sh: command not found - linux

In my Fortran program I want to call the system to run my code (with alias asv20r3). For it I do:
call system ("asv20r3 " //filename)
But I obtain the following message:
sh: asv20r3: command not found
Is it necessary to define something more in order to make the system understand that I want to execute the code via the alias asv20r3?

The following FORTRAN90 program has all the answer to your question :
program Test
print*, 'Printing environment variables : '
call system("set")
print*, 'Printing environment aliases : '
call system("alias")
end program Test
The output of the program speaks for itself : environment variables are inherited; aliases are not.
You can either choose to rely on the content of an environment variable (using call get_environment_variable(...)) or hardcode the path and/or command like someone else suggested.

You probably need to supply the path to asv20r3 in the system call

your program, asv20r3, needs to be in the $PATH of your system.
if it is in the same directory as where you run your main program, than you must tell your system that by pre-pending a "./" to it, such as "./asv20r3".


How to pass a QMAKE variable from the command line?

I am to trying cross-compile pile Qt from a Linux terminal. When I run qmake it applies the mkspecs qmake.conf in my context in such manner that the CROSS_COMPILE variable must be defined. For example, there is a critical conf line that looks like this:
Qmake returns an error though which clearly indicates $${CROSS_COMPILE} is not being resolved. It is simply using "g++" instead of the whole value which ought to be there.
I've tried to invoke qmake and define the variable from a bash script like this:
And like this :
And a few other such stabs at it. I've also tried hard coding the value in that command in case that had anything to do with it. I've tried defining this as an environmental variable too (just in case)...
Nothing works. Yet, I've seen piles of examples where this syntax seems to be valid. What am doing wrong? Could there be a character escape complication?
Your problem is that the shell already interpreted the ${} inside your string as a form of variable substitution.
Since you did not define the variable CROSS_COMPILE in the shell, it had no value and what qmake got were actually the 2 arguments between quotes "" and "CROSS_COMPILE=", meaning that you have actually made qmake set CROSS_COMPILE to an empty value.
What you should try is:
Note the backslash before the dollar sign, which escapes it to prevent it from having a special meaning to the shell and enables it to get passed on literally to qmake.
This question has also been already asked on Stackoverflow:
Define a string in qmake command line
More on the variable substitution of Bash:
I just tried myself with a fresh project file with the following contents:
and doing
qmake "SOME_VAR=${SOME_VAR}"
does work for me, printing:
Project MESSAGE: value_something
This is not the best answer, but I "solved" the problem by adding this to my qmake.conf:
That defined the variable in qmake by getting it from an environmental variable I set in my calling bash script.

Bash debug calling stack

I'm using a generic procedure to trap and describe the error or abnormal situations, instead of the usual '2>...' error construct.
The idea will be to have a procedure like this simplified version:
function debug(){
echo "Fatal Error: $PWD:$BASH_SOURCE:$LINENO $*"
exit 1
and then, used as in this example:
[ -z "$PARAMETER" ] && debug The parameter was not provided
The issues are:
BASH_SOURCE is the running source. The idea is to show the calling source, if the procedure 'debug' is global.
LINENO is the line where the expansion is executed and no the calling address.
Note: BASH_SOURCE[0] and BASH_SOURCE[1] provide 'some help' when the procedure is sourced.
This will be used to notify 'user' errors, on a centralized error message procedure. This may include a post in syslog and on other log files. However, some messages may look alike and knowing where in the source code the error was detected, help the developers.
Is there any method to obtain a calling stack on bash?
You can use bash built-in command "caller" for this.
Link -->
If you add following line in the script, system will show the execution flow of the script:
set -x

can we pass options to tcl source command in tcl 8.5

I am using this command to source get.tcl file and giving options 'verbose' and 'instant':
source -verbose -instant get.tcl
the above command worked for me in tcl 8.4 but showing this error in tcl 8.5
source (script wrong # args: should be "source_orig ?-encoding name?
if I write only
source get.tcl
It get passed in tcl 8.5
Is there any change related to this in tcl 8.5?
The source command only accepts one option (since 8.5), -encoding, which is used to specify what encoding the file being read is in (instead of the default guess of encoding as returned by encoding system). All it does is read the file into memory and (internally-equivalent-to-) eval the contents.
You can write to any variable you want prior to doing the source, including global variables like argv. With that (plus appropriate use of uplevel and catch, as required, and maybe also interp create) you can simulate running the script as a subprocess. But it's probably easier to not have the file expect to be handling arguments like that, and instead for it to define a command that you call immediately after the sourcing.
You can pass arguments to your sourced file by doing the following:
set ::argv [list -verbose -instant]
source get.tcl
I recommend using:
set ::argv [list -- -verbose -instant]
The -- will stop tclsh from processing any arguments after the --.
Sometimes tclsh will recognize an argument that is meant for your
program and process it. Your programs will need to know about
the -- and handle it appropriately.

Modifying the environment for a child process in Perl

I'm not sure why this isn't working, but perhaps I've oversimplified/overcomplicated things
I'm writing a Perl script that ultimately needs to call an external program. The catch is, this program needs a modified version of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, in order to find a couple of libraries which the vendor does not install in standard places.
OK, the environment is in %ENV, which can be rewritten, yes?
I thought if I changed LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the parent, it would affect the dynamic linking of the child.
So I have:
use Env qw(#LD_LIBRARY_PATH);
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex $EXITVAL);
# We need these to establish the call to rsq later
my ($rsqexe, $rsqhome, $suffix) = fileparse($config->rsq());
push #LD_LIBRARY_PATH, $rsqhome;
eval {
$output = capturex(
But the child process dies with an error indicating the shared libraries can't be found.
How can I improve this?
I do need to examine the contents of $output after successful execution.
eval {
$output = capturex(
Here's the problem: I wasn't examining what was in $# (or $EVAL_ERR if you use ENGLISH;)
If I had, I would have seen that the problem was with the quoting qq/"$source"/ - because capturex() doesn't call the shell (which was the desired behaviour) the quotes break the file name (i.e. test.pdf exists, but ""test.pdf"" does not).

nmake: can a batch file run as part of a make command block, affect the environment of the nmake.exe process?

I think in nmake if I do this:
example :
set value=77
echo %%value%%
The result will display 77 on the console.
Is there a way for me to invoke a .cmd or .bat file that will affect the environment of the nmake.exe process? Suppose I put the statement set value=77 in a file called "setvalue.cmd". Then change the makefile to this:
example :
echo %%value%%
I get:
Alternatively, if there's a way to set a macro within a command block, that would also work. Or, a way to set the value of a macro from a batch file, even outside a command block.
You can create an nmake snippet during makefile pre-processing, and read that in. Assuming batch.cmd outputs valid nmake syntax, then
!if [batch.cmd >]
!error *** Could not create
You should ensure batch.cmd sets %errorlevel% appropriately (e.g., exit /b 22). can contain anything, but you would probably want stuff like value=77. A couple of points:
Dereference value using nmake syntax ($(value))
You can pass parameters to batch.cmd if necessary ([batch.cmd $(OBJECTS) >])
No, I don't think so.
