Find all values greater or equal than a certain value - excel

Let's say I have the following table.
Team Score
AA 81
BB 67
CC 44
DD 1.5
JJ 279
LL 49
TT 201
GG 158
MM 32
HH 89
I want to get all teams that scored more than 80 in another table. I tried the Index + Match function as follows but it only gives me the smallest value greater than 80.
Here is the code:
Although I put the values in the lookup_array argument in descending order, this function only gives me one answer: The smallest value greater than 80.
I am trying to do this without having to sort the array and with a huge database mind you. Thank you.

Enter this formula to D2 and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to make it an array formula, then drag it down.
See How to look up a value in a list and return multiple corresponding values for details.

How about using an AutoFilter? You're then quite flexible in filtering for values in column score.

If you don't want to use vba, in a third column you could have
=if(B2 > 80, A2, "")
and copy that formula down. You could even put this column of formulas in another tab and either delete the rows that have nothing in them manually or write code that will do that for you.

Create a PivotTable (Team for ROWS, Score for Sigma VALUES, then filter the Sum of Score column for Number Filters, Greater Than..., and 80 next to Show rows where: is greater than *, OK.
* or perhaps is greater than or equal to.


How to get maximum number and name from 2 columns? (Excel)

I have this (example):
Luffy 320
Coby 350
Zoro 180
Now I want to show the max from this info, with number and text (in seperate cells) like this:
col 1 col 2 col 3
1st 350 Coby
2nd 320 Luffy
3rd 180 Zoro
The 2nd Column no problem with the MAX() formula.
For the 3rd column to get the text I've tried the MAX(...) and INDEX(...) formulas but nothings working ...
Can anyone help me?
You first need to get which value is the largest, second largest and so on.
You can use the function LARGE(range, n) for this.
So in your col 2 use this formula:
Assuming B is the column with the values.
Then we need to match this value and get the name
=INDEX(A:A,MATCH("the above calculated cell",B:B,0))
With the above calculated cell I mean the LARGE function cell. And assuming column A is the column with the names.
This should give you a dynamic table that will update when values or names change.
I'm not sure how you manage to get that column 2 using MAX formula since it only outputs the largest number of the inputs and thus can't output 2nd and 3rd position.

Excel countif(s) multiples

I'm trying to calculate the count of multiple occurrences of a figure using countif.
I have the range set but I need a calculation which can count in multiples of 50 without me having to type thousands of versions of countif (=COUNTIF(B2:B5,">=50")-COUNTIF(B2:B5,">100" etc.).
Data Count
50 1
70 1
80 1
10 0
150 3
This data should show 6 but at the moment I'm getting 4.
First you can start by making bins. you can make it with Data analysis tool or half manual
Like in the example, on A2 enter 0 and on b2 enter =a2+50
Same goes for a3 enter =b2 and last on a4 =a3+50
Now you can drag it down as much as you like.
Instaed of using countif use sumif finction. let's assume your data is on cloumn H and the values you want to sum are in column I, then on c2 enter
you can drag it down as much as you like.
Simply use Excels ROUNDDOWN function:
e.g. for B2: =ROUNDDOWN(A2/50,0)

Excel Function to sum values from table based on a comma separated list

I am trying to find a function that will look at a table and sum all the values where the string appears in my comma separated list. I can get sumproduct to work if my list is separated into different cells, but I need the list to be in one cell. Here is what I'm looking for:
List in Cell A1: 2000,2100,2300
Table: A10:B16
2000 20
2100 25
2200 32
2300 65
2400 72
2500 12
2600 2
I'm looking for a result of: 110
Any help would be appreciated.
I am assuming that you can use another column but not for your list?
If so you can use the formula below in column C
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(A2,$A$1,1))=FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) with A2 being the 1st cell in which the data is contained.
This is searching through your comma separated list and evaluating against the data in column B whether it exists in the list, if so then returns true if not false.
Now you can use the SUMIF function to return those matching true in your new column C.
If having the evaluation column C is a problem for other users you could always hide it

Count data if row is true excel

I have this Data:
var number
a 1
a 4
a 30
b 4
b 50
b 6
b 4
ab 1
I need to find the sum of each time a (var occurs X the number next column right) in excel.
In the case above the answer would be:
a = 36
b = 65
How can I write a formula for this in excel? Can I do this in excel?
Since you are counting the last one as well, I would use this formula:
Here, there is the value a in cell B2 and I can drag the formula down for B instead of typing a whole new formula. Handy if you have many like those to look for.
I assume that you have the table you published above in cells A1:B8. In order to do the calculating you would like to do you need to use the array-functionality in Excel. The following syntax in a cell will do:
However, instead of ENTER you need to press COMMAND+SHIFT+ENTER (I am on a Mac so it might be that Windows has a slightly different key combo. The result is that the formula now reads like:
This will give you 35 and not 36, but in a similar manner you could sum all the columns with 'ab' and then add that up to the sum of the 'a' columns.
Good luck!

Excel function for ranking duplicate values

I have an excel sheet containing two columns of data that I'd like to rank.
Suppose we have the following:
Franz 58
Daniel 92
Markus 37
Jörg 58
I would like a formula to rank the above data based on column B, and where there are duplicate values (Franz and Jörg) to put the alphabetical name first. What I have at the moment is simply duplicating Franz twice:
Can someone advise me of formula / code that will rank the data and arrange duplicate values alphabetically?
I would add a helper column in next to your data to help out with ties.
so in column C use
This will add on a decimal ranking system based on the name. This assumes that your numbers in column B do not have decimal places, if they do then you will need to increase the 10 on the end of the formula to account for it ie: for 2 decimal places use 1000, 3 : 10000 etc
Use this formula to get the first name
adjust the 1 to 2 for the second name etc
EDIT had the sign around the wrong way
This will rank your data and will not repeat duplicates too:
In C2:
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to turn it into an array
Drag these down to C5 and it will not duplicate rank where the name is the same, it will rank them alphabetically if they are the same.
Then if you wanted to order them automatically in order of top performer/score you then do this:
Putting this in E2:
...and drag down
Then use a vlookup on your data to return the score putting this in F2:
...and drag down
This should give you a table of highest scoring people in score order.
Assuming A2 is the first of the ranked points scores try this version
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied down
Requires the Name list to be sorted because names with duplicate scores will be listed in the order shown
