Cannot set Paths and sourcing in .bash_profile - linux

new to linux's inner workings.
I have accrued a lot of executable scripts since I started, I was told I wasted a lot of time typing their full paths every time I wanted to use them so it was suggested to add the paths into my .bash_profile so I did as follows
export $PATH
. $HOME/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/
source $HOME/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/
I am connecting to a cluster computer which runs on the Unix language using putty.exe (not sure if it makes a difference).
When I login with the above .bash_profile I get the following errors
-bash: export: `/home/eg205/bin/Tools/cif2cell-1.1.5:/home/eg205/bin/Tools/ctepro uts:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/pbs/default/bin:/home/eg205/bin:/home/eg205/bin:/home/eg205/bin/Tools': not a valid identifier
-bash: /home/eg205/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/ No such file or directory
-bash: /export71/home/eg205/bin/AtomsScriptsNG/bin/src/ No such file or directory
I'm sure I'm making some glaring mistake... how do I set it up correctly to load the AtomsScruptsNG environment from the and look in the directories bin, cif2cell-1.1.5 and cteprouts for the scripts I run often?

try removing the $ from your export line like this:
export PATH
this will tell the shell to export the variable 'PATH' and not it's "contents/value".
One thing to have in mind concerning shells: every line you pass into a shell, either by typing or by feeding it scripts, will be executed AFTER all substitutions have been made. so everything which looks like $FOOBAR will be replaced by the contents of the variable FOOBAR.
if every variable has been succesfully replaced the whole commandline will be executed by the shell.


Setting path variables and running Ruby script

This is my first time working with a Ruby script, and, in order to run this script, I have to first cd into the root of the project, which is /usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl and then execute the script as bin/youtube-multiple-dl.
I tried setting the PATH variable
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/youtube-multiple-dl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
in hopes that I can run this from anywhere on the machine without having to cd to the project's root, however, no luck with that so far.
System: Ubuntu 15.04 server
Script Repo
My current way of executing the script is:
root#box15990:~# cd /usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl
root#box15990:/usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl# bin/youtube-multiple-dl
Desired way of executing script:
root#box15990:~# youtube-multiple-dl
How can I properly set the enviroment path for this script in order to run from anywhere?
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/youtube-multiple-dl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
isn't how we set a PATH entry.
The PATH is a list of directories to be searched, not a list of files.
Typically, the PATH should contain something like:
somewhere in it.
If it doesn't, then you want to modify it using a text editor, such as nano, pico or vim using one of these commands:
nano ~/.bash_profile
pico ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
You probably want one of the first two over vim as vim, while being extremely powerful and one of the most-used editors in the world, is also not overly intuitive if you're not used to it. You can use man nano or man pico to learn about the other too.
Once your in your file editor, scroll to the bottom and remove the line you added. Then find the /usr/bin section in your PATH and add /usr/local/bin: before it. : is the delimiter between directories. That change will tell the shell to look in /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin, so that any things you added to the /usr/local/bin directory will be found before the system-installed code, which is in /usr/bin.
It's possible that there isn't a PATH statement in the file. If you don't see one, simply add:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
After modifying your ~/.bash_profile, save the file and exit the editor, and then restart your shell. You can do that by exiting and re-opening a terminal window, or by running:
exec $SHELL
at the command-line.
At that point, running:
echo $PATH
should reflect the change to your path.
To confirm that the change is in effect, you can run:
which youtube-multiple.dl
and you should get back:
At that point you should be able to run:
youtube-multiple.dl -h
and get back a response showing the built-in help. This is because the shell will search the path, starting with the first defined directory, and continue until it exhausts the list, and will execute the first file matching that name.
Because of the difficulties you're having, I'd strongly recommend reading some tutorials about managing a *nix system. It's not overly hard to learn the basics, and having an understanding of how the shell finds files and executes them is essential for anyone programming a scripting language like Ruby, Python, Perl, etc. We're using the OS constantly, installing files for system and user's use, and doing so correctly and safely is very important for the security and stability of the machine.

I'm learning about shebangs. How do I make it work with node.js in a Mac terminal?

I have:
#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log("It works!");
I learned that env finds the node program and interprets it with node. I checked that env exists in /usr/bin.
When I call node itworks.js it works and outputs It works!. However, from what I understand, I should just be able to call itworks.js without node due to the shebang. But when I make this command it says -bash: itworks.js: command not found.
Could someone help me get the shebang to work?
First of all you need to make the file executable:
chmod +x itworks.js
Then you need to call it by specifying the path as well. Either:
The reason for :
-bash: itworks.js: command not found
is because bash looks for programs in directories in the PATH environment variable when you do not say where the file is - it does not look in the current directory unless you tell it.
You could update the PATH variable with the current directory shortcut ., but that can be a security risk, so most run the program like this:
Of course if you put your scripts all in one directory then you could add that to PATH in one of your start-up files. For example, if you had a directory called bin in your home directory that held your scripts:
You also need to add the execute permissions to the script:
chmod u+x itworks.js
The u indicates that we only give permission for the current user to execute this file. If we omit the u then anyone can run it.

Need to type exec bash everytime at startup

I'm sure this is a fairly simple problem, but I've put together a .bashrc file (located in my home directory) It includes my PS settings, some environmental exports and some aliases. First, I've read that these aren't all supposed to go into a .bashrc file but instead to include some of it in .bash_profile
If I include a .bash_profile file then none of the changes make any effect. If I keep everything as one long .bashrc file then everything works as planned....once "exec bash" is entered at the command line. Every time I start my unix environment however, I have to type "exec bash" in order for everything to work. Am I just missing something really simple here? Sorry if this has been answered, a search didn't really bring up anything useful (could be my poor search!)
According to [Man7]: chsh(1) (or man chsh), you should run:
chsh -s /bin/bash
Note: On some Nix distributions, location might be: /usr/bin/bash.

When I execute bash, the $PATH keeps repeating itself

I have added entries such as the following in my /etc/bashrc (on Fedora).
#=========== Maven Related variables
export JAVA_HOME='/usr/java/default'
#=========== Maven Related variables
export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.0.4
export PATH=${M2_HOME}/bin:$PATH
#=========== Ant Related variables
export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/apache-ant
export Path=${ANT_HOME}/bin:$PATH
Now, each time that I execute bash command to refresh the environment variables, all these additions are repeated, and the PATH just keep adding itself recursively; if I keep doing bash for a few dozen times, then the $PATH becomes a hundred lines of repeating content. What am I doing wrong?
Note that I have added these entries to /etc/bashrc since I want to have these values in PATH no matter what user I login as.
Don't set your PATH incrementally in .bashrc; set it once in .profile and leave it alone thereafter. Or, since you mention /etc/bashrc, don't set the PATH incrementally in /etc/bashrc; set it once in /etc/profile and leave it alone.
One side-benefit; things will work a little faster.
See also the code in How do I manipulate PATH elements in shell scripts for code to clean up a repetitive PATH.
If by this statement:
... execute bash command to refresh the environment variables ...
you mean that you are entering the command
at the command prompt, you are not "refreshing the environment variables". You are launching a new subshell of the current shell. The new shell inherits the path of the original shell, to which you are once again making additions. Each time you do this the PATH will get longer.
You can use something like:
PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '!(a[$0]++)' | sed 's/:$//')
to clean up your path after changing it. Also, since the the first match is used when scanning the path, having duplicates doesn't really matter.
I had also faced the same problem (CentOS). This is how I fixed it.
Added the following lines to my user's .profile
export PATH=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr
export SHELL=/bin/bash
# to run bash (because ksh was my default shell)
No changes to my user's .bashrc file
No changes to /etc/profile
No changes to /etc/bashrc

Calling script from shell script - getting command not found

I am new to shell scripting. I am trying to work through this.
> script to execute in cron (
. /mnt/stor/backups/
(I also tried source /mnt/stor/backups/
> script to execute (
When is called (it does get called) it appears to simply be parsed and not executed. So no matter what I put in it I get messages like:
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: date: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: mysqldump: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: tar: command not found
/mnt/stor/backups/ line 8: rm: command not found
The idea is to have a domain localized file, execute it with variables, and call a master script that uses the variable to do the dirty work. Because of limitations with one of my hosts and multiple domains this is the best method.
The script with the Problem seems to be /mnt/stor/backups/ Try setting the PATH to include all the usual directories with binaries, so the script can find its tools. Or, even better, change /mnt/stor/backups/ and use absolute paths in the commands like /bin/rm instead of just 'rm'.
When running from cron, you can't rely on any variables that are normally in your login shell's profile (e.g.: PATH, CLASSPATH, etc). You have to set explicitly what you need. In your case, i'm guessing that it's the lack of a PATH variable that's causing your troubles.
It's also good practice to put full paths to the programs you're executing from an unattended script, just to make sure you really are going to run that specific command, i.e., don't rely on the path.
So instead of
for example, use
