How can I convince z/OS scp to transfer binary files? - linux

We have SSH-based file transfer scripts currently set up for Linux-to-Linux and we're porting them to z/OS to go z/OS-to-Linux. Note that this is with USS, the UNIX system services within z/OS otherwise known as OMVS, which uses EBCDIC under the covers, not zLinux which uses ASCII.
We've set up all the SSH key files and what-not, and the transfer itself is working fine.
However z/OS, in it's infinite wisdom, insists on converting the files from EBCDIC to ASCII despite the fact that they're binary files - this is screwing up the content of the destination files.
The scp manpage on z/OS states:
scp assumes that files are text. Files copied between EBCDIC and ASCII platforms
are converted.
and I can find nothing useful in the manuals that indicates how to get around this.
It seems a bizarre limitation for anyone wanting to transfer binary files between the two platforms. Does anyone know of a way, using SSH-standard keyfiles (we need this for security, no naked FTP allowed), to effect a binary transfer without translation?

You can use one of the other SSH-based tools such as sftp.
Whereas scp will let you transfer a file (with automatic authentication set up) with something like:
scp -i ident_file zos_file linux_user#linux_box:linux_file
you can do a similar thing with the secure FTP:
sftp IdentityFile=ident_file -b - linux_user#linux_box <<EOF
put zos_file linux_file


Simplest format to archive a directory

I have a script that needs to work on multiple platforms and machines. Some of those machines don't have any available archiving software (e.g. zip, tar). I can't download any software onto these machines.
The script creates a directory containing output files. I need to package all those files into a single file so i can download it easily.
What is the simplest possible archiving format to implement, so I can easily roll my own impl in the script. It doesn't have to support compression.
I could make up something ad-hoc, e.g.
file1 base64EncodedContents
dir1/file1 base64EncodedContents
However if one already exists then that will save me having to roll my own packing and unpacking, only packing, which would be nice. Bonus points if it's zip compatible, so that I can try zipping it with compression if possible, and them impl my own without compression otherwise, and not have to worry about which it is on the other side.
The tar archive format is extremely simple - simple enough that I was able to implement a tar archiver in powershell in a couple of hours.
It consists of a sequence of file header, file data, file header, file data etc.
The header is pure ascii, so doesn't require any bit manipulation - you can literally append strings. Once you've written the header, you then append the file bytes, and pad it with nil chars till it's a multiple of 512 bytes. You then repeat for the next file.
Wikipedia has more details on the exact format:

How to create a function that generates a unique password for each machine in linux?

I need to program a code that generate a unique password such that every time the machine (beaglebone black) runs the output be always the same.
In addition, if someone compiles his own linux in the beagle and runs the program, the output be different.
In summary, the password will be unique for each machine and operating system.
I thought to do that using as argument the ethernet MAC address, but I need something else that identifies the OS.
Drawing on Sami Laine's suggestion and taking into account that you will want to automate it, you need two more functions: (1) one to get the OS (+release number) and (2) one to get the first mac address.
(1) is easy enough. (Get Kernel and kernel release number:)
uname -sr
(2) is more tricky as the device will have different names depending on what linux you have, what kind of network devices you have on the machine etc etc (eth0, wlan0, ath0, eth6, enp3s0, wlp5s0, ...). To keep it simple, let's just use the first one. The network devices are all listed (as directories) in
in each of which (directories) you will find the mac address of the respective device in a file named "address". We list all of them and only use the first one:
cat /sys/class/net/*/address|head -1
Now, we just integrate this into the command proposed by Sami Laine (which has echo repeat a line with a unique secret, e.g. a phrase borrowed from your favorite novel, the kernel/version and the mac address and pipes it into openssl to digest and encode it into a password that is unique for the string piped into it by echo but does not allow to easily guess the string from which it is generated.)
echo "Your favorite quote from your favorite novel:$(uname -sr):$(cat /sys/class/net/*/address|head -1)"|openssl ripemd160 -binary|openssl base64
Note that you can include commands into echo's argument-string in brackets and preceded by $; echo will then include the output of these commands in the position in the string.
Here, I assumed that you only want the passwords to differ between OS's and machines (i.e. to be the same if you recompile/reinstall the same OS on the same machine) ... otherwise you could perhaps include the inode (that will likely be unique depending on filesystem, installation procedure etc etc) of a file that will likely not change over the course of an OS's existence, say /etc/hostname. Like so
ls -i /etc/hostname
... and included into the command above:
echo "Your favorite quote from your favorite novel:$(uname -sr):$(cat /sys/class/net/*/address|head -1):$(ls -i /etc/hostname)"|openssl ripemd160 -binary|openssl base64

GDBM file import and export

I am migrating a system from the old server (Slackware) to the new one (Redhat). The system includes some .gdbm files. I find out that on my new server, when running
WEB_SERVICES = file.gdbm
tie( %webservices, 'GDBM_File', $WEB_SERVICES, O_RDONLY, 0 )
the %webservices turns out to be empty. But this was working fine on my old server.
So my question is, are .gdbm files able to be simply transferred (using scp command) from one server to another (different operating system and different version of gdbm)?
Also I read the documents, which says .gdbm files need to be converted into flat format before sending over the network. But still I'm not sure how to do it.
Please help, thanks in advance!
On the old system, GDBM-tie to the hash, dump the hash. Move the dump to the new system. Read the dump into a hash, tie to GDBM to write it.
For dumping, use a platform independent serialisation format (Sereal is best), or if the dump needs to be human readable, Data::Dumper or similar for writing and Data::Undump for reading.

Comparing a big file on two servers

I have two servers and I want to move a backup file(50G) from one to other one.
I used AXEL to download file from source server. But now when I want to extract it, it gives me error unexpected EOF. The size of them are same and it seems like there is a problem in content.
I want to know if there is a program/app/script that can compare these two files and correct only damaged parts?! Or do I need to split it by hand and compare each part's hash code?
Problem is here that source server has limited bandwidth and low transfers speed so I cant transfer it again from zero.
You can use a checksum utility, such as md5 or sha, to see if the files are the same on either end. e.g.
$ md5 somefile
MD5 (somefile) = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
by running such a command on both ends and comparing the result, you can get some certainty as to if the files are the same.
As for only downloading the erroneous portion of a file, this would require checksums on both sides for "pieces" of the data, such as with the bittorrent protocol.
Ok, I found "rdiff" the best way to solve this problem. Just doing:
On Destination Server:
rdiff signature destFile.sig
Then transferring destFile.sig to source server and execute rdiff there on Source Server again:
rdiff delta destFile.sig delta.rdiff
Then transferring delta.rdiff to destination server and execute rdiff once again on Destination Server:
rdiff patch delta.rdiff
This process really doesn't need a separate program. You can simply do it by using a couple of simple commands. If any of the md5sums don't add up, copy over the mismatched one(s) and concatenate them back together. To make comparing the md5sums easier, just run a diff between the output of the two files (or do an md5sum of the outputs to see if there is a difference at all without having to copy over the output).
split -b 1000000000 -d bigfile bigfile.
for i in bigfile.*
md5sum $i

CIFS/SMB Write Optimization

I am looking at making a write optimization for CIFS/SMB such that the writing of duplicate blocks are suppressed. For example, I read a file from the remote share and modify a portion near the end of the file. When I save the file, I only want to send write requests back to the remote side for the portions of the file that have actually changed. So basically, suppress all writes up until the point at which a non duplicate write is encountered. At that point the suppression will be disabled and the writes will be allowed as usual. The problem is I can't find any documentation MS-SMB/MS-SMB2/MS-CIFS or otherwise that indicates whether or not this is a valid thing to do. Does anyone know if this would be valid?
Dig deep into the sources of the Linux kernel, there is documentation on CIFS - both in source and text. E.g.
If you want to study the behaviour of e.g. the CIFS protocol, you may be able to test it with the unix command "dd". Mount any remote file-system via CIFS, e.g. into /media/remote. Change into this folder cd /media/remote Now create a file with some random stuff (e.g. from the kernel's random pool): dd if=/dev/urandom of=test.bin bs=4M count=5 In this example, you should see some 20MB of traffic. Then create another smaller file, somewhere on your machine, say, your home-folder: dd if=/dev/urandom of=~/test_chunk.bin bs=4M count=1 The interesting thing is what happens, if you attempt to write the chunk into a specific position of the remote test file: dd if=~/test_chunk.bin of=test.bin bs=4M count=1 seek=3 conv=notrunc Actually, this should only change block #4 out of 5 in the target file.
I guess you can adjust the block size ... I did this with 4 MB blocks. But it should help to understand what happens on the network.
The CIFS protocol does allow applications to write back specific portions of the file. This is controlled by the parameters DataOffset and DataLength in the SMB WriteAndX packet.
Documentation for the same can be found here:
The client can use these fields to write a specific length of data to specific offsets within the file.
Similar support exists in more recent versions of the protocol as well ...
SMB protocol have such write optimization. It works with append cifs operation. Where protocol read EOF for file and start writing new data with offset set to EOF value and length as append data bytes.
