xml layout in android that supports different screen sizes - android-layout

how should we set the xml layout in android that supports different screen sizes.
I tried using wrap content and match parent but its not working properly. Please guide me for this.
Thanks in advance.

The comment about, Supporting Multiple Screens is defiantly a good starting place! By default your xml does support different screen sizes.
Although the system performs scaling and resizing to make your application work on different screens, you should make the effort to optimize your application for different screen sizes and densities. In doing so, you maximize the user experience for all devices and your users believe that your application was actually designed for their devices—rather than simply stretched to fit the screen on their devices.
However, like it says you need to optimize it. This refers to images or a completely different xml per screen size/orientation. Does this help any?
If you need something a little more specific to your situation you'll need to provide more information.


Is there a way to declare printer settings in SVG?

I had a scaling issue on printing an SVG file that is exported from Inkscape. It turns out that the issue is caused by wrong/incompatible printer settings.
Is there a way to propose the printer settings from within an SVG file where the application must take in consideration upon printing that file?
In short: No, it's not possible.
First of all, an SVG file is not intended for print. It's a simple vector file format used for web graphics. It can't even have a color profile or multiple pages.
Even if we were talking about a PDF (which is intended for print) it's not possible to force printer settings like paper format, orientation, fit to printer margins/actual size, grayscale/color, resolution etc.
In this case, it might sound like a good idea to be able to do that, but seen from the user's point of view it would be very annoying if documents didn't behave in the same way and constantly tried to override the user's preferred printer settings.
Furthermore, different printers could have different settings available. I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a global standard for this. There could be manufacturers who uses their own standard.
I do understand why you want this. I often send designs for approval to my clients and they tell me everything looks kinda small - they are unaware of the fit to printer margins/actual size issue, but I can't control their printer, so I have to instruct them to print at actual size/100%.

How To create Responsive Layout

I am new to android and i dont know how to make responsive layout which can be
display equal in all devices,please help me out by providing some code for that.
All android resources are correctly scaled for whatever device you put them on.
However, you may want completely different or just slight different layouts (even though the scaling is handled perfectly) for the purpose of functionality.
For this, you'll need to use the android resource systems constraints and most likely fragments.
Fragments are covered in the following link

How to create Liquid Layout in android

I am into a project in university, I would like to know that how can I use liquid layout in android so that different screen sizes must see the application according to its resolution?
In simple words, I would like to create an application whose layout is perfect in all the type of screens :)
I know how to create it in simple html/css in websites for PCs, but how to do it in android?
Can anyone please give suggestions/help/tutorial link?
Android provides "liquid" layouts out of the box - the layout dimensions and contained elements adapt to screen resolution automatically. It is gracefully handled by the Android framework. There are various kind of layouts available (LinearLayout, FrameLayout etc.) so you need to check carefully which type of layout is the best for you.
You should avoid AbsoluteLayout. While it is true it lets you specify exact locations (x/y coordinates) of its children it is less flexible and harder to maintain than other types of layouts without absolute positioning. It is now deprecated anyway.
Useful links:
To read more about different layouts see: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout-objects.html
Good tutorials are also available here: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/index.html in the "Layouts" section.
AbsoluteLayout doc: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/AbsoluteLayout.html
Layout itself will adapt to different kind of resolutions automatically but you need to keep it mind that elements contained in a layout can look differently. The same image will be smaller on high-res screen than on low-res screen. Luckily, Android provides a way to deal with this problem in a simple manner. You can supply different images depending on the resolution that a device has (this is a bit of a simplification because there are other factors eg. pixel density in addition to resolution that matters). By the same token, it is also possible to supply a different layout but it is not that common.
Full story on multiple screen support: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
Sample code: http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/MultiResolution/index.html

Designing an MFC App That Will Work on All Resolutions?

I'm currently designing my first ever GUI for Windows. I'm using MFC and Visual Studio 2008. The monitor I have been designing my program on has 1680x1050 native resolution. If I compile and send my program to one of my coworkers to run on their computer (generally a laptop running at 1024x768), my program will not fit on their screen.
I have been trying to read up on how to design an MFC application so that it will run on all resolutions, but I keep finding misleading information. Everywhere I look it seems that DLUs are supposed to resize your application for you, and that the only time you should run into problems is when you have an actual bitmap whose resolution you need to worry about. But if this is the case, why will my program no longer fit on my screen when I set my monitor to a lower resolution? Instead of my program "shrinking" to take up the same amount of screen real estate that it uses at 1680x1050, it gets huge and grainy.
The "obvious" solution here is to set my resolution to 1024x768 and redesign my program to fit on the screen. Except that I've already squished everything on my dialogs as much as possible to try and get my program to fit on screen running at 1024x768. My dialog fonts are set to Microsoft Sans Serif 8 but still appear huge (much larger than 8 points) when running at 1024x768.
I know there HAS to be a way to make my program keep the same scaling... right? Or is this the wrong way to approach the problem? What is the correct/standard way to go about designing an MFC program so that it can run on many resolutions, say 800x600 and up?
I assume your application GUI is dialog based (the main window is a dialog)?
In that case you have a problem, because, as you discovered, MFC has no support for resizing a dialog correctly. Your options are:
Redesign your GUI to use a SDI or MDI GUI.
Use a dialog resize extension. There are many available, for some very good suggestions see this question. Another options are this one and this one.
Don't use MFC. wxWidgets has much better support for dialog resizing.
MFC is only a thin wrapper over the Windows API. They both make an assumption which is hardly ever true: if you have a higher resolution screen, you'll adjust the DPI or font size in Windows to get larger characters. Most of the time, a larger screen size means a larger physical monitor, or a laptop where you want to squeeze as much information into a small screen as possible; people value more information over greater detail. Thus the assumption fails.
If you can't squeeze your entire UI into the smallest size screen you need to support, you'll have to find another way to make it smaller. Without knowing anything about your UI, I might suggest using tabs to group the controls into pages.
I've had good luck making my windows resizable, so that people with larger screens can see more information at once. You need to do this the hard way, responding to the WM_SIZE message to the window and deciding which controls should be made larger and which ones should just move.
There is no automatic way to resize the content of your dialogs when resolution changes. So, you need to set some boundaries.
Option 1.
If you are developing your app for customers, pick one minimum resolution (like 1024x7678), redesign you dialogs so that everything fits. Maybe break up some into several, or use tab strip control.
Option 2.
Create separate dialog forms for each resolution you'd like to support, but use the same class to handle it. At runtime detect resolution and use the appropriate form.
Option 3.
Write your own resizing functionality, so that user could adjust the size of your dialogs to his liking.

Colour blindness simulator

Like any responsible developer, I'd like to make sure that the sites I produce are accessible to the widest possible audience, and that includes the significant fraction of the population with some form of colour blindness.
There are many websites which offer to filter a URL you feed it, either by rendering a picture or by filtering all content. However, both approaches seem to fail when rendering even moderately complex layouts, so I'd be interested in finding a client-side approach.
The ideal solution would be a system filter over the whole screen that can be used to test any program. The next best thing would be a browser plugin.
I came across Color Oracle and thought it might help. Here is the short description:
Color Oracle is a colorblindness simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see.
Color Oracle is great, but another option is KMag, which is part of KDE in Linux. It's ostensibly a screen magnifier, but can simulate protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia and achromatopsia.
It differs from Color Oracle by requiring an additional window in which to display the re-coloured image, but an advantage is that one can modify the underlying image at the same time as previewing the simulation.
Here is a screenshot showing the original figure on the left, and the KMag window on the right, simulating protanopia.
Here's a link to a website that simulates various kinds of color blindness:
They let you check URL's and Screenshots with three kinds of different color blindness types (URL checking is a bit dated though. Image-check works better).
I'd encourage everyone to check their applications btw. Seeing your own app with others eyes may be an eye opener (pun intended).
I know this is a quite old question, but I've recently found an interesting solution to transparently simulate color blindness.
When working with Linux, you can simulate color blindness using the Color Filter plugin for Compiz. It comes with profiles for deuteranopia and protonopia und changes the colors of the whole screen in real-time.
It's very nice because it works transparently in all applications (even within Youtube-Videos), but it will only work where Compiz is available, e.g. only under Linux.
Here's an article that has some guidelines for optimizing UI for color blind users:
Particletree » Be Kind to the Color Blind
It contains a link to another article with the kind of tools you were asking for:
10 colour contrast checking tools to improve the accessibility of your design | 456 Berea Street
A great paper that explains a conversion that preserves color differences is:
Detail Preserving Reproduction of color images for Monochromats and Dichromats.(PDF)
I haven't implemented the filter, but I plan to when I have some more free time.
I found Colour Simulations easy to use on Windows 10. This software can apply a color-blind filter to a part of the screen or the whole screen. And what's great is it allows me to interact with my PC normally as if it doesn't exist in fullscreen mode. It runs quite slow in my 4K screen using an integrated graphics card, though.
