Missing keyboard on iOS8 simulator? - keyboard

I'm checking my app against iOS8 in the simulator and one thing that puzzles me is that when I tap on a UITextField or UITextView the keyboard doesn't appear on the screen! I can still enter text with my hardware keyboard. Also, if the input element has a inputAccessoryView, that view is shown on the bottom of the screen. So everything works as expected except that the keyboard is not appearing on the screen.
This is valid for all input elements throughout the app.
I don't use the new feature for custom keyboard.
Checked the Settings - don't see anything that can help.
I know XCode6 is still a beta but this seems too obvious problem to be a bug (or is it!?)

In the iOS Simulator menu select:
Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard
or press Cmd + K.
The Connect Hardware Keyboard option in the same menu has to be enabled.

This seems to be bug in iOS 8. There are two fix to this problem:
Toggle between simulator keyboard and MacBook keyboard using [Command+K] shortcut key.
Reattach keyboard to simulator:
a. Open Simulator
b. Select Hardware -> Keyboard
c. Uncheck and then check 'Connect Hardware Keyboard'
OR simply press [Shift + Command + K] shortcut key

i had the same issue and i resolved by doing following steps
1) Select the iOS Simulator
2) Goto Hardware in menu (top Left)
3) Select Keyboard
4) Uncheck the "Connect Hardware Keyboard" option
Happy Coding :)

I highly recommend to disable "Slow Animations" which can be found under "Debug" -> "Slow Animations".
For me, that permanently fixes the issue.
Shortcut is: CMD + T


Removing two finger touch on Android Emulator

I am running Linux Mint and are creating flutter apps. Once in a while when I change my workspace (CTRL + ALT + Left/Right) away from my android emulator then this weird tracer starts appearing and I can't get rid of it without closing everything on the emulator. The tracer follows my cursor and reacts to right click etc.
Has anyone any idea what this is?
I just noticed that they are representing two fingers. How to get rid of it though?
It's a bug I think. It should only appear when you press CTRL button and disappears as soon as you release the CTRL button. To get rid of this press the zoom button once.

Enabling keyboard shortcuts to confirm Dialogs in AppleScript

I am looking for a way to allow a user to complete a Dialog entry using keyboard shortcuts. Is this possible?
Other questions have discussed assigning shortcuts to the options in an AppleScript dialog box, but not to the "Continue"/"Okay" etc. button.
The main difficulty is that I'm using a multi-line text entry form, so the Enter button simply creates a new line, instead of targeting the default button as it would conventionally. I'm hoping cmdenter can be assigned to the default button instead.
The line of script defining the dialog in question is:
set theResponse to display dialog "Enter tasks:" default answer "
" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"
Running your AppleScript code from Script Editor on a US English MacBook Pro, whether or not something is typed in, fnenter presses the Continue button.
The same keyboard shortcut works on an US English Apple Magic Keyboard when connected to the MacBook Pro and I'd assume any US English Mac it was connected to would do the same. I only have the MacBook Pro to test with at the moment.
In macOS, by default, pressing the tab key in this use case will not move between the controls as the controlling setting in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts is not set to allow it to act on all controls.
You must select one of the following options, depending on the version of macOS one is running, in order to use the tab key on all controls.
If you see:
Full Keyboard Access: In windows and dialogs, press Tab to move keyboard focus between:
(•) Text boxed and lists only
( ) All Controls
Select: (•) All Controls
If you see:
[] Use keyboard navigation to move between controls
Press the Tab key to move focus forward and Shift Tab to move focus backward.
Check: [√] Use keyboard navigation to move between controls
With this done, one can then use tabtabenter to press the continue button, with the dialog box produced by the code shown in the OP.
Side Note: One can also try fncommandenter as that was necessary from within a VMware macOS Catalina virtual machine that I also tested in.
⌘-Enter (on the numeric keypad) presses Continue
If you are in a multiline text field, hit the Tab key so that focus is on some element other than the text field. Then the Enter key should route properly to the dialog's default close button.

Android Studio uses the first keyboard layout for shortcuts hotkeys

I have multiple keyboard layouts defined for my OS. Two of them are English Querty and Dvorak. The problem that I have is that the shortcut keys of Android Studio, always work with the first layout, even if the second one is active. All other applications honor the selected layout and don't have this problem.
For example, I have selected the second layout which is Dvorak:
Now in Android Studio I enter Ctrl + Z to undo something. But the shortcut for Ctrl + / gets triggered because Z in Dvorak is defined in the key / in Querty.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
P.S: I'm using Ubuntu 19.04.
Hi you are right Go to Ubuntu settings / Keyboard drag and drop what you want to use which keyboard layout to first row. it is done.

How disable/enable tapping on trackpad/touchpad on Lenovo yoga 2 Pro windows 10

I have a yoga 2 pro and it was annoying while I move the cursor on touchpad getting tapped or dragged the files. Did a lots of searching and found nothing.
For windows 10, Go to mouse setting -> Additional mouse option -> (In mouse properties you will found additional option, i.e driver something like ELAMN) -> And enable check box as "Disable when external USB pointing device plugin
Finally I answered myself. Click start-Setting-Mouse & touchpad - Additional Mouse options-Settings-Uncheck Enable Tapping - OK - OK.

How can I disable Chrome opening the Windows on-screen keyboard when debugging as iPad?

When I open the Chrome debug view and set the device to "iPad Mini" to simulate its screen size (and touch events), interacting with a text input causes the Windows on-screen keyboard to open.
This computer is not a tablet, and has never had a touch screen. In the Windows Ease of Access -> Keyboard settings Turns on the On-Screen Keyboard is off.
I can only assume that Chrome "simulating" an iPad Mini is causing Windows to think there's a touchscreen. I've been using this feature for a few months now, and the keyboard opening only started happening recently. I may have simply flipped a switch in the settings (of Chrome or Windows) on accident. If that's the case, I'd like to know how to flip it back!
This is frustrating because I have to close the keyboard each time as it covers up a large portion of the web-app.
The same page without the "iPad Mini" simulation does not open the keyboard:
(This keyboard also opens when choosing any device that has a touch screen, not just iPad Mini.)
Chrome doesn't emulate the keyboards of the device profiles you pick. An image of a keyboard will show for certain ones, like the iPhone 5X, but it is non-functional and is just present to allow you to see how the various elements on the page respond to the keyboard. You can see my answer here for more details on viewing that. However, this is not the same keyboard you are seeing.
It looks as though there is something in Windows, which is triggering the on-screen keyboard. I'm not sure why it would still appear if you have it disabled, but you could try a couple of things, based on what I've found online:
Make sure 'Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service' is set to disabled in Services (services.msc)
SetLOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\ ShowTabletKeyboard from value 1 to 0 (regedit.exe)
Check there is no other 3rd party software running, which may affect your keyboard behaviour.
