Why is sorting in arangodb slow? - arangodb

I am experimenting to see whether arangodb might be suitable for our usecase.
We will have large collections of documents with the same schema (like an sql table).
To try some queries I have inserted about 90K documents, which is low, as we expect document counts in the order of 1 million of more.
Now I want to get a simple page of these documents, without filtering, but with descending sorting.
So my aql is:
for a in test_collection
limit 0,10
return {'nr': a.ARTICLE_INTERNALNR}
When I run this in the AQL Editor, it takes about 7 seconds, while I would expect a couple of milliseconds or something like that.
I have tried creating a hash index and a skiplist index on it, but that didn't have any effect:
"id" : "test_collection/0",
"type" : "primary",
"unique" : true,
"fields" : [
"id" : "test_collection/19812564965",
"type" : "hash",
"unique" : true,
"fields" : [
"id" : "test_collection/19826720741",
"type" : "skiplist",
"unique" : false,
"fields" : [
So, am I missing something, or is ArangoDB not suitable for these cases?

If ArangoDB needs to sort all the documents, this will be a relatively slow operation (compared to not sorting). So the goal is to avoid the sorting at all.
ArangoDB has a skiplist index, which keeps indexed values in sorted order, and if that can be used in a query, it will speed up the query.
There are a few gotchas at the moment:
AQL queries without a FILTER condition won't use an index.
the skiplist index is fine for forward-order traversals, but it has no backward-order traversal facility.
Both these issues seem to have affected you.
We hope to fix both issues as soon as possible.
At the moment there is a workaround to enforce using the index in forward-order using an AQL query as follows:
SKIPLIST(test_collection, { ARTICLE_INTERNALNR: [ [ '>', 0 ] ] }, 0, 10)
The above picks up the first 10 documents via the index on ARTICLE_INTERNALNR with a condition "value > 0". I am not sure if there is a solution for sorting backwards with limit.


Count and data in single query in Azure Cosmos DB

I want to return the count and data by writing it in a single Cosmos sql query.
Something like
Select *, count() from c
Or if possible i want get the count in a json document.
"Count" : 1111
"Name": "Jon",
"Age" : 30
You're going to have to issue two separate queries - one to get the total number of documents matching your query, and a second to get a page of documents.

MongoDB Data Structure

I'm a bit of a noob with MongoDB, so would appreciate some help with figuring out the best solution/format/structure in storing some data.
Basically, the data that will be stored will be updated every second with a name, value and timestamp for a certain meter reading.
For example, one possibility is water level and temperature in a tank. The tank will have a name and then the level and temperature will be read and stored every second. Overall, there will be 100's of items (i.e. tanks), each with millions of timestamped values.
From what I've learnt so far (and please correct me if I'm wrong), there are a few options as how to structure the data:
A slightly RDMS approach:
This would consist of two collections, Items and Values
Items : {
_id : "id",
name : "name"
Values : {
_id : "id",
item_id : "item_id",
name : "name", // temp or level etc
value : "value",
timestamp : "timestamp"
The more document db denormalized method:
This method involves one collection of items each with an array of timestamped values
Items : {
_id : "id",
name : "name"
values : [{
name : "name", // temp or level etc
value : "value",
timestamp : "timestamp"
A collection for each item
Save all the values in a collection named after that item.
ItemName : {
_id : "id",
name : "name", // temp or level etc
value : "value",
timestamp : "timestamp"
The majority of read queries will be to retrieve the timestamped values for a specified time period of an item (i.e. tank) and display in a graph. And for this, the first option makes more sense to me as I don't want to retrieve the millions of values when querying for a specific item.
Is it even possible to query for values between specific timestamps for option 2?
I will also need to query for a list of items, so maybe a combination of the first and third option with a collection for all the items and then a number of collections to store the values for each of those items?
Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated.
Don't use timestamp if you are not modifying the ObjectId.
As ObjectId itself has time stamp in it.
So you will be saving a lot of memory by it.
MongoDB Id Documentation
In case if you dont require the previous data then you can use update query in MongoDB to update the fields every second instead of storing.
If you want to store the updated data each time then instead of updating store it in flat structure.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("XXXXXX"),
"name" : "ItemName",
"value" : "ValueOfItem"
"created_at" : "timestamp"
Edit 1: Added timestamp as per the comments

ArangoDB Hash Index Ignored (?)

My database currently consists of 3 document collections with between 250k to 1.5M documents. I set my own document _keys and have added Hash indexes on a few toplevel fields and lists (the lists containing references to other keys or (indexed) fields).
The collections A and C have an n:m relationship via B. The query I first came up with looks like this:
for a in collection_a
filter a.name != null
filter length(a.bs) > 0
limit 1
return {
'akey': a._key
, 'name': a.name
, 'cs': (
for b in collection_b
filter b.a == a._key
for c in collection_c
filter b.c == c._key
return c.name
This is excruciatingly slow. I also tried other approaches such as making the middle for a for b in a.bs (bs being a list of keys of collection_b documents).
Printing out explain() of the above query returns an immense cost and getExtra() indicates no indexes were used:
"stats" : {
"writesExecuted" : 0,
"writesIgnored" : 0,
"scannedFull" : 6009930,
"scannedIndex" : 0
"warnings" : [ ]
An alternate approach works as fast as I'd expected it to be in the first place:
for a in collection_a
filter a.name != null
filter length(a.bs) > 0
limit 1
return {
'akey': a._key
, 'name': a.name
, 'cs': (
for b in a.bs
return DOCUMENT(collection_c , DOCUMENT(collection_b, b).c ).name
But even here, no indexes appear to be used:
"stats" : {
"writesExecuted" : 0,
"writesIgnored" : 0,
"scannedFull" : 3000,
"scannedIndex" : 0
"warnings" : [ ]
One thing that may already explain this is, that hash indexes don't work for elements of a list (or I made a mistake when creating them)? The getExtras() of the second example would hint at this.
My expectation, however, would be that arangodb indexes all elements of the lists (such as a.bs) and the query optimizer should realize that indexed attributes are used in the query.
If I run for b in collection_b filter b.a == 'somekey', I get an instantaneous result as expected. And that's just running the middle for in isolation. Same behaviour when I run the innermost for in isolation.
Is this a bug? Is there an explanation for this behaviour? Am I doing something wrong in the first query? The AQL Examples themself use nested fors so that's what I naturally ended up trying first.
This has been fixed in release 2.3.2.
clarification: the query you posted is correct. There was an issue in release 2.3.0 that prevented indexes in subqueries being used.
This issue has been fixed in release 2.3.2.
The initial query you posted should properly use indexes in 2.3.2. If there is a hash index available on the join attributes, it should be used because the query only contains equality lookups.

How to speed up MongoDB count() Queries?

My collection is described as follows:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5474af69d4b28042fb63b856"), "name" : "XXXX", "action" : "accept", "source" : "", "srcport" : "80", "destination" : "", "dstport" : "53213", "service" : "443", "service_id" : "https", "unixtime" : NumberLong("1412774569000"), "segment" : "MySegment", "direction" : "INCOMING", "location" : "US" }
I currently have ~5.5mio entries in my collection and the base query always is:
collection.count({"action":"2_different_action_types", "direction":"3_different_directions", "unixtime": {"$gte": 1412774000000, "$lte": 1412774900000}})
Action, direction and unixtime always exist in my query but their value is dynamic. Optional (also dynamic values) parameters are:
For example:
collection.count({"action":"2_different_action_types", "direction":"3_different_directions", "location":"US","segment":"mySegment", "unixtime": {"$gte": 1412774000000, "$lte": 1412774900000}})
collection.count({"action":"2_different_action_types", "direction":"3_different_directions", "service_id":"https", "unixtime": {"$gte": 1412774000000, "$lte": 1412774500000}})
I created the following indexes:
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 })
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 , location:1})
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 , service_id:1})
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 , segment:1})
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 , location:1, service_id: 1})
db.collection.createIndex( {unixtime: 1, action: 1, direction: 1 , location:1, segment: 1})
My query without the index took ~8sec, the query with an index ~6sec, which is still kinda slow.
How can I speed up the whole thing? Note, that at the moment I'm just counting the findings, not really looking for a specific entry.
Additional Info:
I'm currently trying to optimize those queries directly in the mongoshell but in the end, I'm querying via NodeJS (don't know if this is relevant for the solution).
The indexes don't seem to make much sense this way. Not-equals-queries like $gte and $lte should be at the end - not only in the query, but also in the index. Putting unixtime at position 1 in the index is generally a bad idea (unless you need the set of distinct actions within a single second and the number of actions in a single second is so large that they need indexing, which is unlikely).
Try to reverse the indexes and make sure the order of the index matches the order in the query.
If location, segment and service_id have low selectivity, try without an index on these fields first. More indexes cost more RAM and slow insertion and update time, but with low selectivity, the gain in queries is sometimes negligible. In the query, it might make sense to put the optional fields last, at the end of all the other operations - if the candidate set is small enough after the required criteria and the unixtime interval, a collection scan of the remaining items shouldn't hurt performance too badly. If they do and the selectivity is high, move them further forward.

Increase performance for this MongoDB query

I have a MongoDB document with quite a large embedded array:
name : "my-dataset"
data : [
{country : "A", province: "B", year : 1990, value: 200}
... 150 000 more
Let us say I want to return data objects where country == "A".
What is the proper way of doing this, for example via NodeJs?
Given 150 000 entries with 200 matches, how long should the query take approximately?
Would it be better (performance/structure wise) to store data as documents and the name as a property of each document?
Would it be more efficient to use Mysql for this? )
A) Just find them with a query.
B) If the compound index {name:1, data.country:1} is built, the query should be fast. But you store all the data in one array, $unwind op has to be used. As a result, the query could be slow.
C) It will be better. If you store the data like:
{country : "A", province: "B", year : 1990, value: 200, name:"my-dataset"}
{country : "B", province: "B", year : 1990, value: 200, name:"my-dataset"}
With compound index {name:1, country:1}, the query time should be < 10ms.
D) MySQL vs MongoDB 1000 reads
1.You can use the MongoDB aggregation :
{$match: {name: "my-dataset"}},
{$unwind: "$data"},
{$match: {"data.country": "A"}}
Will return a document for each data entry where the country is "A". If you want to regroup the datasets, add a $group stage :
{$match: {name: "my-dataset"}},
{$unwind: "$data"},
{$match: {"data.country": "A"}},
{$group: {_id: "$_id", data: {$addToSet: "$data"}}}
(Didn't test it on a proper dataset, so it might be bugged)
2.150000 Subdocuments is still not a lot for mongodb, so if you're only querying on one dataset it should be pretty fast (the order of the millisecond).
3.As long as you are sure that your document is going to be smaller than 16MB (kinda hard to say), the maximum BSON document size), it should be fine, but the queries would be simpler if you stored your data as documents with the dataset name as a property, which is generally better for performances.
