Codekit 2.0.5 Not Recognizing Compass - susy-compass

I have been pulling what hair I have left out. I just downloaded Codekit this week and want to redesign my own site using Compass/SASS/Susy. I have tried several ways to get it to work, the preference in Codekit to point at the executable path. I am really excited to get started on this new endeavor, but I can't seem to get by the setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Is your project set up correctly? Susy 2 requires SASS 3. CodeKit 2 has an option to use libSASS instead of SASS (I use it). There are other dependencies for which I use Bundler. If you use Bundler to set up your project, it will add 'require 'compass/import-once/activate' to your config.rb. Other than that, there is no specific need to require or import compass. Do you have a CodeKit error message that you can post to let us see what is going wrong?
I assume that you are using Susy 2. If you are using Susy 1 you must add #import "susyone"; to your config.rb. But I expect you know that already.

Re your comments:
Using Bundler, my Gemfile includes:
gem "susy", "~>2.1.0"
gem "sass", "~>3.3.0"
gem "breakpoint", "~>2.4.0"
so these must be installed on your system accessible to susy. CodeKit doesn't need compass but my config.rb file includes these:
require 'compass/import-once/activate'
require 'breakpoint'
require 'sassy-buttons'
obviously you may not be using sassy-buttons.
The documentation for Susy2 is extensive and is available at You don't say how you set up your project, but I assume that your CodeKit setup points to the correct files from SCSS to compiled CSS.
You need to '#import susy' in one of your .scss files. (I'm not sure that that is necessary anymore).


Grunt still unable to handle ES6 imports?

I am working on a project under NodeJS that uses ES6 imports/exports (hence having set type: module in its package.json) and want to automate some tasks using Grunt. Now, I absolutely love grunt, but it appears to me that even in 2022 it is still not able to work nicely with ES6 modules? I always get an error saying "require() of ES Module /vagrant/Gruntfile.js from /vagrant/node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt/task.js not supported."
I understand where this is coming from, and I do understand there are workaround options - in particular, renaming Gruntfile.js to Gruntfile.cjs and passing it to grunt with the --gruntfile command line option. But that is incredibly annoying - it makes the command six times as long as it would be if I could just run grunt and be done with it. Pretty much the same goes for transpiling with something like Babel: That is exactly the kind of thing grunt is intended to handle in the first place, so it feels a bit like the horse riding the jockey. I feel like this should "just work".
Am I missing something here, or is grunt really unable to handle ES6 imports out of the box?
Actually, looking at the grunt github page it appears that a recent commit has addressed it.
I guess this issue will therefore be resolved in their next update.

TypeScript Import Confusion - It Can't Be This Hard

I have been working with TypeScript off and on for two years now. I am not an expert by any means, but I've spent some time in the eco-system: with VS2015 and node tools, with VSCode, and at the command line with tsc and typings (also used by VSCode).
And I have struggled with the correct way to get static typing and auto-complete etc in the code I've been writing.
I have a repo I maintain (EasyNodeQ) which was the start of my TypeScript experience and I sort of got that to a manageable place with ///reference and DefinitelyTyped. But any time I tried to use that within another project I had issues.
Things got a little better when I started using typings (rather than downloading the *.d.ts files myself) and especially with the ambient flag.
But I still have lots of issues trying to use that package within other projects. Depending on the approach I take, I get lots of Duplicate Identifier's, or module not found's or...
And this can range from Node definitions, to packages I use in both places (like node-uuid).
All I want to understand is this: how to I structure EasyNodeQ so that as I'm working on it, I get the static typings benefits of TypeScript but also have it be seamlessly included in other projects which can then also get these benefits?
Does that make sense?
The basic use cases are: npm install a package and get its typings, use my EasyNodeQ package and get its typings, work in a new project that uses EasyNodeQ and other packages and easily manage those typings.
Preferably in a VSCode or command line way...
This is with ES6 and the latest version of TypeScript (though an answer that works with ES5 would be nice - just not required).
I hope this makes sense. I've looked all over and I can't cobble together an answer that works.
I'm not convinced I've done this the "right" way, but it's working now so I thought I'd post the various things I've done (generally in the order I think they mattered and not inclusive because I may have forgotten some).
I hadn't npm'd the dependency package (easynodeq) and was just using a git url in the package.json - so I created a proper npm package and now install that package from npm
Instead of trying to use Bus.ts as both code and definition, I made Bus.js the "meat" of the npm, and built a Bus.d.ts file (also in the npm)
Embraced typings, using non-ambient definitions where possible and a mix of ambient definitions downloaded (via git) from DefinitelyTyped and "--ambient" definitions for the rest (because I'm still confused about the difference). The ambient definitions ended-up being the majority: node, express, serve-static, express-serve-static-core, mime, amqplib, when vs just bluebird and node-uuid, even though most of them were found by "typings search ..." Am I doing something wrong?
Modified package.json to also do "typings install"
Cleaned-up the git repo
There are several ways to make this work today. As you mentioned, using Typings works for definitions that aren't natively included in their NPM packages. For ones that do, you can using the typings field in package.json and it'll work with node module resolution. When you combine this together, you can publish packages that use both typings.json and relies on packaged typings - though this now forces your consumers to be using Typings to install the definitions. None of this, however, works with "ambient" definitions as they can not be namespaced properly.
This may be useful: There's also dozens of examples I have using both workflows: which uses node module resolution all the way down and which uses Typings instead. Using Typings is only possible because it works to create namespaced ambient modules for you, but they won't conflict.

require 'coffee-script/register' - unexpected string

I'm using coffee-script 1.7.1 (or I want to use it). Can't make it work, though.
first line of my file is require 'coffee-script/register' and I get the oh-so familiar error SyntaxError: Unexpected string. On version 1.6.3 all was well.
In a different project I've successfully used coffee 1.7.1 when the starting file was server.js, but don't want to do it here.
Has anyone made this work? Preferably without making some sort of weird workarounds.
I'm using coffescript 1.7.1 and require 'coffee-script/register' with
Not sure if this applies to your situation, but I spent many hours on a similar error before I realized that I was launching my app from the wrong instance. For example, /usr/bin/coffee instead of /usr/local/bin/coffee.
which coffee gave me the correct path.
I think that you only will need to require coffee-script/register when you are writing JS and want to load a coffeescript file.

Importing Node.js npm modules (node_modules) & declarations in TypeScript

I think it would be great to directly import modules from node_modules directory without need to manually provide a declaration file for it (let us assume that declaration is provided with module itself). I guess that problem are dependencies that come with declarations (file paths could be resolved relative to the module, but that would cause duplicates and compiler can't handle that).
Currently working with node modules is very inconvenient because simple install from npm repository just isn't enough and we have to manually search for declarations and provide them in our project. Let's say that our project is dependent on 10 node modules (all of them have declarations) and after a year we would like to update them. We would have to manually search for new declarations and let's say that we have around 20 projects like this (it would become a nightmare). Maybe there should be an option to directly import .ts file from node module?
Do you have any suggestions?
This is a re-post from CodePlex to hear your opinions ...
If you use grunt-typescript then I've got a pull request which solves this at least for me. See
From the pull request README
Working with modules in node_modules (i.e. npm)
The standard way to use npm packages is to provide a definition file
that specifies the package to the typescript and import the module from there.
///<reference path="path/to/mod.d.ts" />
import mod = module('mod')
The typescript compiler will convert the import to a nodejs require.
var mod = require('mod')
This is pretty unwieldy as you need to know the precise path to the
npm installed package and npm can put the package at pretty much any
level when you are working with multiple levels of dependencies.
With the node_modules option in the grunt config you can just
import a npm package without need to know the exact level where the
package has been installed by npm as long as it is installed locally
and not globally.
To import an npm module in your typescript source do
import npmModule = module('node_modules/npmModule/foo')
Mostly due to a lucky chance this works. Typescript compiler will read
the typescript definition file node_modules/npmModule/foo.d.ts if it
is present at some point on the way towards the root and the resulting
javascript file will contain a require for npmModule/foo if needed.
I don't think that node modules will ever contain built-in typescript support. The language still is a 0.x release and officially described as an alpha version.
Nevertheless there are means to ease the configuration process for typescript. Github already contains huge collections of .d.ts files such as:
You might want to take a look at this tool: .
I've never used it but it seems like it's almost what you're looking for.
Moreover I've heard that an official database of .d.ts files is planned. Unfortunately I couldn't find the link but it will probably be some time before this is implemented anyways.

LESS compile error on individual bootstrap components

I am a little bit confused. I am trying to use Node.js with lessc to compile my application which includes parts of bootstrap. I want to be able to pick bits and pieces of bootstrap for what I need since I won't be using all of it. When I import bootstrap.less everything compiles perfectly. But if I import just reset.less or buttons.less I get: TypeError: Cannot call method 'charAt' of undefined. What is going on here?
My Folder Setup
Everything compiles fine when I have #import 'bootstrap/bootstrap'
I get the above error when I have #import 'bootstrap/reset'
And I have tried adding .less to the end of the file name as well, same results.
I found online that less version 1.3.0 should fix this, but that is the version I am using.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The components are dependent on the variables.less and mixins.less. You will need to include them when compiling any component (or even just the reset.less, since it uses the mixins).
