values to interact with the type system. You'd want splitn to return a (&str, &str) for a value of 2 and a (&str, &str, &str) for a value of 3. That gets even more complicated when the argument is a variable, especially when it's set at run time.
The closest workaround would be to have a runtime check that there are no more values:
Such a check doesn't feel valuable to me.
See also:
What is the correct way to return an Iterator (or any other trait)?
How do I include the end value in a range?

What do I have to do to solve a "use of moved value" error?

I'm trying to compute the 10,001st prime in Rust (Project Euler 7), and as a part of this, my method to check whether or not an integer is prime references a vector:
fn main() {
let mut count: u32 = 1;
let mut num: u64 = 1;
let mut primes: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
while count < 10001 {
num += 2;
if vectorIsPrime(num, primes) {
count += 1;
fn vectorIsPrime(num: u64, p: Vec<u64>) -> bool {
for i in p {
if num > i && num % i != 0 {
return false;
When I try to reference the vector, I get the following error:
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `primes`
--> src/main.rs:9:31
9 | if vectorIsPrime(num, primes) {
| ^^^^^^ value moved here, in previous iteration of loop
= note: move occurs because `primes` has type `std::vec::Vec<u64>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
What do I have to do to primes in order to be able to access it within the vectorIsPrime function?
With the current definition of your function vectorIsPrime(), the function specifies that it requires ownership of the parameter because you pass it by value.
When a function requires a parameter by value, the compiler will check if the value can be copied by checking if it implements the trait Copy.
If it does, the value is copied (with a memcpy) and given to the function, and you can still continue to use your original value.
If it doesn't, then the value is moved to the given function, and the caller cannot use it afterwards
That is the meaning of the error message you have.
However, most functions do not require ownership of the parameters: they can work on "borrowed references", which means they do not actually own the value (and cannot for example put it in a container or destroy it).
fn main() {
let mut count: u32 = 1;
let mut num: u64 = 1;
let mut primes: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
while count < 10001 {
num += 2;
if vector_is_prime(num, &primes) {
count += 1;
fn vector_is_prime(num: u64, p: &[u64]) -> bool {
for &i in p {
if num > i && num % i != 0 {
return false;
The function vector_is_prime() now specifies that it only needs a slice, i.e. a borrowed pointer to an array (including its size) that you can obtain from a vector using the borrow operator &.
For more information about ownership, I invite you to read the part of the book dealing with ownership.
Rust is, as I would say, a “value-oriented” language. This means that if you define primes like this
let primes: Vec<u64> = …
it is not a reference to a vector. It is practically a variable that stores a value of type Vec<u64> just like any u64 variable stores a u64 value. This means that if you pass it to a function defined like this
fn vec_is_prime(num: u64, vec: Vec<u64>) -> bool { … }
the function will get its own u64 value and its own Vec<u64> value.
The difference between u64 and Vec<u64> however is that a u64 value can be easily copied to another place while a Vec<u64> value can only move to another place easily. If you want to give the vec_is_prime function its own Vec<u64> value while keeping one for yourself in main, you have to duplicate it, somehow. That's what's clone() is for. The reason you have to be explicit here is because this operation is not cheap. That's one nice thing about Rust: It's not hard to spot expensive operations. So, you could call the function like this
if vec_is_prime(num, primes.clone()) { …
but that's not really what you want, actually. The function does not need its own a Vec<64> value. It just needs to borrow it for a short while. Borrowing is much more efficient and applicable in this case:
fn vec_is_prime(num: u64, vec: &Vec<u64>) -> bool { …
Invoking it now requires the “borrowing operator”:
if vec_is_prime(num, &primes) { …
Much better. But we can still improve it. If a function wants to borrow a Vec<T> just for the purpose of reading it, it's better to take a &[T] instead:
fn vec_is_prime(num: u64, vec: &[u64]) -> bool { …
It's just more general. Now, you can lend a certain portion of a Vec to the function or something else entirely (not necessarily a Vec, as long as this something stores its values consecutively in memory, like a static lookup table). What's also nice is that due to coersion rules you don't need to alter anything at the call site. You can still call this function with &primes as argument.
For String and &str the situation is the same. String is for storing string values in the sense that a variable of this type owns that value. &str is for borrowing them.
You move value of primes to the function vectorIsPrime (BTW Rust use snake_case by convention). You have other options, but the best one is to borrow vector instead of moving it:
fn vector_is_prime(num: u64, p: &Vec<u64>) -> bool { … }
And then passing reference to it:
vector_is_prime(num, &primes)

Normalise ASCII numbers to digit numbers

Running example on play.rust-lang.org
fn main() {
let number = b"123456";
for sequence in number.windows(6) {
let product = sequence.iter().fold(1, |a, &b| a * (b as u64));
println!("product of {:?} is {}", sequence, product);
Instead of having an output like "product of [49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54] is 15312500000" I need the normal numbers in the brackets and the normalized result for the product.
Trying around with - b'0' to subtract the 48 to get the normal digits in line 5 doesn't work, i.e.
a * ((b as u64) -b'0')
(a - b'0') * (b as u64)
Seems I'm missing something here, for example I have no idea what exactly are the 'a' and 'b' values in the fold(). Can anyone enlighten me? :)
Looking at the signature of fold, we can see that it takes two arguments:
fn fold<B, F>(self, init: B, f: F) -> B
where F: FnMut(B, Self::Item) -> B
init, which is of some arbitrary type B, and f, which is a closure that takes a B value and an element from the iterator, in order to compute a new B value. The whole function returns a B. The types are strongly suggestive of what happens: the closure f is repeatedly called on successive elements of the iterator, passing the computed B value into the next f call. Checking the implementation confirms this suspicion:
let mut accum = init;
for x in self {
accum = f(accum, x);
It runs through the iterator, passing the accumulated state into the closure in order to compute the next state.
First things first, lets put the type on the fold call:
let product = sequence.iter().fold(1, |a: u64, &b: &u8| a * (b as u64));
That is, the B type we want is u64 (that's what our final product will be), and the item type of the iterator is &u8, a reference to a byte.
Now, we can manually inline the definition of fold to compute product to try to clarify the desired behaviour (I'm ignoring the normalisation for now):
let mut accum = 1;
for x in sequence.iter() {
accum = { // the closure
let a: u64 = accum;
let &b: &u8 = x;
a * b as u64
let product = accum;
let mut product = 1;
for &b in sequence.iter() {
product = product * (b as u64)
Hopefully this makes it clearer what needs to happen: b runs across each byte, and so it is the value that needs adjustment, to bring the ASCII encoded value down to the expected 0..10 range.
So, you were right with:
a * ((b as u64) -b'0')
However, the details mean that fails to compile, with a type error: b'0' has type u8, but b as u64 as type u64, and it's not legal to use - with u64 and u8. Moving the normalisation to happen before the u64 cast will ensure this works ok, since then you're subtracting b (which is a u8) and a u8:
product * (b - b'0') as u64
All in all, the fold might look clearer (and actually work) as:
let product = sequence.iter()
.fold(1, |prod, &byte| prod * (byte - b'0') as u64);
(I apologise for giving you such confusing code on IRC.)
As an alternative to fold, you can use map and MultiplicativeIterator::product. I find that the two steps help make it clearer what is happening.
use std::iter::MultiplicativeIterator;
fn main() {
let number = b"123456";
for sequence in number.windows(6) {
let product = sequence.iter().map(|v| (v - b'0') as u64).product();
println!("product of {:?} is {}", sequence, product);
You could even choose to split up the resizing from u8 to u64:
sequence.iter().map(|v| v - b'0').map(|v| v as u64).product();
Nowadays, an alternative is product + to_digit: (itertools was used to print the contents of the iterator)
use {itertools::Itertools, std::char};
fn main() {
let number = b"123456";
let sequence = number
.map(|&c| u64::from(char::from(c).to_digit(10).expect("not a digit")));
let product: u64 = sequence.clone().product();
println!("product of {:?} is {}", sequence.format(", "), product);
