Sharepoint list internal name creation policy - sharepoint

i have a list lets call it as
in List1 list i have fields like the following
also i have List2 and its columns like the following
now i added a lookup field from List2 to List1 and now my List1 columns becomes
when i look at the List2:Title i see its internal name is List2_x003a_Title
i easily can understand that ':' is represented as x003a
ie the hex code of ':' is x003a
after than i deleted column and readded it. oooooo
what i see is that the field added with the same external name but this time its INTERNAL NAME
can someone explain the reason. when the hex code is x003a or x003A

SharePoint internal name creation policy: the name is encoded to a valid XML name according to the XML specification.
Any XML name character that does not conform to the XML 1.0 spec (fourth edition) recommendation is escaped as _xHHHH_. The HHHH string stands for the four-digit hexadecimal UCS-2 code for the character in most significant bit first order. For example, the name Order Details is encoded as Order_x0020_Details.
.NET Framework contains XmlConvert.EncodeName Method that converts the name to a valid XML name. This method guarantees the name is valid according to the XML specification.
var fieldName = XmlConvert.EncodeName("Order Details"); //returns Order_x0020_Details


I need an Integer but its a string with a comma

I'm using sqlite3 and trying to get the oid by using the title of the row and then trying to use that oid to update a column in my table.
allOID is a tuple, and when I print it i get this:
>>> <class 'tuple'>
>>> [(1,)]
I'm trying to get the integer out of this tuple but the comma is throwing it off and I can't seem to get it.
Here is all of the code being used currently:
c.execute("""SELECT oid FROM books
WHERE title = :title""",
'title': title
allOID = c.fetchall()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
c.execute("""UPDATE books SET
rented = :rented
WHERE oid = :oid""",
'rented': rentedVar,
'oid': allOID[0]
any help and comments are greatly appreciated!
The comma just indicates that it is a tuple with a single element.
Access it using allOID[0][0].
allOID[0] gets you the tuple out of the list of results, going one level further with allOID[0][0] gets you the first element of the tuple.
For more info, see the docs:
Empty tuples are constructed by an empty pair of parentheses; a tuple with one item is constructed by following a value with a comma (it is not sufficient to enclose a single value in parentheses). Ugly, but effective.

UTF16 stored string doesn't match once retrieved back from CoreData

So I am using CoreStore to save a string identifier in CoreData.
The string may have some Swedish UTF16 characters. Inspecting from the debugger console:
> po identifier
"/EXTERNAL/Gemensam RUN/FileCloud Test/Test folder åäö/Test with Swedish characters - åäö.xlsx"
Immediately after being saved back to CoreData:
>po record
<File: 0x281e140a0> (entity: File; id: 0xdcac6620f1e9eb63 <x-coredata://BA0168AF-92CE-4AC2-A934-1020E41C5C20/File/p615>; data: {
// ...
identifier = " RUN/FileCloud Test/Test folder \U00e5\U00e4\U00f6/Test with Swedish characters - \U00e5\U00e4\U00f6.xlsx";
// ...
Which looks like the UTF16 string has been stored as an UTF8 one. But still a valid one as:
> po record.identifier == identifier
The problem comes later when trying to retrieve the record with again a UTF16 Swedish identifier string as the original above as it doesn't match anymore.
CoreStore.fetchOne(From<Record>().where(\.identifier == identifier)) // Fails
How could I convert identifier to a representation that would match the stored CoreData value?
Even more strange, a hardcoded identifier does succeed:
CoreStore.fetchOne(From<Record>().where(\.identifier == " RUN/FileCloud Test/Test folder åäö/Test with Swedish characters - åäö.xlsx")) // Works
And identifer and this hardcoded string do match:
po identifier == " RUN/FileCloud Test/Test folder åäö/Test with Swedish characters - åäö.xlsx"
But using identifier instead of the hardcoded one doesn't.
Update 2
Comparing .unicodeScalars of identifier and the hardcoded string does show that they are indeed different:
CoreData does save and return strings exactly the same.
The issue at trying to retrieve values using complex characters is that CoreData (and most probably SQLite behind it) do not consider my sentences equal as they have different grapheme clusters. Both sentences are valid and compare equal in Swift but not in CoreData as values to retrieve objects.
There doesn't seem to be a proper way to convert grapheme clusters in Swift, so my workaround was to recreate the process that lead to have the original grapheme clusters in the first place. This involved first creating a URL out of the string and then letting the FileProvider framework create the same grapheme clusters by calling persistentIdentifierForItem(at: url)!.rawValue. Then use this value to retrieve my saved object.

Replace words marked with offsets

I have a sentence like that:
"My name is Bond. It's a fake name."
and I have to replace some words in a list with offsets of each word:
name, 29-33; Bond, 11-15; name, 3-7
In addition, each word must replace with a specific word:
name -> noun
Bond -> proper
I have to obtain this output:
"My noun is proper. It's a fake noun."
I tried to manage the offsets with a post-offset variable that I update after each replacement but it is not valid because is an unordered list. Note that find method is not valid due to names repetition. Is there any algorithm to do it? Any vectorial implementation (String, Numpy, NLTK) that computes it in one step?
Bro Check this one :
string = "My name is Bond. It's a fake name."
y=string.split(" ") #now it will break your strings into words
Now traverse the list and set the condition
for i in y:
Now the list values will be changed and use the Join() method to make back the list into string
For more Please refer to this website
This page contains all the data related to string processing in python.

String Comparison with Elasticsearch Groovy Dynamic Script

I have an elasticsearch index that contains various member documents. Each member document contains a membership object, along with various fields associated with / describing individual membership. For example:
Membership status can be 'A' (active) or 'I' (inactive); both Unicode string values. I'm interested in providing a slight boost the score of documents that contain active membership status.
In my groovy script, along with other custom boosters on various numeric fields, I have added the following:
String status = doc['membership.status'].value;
float status_boost = 0.0;
if (status=='A') {status_boost = 2.0} else {status_boost=0.0};
return _score + status_boost
For some reason associated with how strings operate via groovy, the check (status=='A') does not work. I've attempted (status.toString()=='A'), (status.toString()=="A"), (status.equals('A')), plus a number of other variations.
How should I go about troubleshooting this (in a productive, efficient manner)? I don't have a stand-alone installation of groovy, but when I pull the response data in python the status is very much so either a Unicode 'A' or 'I' with no additional spacing or characters.
#VineetMohan is most likely right about the value being 'a' rather than 'A'.
You can check how the values are indexed by spitting them back out as script fields:
$ curl -XGET localhost:9200/test/_search -d '
"script_fields": {
"status": {
"script": "doc[\"membership.status\"].values"
From there, it should be an indication of what you're actually working with. More than likely based on the name and your usage, you will want to reindex (recreate) your data so that membership.status is mapped as a not_analyzed string. If done, then you won't need to worry about lowercasing of anything.
In the mean time, you can probably get by with:
return _score + (doc['membership.status'].value == 'a' ? 2 : 0)
As a big aside, you should not be using dynamic scripting. Use stored scripts in production to avoid security issues.

Formatting a URL string

I have a list of cities which have been stripped of punctuation and i need to format the URL correctly. My lists are ['New', 'York', 'NY'] and ['Lansing', 'MI'] and i need to format the query so that parameter assignments are seperated by the (&) symbol and words in the city are separated by the (+) sign.
For example it should look something like
From the urllib docs:
Convert a mapping object or a sequence of two-element tuples to a “percent-encoded” string
'origin' : ' '.join(['New', 'York', 'NY']),
'destination' : ' '.join(['Lansing', 'MI'])
That documentation references the obsolete RFC 2396, but the differences between RFC 3986 and 2396 do not affect query string composition.
